3ds Max :: How To See Reference Plane Image And Have Rest In Wireframe
Jul 23, 2013
I have set up a plane on whicg I have a referance image that I will base my model on. The problem is I can't see image after I start to block it out. When I turn wireframe on the image disapears?
How to I see referance plane image and have the rest in wireframe?
When we draw a reference plane in a project in the Level 1 (0' 0" Elevation) then the reference plane elevation shows 4’ 0” in the Specify Shared Coordinates Tab. Why the elevation of reference plane shows the 4’ 0” height? Is it default elevation for reference plane?
I am trying to lock a reference plane to a wall location. Is this possible? I want to move the reference plane and the wall follow. I keep having people who want to make the building bigger.
I had this working just fine, then made some changes (including deleting some reference planes) and now I can't get it to work. I need to lock a diagonal reference plane to the intersection of 2 orthogonal reference planes, so that my door (on an angle) will slide toward the fixed corner, instead of the corner moving toward the door. It must be something simple I did the first time that I'm just not thinking of this time around...
I can't seem to find any sloping reference plane I have inserted as a Top Constraint for a wall I want to draw under it. How to make that happen? The only Constraints visible are Levels and Levels only appear to allow themselves to be draw exactly horizontally.
I have developed a family-construction method that combines equipment with its dedicated electrical receptacles. It is designed such that once inserted, the user can drag the outlet symbol and outlet to the right or left and also move the outlet symbol away from the wall plane to permit symbol stacking in plan. Most of the time this works but on some families, though seeming constructed in the same manner, the link between the receptacle and the controlling plane gets broken. The link to the outlet annotation family always stays connected.
I've attached a Revit project contain two families, one that works and one that does not.
Is there a way to remove marks / pimples/etc without "corrupting" the rest of the image?( I mean without being obvious that the image was altered/processed.
I have a shape (of a splat) and want to use an image to 'paint' it with, so that the image only overlays the shape and the rest of the background that is not part of the shape is transparent - how can I do this.
My image is in grayscale though it's recognised as RGB. It contains structures in white which I would like to fill with a colour. So basically, I'd like for all the white in the image to show up as e.g. red.
How do I do that? I'm guessing it must be possible to have a red layer and somehow this will then fill the white, but I'm getting confused with background and foreground filling options and I don't know which transparency options I have to choose.
Panning / dollying the camera, the image plane is still trying to maintain a 'forward' looking view to the camera. I would like to lock the talent / image plane so that when I do a camera move, the talent is 'sticking' to the virtual news room I have used.
How to make a new work plane rotated at an angle to another plane and passing through the axis of a cylinder, or one of the main axes.On the plane commands, in V2013, i don't find an option for plane at an angle
I have added an image plane to an existing newsroom set. I would like to 'lock' the image plane to the camera so that it doesn't 'slide' when panning/moving the camera. Like a corner pin per se.
I'm got my image and everything set up but when I create an object, which I made see threw in "object properties", the object looks grainy like an old tube tv's going out. IDK
I'm using Maya 2013, and any time when I would like to import an image to my workspace, an error show up on the bottom right corner:
# Error: file: E:/Games/Autodesk/Maya2013/scripts/others/fromNativePath.mel line 90: (unicode error) 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'xf3' in position 29: ordinal not in range(128) # file -i "C:/Documents and Settings/Maródi Marcell/Asztal/iron_pickaxe.png"
I am new to 3ds Max and trying to teach myself using a tutorial book - Mastering Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2011, however I am using 2012 version.
I am on a step where it is explaining how to assign a bitmap image onto a plane, however, I cannot get the image to show up.
I create my plane add the image to the diffuse map deselect real-world scale option change the tiling value for U V to 1 and deselect tiling for both select the plane I want to add the image to click the assign material to selection button (I dont see anything change at this point) Then the final step it says to click the "show standard map in viewport button" - I cannot locate this button within the material editor... there is a grayed out "put material to scene" a "show shaded material in viewport" ??? neither seems to do anything?
I just downloaded 2013, and I am trying to learn how to use it through a book to work with my future school designs. I, of course, have little assignments to do to learn how to work the basics of this program. I am at the point where I am creating a bitmap image onto a plane. I worked it the book's way, and the selected plane did not change to the image I chose; it remained a gray color. I then looked up tutorials online and have the same results. The material editor is changing, but not in the viewport.
looking at the image plane and the 2 inputs I used - diffuse / opacity (alpha channel), what parameters are the best way to adjust the image plane brightness / contrast / levels (photoshop style)?
That’s what I like about these forums. A great way to get straight to the point and learn stuff fast.
getting a weird problem. at first when I had 2 image planes (front and side) every time I saved my scene and restarted, they would both disappear from perspective view. but they were still showing in ortho view. I'd have to delete the image plane and make it again. after adding a back camera with its own image, saving and restarting: it started to have all of them show in perspective, but now front and side dont show in ortho.
edit:: the first issue happens in 2011. the second in 2012. back cam probably has nothing to do with it.
I am trying to align my model to my image plane. I marquee select the vertices but only the one in the front selects I have checked Back face culling and soft selections and made sure that they are not on but it is still not working.
so I am trying to figure out how best to create the terrain for this mine site. I thought maybe I could do this with vue, but it proved to be very difficult. I was thinking of using contour lines but that in itself can be messy with some very ugly triangulation. I posed a picture of what it is I am trying to atchive.
I'm still learning some of the basics in the AutoCAD Map features. Most of my work has been using a map that is connected to data. My raster image is connected to a Sid file which covers more area than I usually need to work with.
What is the best way to work with a small area at a time? I cannot seem to imageclip the connected raster image.
when i use my move tool n select my reference image the image don't move but the i think camera or shape of image moves , i want to move my reference image.
I have a small logo jpg that was a Windows OLE object inserted into each drawing I do. This image was saved within the file.
It now appears that with 2012 LT I have to insert an image as a reference. Is there any way around using a linked file as I want to open these drawings without worrying about whether or not I have the logo file stored in the correct place.
I have structures and alignments data referenced. If I assign the structures ref alignments in the dwg with the data refs for labeling, the next time I open the dwg the ref alignments are set back to none, causing the labels to be ?
I'm working on a large infrastructure project with numerous of drawings. On quite a few layout drawings I need to have the same base set of references, however I need to change the layer settings (colors, lineweight etc.). This cannot be done in the base reference itself as it is used by others. As the layouts I work with includes other references as well, it is time consuming to filter and change layer settings on each base reference.
My concept is to have a master reference file to manage all layer settings and add/remove base references. When the master reference is referenced into the layout, all layer settings on the base references should stay as set in the master reference. In this way I can easily control all base references with one file and make sure all changes will be the same for all the layouts.