Revit :: How To Lock Diagonal Reference Plane In Place
Apr 12, 2012
I had this working just fine, then made some changes (including deleting some reference planes) and now I can't get it to work. I need to lock a diagonal reference plane to the intersection of 2 orthogonal reference planes, so that my door (on an angle) will slide toward the fixed corner, instead of the corner moving toward the door. It must be something simple I did the first time that I'm just not thinking of this time around...
I am trying to lock a reference plane to a wall location. Is this possible? I want to move the reference plane and the wall follow. I keep having people who want to make the building bigger.
I have developed a family-construction method that combines equipment with its dedicated electrical receptacles. It is designed such that once inserted, the user can drag the outlet symbol and outlet to the right or left and also move the outlet symbol away from the wall plane to permit symbol stacking in plan. Most of the time this works but on some families, though seeming constructed in the same manner, the link between the receptacle and the controlling plane gets broken. The link to the outlet annotation family always stays connected.
I've attached a Revit project contain two families, one that works and one that does not.
When we draw a reference plane in a project in the Level 1 (0' 0" Elevation) then the reference plane elevation shows 4’ 0” in the Specify Shared Coordinates Tab. Why the elevation of reference plane shows the 4’ 0” height? Is it default elevation for reference plane?
I can't seem to find any sloping reference plane I have inserted as a Top Constraint for a wall I want to draw under it. How to make that happen? The only Constraints visible are Levels and Levels only appear to allow themselves to be draw exactly horizontally.
In Revit 2012, how do I place a wall at an angle to the ground plane, so it can be connected to a roof above? I have tried placing a wall on level and rotating it, however it does not appear to work. I can rotate other elements, but not walls.
Possible to change/set the work plane while sketching the path of an in-place model? This guardrail extension is an example of where I would have liked to change the work plane while sketching the path because the path shifted planes. I believe you can do this in the family editor, but I could not get it to work in the in-place modeler. What I ended up doing (as an experiment) was to create masses and picked their edges to get the path I wanted. I would love to be able to have more control over the work plane, like defining the workplane by a face and then being able to move it relative to the face selected.
I am trying to create a flat plane that is on a diagonal. In Max I remember you could zero out using the scale tool with local space orientation. How do I do this in Maya?
In the enclosed image see red arrow. The back/bottom edge of the tail is supposed to be flat. How do I get all vertices to be in one plane?
I am having an issue with an external reference. It is basically a 3D drawing of a few trusses with truss bracing installed. I include it with almost every set of drawings. Problem is it often causes my AutoCAD to lock up for 30 seconds to 10 minutes. The problem occurs when switching from paper space to model space or when I load the drawing file.
I have set up a plane on whicg I have a referance image that I will base my model on. The problem is I can't see image after I start to block it out. When I turn wireframe on the image disapears?
How to I see referance plane image and have the rest in wireframe?
Is there a way to lock draworder objects in place?
At the very least, I'd like to position x-refs in a particular order and then lock them there so that they never mistakenly change order. For example...
In CS5, you could have mulitple images open in tabs, and there would be no additioanal padding around the canvas area; the image would lock in place to the upper left.
Now in tabs in CS6, the canvas floats in space. Any way to have tabs and get rid of the space/padding?
In the programming I found an example to place an ifeature on a face.I've modified it to place it on a face without selectset but with features. faces. item(1)
how to place it on that face with a vertex from that face or a workpoint that lies on that face.I've tried to adapt other code on this forum but can't find it.
Is there a way that will allow me to place a component into an assembly where it automatically creates a constrain between the components xz plane and the assembly xz plane? I tried the Ground and root component, but it does too much, I will need to constrain the component differently on the other component planes.
Possible to create a Detail item with Instance Parameters contraints so that I can adjust to get both solutions?I guess the solution could go along some diagonal stretch of the diagonal lines?
I am trying to place a simple Ifeature, its basically an offset from reference geometry but when I place the ifeature it offsets the feature the wrong side of the line.
I have an old map showing a plan of all the fields that used to exist in this area. It is just black lines and words. I need to see through this plan and place it exactly at the right size and orientation using two buildings (which are shown on both maps) as reference points. To do this I will need to resize and rotate the field plan over the modern map, anchoring the first farm point then pull second farm point to overlay on the modern map. I will then be able to see how all the old fields sit in their modern environment and which old boundaries still exist.
Even making the white transparent leaving just the black lines of the plan would be a great start.The field plan is saved as JPEG and the modern one is TIFF. Does this matter?
Out side door pull will not stay in place in project view when family is loaded into wall thickness narrower than that used in family detail.
In family editor have tried pinning the pull and pinning its dimension. Cannot lock the dimension due to constraint error. Pull is dimensioned to ref plane at center of glass door. (Door is sliding glass adjacent to stationary glass panels.)
I have a family that has over thirty types and I need to update a single parameter value across all types to be the same value. Is there a global way to perform this task instead of the current copy/paste/paste/paste method I am doing. I thought about exporting to a catalog and modifying the text file in Excel, but I lose my formula when I do that.
If this isn't possible, this would be a good wishlist item, Autodesk - where a family has global parameters that are consistent throughout the family, regardless of type.
We have set up Revit 2013 and it works fine for creating folders and subfolders. I followed the Autodesk process step by step on creating a new file in the revit server. Everything is fine, but when I hit save an error message appears saying that the file cannot be saved. When I log into revitserver i see the new file, but I cannot delete, lock it, or use it at all.
How we can lock the files to be able to delete from the revit server?
As a side note:
Unless Autodesk is planning on getting rid of revit server they should really invest into the documentation and troubleshooting.
I've created a line based family with a imported text label, but if I move the line to 45°, the text also moves 45°. Any way of keeping that text locked?
Is there a work around to extruding a profile that is not parallel to the plane on the path. Im new to revit and want to create a component the way I did in AutoCAD when I could just Extrude a closed poly with a path and it did not care it it was perpendicular to the path.
when I insert a window family the cut plane Revit uses is that of the family rather than that of the view. This causes a lot of problems for us when we need to cut the same window at different levels in different views and the window itself should look different. The window itself is built to look differnet at 3 ranges of cut plane height. However, if I try to control this throught yes/no visibility parameter it affects all views. I fail to make it view specific. Is there any way to make an instance parameter or view specific parameter for the cut plane/ visibility of parts in the window family. It is such a basic need for architects and I fail to understand its absence in the Revit. Generaly speaking one should be able to control what you see in each plan section view. It's an essential thing in architectural drawing.
I am trying to create a mass surface that is being cut by a topo plane. What I am trying to achieve or show is a height setback set from the existing topo to a height of 35'. I've tried to cutting or joining the two geometries but this will not work. There is no way to snap t the intersection of were the mass and the Topo surface meet. Is there a way to change a Topo surface into a mass? Any other way to achive this instead of massing and topo surfaces?
I need to create a sloped roof. I want to base this roof upon a beam system created using a sloped work plane rather than offset from a level. I now understand that (for some reason) Revit will not create floors or roofs using work planes, but only on levels, and I know that I can create a flat roof on a level and apply slope arrows and adjust the offset height, etc. etc. but that is very imprecise (lots of micro adjustments) and a lot of steps.
Isn't there any way to create a floor or roof using a work plane as the level?
The attached image shows a roof I created "by face" from a box mass element I set on the plane - unfortunately now I cannot edit the outline to get it to fint my non-rectangular roof.
I am using Revit Architecture 2012 and I am having some issues with plan regions. I am not able to get my stairs to show up sometimes and I cannot figure out why. I have attached 2 images of my drawing to show the issue. The 2 floors in this image are a basement and lower level. I am on the basement level and the plan region cut plane is set to lower level and it is cut @ 4'. The top is lower level @ 7'-6" and the bottom and view depth are on basement @0'-0". If I turn the underlay on to show the lower level the stairs show up.