3ds Max :: Video Post Crash / Environment Mapping

Mar 23, 2011

I'm relatively new when it comes to 3D applications.Basically, I have created a scene of the Earth from space, and have managed to create a relatively good looking still image.

However, for my project I need a full 3D environment map, and so far I have been unable to produce this with the environment map option in the rendering tab. Basically when moving the camera, the background stays exactly the same, but I want the background image to pan aswell - having a fixed image makes no sense when panning around a 3D scene if I'm being clear :/

I tried to use video post, but every time I try to execute the render Max hangs on "Transforming Vertices". It does this on full scenes and totally blank scenes, but so far has only done it when rendering a camera view, not perspective. The only way out of Max is to close it from the task manager when this happens. I searched all day yesterday for a solution to this, but the only thing I could find was to alter the bitmap pager, which 2011 doesn't allow customization of.

So after I gave up on Video Post ever working, I rendered the inside of a tube with a star map. I have problems with the texture looking right when I do this however, it looks stretched, blurred, and the joins between faces are very apparent.how to make an environment map fully wrap around the scene, and pan with the camera.

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3ds Max :: Render Environment Map With Video Post Processing

May 15, 2011

I try to render an environment Map with video post processing. But i cant get it to work. The background (here created with an nebula script) is just white after rendering, the standard render works. Look at the screenshot, i think it will explain my problem better then my poor English vocabulary is capable.

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GIMP :: 3D Text Using Environment Mapping

Mar 26, 2010

It's best to close all images you have open in Gimp.

[*:261ukphj] Click Windows > Dockable Dialogs > Patterns and find the Stone pattern. Right-click the Stone pattern and Open Pattern as Image. Close the Patterns dialog.

About the Stone pattern: You do not have to use a pattern for this. I chose the Stone pattern because it is bundled with GIMP and everyone has it in their patterns. You can use any pattern or any image that isn't a pattern. This tutorial is just to show you how to make the text and you can choose any image or pattern to use as the environment map. Open whatever you want to use before creating a new image for the text.

[*:261ukphj] Open a new image, 500 x 400, and name the Background layer, bump.
Fill the bump layer with white.
[*:261ukphj] Select your Text tool. I used Sans Bold Italic at size 155 for this tutorial. Any font will do - a moderately heavy one works best.
[*:261ukphj] Click the image window and in the Text dialog type GIMP or whatever you want.

Note about the Lighting Effects plug-in. If you use it more than one time and try a different pattern in the current GIMP session you will very likely get an Error message. It doesn't understand what you did with the first pattern you used. Click the OK button to get rid of it.

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Illustrator :: CS6 Crash At 3D Mapping Preview?

Jun 27, 2012

I'm learning from the official books for Adobe Illustrator CS5 and I found that the 3D view CS6 I always crash. CS5 works without problems. See the video here: [URL]
File is here:[URL]
Can you confirm that the error is not only me, but that's really wrong version CS6? Specifically, I use 64-bit version.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Crash Big Time On Multiple User Environment?

Jul 20, 2013

My working company currently practicing multiple user per pc. The autocad can run smoothly during the 1st time windows user account setup. But later on, after few days it start crash. The app will load and run but just for doing simple thing such draw lines, polilines n such. When i want to access the task panel, it crashed. Same if wan to load application, lisp etc. It only work fine under the user account which it is installed in. My user account have the administrative privilege and i'm running Windows XP platform (x32).

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VideoStudio :: Split Video Post-processing

Feb 13, 2013

I often work in big files, such as 200 GB size files that usually contains 4-5 hours of recording. I make web series and require my videos to by like 15-20 minutes long. So far I've been taking these huge files, cropping them down to length and then waiting the compress, however this is a very bad method and very time consuming, because after I crop a video that fits the 15-20 minutes limit, I have to wait for it to compress completely before I can continue to work on the next one, which basically means, that even though it takes like 5-10 minutes to edit a video it takes more like an hour per episode because I need to stop and wait before I can work on the next episode.

Is there a way to queue up a ton of pre-edited projects and then make it all compress to seperate video files during the night or something? It would really save me a lot of effort.

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3ds Max :: Video Post Lens Effect Not Rendering?

Apr 1, 2011

I am trying to use the lens effect flare to simulate the sun in a space scene. I have the camera view active and set to a frame where the sun is visible. In video post I set the sun as the node source and I hit VP Queue and preview but the effect is not rendering.

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3ds Max :: Video Post To Backburner Network Render Hangs

Feb 14, 2013

Video Post to Backburner network render hangs on next frame..I use Max’s Video Post to setup my render sequences to submit them to backburner. There are a couple issues with video post but not as bad as the one I have now. Each time I setup a render and submit it to backburner the first frame assigned to each system will render fine but then the servers get hung-up “waiting for frame” and consume ALL of the available RAM. Of course if I don’t do network render, the video post runs without a hitch. That of course defeats the purpose of having a render farm that video post SHOULD be able to use. And also, if I go through the ‘render’ dialog box, and do network rendering, I can get each series of frames done as well but it’s not as clean and orderly as with video post.

Oddly enough, in Max 2009, all of this worked just fine. Ever since they (autodesk) fixed (broke) backburner in 2012 video post has never been the same. Since I am a lowly low budget animator, video post was a bonus in 2009 for having everything in one bundle for mixing and matching multiple views and inputs with overlays for production. It was great! One could set it and forget it overnight and in the AM all that was left was compile the images to sequenced avi. Alas, that has been somewhat limited now in that you can only render the views that are active, so max of 4 views or cameras (if this has changed for others pls let me know). Annoying especially if you forget to have a single camera active and set the render and it then hangs on it… no visual error saying such and such is missing just dumb blank screen (sometimes).

Another oddity, after saving a video post layout, if I open that file on a secondary system for edits, the video post will have blanks for file outputs. I’ll then have to re-point the outputs to be able to use the limited video post functionality. A pain and can deal with it but still, the outputs are all on networked drives (all mapped to same drive letter etc) and ever if I direct it straight through the network they go blank; i.e. \serversharediretoryoutputs

I’m attaching a simple ‘teapot race’ max file that exhibits the same problem of the video post on render fails just in case it’s a file setup issue.Also find below the log file outputs of a system during the aforementioned hanging render sequence. , I was running the debug and the log shows max hanging on the ‘waiting for frame’ then eventually dumps the job, reloads, does 1 frame, then hangs again for 10-15mins.

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Lightroom :: V5 Mac Crash With Video?

Jan 21, 2014

Lightroom 5 on OSX 10.9.1 will crash after a few seconds of displaying/selecting items if a video fie is present in that library folder. In Console, I get these messages every second until I force quit Lightroom:
([0x0-0x978978].com.adobe.dynamiclinkmanager.application[3472]) Job appears to have crashed: Abort trap: 6 Saved crash report for dynamiclinkmanager[3472] version 7.0.0 ( to /Users/[Username]/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/dynamiclinkmanager_2 014-01-21-102549_[Computername].crash 

Unfortunately I'm not sure if the issue was already present before the 10.9.1 OSX update or with previous versions of Lr.

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VideoStudio :: IPhone 4S Video Causing 10 Plus To Crash

May 3, 2013

I've just got an iPhone 4S and shot a test video to edit. However, when I load it and try to create a file, VS10+ crashes every time within a few seconds.

All I'm doing is trying add a few simple titles with the output file being 'same as project settings' so the output should be mpg4, PAL, 720 x 576. This is the first time I've tried editing iPhone video and I've never had this problem with any stuff that I've edited in the past.

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VideoStudio :: Crash Dump During Export Of Video

Jul 8, 2013

I have registered my product. When I log in, I see it in the list.I have no "Support code".I have spent 20 minutes trying to figure out how to send them the dump that the program says I should send them so they can find their problem.

In general, I'm very happy with CVS. I've used X5 and just bought X6. So I'm not a whiner.Get it together for support.When you put so many roadblocks in the way of sending you a bug report, you reduce the quality of your product.If you are going to have such a difficult support policy, then the program should have sent the dump automatically to you.

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VideoStudio :: Pro X4 Crash When Hit Create Video File

Feb 6, 2012

when i want to create video file in pro x4 the program crash, i reanstall the program and i stiil have the same problem.

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VideoStudio :: Video Capture From JVC GR-D230EK Causes X4 To Crash

Jan 12, 2012

1. I did read somewhere else (I can't find it now-by Ron P, I think) that for video editing, the computer must be of quite a high spec.

For the first time, the capture managed to do 70% of the DV tape. But now it wont do it. Is it my PC? (spec provided from Belarc report)

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Photoshop :: Crash With Multiple Video Cards

Nov 15, 2008

I have three monitors connected to two separate graphics cards, an 8800GT and an FX5200 (PCI). Now, this setup works fine in regular XP Pro, with driver 175.19; Photoshop CS4's OpenGL works without a problem save for the brush cursor bug. However, I installed Vista x64 as a dual boot for the RAM boost, and ran into a bit of a wall.

Photoshop now refuses to work at all with the OpenGL enhancements on. It loads (an improvement in itself, used to get stuck at "Reading preferences"), but it'll freeze when I try to open a file or go to the performance settings. I'm currently using driver 171.16; I know it's outdated, but it's the most recent one that works with both cards in Vista x64. I'm also quite sure it's not the problem; Photoshop works perfectly with OpenGL on if I disable the FX5200.

I've tried the registry key AllowOldGPUs_ON to no effect. I've also tried both the 64-bit and 32-bit versions, with no difference. Is it possible to get Photoshop working with both cards, short of replacing the FX5200?


Intel Core 2 Quad Q9300 2.50GHz


Over 300GB HDD space available for scratch disk use


PNY Verto FX5200

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Photoshop :: Dual Video Cards Causing CS6 To Crash

Aug 11, 2012

I just set up a new rig (specs below) and everything was going great. I added a second monitor and suddenly PS CS6 starts crashing randomly. I think I discovered that PS will not support a dual monitor config if each monitor is on a different video card.
My main monitor (30" dell) is powered by an ATI Raedeon HD 4850. My secondary monitor (HP Elite L2201x) is powered by the on board Intel HD Graphics 4000 because the display only uses Display Port. Both are supported cards and PS runs fine with either one used independently with or without GPU support.
When I have BOTH connected the Graphics Processor Settings box is greyed out and when I mouse over that section the description box below says "Graphics hardware acceleration is unavailable. You will need to upgrade your video driver and possibly your video card" and the programs crashes randomly. The same behavior occurs regardless of on which monitor PS is being displayed.
I have attempted to tweak BIOS settings to establish a hardware priority so PS would only see one card but to no avail. As this issue prevents me from using my second monitor entirely (I use PS daily), I'd really like to get it resolved. 
Motherboard: GIGABYTE GA-Z77X-UD3H
Processor: Intel Core i7-3770K CPU
Boot Drive: OCZ 128GB SSD
OS: Win7 64
Video card details: Current drivers on both
Primary: ATI Radeon HD 4850
Secondary: Intel HD Graphics 4000 (HD4000)

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VideoStudio :: Pro X4 Crash Rendering MPEG-4 720p Video

Jun 8, 2012

I want to render a video that consists of two parts: A small intro (8 sec) and a video (~2min). I want to render it on iPhone 4/iPad HD (720p). Now, after rendering the intro (~9%) the program crashes with the message "Corel VideoStudio Pro X4 doesn't respond..." System Specs in profile.

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VideoStudio :: PC Crash Writing DVD In Converting Video Of The Title

Dec 9, 2011

I upgraded to VS X4 SP1 having successfully used its predecessors for many years. However, I now cannot burn a DVD as it fails in the Converting Video of the title (001/001] step.

My clips are captured by firewire from a Sony camcorder in DVI format. In this project I am using transitions, moving menus, 12 chapters and titles extensively.

My workflow is as follows: Share, Create Disc, DVD, Use first clip as introductory video is unchecked (patched dll file for Unknown Error installed), use Smart Scene Menu, Burn. Timeline is 1:26:54:22 so I select Yes to fit to DVD. PC crashes anywhere between 6 and 18 minutes later. Do not convert compliant MPEG files is checked.

I have tried various other things and can successfully burn a video under 30 min on the timeline without and transitions, chapters or menus.

My project properties are Microsoft AVI, PAL 25fps, 24 bits, 720x576, 4:3, Lower Field First, DV Video Encoder - type1

Clip properties are the same with 32000kHz, 12 bit Stereo audio as per attached file.

The converting video of the title step takes up to 30 min to complete for a 20 - 30 minute project, so seems like a proportionally high time of total job.

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VideoStudio :: MP4 Video Files Make Program Crash?

May 3, 2011

For some reason I can upload an mp4 video files into the Video Studio, but as soon as I want to work with it the program crashes down, announcing an unknown mistake. Is there any way to prevent this?

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VideoStudio :: Pro X4 - Create Video File Makes Program Crash?

Sep 29, 2011

I've acquired the Corel Video Studio Pro x4 recently, and across an unplesant problem shortly after instalation. The "create video file" makes the program crash every time i press it.

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Lightroom :: Playing A Video Will Cause Crash If There Are Several Videos Open In Grid

Jan 4, 2013

Playing a video will cause Lightroom 4 to crash in Windows 7. It seems to be correlated with several videos open in the grid.

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Photoshop Elements :: 9 Downloader Crash With Video Clips On Memory Card

Mar 31, 2013

I have a Canon SX30IS. When I use PSE9 to download from memory card, if there are any videos present on the card, the Photo Downloader crashes.
I believe that it is something to do with Apple Quicktime. When I uninstall Quicktime , PSE downloader does not crash while importing media form this camera,  but cannot play video clips. On reinstalling Quicktime , the PSE downloader crashes while searching the memory card for media.
I have not upgraded PSE twice now because of this crash. What makes it worse is that Apple Quicktime is a very poor media player, managing about 2FPS on the video clips from this camera when both the Canon and the VLC video codecs can manage 30FPS.
I would much prefer if I could choose to use a video renderer, like using any available Windows codecs rather than insisting on using annoying Apple software.

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Photoshop :: CC Blank Save As Dialog Then Crash When Working With Video / Frame Animations?

Aug 20, 2013

I recently updated to CC from CS6 and am having issues when working with PSDs containing video layers, or are set up as frame animations:  When attempting to Save As, the dialog will be completely blank except for the Save and Cancel buttons.   If I press cancel, then return to Save As, CC then often crashes.
Here is the Error Event from Event Viewer:
Faulting application name: Photoshop.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x5176451b
Faulting module name: MediaCoreIF.DLL, version:, time stamp: 0x51573a21
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x00000000001fca98
Faulting process id: 0x750
Faulting application start time: 0x01ce9e1925a5045b
Faulting application path: C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Photoshop CC (64 Bit)Photoshop.exe
Faulting module path: C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Photoshop CC (64 Bit)MediaCoreIF.DLL
Report Id: db6d5f8f-0a0c-11e3-9df9-0026b9cc01d1
So far I am only having these issues if I have been working with video layers and then frame animations.  Frame animations in particular seem to cause instability as I can often work with video layers all day without a problem.  Then if I import video frames to layers, or open a PSD containing a frame animation, the Save As may not necessarily work.
Sometimes closing and restarting Photoshop will allow me to save again, but then sometimes a whole system reboot is required.  It is only temporary though.
I am not running antivirus software or other apps aside from what starts at boot.

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Photoshop :: I Did The CD In CS Post

May 27, 2004

I verified my info from the email and did not realize I was not logged in afterward. Oops. Anyway, same question how do I create a CD in Photoshop CS and if I can automate this process for later use how do I do so.

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Photoshop :: How Do I Add My Pictures To This Post

Jun 25, 2006

I have looked before I asked and couldnt find out how to add pictures to
my posts.

I have never had to add pictures to a forum before...

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3ds Max :: How To Remove A Duplicate Post

Jan 29, 2012

Is there any way to remove a double post? Normally when I post, I exit the site right after I submit it to avoid this ever happening.

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CorelDRAW X3 :: Attach CPT File To Post?

Mar 18, 2012

I trying to attach a CPT file to a post. 

I see where the "insert media" button, but when I try to upload the pic it says invalid file type.

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Photoshop :: Post Script Printer + Cs3

Aug 14, 2008

Photoshop CS3 gives a msg saying "Some postscript specific print settings (interpolation, calibration, encoding) will be ignored since you are printing to a non-PostScript printer".

Did not get this msg with CS2. Should I download Adobe Universal PostScript Windows Driver Installer 1.0.6 - English or will this prevent the canon pixma printer from working properly or is this additional software just a way for CS3 to communicate with the printer & will not affect printing from say MS Word etc.

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Paint.NET :: Adding Thumbnails To Post

Mar 22, 2012

I posted a gallery, but having problems with inserting thumbnails to my post. i did read the pictorium posting tips, but none seem to work.

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GIMP :: Post A Screenshot From Wordpad?

Feb 8, 2012

How do I post a screenshot from wordpad?

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Paint.NET :: Post The Image On Another Website

Oct 9, 2012

I find that this works well when incorporating the image into another picture on Paint.Net, but when I try to post the image on another website, such as a blog, the background is no longer invisible but white again.

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After Effects :: Inserting Images In Post?

Jul 26, 2013

I have a project where we are considering shooting scenes using blank canvasses as props, and putting images of paintings in afterwards using AE. best way to proceed, both for the shoot and for the work in post?

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