I verified my info from the email and did not realize I was not logged in afterward. Oops. Anyway, same question how do I create a CD in Photoshop CS and if I can automate this process for later use how do I do so.
Photoshop CS3 gives a msg saying "Some postscript specific print settings (interpolation, calibration, encoding) will be ignored since you are printing to a non-PostScript printer".
Did not get this msg with CS2. Should I download Adobe Universal PostScript Windows Driver Installer 1.0.6 - English or will this prevent the canon pixma printer from working properly or is this additional software just a way for CS3 to communicate with the printer & will not affect printing from say MS Word etc.
I just installed my CS6 upgrade (Design Premium) and noticed that all of the CS5 folders are there in addition to CS6.My hunch is that it's still there because it needs to be, but if not, I'd rather have the space free.
I need to crop my images at 500x500 pixels for a project. I do a Save For Web & Devices and use JPEG, optimize at 80%. When I open up the new JPEG file, the pixel size says 500x500, but the document size says 6.944x6.944 inches at 72 resoultion, instead of 5x5 inches at 100 resolution. I've been doing the same process for months and it was correct in pixel and document size until recently, but I haven't changed any settings or my process.
I am about to get a film scanner I have on order, to scan in 35mm negatives.
When scanning film frames, I like the idea of setting the scan area marquee, at the scanning stage, so that it scans slightly beyond the film frame edges, so that I can carefully crop to the edge of the film frame later, in Photoshop CS6, rather than setting it, at the scanning stage, and then later, when examining the film frame in CS6, maybe discovering that I have not scanned to the edge of the film frame quite enough, as I can easily zoom right into the image when in CS6, to carefully examine where the film frame edges are.
I may be reducing the resolution of the image. For example, say I scan a film frame in at 3600 ppi, and later crop the image slightly in CS6 in order to precisely trim off any slight amount of black around the film frame edges. By cropping the film frame like this in CS6, am I reducing the image resolution of the film frame to lower than 3600ppi? As I best understand it, I do not think post-cropping like this results in any reduction in image resolution.
Is there a way to send this individual lower resolution images so he can work on them and then have him send me the metadata from his edits, so I can apply them to the images I have on my system? The reason for this question is because I'd like to minimize the size of the images I'm sending to the editor, but still be able to produce high resolution stills.
I understand there is a way to work with RAW images and save the metadata, but that doesn't fix the file size issue, and you can only save certain aspects like white balance, levels, etc... I really need a way to capture his history and save that to a file, that way if he were to use a certain filter, or brush on the image, the same results would be applied to my images.
I am working on a project in which I am trying to a achieve a superhero movie post type effect for tha background. I have a picture of building and a 100% opacity layer entirely painted the colour c5322c. The trouble is when I apply blending options, the red colour on the picture is no longer c5332c. It is absolutely necessary that I have the colour c5322c. Is there any way I can end up with the colour c5322c after using the blending options multiply, linear burn, overlay and vivid light? In other words, what colour do I have to start with on my other layer to achieve a product that has the colour c5322c? If the final result doesn't depend on the background picture (aka the building pictures), is there some sort of formula I can use or play around with the colours and blending options?
I have just been having a blast making photoshop patterns, I could do this forever it feels like . I have only made a few as a test, I want to know how to share them.
1- How do I best make a preview of them?
2-How do I post them so that others can download them if they want them?
I have a couple of Adobe Post Script fonts installed using Adobe Type Manager. I'm using Windows Vista Enterprise. First of all, is this C:PSFONTS and C:PSFONTSPFM the correct location for Adobe fonts under Windows Vista? I just installed about four Adobe post script fonts using Type Manager and it does not show up any of Adobe's product including Photoshop and LiveCycle. I also went back into Adobe Type Manager and look at the fonts that I just installed under the Fonts tab and I could not find it.
I have a problem and I cannot post pics to FB as I eventually get a message that the Firewall is on or the Internet connection is not working, Both are incorrect. Posting pics worked fine until about the New Year when this occurred.
I am using Lighroom 4. When I tried to export post-processed files (from NEF) to photoshop, I am getting an error (see the attachment below).
The problem has to do with missing Camera Raw 7.0. When I checked CS5 Photoshop, ACR 6.6 was installed. . When I checked Adobe webisite today, the most updated ACR is v. 6.6. How can I fix this error?
The first 3 messages are copied from another thread.I didn't want to hijack the OP's thread.Who does or does not have the option to post an image from their computer using the icon on the toolbar.
I also created a temporary account an on my first post I had the option to upload from my computer.
Today somehow the setting on my camera had raw file saving turned off. To try to minimize loss from post processing of the jpegs I assume I should save the edited files as PSD and develop my final pictures from that?
I find that this works well when incorporating the image into another picture on Paint.Net, but when I try to post the image on another website, such as a blog, the background is no longer invisible but white again.
I have a project where we are considering shooting scenes using blank canvasses as props, and putting images of paintings in afterwards using AE. best way to proceed, both for the shoot and for the work in post?
I often work in big files, such as 200 GB size files that usually contains 4-5 hours of recording. I make web series and require my videos to by like 15-20 minutes long. So far I've been taking these huge files, cropping them down to length and then waiting the compress, however this is a very bad method and very time consuming, because after I crop a video that fits the 15-20 minutes limit, I have to wait for it to compress completely before I can continue to work on the next one, which basically means, that even though it takes like 5-10 minutes to edit a video it takes more like an hour per episode because I need to stop and wait before I can work on the next episode.
Is there a way to queue up a ton of pre-edited projects and then make it all compress to seperate video files during the night or something? It would really save me a lot of effort.
I have corel x6 and i am tring to control the dpi in the advance setting in the area of the fountain fill and the area that has the the little box shows post cript optiones but it is lite grey and does not let you select it any body knows what i am doing wrong i allready changed the setting on my hp 5000n to postcript 3 and the settings on corel x6 when you go to print what else am i missing
I am currently wanting to have my horizontal dimensions above the dim line and the postfix text below.
I can set this in inventor but when i do a save as autocad.dwg (2007) the postfix text either ends up above the line or puts a double space below the line.
I'm relatively new when it comes to 3D applications.Basically, I have created a scene of the Earth from space, and have managed to create a relatively good looking still image.
However, for my project I need a full 3D environment map, and so far I have been unable to produce this with the environment map option in the rendering tab. Basically when moving the camera, the background stays exactly the same, but I want the background image to pan aswell - having a fixed image makes no sense when panning around a 3D scene if I'm being clear :/
I tried to use video post, but every time I try to execute the render Max hangs on "Transforming Vertices". It does this on full scenes and totally blank scenes, but so far has only done it when rendering a camera view, not perspective. The only way out of Max is to close it from the task manager when this happens. I searched all day yesterday for a solution to this, but the only thing I could find was to alter the bitmap pager, which 2011 doesn't allow customization of.
So after I gave up on Video Post ever working, I rendered the inside of a tube with a star map. I have problems with the texture looking right when I do this however, it looks stretched, blurred, and the joins between faces are very apparent.how to make an environment map fully wrap around the scene, and pan with the camera.
I am trying to use the lens effect flare to simulate the sun in a space scene. I have the camera view active and set to a frame where the sun is visible. In video post I set the sun as the node source and I hit VP Queue and preview but the effect is not rendering.
I try to render an environment Map with video post processing. But i cant get it to work. The background (here created with an nebula script) is just white after rendering, the standard render works. Look at the screenshot, i think it will explain my problem better then my poor English vocabulary is capable.
Video Post to Backburner network render hangs on next frame..I use Max’s Video Post to setup my render sequences to submit them to backburner. There are a couple issues with video post but not as bad as the one I have now. Each time I setup a render and submit it to backburner the first frame assigned to each system will render fine but then the servers get hung-up “waiting for frame” and consume ALL of the available RAM. Of course if I don’t do network render, the video post runs without a hitch. That of course defeats the purpose of having a render farm that video post SHOULD be able to use. And also, if I go through the ‘render’ dialog box, and do network rendering, I can get each series of frames done as well but it’s not as clean and orderly as with video post.
Oddly enough, in Max 2009, all of this worked just fine. Ever since they (autodesk) fixed (broke) backburner in 2012 video post has never been the same. Since I am a lowly low budget animator, video post was a bonus in 2009 for having everything in one bundle for mixing and matching multiple views and inputs with overlays for production. It was great! One could set it and forget it overnight and in the AM all that was left was compile the images to sequenced avi. Alas, that has been somewhat limited now in that you can only render the views that are active, so max of 4 views or cameras (if this has changed for others pls let me know). Annoying especially if you forget to have a single camera active and set the render and it then hangs on it… no visual error saying such and such is missing just dumb blank screen (sometimes).
Another oddity, after saving a video post layout, if I open that file on a secondary system for edits, the video post will have blanks for file outputs. I’ll then have to re-point the outputs to be able to use the limited video post functionality. A pain and can deal with it but still, the outputs are all on networked drives (all mapped to same drive letter etc) and ever if I direct it straight through the network they go blank; i.e. \serversharediretoryoutputs
I’m attaching a simple ‘teapot race’ max file that exhibits the same problem of the video post on render fails just in case it’s a file setup issue.Also find below the log file outputs of a system during the aforementioned hanging render sequence. , I was running the debug and the log shows max hanging on the ‘waiting for frame’ then eventually dumps the job, reloads, does 1 frame, then hangs again for 10-15mins.
I have just watched the video on how to apply a vignette. In the video the vignette is black. When I tried to emulate the steps, my vignette is white. How do I change the color to black?