Revit :: Model Sloped Grade Beam?
Apr 15, 2013See attached. What's the best way to model this sloped grade beam? Can I use the sweep?
View 4 RepliesSee attached. What's the best way to model this sloped grade beam? Can I use the sweep?
View 4 RepliesI need to model a building that cascades down a steep sloped hill. Should I create a toposurface first and then model onto that or should I make my model and then apply it to a toposurface?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to model a curved beam but I am having problems as it doesn't snap to the roof line I have already.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI read a 2009/10 thread, "Rotating lighting", describing how to work around the problem of family lighting fixture members not rotating. I would hope there is a better solution today.
I simply want to place a lighting fixture - std 2x4 flourescent, on a 7 deg sloped ceiling. The axis of rotation is the long run of the light fixture. Is this not possible in Revit 2013?
Or, do I have to dredge up the work around from 3 releases ago and attempt to discern how to make it work?
It seems like I should just be able to set the family to use a work plane-based assignment and then place it with the correct work plane active. That is not happening. The light fixture doesn't want to rotate the 7 degrees to align with the work plane.
I am working on the project with sloping roof. I have drawn beams with slope. however when I am drawing slab with slopes I am not getting this slopes. There is gap between the beams and slab. I have attached screen shot for more information. Also I need to apply loads for this sloped roof.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWorking on a project with a green house. I created a roof using "roof by footprint". I selected "sloped glazing" and assigned mullions for the various conditions as well as spacing.
The walls below are curtain walls. When I create the roof, the mullions are oriented the wrong way. How do I control the orientation of the mullions?
In desperation, I mirrored the roof about a vertical axis. See images below.
This corrected the orientation for me, but I must believe there is a better way! A "proper way"... Did I miss something in the initial creation of the roof? I changed the sloped glazing of the roof to a basic roof. When I do this I notice the roof moves up.
I assume this is when the orientation of my roof inverted...
I have a 6 pitch connecting to a 9 pitch roof. I go and make an eyebrow dormer along the 6" pitch roof and the dormer automatically is drawn as a 9 pitch with a crazy peak (almost church like). I cannot adjust the pitch of the eyebrow to make it look appealing.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI made a metal standing seam roof by putting mullions on sloped glazing roof. Is there a way to extend the mullions past the edge of the perimeter of the roof?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a situation of one sloped floor connecting two horizontal floors. They build together a continuous surface.
I need to join them and have the layers be continuous along the structure. If they were roofs, no problem, I could use the "roof by extrusion" command.
Should I do that? If I try to use floors.....
When I model them as three separate floors, and then Join them, it doesn't work. meaning that the layers within the floor don't match (well, they can't, in fact! I have to move the floor behind!)
If I model one single floor and then add split lines, and move them... it does work. BUT..... I have a stairs on top of it! the stairs have a different slope than the floor, and i need to build a variable layer that fills the void between the floor and the stairs.
So my hypothesis was: I put a sloped floor through the slope arrow... and then adjust one variable layer to do the inflill...
My dream would be to join then floor and stairs.... The material is the same
How to show sloped rafters in section and in plan correctly? The attached plan shows the rafters as a structural beam system and I do not know how to slope the beam system to match the roof pitch.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to create a sloped wall by creating a mass in-place. First I draw a line on a surface at a pre-determined level that I've set up in elevation. Then I offset this line in the vertical plane. My next step is to offset this second line so that it is not directly above the original line, but offset in the horizontal plane. How do I change from a vertical to a horizontal offset? I’ve tried different work planes, but they all offset vertically.
View 6 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to avoid super Elevation or Side Friction in Sloped Surfaces for Curves, such as Building Pads, Ramps, Floors, etc.. Is it mandatory.. ?? Its a problem all the time worrying about matching levels in topo surface and floors for gradual slopes in site and side friction in sloped ramps or sloped building pads.. that matching line between levels doesn't look good while giving presentations..
I have also attached an image for reference.. both the sloped surfaces are building pads..
Designing a tailing dam I use a corridor model changing slope grade from 1:2 to 1:2.5.
There are assemblies and subassemblies with shapes defined for each slope grade, LinkMulti with no target, but how do I make the transition from one slope grade to another one?
In corridor properties I included two regions for each slope grade.
For grading there is a transition function. But the transition for corridors?
I am creating a beam system. I click the "beam system" button on the structure panel. However, it then goes into sketch mode without stopping to allow me to select "automatic beam system" and/or "Tag on Placement." Fortunately, I can see that "automatic beam system" is already selected in the split second that flashes before going to sketch mode.
However, I do not have the opportunity to select the "Tag on Placement." I am really new to Revit and thus I am wondering if there is a different way to possibly turn on the tagging since the way I know is not an option.
This is quite weird because revit architecture 2013 is showing this error. In order to see beam in my architectural layout, we are changing the cut plane value in the view range. With this step I can see the beam but not the cut pattern of the beam..very weird. Also, one more thing, just to check I copy pasted beam modeled in revit 2011 in revit 2013 and I could see the cut pattern. So is something wrong with 2013 beam revit family?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've been screwing around with beams in Revit for years and still have issues with the gaps at the connections. There is a shape handle and a structural component end. Either way, the beam decides where it wants to end. If I put two precast beams end to end, resting on an inverted tee girder that needs to have the 9" tee portion extend between the two joists, Revit doesn't like that and does its own thing. I move one, the other follows. I move both far enough away from eachother, then drag one end to where it needs to be, cool, then when I drag the other...boom...they snap together. Yes, I'm aware of the "start and end extension" in the properties window, this is incredibly time consuming and if one of the beams are switched around, I need to remember if this end was the start or end. In addition, the structural component end will go initially where it wants to, so there's no guarantee that if the parameters are correct, the beam/joist will be.
Can I remove all "rules" that beams have so I can place these correctly?
The beam is continuous. The connection details are not important. They're some kind of plate welded to the beam and bolted through the column web. I don't need it to be able to do structural calculations.
Join won't select a structural column or beam. Align creates a rotation error because of the beam's pitch. The column height appears to only change by the Level, but again the beam is pitched. Setting the height above the beam breaks the beam.
AutoCAD 2010
AutoCAD LT 2013
Revit Architecture LT 2013
If i draw a beam in plan view en define the height, the beam disepare. Is there a posibility that the beam is in place and you can see a dash dot line and two dashed lines in plan view?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow can we calculate the formwork of column & beam? Is it possible to add "Height" parameter in Column. Because we add formula into the Family file as below:
Perimeter = (2*Depth+2*Width)
Formwork Area = Perimeter*Height
What's the best way to model a concrete beam that has the fireproofing in it?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI try to 'lock' a beam system that I have used for rafters to the underside of my roof.I've successfully got the walls and gables linked in with the roof, and have set up reference planes for cutting of rafters (that should - I think - mean that rafters can move slightly - or change pitch, whilst maintaining same cut extents at rafter ends).
Trouble is - the rafter Beam System does not update with the roof.
My creation approach for the Beam System was to select the underside of the roof as the 'Working Plane' - then edit the boundary to project beyond the walls and form the overhang. I projected it further than I required to provide the excess needed in case I wanted to push the cut plane outwards.
I assumed that selecting the underside of the roof as the working plane would 'lock' the two together, but it doesn't appear to work.Have I missed a straightforward step to link the two elements together ?
How do I show rafters connected to the ridge beam on a framing plan? How to show collar ties on this framing plan or section?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am modifying topography to include multiple building pads at varying levels and also including sloped pads. I am having a non-consistent problem at the common boundary of some pads. A small sliver of topography sometimes 'sticks through' the common boundary. The height it sticks through seems arbitary, sometimes to the height of the original topography when cutting and sometimes much higher. I have used the copy/paste aligned commands to ensure the boundaries are exactly common but this does not work.
I have read that some users cut the topography globally and then build up the various levels and ramps using floors and the variable floor thickness command. This seems a bit cumbersome and I imagine would cause problems when cutting sections etc.
Revit Architecture 2014? I've been trying to use the structural beam system, but when I select the joist I cannot select the start/end extension in the properties dialog box. I would like to know why is that?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a problem inserting the slanted columns when I use the "Beam/Column joints" commando. When I insert the slanted column, the beams are divided.
It should look like picture 1, but it always ends up as image 2. How can I solve this?
In the Pipes Parts Builder is it possible to create a stucture that has a sloped bottom? I would like to try and built a trench drain structure.
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Revit 2014
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The scale of the material applied in Revit has the right proportions etc. Its just when I apply a new Vray material it goes wrong.
I have a multiple storey building that has been created in Revit 2012. The client would like a separate Revit model that only contains the information on one floor (Level 4), so that he can give this separate model to his tenant, to be used to do a renovation.
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