I try to 'lock' a beam system that I have used for rafters to the underside of my roof.I've successfully got the walls and gables linked in with the roof, and have set up reference planes for cutting of rafters (that should - I think - mean that rafters can move slightly - or change pitch, whilst maintaining same cut extents at rafter ends).
Trouble is - the rafter Beam System does not update with the roof.
My creation approach for the Beam System was to select the underside of the roof as the 'Working Plane' - then edit the boundary to project beyond the walls and form the overhang. I projected it further than I required to provide the excess needed in case I wanted to push the cut plane outwards.
I assumed that selecting the underside of the roof as the working plane would 'lock' the two together, but it doesn't appear to work.Have I missed a straightforward step to link the two elements together ?
I am creating a beam system. I click the "beam system" button on the structure panel. However, it then goes into sketch mode without stopping to allow me to select "automatic beam system" and/or "Tag on Placement." Fortunately, I can see that "automatic beam system" is already selected in the split second that flashes before going to sketch mode.
However, I do not have the opportunity to select the "Tag on Placement." I am really new to Revit and thus I am wondering if there is a different way to possibly turn on the tagging since the way I know is not an option.
Revit Architecture 2014? I've been trying to use the structural beam system, but when I select the joist I cannot select the start/end extension in the properties dialog box. I would like to know why is that?
I have two sloped roofs that are joined as shown in the first image ( the site plan). The overhang of the roof on the left doesn't get trimmed when the two roofs are joined as shown in the second image ( the section).
When I click on search, my computer opens the notepad application and the error message says "the filename, directory name, or volume lable syntax is incorrect." I cant go to the videos or the wiki directly from revit either. None of the resources on the right side of the screen are accessible. I do have the educator version of the software. I have tried to reinstall from the application, but have not uninstalled and reinstalled completely.
I am currently working on a home where i need to have a single slanted roof go across the perimeter of the home to form a roof. But, i have run into the issue of not being able to connect the circled area(see attached) Is it possible to connect those separate roofs and if so how?
I am drawing a house with a hip roof. The roof has a overhang with fascia and soffit. What is the best way to construct the components of the roof system. Should the hip roof and the soffit with fascia to be one system or two separate systems?
This is quite weird because revit architecture 2013 is showing this error. In order to see beam in my architectural layout, we are changing the cut plane value in the view range. With this step I can see the beam but not the cut pattern of the beam..very weird. Also, one more thing, just to check I copy pasted beam modeled in revit 2011 in revit 2013 and I could see the cut pattern. So is something wrong with 2013 beam revit family?
I've been screwing around with beams in Revit for years and still have issues with the gaps at the connections. There is a shape handle and a structural component end. Either way, the beam decides where it wants to end. If I put two precast beams end to end, resting on an inverted tee girder that needs to have the 9" tee portion extend between the two joists, Revit doesn't like that and does its own thing. I move one, the other follows. I move both far enough away from eachother, then drag one end to where it needs to be, cool, then when I drag the other...boom...they snap together. Yes, I'm aware of the "start and end extension" in the properties window, this is incredibly time consuming and if one of the beams are switched around, I need to remember if this end was the start or end. In addition, the structural component end will go initially where it wants to, so there's no guarantee that if the parameters are correct, the beam/joist will be.
Can I remove all "rules" that beams have so I can place these correctly?
The beam is continuous. The connection details are not important. They're some kind of plate welded to the beam and bolted through the column web. I don't need it to be able to do structural calculations.
Join won't select a structural column or beam. Align creates a rotation error because of the beam's pitch. The column height appears to only change by the Level, but again the beam is pitched. Setting the height above the beam breaks the beam.
If i draw a beam in plan view en define the height, the beam disepare. Is there a posibility that the beam is in place and you can see a dash dot line and two dashed lines in plan view?
How can we calculate the formwork of column & beam? Is it possible to add "Height" parameter in Column. Because we add formula into the Family file as below:
Perimeter = (2*Depth+2*Width) Formwork Area = Perimeter*Height
i already searched for a similiar problem, but I did not find any.. I'm new to 3ds Max and im using 2014.
I created a spline from a shape, which is the upper spline. The lower spline is created by the create line option. With refine i added a few vertexes.
Now i want to connect the vertexes but it doesnt work. The only 2 vertexes that are connectable when i click on connect (a little + appears when I hover those vertexes) is the lower right and the lower left. When I use cross section, all the vertexes connect anyhow, but not the way I want it.
I have two roofs that I am trying to join. It consists of two Gables. The eaves and type of cuts are the same, but it still says they can't be joined. Attached is an example of what is happening. The shown highlighted image is actually what I am trying to achieve.
I have an existing roof with a new dormer.NEW dormer is created in a view with phase filter set to Show Existing+New Shouldn't the roof opening be shown as demo in the demo view??
When the opening is selected, the properties show the Phase Created=Existing and it is grayed out and not able to change to New Construction.
I'm using Revit Arch LT 2013. I do not need to know what Revit can and cannot do.
I am currently doing an MEP project and I am tidying up the model at present. I am having problems attaching the walls to the roofs. There could be a simple solution but I haven't found it yet !
I have tried attaching top base etc. but its not working. I only seem to be able to select one side of the roof when selecting where to attach the walls. I have attached 3d pics showing the walls that are extruding & also one of the walls that I am trying to attach.
I have included a picture of the roof I am working on. As you can see I have 2 different roofs set up here, which doesnt look very good. I was wondering if there is a way to create one roof with 2 different slopes like I have here? I would like it to start out at a 3/12 slope for the first 4 feet and then switch to a 6/12 for the rest of the roof. I have not been able to figure out how to get this to work.
I'm trying to create a simple shed roof attached to the sloping walls of a rectangular building. 4 walls, south wall 10' h, north wall 11" h, and the east/west walls joining them are therefore sloped.
I want to attach a simple shed roof to the top. Here's how I think I should do it:
1. create a new workplane aligned with the top of the walls.
2. switch to that workplane.
3. use "Roof" - Extrude" option to create the roof.
Assuming I'm correct in my steps above, I should be able to create the roof.
QUestion - How do I CREATE a new workplane where there is no object already to choose? Program won't let me create a workplane in workplane viewer by picking the tops of the four walls (in any of the tiled views). What am I missing?
I'm working on a blueprint and trying to get my roof to do something besides a straight slope, but it isn't going well. I need the roof to curve from the corners inward to the point, like the top of a Japanese pagoda.
I am trying to edit a roof assembly. My top layer is a roofing membrane. I give the roofing membrane a thickness and try to save and I get an error message saying that it needs to be 0" thickness. I set the thickness to 0" and I get an error message saying that it needs a thickness. How do I get pass this Catch 22?
I have this house Im trying to make on Revive and I can't get the roof to join together at all. I've had this problem for awhile now and I can't seem to get past it.
Determine the roof pitch, then it has the typical triangle with 1/2 pitch and 1/4, 1/3, 1/6 and so on. I know rise over run like 5/12, but don't understand the fractions. How do I get 4/12 or 5/12 and so on from the fractions?
I've attached a couple images of a visibility problem I'm having. The ROOF image shows the underlay view I'm using in the NO ROOF view in my revit project. I modeled all four of the dormer roofs the same, in place roof components, and they show up in the roof plan, but not when I use the roof plan as an underlay for my framing plan.
They don't show up when I toggle on the hidden elements tool either. I checked to make sure I didn't have coarse scale visibility turned off as well as if I had not visible in plan unchecked. These things seem fine, plus, as you can see, it shows up in it's own view. View range seems to be fine too. I can't figure out why these elements don't show up.