Revit :: Extend Mullions On Sloped Glazing
Sep 17, 2012I made a metal standing seam roof by putting mullions on sloped glazing roof. Is there a way to extend the mullions past the edge of the perimeter of the roof?
View 4 RepliesI made a metal standing seam roof by putting mullions on sloped glazing roof. Is there a way to extend the mullions past the edge of the perimeter of the roof?
View 4 RepliesWorking on a project with a green house. I created a roof using "roof by footprint". I selected "sloped glazing" and assigned mullions for the various conditions as well as spacing.
The walls below are curtain walls. When I create the roof, the mullions are oriented the wrong way. How do I control the orientation of the mullions?
In desperation, I mirrored the roof about a vertical axis. See images below.
This corrected the orientation for me, but I must believe there is a better way! A "proper way"... Did I miss something in the initial creation of the roof? I changed the sloped glazing of the roof to a basic roof. When I do this I notice the roof moves up.
I assume this is when the orientation of my roof inverted...
I am trying to add the typical category of "glazing" to a door schedule, but when I add a door with glass into my project, I cannot make this information show up on my schedule. I need typical information such as "!/4" Temp" and "1" Insul" under the category of glazing. I added the "Door: Glass" heading in the schedule, but nothing appears when I add a glass door into the project. I was able to easily do this in AutoCAD Architecture.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI would like to know if (and how) Revit can caculate the exterior glazing percentage on a facade.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have created a operable window to insert in a curtain wall system based on the "Window - Curtain Wall" family. I created a simple extrusion for the glazing panel and assigned it the subcategory of "Glass". When loaded in the project, the cut lines of this panel are a much heavier weight than mullions, other glass panels, etc. The lines are so thick, the double line just becomes a fat single line as they merge together. Adjacent glass panels don't have this line weight problem. I can find no override or other control/parameter that fixes this.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow can i get horizontal mullions to cut through vertical instead or reverse?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am wondering if there's a way to keep horizontal mullions from being cut off square with the main vertical profile. For example, if I had a custom shaped cap, like a tapered shape, or a T shape, could the horizontal mullions cope to fit it somehow?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm working in Autodesk Revit 2013, just trying to learn whatever I can.
For the life of me, I cannot get the mullions to miter together properly. What I have is a situation (within a sample project from Revit OOTB) where on a curtain wall, the lower horizontal mullion and originating end vertical mullion do miter at their corner. The curtain wall is attached to the floor decks below and above. However, nowhere else will other horizontal and vertical edge mullions on the grid miter together for a smooth junction. I fail to see how Autodesk themselves can get only one corner out of 4 to work properly, and furthermore, let this program out on the market with such a nerve-wracking anomaly within their product.
I've been working on a saved-as copy of one of Autodesk's sample projects. How to get mullions to work properly, consistently?
how i can align the grids and mullions in a curtain system of a curved glass roof?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI read a 2009/10 thread, "Rotating lighting", describing how to work around the problem of family lighting fixture members not rotating. I would hope there is a better solution today.
I simply want to place a lighting fixture - std 2x4 flourescent, on a 7 deg sloped ceiling. The axis of rotation is the long run of the light fixture. Is this not possible in Revit 2013?
Or, do I have to dredge up the work around from 3 releases ago and attempt to discern how to make it work?
It seems like I should just be able to set the family to use a work plane-based assignment and then place it with the correct work plane active. That is not happening. The light fixture doesn't want to rotate the 7 degrees to align with the work plane.
I am working on the project with sloping roof. I have drawn beams with slope. however when I am drawing slab with slopes I am not getting this slopes. There is gap between the beams and slab. I have attached screen shot for more information. Also I need to apply loads for this sloped roof.
View 4 Replies View RelatedSee attached. What's the best way to model this sloped grade beam? Can I use the sweep?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI need to model a building that cascades down a steep sloped hill. Should I create a toposurface first and then model onto that or should I make my model and then apply it to a toposurface?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a 6 pitch connecting to a 9 pitch roof. I go and make an eyebrow dormer along the 6" pitch roof and the dormer automatically is drawn as a 9 pitch with a crazy peak (almost church like). I cannot adjust the pitch of the eyebrow to make it look appealing.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a situation of one sloped floor connecting two horizontal floors. They build together a continuous surface.
I need to join them and have the layers be continuous along the structure. If they were roofs, no problem, I could use the "roof by extrusion" command.
Should I do that? If I try to use floors.....
When I model them as three separate floors, and then Join them, it doesn't work. meaning that the layers within the floor don't match (well, they can't, in fact! I have to move the floor behind!)
If I model one single floor and then add split lines, and move them... it does work. BUT..... I have a stairs on top of it! the stairs have a different slope than the floor, and i need to build a variable layer that fills the void between the floor and the stairs.
So my hypothesis was: I put a sloped floor through the slope arrow... and then adjust one variable layer to do the inflill...
My dream would be to join then floor and stairs.... The material is the same
How to show sloped rafters in section and in plan correctly? The attached plan shows the rafters as a structural beam system and I do not know how to slope the beam system to match the roof pitch.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to create a sloped wall by creating a mass in-place. First I draw a line on a surface at a pre-determined level that I've set up in elevation. Then I offset this line in the vertical plane. My next step is to offset this second line so that it is not directly above the original line, but offset in the horizontal plane. How do I change from a vertical to a horizontal offset? I’ve tried different work planes, but they all offset vertically.
View 6 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to avoid super Elevation or Side Friction in Sloped Surfaces for Curves, such as Building Pads, Ramps, Floors, etc.. Is it mandatory.. ?? Its a problem all the time worrying about matching levels in topo surface and floors for gradual slopes in site and side friction in sloped ramps or sloped building pads.. that matching line between levels doesn't look good while giving presentations..
I have also attached an image for reference.. both the sloped surfaces are building pads..
I am modifying topography to include multiple building pads at varying levels and also including sloped pads. I am having a non-consistent problem at the common boundary of some pads. A small sliver of topography sometimes 'sticks through' the common boundary. The height it sticks through seems arbitary, sometimes to the height of the original topography when cutting and sometimes much higher. I have used the copy/paste aligned commands to ensure the boundaries are exactly common but this does not work.
I have read that some users cut the topography globally and then build up the various levels and ramps using floors and the variable floor thickness command. This seems a bit cumbersome and I imagine would cause problems when cutting sections etc.
My stairs won't extend up to second floor. I am using Revit 13 and have created many stairs in past with other models. I have tried stair by sketch and stair by component but they keep stopping about 2 feet short of the floor drawing a standard U shape.
View 2 Replies View Relatedwhen I look in the Folder "name_backup", there are rws-Files with dates of today and yesterday. But when I open this folder with the backup/restore function, the latest recoverable backup is only a few hours old.
Is this correct or is there a way to extend the list of restorable backups?
To create balconies, do I just extend the floor out to the balcony area and then add railings? Or is there a more appropriate way to do it?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to extend the roof covering layer over the top of the structure leaving the timbering recessed back, To show it where it extends over the bread board or guttering with out affecting the main structure of the roof. Also where a barge board is not required on a gable
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have made a Family that is based off the Metric Structural Framing - Beams and Braces template. When I import my Family into a project and create a instance of the Family (which is a channel) the channel doesn't extend the whole distance of the geometric line. Its always 1500mm long (thats the default length in the .rfa file). See below image for my problem:
I made my extrusion inside the Left Elevation view and not inside a Floor Plan view; simply because it is easier to create the complex geometry of it. Maybe this has affected its inability to stretch to the length of the line? How can I edit my family so that the extrusion will stretch the whole length of the line/beam?
I am trying to create a window block that stretches both mullions horizontally and vertically. I figured out how to get both to stretch horizontally but when I try to stretch vertically I get a really funky skew thing happening.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIn the Pipes Parts Builder is it possible to create a stucture that has a sloped bottom? I would like to try and built a trench drain structure.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI need to create a 3D model of a segment of a jogging path/trail that has a drainage feature called a knick. I pasted a freehand drawing of what a knick looks like below this post. It's a semi-circular area that slopes to one side at a small angle on a trail that is otherwise flat. I need a model of a trail segment with two of these sloping indentations that is just a smooth, gray object- nothing fancy. I managed to create a simple 3D model for a second trail design that has a slope to one side throughout the trail- made a box with a tapered edge and rendered it gray.
Since to my eye a knick looks like a lemon wedge indented into the face of a box- that's what I've been working towards. Made a box, made a cylinder, moved the cylinder so half of its base sits on top of the box face on which I want the indentation, and then used pushpull and subtract to take out a shallow semi-circular cut off the top of the box (did two of these about 20 units apart on the same face).
I don't know how to taper the semicircular cut so that it actually slopes off the face to the edge and doesn't look like a clean cut depression. I need it to slope to the edge at a 2% angle. I've tried tapering many times, but I don't think I completely understand the concept of the tapering axis because all I end up doing is tapering the various faces of the box and the knick cut stays the same. I also tried out all the tools on the ribbon that look like they can be used for filling in or smoothing edges, but without any luck. Should I be approaching the process of making the knick from a completely different set of commands?
I am doing a project in Photoshop, and the only thing that is throwing me off is the font. I have the correct font (it was provided), however, I am completely clueless as to how to extend the legs of the A and the G.
View 2 Replies View Related`How can I extend the red "peg" in the attached model, by 8 mm either side? (I created it as a sweep)
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen I open a file, it will also normally appear as layer in layer-palette.
When I open a second file next to the 1st and try to move item from that file to 1st file, it can not be done.
I can move the item in it´s own file but I can´t drag it to another file.
Layers do not merge under one window but stay in their separate windows.
I am trying to get a window (dynamic block) in a wall. Short Window.jpg I can get it to rotate to the axis of the wall. I can get it to fit the thickness of the wall. I am darned if I can get it to fill the full 2m allocated (upper solid line).
It seems a window can only be 1.5m wide, but that seems a bit odd. How di I control this?