Revit :: Calculating Glazing Percentage On Facade
Jun 4, 2007I would like to know if (and how) Revit can caculate the exterior glazing percentage on a facade.
View 8 RepliesI would like to know if (and how) Revit can caculate the exterior glazing percentage on a facade.
View 8 RepliesI am trying to add the typical category of "glazing" to a door schedule, but when I add a door with glass into my project, I cannot make this information show up on my schedule. I need typical information such as "!/4" Temp" and "1" Insul" under the category of glazing. I added the "Door: Glass" heading in the schedule, but nothing appears when I add a glass door into the project. I was able to easily do this in AutoCAD Architecture.
View 5 Replies View RelatedWorking on a project with a green house. I created a roof using "roof by footprint". I selected "sloped glazing" and assigned mullions for the various conditions as well as spacing.
The walls below are curtain walls. When I create the roof, the mullions are oriented the wrong way. How do I control the orientation of the mullions?
In desperation, I mirrored the roof about a vertical axis. See images below.
This corrected the orientation for me, but I must believe there is a better way! A "proper way"... Did I miss something in the initial creation of the roof? I changed the sloped glazing of the roof to a basic roof. When I do this I notice the roof moves up.
I assume this is when the orientation of my roof inverted...
I made a metal standing seam roof by putting mullions on sloped glazing roof. Is there a way to extend the mullions past the edge of the perimeter of the roof?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI would like to know what is the best way to design a form of facade, similliar to the picture of the building I have uploaded and mentioned in the title of this post? Take note that I still am relatively unexperienced with the program
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have created a operable window to insert in a curtain wall system based on the "Window - Curtain Wall" family. I created a simple extrusion for the glazing panel and assigned it the subcategory of "Glass". When loaded in the project, the cut lines of this panel are a much heavier weight than mullions, other glass panels, etc. The lines are so thick, the double line just becomes a fat single line as they merge together. Adjacent glass panels don't have this line weight problem. I can find no override or other control/parameter that fixes this.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have created a double skin curtain panel family but it cannot be applied to non-rectangular panels. How to create the non-rectangular double skin facade?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow do I assign a door tag to a facade door element?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do I get Revit to schedule the gross exterior wall area? An isolated wall will schedule OK, but once you join it to another at a corner, the reported wall area doesn't match the exterior wall area.
View 5 Replies View RelatedWhen I select all of my building pads and topo and move them vertically up or down by the SAME amount, the cut and fill volumes change. Apparently the cut/fill is being calculated relative to something that is NOT THE GRADED SURFACE. Maybe the Level line? I don't know. The volumes shouldn't change at all when I move both the topo and pads together! How can I trust these numbers?
View 4 Replies View RelatedIm using revit 2012.
I have an 11 floor building I wish to create a gross area schedule for. I have made all the area plans, and they all show up under the Gross Building Area Plans. But when i go to create a Gross Building Area Schedule it only lists 7 of the floors. (Leaves out sub base - Lvl2 and gives Lvl3-penthouse)
I am having trouble making the cladding on this building look good enough for a presentation! I want to put like glass facade on curved areas.
Is it possible to rotate the point labels when working with point files from an elevation Survey in Ciivil 3D? When activating the labels visibility they are horizontal, but when I rotate the drawing to a side view I am can´t see them.
So far I was working with Autocad (importing a dxf). Is there a way to rotate at the same time all the points labels, wich in this case are just text items?
I am currently pre calculating Final Gather (generating FG maps) under the reuse FG and GI rollout.
I was wondering. Once I have finished this. Would it be possible for me to change some settings in the exposure control (in Environment) and Glare (in the material slot) before rendering or will I have to leave it or can I adjust the Glare and not the exposure control?
How do I get a percentage value in Curves-in CS5 it used to be command-click would make a dot on a point on the curve, to allow for accurate adjustment...
View 8 Replies View RelatedThis is something that i never really gave much thought - but what value do the opacity parentages really have?
See my assumption was that 50% + 50% = 100%. So if you had a solid black layer set to 50% opacity and you duplicated that layer one would think that it would be solid black again... but no is only 75% black. WHAT?
The other thing is that solid black with and opacity level of 50% over solid white is a true 50% gray which is half black and half white - do to half's not make a whole?
Who has experience with the "select"-tool?
In a picture I'd like to get the ratio of the selected and the unselected areas. That means: I select several parts of my picture (for example by using the magic wand tool) and would now like to know the portion of the selected areas (area of the selected parts, percentage, ....whatever) compared to the unselected ones.
I have some hand drawn patterns that need resizing by percentage and printed. However, when I resize, it shows exactly the same and prints exactly the same.
View 1 Replies View Relatedhow to Translate WCS coordinates to PSDCS? where can find the C# code?
View 2 Replies View RelatedA question regarding converting angles between co-ordinate systems in AutoCAD .NET.
Im creating my first little utility to form selected block attribute references into a nice neat list. The current version takes a selection of blocks and a list insert location and then moves the attribute references to the location and rotates them to WCS angle of 0.
I now want to expand the program to make it a little more flexible and allow you to form the list parallel to the currently selected UCS x axis (the i.e. and angle of 0 in relation to current ucs's).
I have managed bumble my way through and transform the attribute positions correctly to form a list relative to the current UCS but am strugling on how to work out in code what the equivlanent WCS angle value would be.
I have done some calcs using .net framework to calculate an angle between two vectors (see code extract below). But this introduces a small error into the angles (i.e. if my ucs is set rotated 45 degrees around the zed and i use the below maths, the resulatant angle is 45.0000002 when read in acad afterwards).
Matrix3d ucsCur = ed.CurrentUserCoordinateSystem;
CoordinateSystem3d cs = ucsCur.CoordinateSystem3d;
// the below seems to work by calugulating the angle between two vetrex using .net maths class but this introduce a small accuracy error. Is there a better way?
Double rotAngle = Math.Acos((1 * cs.Xaxis.X) + (0 * cs.Xaxis.Y) + (0 * cs.Xaxis.Z));
//set the attribute reference rotation to the calculated WCS radian rotation value "rotAngle"
attRef.Rotation = rotAngle;
Im sure there is a better way built into the managed autocad wrapper using a tranform matix and the ucs vertex information but dont really know how to go about it. Any links explaining how to work with the UCS in .net.
Any way to set a default zoom percentage value in the Photoshop CS6 Navigator panel?I normally zoom in and out using the CMD and + - keys, which give 12.5%, 16.67%, 25%, 33.33%, etc.I would like to set the value at the bottom left of the Navigator panel to 31.5%, then click and somewhere and save this as one of the default settings, so that it would replace,33.33% or come between that and 25%
A bit of a strange value I know, but I've found that this value gives me an image on the screen that is the same size as what I get out of the printer.bind having to type in 31.5 over and over again in the Navigator.
I am trying to create "degraded" stimuli for an experiment - specifically, I'd like to remove a consistent percentage (70%) of pixels from an image and replace them with solid black. It is important that the pixels are removed in a random fashion - that is, if I modify a series of images in this way, I don't want the black areas to always appear in the same portions of the images.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to define my own watermark (just a piece of text) and define it as an action so that I can apply it as batch.
I'm creating a text layer as the signature, and I would like to move this text layer to the lower right corner of every image. For this, I'm trying to find a move by percentage command that will work for any image size. i.e. the signature must appear at 90% of the width and %92 of the height, regardless if the image is 2592x1728 or 1728x2592 pixels.
How to do a 'move by percentage' or alternative ways to achieve this?
Any way to set a default zoom percentage value in Photoshop CS6?
I would like to set this to 31.5%.
A bit of a strange value I know, but I've found that this value gives me an image on the screen that is the same size as what I get out of the printer.
It would be great if I could do this, as it's a bit of a bind having to type in 31.5 over and over again in the Navigator.
Just got CS6 and I cannot find the little percentage figure that used to sit at the bottom left corner to give an indication of the image size you are viewing and allow you to alter it. I'm sure it must be in there somewhere but I can't find it - and believe me I've looked.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have a windows 7 based machine with 24gb of ram and a 560to geforce video card and 980x CPU. have just reinstalled Photoshop cs5 and newest update, Photoshop now opens images at a viewing percent that is a lot smaller than the previous installation, currently a vertical image is 16.7% and a horizontal 25%, these should be 25% and 33.3% to almost fill the screen. what can I do to get images to open at a bigger zoom percentage?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for a way to resize a large number of images, but not to a specific size. Because of the vertical and horizontal orientation of my various photos, I want to be able to decrease the size of photos I won't be printing by a given percentage.
View 2 Replies View Relatedi have 3 known points, and i know they are 3 of the 4 corners of a square, how do i calculate the 4th? these points are on a skewed square, where the square has been rotated in the x axis and then rotated in the z axis. It must be simple geometry, but i cant see it.
View 4 Replies View RelatedAny good tips when it comes to calculating the area of a floor plan? You are supposed to start measuring from the outermost part of the walls, but when I do that I run into trouble with the porch on the bottom of the drawing and the room on top left.
The problems are basically that the porch is not supposed to be included in the total area, and in the room on the top I end up measuring a small area twice if I start my measuring from the outermost part of the walls. This is not very well explained but I've drawn two red lines on the drawing to try to show where the problem areas are.
I am currently still using AutoCAD version 2006. I have two lines with different Z coordinates. Is there a way to calculate volume in a basin?
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen I am trying to calculate area, i got wrong answer. At very first i thought it calculates area with inches (iam in metric sys), but then i checked options and its answer should be in mm, but I am getting wrong answer. In my object (which is rectangular) there's many other things, like hatch, buildings and so on. Maybe this can abstract for direct answer, because when i draw just a simple square or rectangle.
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