AutoCad 3D :: Taper To Create Sloped Wedge Indentation On Edge Segment?
Jul 17, 2013
I need to create a 3D model of a segment of a jogging path/trail that has a drainage feature called a knick. I pasted a freehand drawing of what a knick looks like below this post. It's a semi-circular area that slopes to one side at a small angle on a trail that is otherwise flat. I need a model of a trail segment with two of these sloping indentations that is just a smooth, gray object- nothing fancy. I managed to create a simple 3D model for a second trail design that has a slope to one side throughout the trail- made a box with a tapered edge and rendered it gray.
Since to my eye a knick looks like a lemon wedge indented into the face of a box- that's what I've been working towards. Made a box, made a cylinder, moved the cylinder so half of its base sits on top of the box face on which I want the indentation, and then used pushpull and subtract to take out a shallow semi-circular cut off the top of the box (did two of these about 20 units apart on the same face).
I don't know how to taper the semicircular cut so that it actually slopes off the face to the edge and doesn't look like a clean cut depression. I need it to slope to the edge at a 2% angle. I've tried tapering many times, but I don't think I completely understand the concept of the tapering axis because all I end up doing is tapering the various faces of the box and the knick cut stays the same. I also tried out all the tools on the ribbon that look like they can be used for filling in or smoothing edges, but without any luck. Should I be approaching the process of making the knick from a completely different set of commands?
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Apr 14, 2013
I am using AutoCAD R14. I need to create a solid which is sort of wedge shaped. But the top surface twists (like a propeller blade). So it is not in any one plane. Also, that surface is not square (no right angles). The bottom surface is flat and in the x-y plane. It is a quadrilateral. The other three sides are a rectangular flat surface and two triangular flat surfaces.
I don't know how to create this shape as a solid. I was able to create several polylines to accurately describe the shape but then when I tried to join them together to create a solid using the UNION command I get the following error message: "At least two solids or coplanar regions must be selected." How can I create this solid?
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Apr 18, 2013
I am trying to create a sloped wall by creating a mass in-place. First I draw a line on a surface at a pre-determined level that I've set up in elevation. Then I offset this line in the vertical plane. My next step is to offset this second line so that it is not directly above the original line, but offset in the horizontal plane. How do I change from a vertical to a horizontal offset? I’ve tried different work planes, but they all offset vertically.
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Oct 11, 2013
Is there a way to bevel a edge like in the first screenshot with more than one segment without getting those marked n-gon faces shown in the second screenshot. i've been playing around with all the settings of the bevel tool but i always get those faces that i dont need and have to delete manually.
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Jun 21, 2011
if it's possible to create a polyline with invisible segment.
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Sep 9, 2012
I want to draw triangle in segment of polyline in segment direction.
I have target segment and center point of it:
Polyline line = ...
LineSegment3d centerSegment = line.GetLineSegmentAt(centerSegmentIndex);
Point3d centerPosition = centerSegment.MidPoint;
I can find direction of this segment:
Vector3d zaDirection = line.GetLineSegmentAt(centerSegmentIndex).Direction;
Next, I create list of points:
List<Point3d> points = new List<Point3d>();
points.Add(centerPosition.Add(new Vector3d(ZASize, +ZASize, 0)));
points.Add(centerPosition.Add(new Vector3d(ZASize, -ZASize, 0)));
And draw it:
wd.Geometry.Polygon(new Point3dCollection(points.ToArray()));
Ok, I have triangle but... it's not in segment direction, it's X-direction.
I try to rotate it:
points.Add(centerPosition.Add(new Vector3d(ZASize, +ZASize, 0)).RotateBy(0, zaDirection, centerPosition));
But it's not the same as I want.
How I can draw triangle by serment direction?
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Jul 17, 2013
I need to create a 3D model of a segment of a jogging path/trail that has a drainage feature called a knick. I pasted a freehand drawing of what a knick looks like below this post. It's a semi-circular area that slopes to one side at a small angle on a trail that is otherwise flat. I need a model of a trail segment with two of these sloping indentations that is just a smooth, gray object- nothing fancy. I managed to create a simple 3D model for a second trail design that has a slope to one side throughout the trail- made a box with a tapered edge and rendered it gray.
Since to my eye a knick looks like a lemon wedge indented into the face of a box- that's what I've been working towards. Made a box, made a cylinder, moved the cylinder so half of its base sits on top of the box face on which I want the indentation, and then used pushpull and subtract to take out a shallow semi-circular cut off the top of the box (did two of these about 20 units apart on the same face).
Here is where I ran into my own limitations. I don't know how to taper the semicircular cut so that it actually slopes off the face to the edge and doesn't look like a clean cut depression. I need it to slope to the edge at a 2% angle. I've tried tapering many times, but I don't think I completely understand the concept of the tapering axis (or rather I know that I completely misunderstand it) because all I end up doing is tapering the various faces of the box and the knick cut stays the same. I also tried out all the tools on the ribbon that look like they can be used for filling in or smoothing edges, but without any luck. Or should I be approaching the process of making the knick from a completely different set of commands?
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May 26, 2009
I'm trying to copy sheets from one dwg file to another in Inventor 2010. I get the error: "Named segment already exists: cannot create or rename". The sheet name is not listed in the target file. Why this error is occurring and how to fix it?
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Jan 16, 2013
I would like to know how to draw segment elbow 90 degrees ( segments are not equal ) and create Flat Pattern for each of the segments - using sheetmetal in Autodesk Inventor?
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Sep 4, 2013
How can I remove all of the eclipse, except for the segment that creates a traingle with a curved side.
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Nov 27, 2012
Flow segment label using total Flow Type travel time for each segment:
C3D 2014 SP1
W7x64; i7 8gb; Radeon HD 5700
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Aug 6, 2012
how to create a segmented circle as shown in the attached image. I have it as a jpg but I want to create it in Illustrator so I can have greater control over the parts. For example, while the image shows three segments, I may have to add another one into the image (it's part of a process demo).
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Nov 11, 2012
Using pen tool I have to press Alt + click again at the node while drawing to create a cusp node.
My method is - Select Pen tool - left click for first node and drag to achieve desired curved segment - release mouse button - press again left click for second node at desired position and drag control handle to create desired curve - then Alt click at second node for cusp node - continue in this fashion for rest of the curved segments as shown in my example.
Is it possible to draw and edit control points for a cusp, smooth or symmetric node simultaneously in a single stretch while drawing curved segments with some other shortkey combinations but without pressing again S for smooth/symmetric or Alt click node for a cusp or F10 for edit later?
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Dec 7, 2012
It's a simple "wedge" assembly where the wedge is constrained to a single axis with a return spring keeping it biased one way. The are two blocks that are pulled tight against the taper of the wedge with springs that keep them pressed against the taper. When the wedge moves in they split, when it moves out, they contract. Simple, right?
For the life of me, I can't seem to constrain the parts correctly to the taper so it behaves correctly. The design is proprietary, so I've made up a "lite" version of it and attached it here.
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May 31, 2012
I have an assignment. I've done all the work until i reached the end of it which is adding 2 cylinders to a weird looking object.
I'm trying to put the cylinder which shares a space between a wedge and a region but I'm unable to subtract it.
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Jun 1, 2011
I have a hat section brake shape that I want to extrude along a taper. But so far when I try to do this I don't get the results that I want. When I chose EXT, then "T" for taper and put in the angle of 9° and a length of 12, I get a very short piece which tapers in the wrong plane.
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Dec 22, 2012
How do you create a responsive and fluid carousel, vertical or horizontal for a menu which includes multiple items. the carousle can be dragged via mouse or touch. when the item is clickes, then it will launch a URL or plau a timeline.
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May 13, 2010
I'm working on this shape: it has square base, goes to the top round , and round top is shiffted off center.
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Aug 1, 2012
I have an "ultimate" profile that has be set for a proposed roadway the first 1500' of the roadway will be constructed at this final profile while the last 900' will be constructed for an interim design not at the full depth pavement. So my typical for the final is 9.25 inch of pavement over 14" of stone and the interim is 4" over the same 14" of stone when we transition from the 4" to the 9.25" we are using a 20:1 taper the question is how to model this taper condition and have you had any success.
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Feb 15, 2014
I have a post that can only move up and down and I want to be able to drive an angled wedge sideways under it and back again, such that the post is progressively lifted by the wedge as it moves further under the post and then goes down again. How do I link this? I tried creating a path that coincides with the angle of the wedge and linking the post to that with it set to only inherit movement on the vertical, but that doesn't work. I will also need to do this with a wedge that has a wavy leading edge so that the movement of the post up and down is not linear, but follows the shape of the wave.
Perhaps another analogy would be to have a car drive over a hilly terrain, but instead of the car moving, the terrain is moving sideways under the car, which stays in the same position but moves up and down with the terrain (and the car's orientation is always horizontal (i.e. doesn't pitch its nose up and down).
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Jun 26, 2013
I am trying to draw an octagonal luminaire arm with a slight taper for a light pole by sweeping along a polyline profile. Sometimes it lets me do it, most of the time it doesn't. I can do a scaled sweep along a straight path and an unscaled sweep along a curved path, but I cannot do a scaled sweep along a curved path.
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May 31, 2012
I drew a 30 degree wedge with rounded short side. Where the long sides meet at the acute angle, a sharp point forms. When I join three of these next to each other, I get a three-pointed overlap at the acute point instead of a smooth 90 degree turn. How do I eliminate the acute points? I am not able to control this using the handles--or I haven't figured it out yet.
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Jan 20, 2012
I'm trying to figure our how to taper a circular object 1-1/2" high on a 45 degree angle from the top down (that is the lower part goes in like a pie pan). Taper doesn't seem to work.
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Jun 8, 2012
In the Pipes Parts Builder is it possible to create a stucture that has a sloped bottom? I would like to try and built a trench drain structure.
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Feb 10, 2013
Is there a way to taper an image/surface in action?
To explain: for my project I am taking hi res stock photography, separating out the mid, fore and backgrounds saving as individual layers then bringing into action.
With my current image there is a sea and sky. To make the illusion of 3d scenes I am angling the surfaces down there natural line of perpective to add depth so that when I slowly track the camera from right to left there appears to be depth and parallax.
For this example I am tilting the sea from being perpendicular to the camera to being tilted right back. When I do this the top of the picture which is now further away from the camera eye appears smaller. To compensate for this I would like to 'taper' the object. I know I can set the surface to being bicubic but then I have to work with bezier handles as moving the vertices bends it all around.
Is there either a way to make the handles have no beziers or is there a simple taper tool I can use?
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May 29, 2012
For some reason I can't select the "stroke path" option with the pen tool in photoshop to add tapers to my pen tool strokes. I can only get dead lines. why is this not working?
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Dec 31, 2012
I read a 2009/10 thread, "Rotating lighting", describing how to work around the problem of family lighting fixture members not rotating. I would hope there is a better solution today.
I simply want to place a lighting fixture - std 2x4 flourescent, on a 7 deg sloped ceiling. The axis of rotation is the long run of the light fixture. Is this not possible in Revit 2013?
Or, do I have to dredge up the work around from 3 releases ago and attempt to discern how to make it work?
It seems like I should just be able to set the family to use a work plane-based assignment and then place it with the correct work plane active. That is not happening. The light fixture doesn't want to rotate the 7 degrees to align with the work plane.
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Jan 25, 2013
I have two cylinders that are at a right angle to each other and was wondering how to create a fin to "wrap" around the round edge and then intersect with the flat side of the other cylinder.
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Nov 8, 2011
How to position a Point Helper at the endpoint of the Taper Length in 3d space? I think it would extend the Taper in its use for rigging things. Have a look at the screenshot. I mean the magenta ones.
I know there is a mathematically way with vector analysis, but it's to long ago to script it fast. Or is there a helper which has the same capability?
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May 20, 2013
I am working on the project with sloping roof. I have drawn beams with slope. however when I am drawing slab with slopes I am not getting this slopes. There is gap between the beams and slab. I have attached screen shot for more information. Also I need to apply loads for this sloped roof.
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Feb 2, 2013
Working on a project with a green house. I created a roof using "roof by footprint". I selected "sloped glazing" and assigned mullions for the various conditions as well as spacing.
The walls below are curtain walls. When I create the roof, the mullions are oriented the wrong way. How do I control the orientation of the mullions?
In desperation, I mirrored the roof about a vertical axis. See images below.
This corrected the orientation for me, but I must believe there is a better way! A "proper way"... Did I miss something in the initial creation of the roof? I changed the sloped glazing of the roof to a basic roof. When I do this I notice the roof moves up.
I assume this is when the orientation of my roof inverted...
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