AutoCAD Inventor :: Error - Named Segment Already Exists Cannot Create Or Rename

May 26, 2009

I'm trying to copy sheets from one dwg file to another in Inventor 2010. I get the error: "Named segment already exists: cannot create or rename". The sheet name is not listed in the target file. Why this error is occurring and how to fix it?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Check To See If LOD Exists Then Create Ilogic Rules Around It

Mar 27, 2013

I have an assembly with parameters named the same as LOD's.

The parameters are set to equal the mass of the corresponding LOD's using ilogic.

If the LOD does not exist, I want to set the mass of the corresponding parameter to a value of zero.

I don't know how to check for the existence of the LOD and I'm not sure I can have three commands in the ELSE section.

Below is an example of what I need using a Parameter and LOD called EXTERNALS as an example.

If  EXTERNALS LOD does not exist
THEN Parameter("EXTERNALS")=0
'activate the EXTERNALS LOD


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AutoCAD Inventor :: Error Detected While Writing Segment?

Apr 3, 2013

I have been working for the last couple of hours "copying objects" into my part file.  I am creating composites from surface data that exists in other part files.  I now cannot save my part which I have renamed TEST.IPT for the purposes of this request.  This is a common workflow for me when I am recreating a part from multiple imported CATIA files.  (I know it is hard to guess withour providing the actual data.)

Problems encountered while saving the document.
Error(s) detected while writing segment PmDCSegment in database TEST.IPT
Error detected while saving object of type MIxTransactablePartition in TEST.IPT
Error detected while saving object of type MIxPartition in TEST.IPT
The attempted write operation did not succeed. Part file may be corrupt.
The database in TEST.IPT could not be saved

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AutoCAD Inventor :: File Rename Error On Save

Nov 6, 2008

When i try to check in my files i get this error. "File rename error on save - Cannot create a file when that file already exists" .When i try to do a save i get this error

Problems encountered while saving the document.Could not rename new document version from

\Autovault2009VaultJWCRotary Screen36 X 48AssemblyDrumdrumMDC-0003-0001-SS304.newVer.ipt to \Autovault2009VaultJWCRotary Screen36 X 48AssemblyDrumdrumMDC-0003-0001-SS304.iptThe database in \Autovault2009VaultJWCRotary Screen36 X 48AssemblyDrumdrumMDC-0003-0001-SS304.ipt could not be saved

I am running inventor 2009 on a windows xp sp3, with a server running windows server 2003 sp2.SQL server 2005 with net.frameworks 2.0.50727 on server and client.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Draw Segment Elbow 90 Degrees And Create Flat Pattern

Jan 16, 2013

I would like to know how to draw segment elbow 90 degrees ( segments are not equal ) and create Flat Pattern for each of the segments - using sheetmetal in Autodesk Inventor?

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AutoCad :: Create Some Mtext Using A Type Font Named ISOCPEUR

Jul 16, 2013

In 2008, one could create some Mtext using a type font named ISOCPEUR and type of line of text. One could then go to the Express Tools/text/explode text function. That would explode the text and one could then manipulate it so that one had a bunch of letters that were polylines. One could then extrude the polylines and either add or subtract them from a solid and create either recessed or proud lettering on a part. That meant you could mark a casting or a molded part just like in the real world.

But in the fully advanced, super dooper, state-of-the-art, fantasmagorical (sp) AutoCAD 2013, if one goes to Express Tools and selects the explode function, the command TXTEXP is not recognized as a valid command.

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Maya :: Error - Could Not Find UI Element Named

Jul 21, 2012

Why can't I rename a shader? I am following a Gnomon eye tutorial and when I rename a blinn, lambert or any other shader/material this pops up Error: Could not find UI element named "". After the error I can't access the hardware texture rollout on the shader. Its happened with all maya versions since 2009 with different PC's, the graphics cards I have used are gaming cards both nvidia/ati at the moment its a 460gtx could that be the problem, do I need a Quadro card.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Create A Polyline With Invisible Segment?

Jun 21, 2011

if it's possible to create a polyline with invisible segment.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Draw Triangle In Segment Of Polyline In Segment Direction

Sep 9, 2012

I want to draw triangle in segment of polyline in segment direction.

I have target segment and center point of it:

  Polyline line = ...
  LineSegment3d centerSegment = line.GetLineSegmentAt(centerSegmentIndex);
  Point3d centerPosition = centerSegment.MidPoint;

I can find direction of this segment:

  Vector3d zaDirection = line.GetLineSegmentAt(centerSegmentIndex).Direction;

Next, I create list of points:

  List<Point3d> points = new List<Point3d>();
  points.Add(centerPosition.Add(new Vector3d(ZASize, +ZASize, 0)));
  points.Add(centerPosition.Add(new Vector3d(ZASize, -ZASize, 0)));

And draw it:

wd.Geometry.Polygon(new Point3dCollection(points.ToArray()));

Ok, I have triangle but... it's not in segment direction, it's X-direction.

I try to rotate it:

points.Add(centerPosition.Add(new Vector3d(ZASize, +ZASize, 0)).RotateBy(0, zaDirection, centerPosition));

But it's not the same as I want.

How I can draw triangle by serment direction?

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Maya :: Import Error / No Module Named Stereo

Jan 19, 2013

Whenever I try and click on the "Render Settings" button, it gives me this error at the bottom right of my screen. It appears in red, so I am guessing it is a critical error or something along those lines.

But once I click the "Render Settings" button once more, the window pops up (with the addition of the error) but with absolutely no options or tabs to choose from or click on. With the exception of the render layer option and the render type (Maya Software and so on). This leads me to believe that this error (being: Error: ImportError: No module named stereo), is preventing Maya from functioning properly and preventing me from modifying all of the appropriate render options.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Check If UserParameter Already Exists

Nov 8, 2005

The following code adds three user parameters to an .ipt:

Public Sub AddUserParams()
Dim oDoc As PartDocument
Set oDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument


If I run this on a part that already contains any of these user parameter names I get an error. Is there a way to first check for each name and skip to the next if it already exists?

Also, how the heck do I set ExposedAsProperty for each of the parameters added?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Check If IProperty Exists In Component?

Apr 9, 2013

I am simply trying to traverse an assembly, check each component for existance (or value of) an iProperty, and if so add that components name to a list.  Here is what I have, but it doesnt work.
'Define the open document
Dim oDoc As Document = ThisDoc.Document
Dim oRefDoc As Document


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AutoCad 3D :: Create 3D Model Of Segment Of Jogging Path / Trail

Jul 17, 2013

I need to create a 3D model of a segment of a jogging path/trail that has a drainage feature called a knick. I pasted a freehand drawing of what a knick looks like below this post. It's a semi-circular area that slopes to one side at a small angle on a trail that is otherwise flat. I need a model of a trail segment with two of these sloping indentations that is just a smooth, gray object- nothing fancy. I managed to create a simple 3D model for a second trail design that has a slope to one side throughout the trail- made a box with a tapered edge and rendered it gray.

Since to my eye a knick looks like a lemon wedge indented into the face of a box- that's what I've been working towards. Made a box, made a cylinder, moved the cylinder so half of its base sits on top of the box face on which I want the indentation, and then used pushpull and subtract to take out a shallow semi-circular cut off the top of the box (did two of these about 20 units apart on the same face).

Here is where I ran into my own limitations. I don't know how to taper the semicircular cut so that it actually slopes off the face to the edge and doesn't look like a clean cut depression. I need it to slope to the edge at a 2% angle. I've tried tapering many times, but I don't think I completely understand the concept of the tapering axis (or rather I know that I completely misunderstand it) because all I end up doing is tapering the various faces of the box and the knick cut stays the same. I also tried out all the tools on the ribbon that look like they can be used for filling in or smoothing edges, but without any luck. Or should I be approaching the process of making the knick from a completely different set of commands?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2011 - ILogic / Finding Out If View Exists

Nov 19, 2010

I have a iLogic question about finding out if a View exits..

Lets say I have a drawing that I want to read the scale of a view.. All the snippets I have found is pointing to the name of the view like "VIEW1". But if I have deleted the first view I created it will give me an error..

So, is there ant possibility to check if the "VIEW1" exits without getting an error?

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AutoCad 3D :: Taper To Create Sloped Wedge Indentation On Edge Segment?

Jul 17, 2013

I need to create a 3D model of a segment of a jogging path/trail that has a drainage feature called a knick. I pasted a freehand drawing of what a knick looks like below this post. It's a semi-circular area that slopes to one side at a small angle on a trail that is otherwise flat. I need a model of a trail segment with two of these sloping indentations that is just a smooth, gray object- nothing fancy. I managed to create a simple 3D model for a second trail design that has a slope to one side throughout the trail- made a box with a tapered edge and rendered it gray.

Since to my eye a knick looks like a lemon wedge indented into the face of a box- that's what I've been working towards. Made a box, made a cylinder, moved the cylinder so half of its base sits on top of the box face on which I want the indentation, and then used pushpull and subtract to take out a shallow semi-circular cut off the top of the box (did two of these about 20 units apart on the same face).

I don't know how to taper the semicircular cut so that it actually slopes off the face to the edge and doesn't look like a clean cut depression. I need it to slope to the edge at a 2% angle. I've tried tapering many times, but I don't think I completely understand the concept of the tapering axis because all I end up doing is tapering the various faces of the box and the knick cut stays the same. I also tried out all the tools on the ribbon that look like they can be used for filling in or smoothing edges, but without any luck. Should I be approaching the process of making the knick from a completely different set of commands?

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Xara :: How To Create Named And Linked Colors That Will Replicate In New Projects

Dec 11, 2011

I have created several tutorials receintly that allude to the power of named and linked colors. In this video tutorial I show you how to create your very own named and linked colors in Xara products. Not only that, but how to add these colors to your default template so that the new named and linked colors will appear in any new projects that you create with that template.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: If Named Parameter Unexisting

Jul 16, 2012

How can I to check if parameter d0 is unexisting?

' If d0 is existing...
oModelParams.Item("d0").Name = "NewParam"
oModelParams.Item("NewParam").Value = 25

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Illustrator :: Create Arc From A Segment Of Eclipse?

Sep 4, 2013

How can I remove all of the eclipse, except for the segment that creates a traingle with a curved side.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Create New Document With Profile And Multiple / Named Layers?

Mar 27, 2013

I can't figure out the proper commands to fill out and complete the script below. What I am trying to do is:
- Create a new document using one of the Profile presets (or have the New Document dialogue open so I could select the profile, size and bleed)
- Make 3 layers, each with a diferent name
- Create a rectangle the size of the artboard on the bottom layer, with a swatch stroke and no fill
- Create a rectangle the size of the bleed on the middle layer, with no stroke or fill
Like I said, I haven't gotten far at all. I've read through the basic scripting guides and I'm just not understanding all of the language needed to string things together.
tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
make new document
set topLayer to make new layer ¬
at beginning of document 1 with properties {name:"Vector"}
set bottomLayer to make new layer ¬
at end of document 1 with properties {name:"Through Cut"}
end tell

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Flow Segment Label Using Total Flow Type Travel Time For Each Segment

Nov 27, 2012

Flow segment label using total Flow Type travel time for each segment:

C3D 2014 SP1
W7x64; i7 8gb; Radeon HD 5700

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Photoshop :: JPEG Marker Segment Length Error - File Not Corrupt

Feb 4, 2013

I have 2 workstations in my suite. Both Win7...both CS5.5 ver. 12.1.x64.  My "old" box (Z400) can open the JPEG no problem....My "new" box (Z820) gives me the error.
I have copied the file a few different ways so I know it is not corrupt.

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Illustrator :: How To Create A Multiple Segment Circle

Aug 6, 2012

how to create a segmented circle as shown in the attached image. I have it as a jpg but I want to create it in Illustrator so I can have greater control over the parts. For example, while the image shows three segments, I may have to add another one into the image (it's part of a process demo).

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AutoCad :: Rename Layer And Write Name Of Letter Б / Error And Automatically Pressed Enter

Oct 28, 2012

When you rename the layer and write the name of the letter "Б" is an error and automatically pressed "enter".When you click on a point in AutoCAD NumPad written comma.How can I avoid this problem?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Create Simplified Part Error

Jul 15, 2013

I am trying to use Create Simplified part and during the creation process..I downloaded a model of a FD breaker off the Eaton Website in .stp format. I am simply trying to get a .ipt file of the model for my layout model.So the steps I did:

1- Open .stp file

2- Save .stp file as an .iam inventor file (ignore the  prompt box "this is not a part file", that is from my logic rule for a part file)

3- once saved in inventor format, I click the simplify tab, select create simplified part, select a name and directory and press save

4- the .iam saves into a single part, BUT it is saved as sean.ipt, not the part number I assigned earlier and it is saved to the directory C:Users, not the directory I assigned in the dialogue box earlier.

Why does it do this every time I "dummy" down an assembly to a single .ipt file?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Error Trying To Create Patched Surface

Aug 2, 2012

Trying to patch and then sculpt an area on a pipe so that it blends together better, however it keeps coming up with an error.  The strange thing is, it shows up in the preview after selecting all the edges but then does not calculate correctly.

Basically trying to fill the 2 small areas between the visible workplanes. Also, I couldn't get the project cut edges in the 2 sketches to only project the curves I needed, so all the cylinder edges are projected.

Windows XP SP3 32-bit
Intel Core 2 Duo 6400 @ 2.13 GHz
Nvidia Quadro FX 3450/4000 SDI 256MB Vram
2 GB Ram

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: How To Create Curved Segment Node

Nov 11, 2012

Using pen tool I have to press Alt + click again at the node while drawing to create a cusp node.

My method is - Select Pen tool - left click for first node and drag to achieve desired curved segment - release mouse button - press again left click for second node at desired position and drag control handle to create desired curve - then Alt click at second node for cusp node - continue in this fashion for rest of the curved segments as shown in my example.

Is it possible to draw and edit control points for a cusp, smooth or symmetric node simultaneously in a single stretch while drawing curved segments with some other shortkey combinations but without pressing again S for smooth/symmetric or Alt click node for a cusp or F10 for edit later?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Setting Multi-Value Parameter From Excel Named Range Values

Nov 20, 2013

I have a Multi-Value Parameter "MV" that I want to populate using a Named Range from an Excel file that is already populating other parameters for the same file.

I currently have the file working by populating "MV" by using the snippet from iLogic below...

MultiValue.List("MV") = GoExcel.CellValues("filename.xls", "Sheet1", "A2", "A10")

The reason I don't like this method is because if ever that range changes... all the iLogic code will have to be updated as well. How to set a Multi-Value Parameter using a Named Range from an Excel file? I assumed the below snippet would work but I am receiving

"Array was not a one-dimensional array." as an error. 


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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic - MultiValue Parameter - Get Named Range From Embedded Excel

Jan 9, 2013

I have a MultiValue Parameter that I want to populate using a named range from an embedded excel spreadsheet. I would like an iLogic solution if possible because I need other people to be able to understand the code without too much difficulty.

One of the sample snippets given allows access but not if the excel file is embedded.
 The code below works but not when using a named range.
' Load bearing housing typesMultiValue.List("parameter1") = GoExcel.CellValues("A1","A20")
 Is there something I'm missing? I was hoping to use something like below
' Populate MultiValue Parameter from excelMultiValue.List("parameter1") = GoExcel.CellValues("3rd Party:Embedding 4", "Sheet", "myNamedRange")

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Create Addin - Command Manifest Error

Apr 1, 2013

I would like to create an addin in VS2010 & IN2012. How I could able to do this? I have started with "simpleAddin". But, while building I could able to see the following error.

The same error for all Addins.

Error    1    The command "mt.exe -manifest "E:Program FilesAutodeskInventor 2012SDKDeveloperToolsSamplesVB.NETAddInsSimpleAddInMy ProjectSimpleAddIn.manifest" -outputresource:"E:Program FilesAutodeskInventor 2012SDKDeveloperToolsSamplesVB.NETAddInsSimpleAddIninSimpleAddIn.dll";#2
" exited with code 9009.    SimpleAddIn

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating Wiring Segment

Jul 24, 2012

Another question about the Cable and Harness module.  When I am trying to create Segments, I can never select cylindrical features.  Using the Tube and Pipe module, I can select them no problem, but for some reason under Cable and Harness I cannot.

This is a huge pain for me for two reasons, all of our wire loops are cylindrical, and I am unable to place a segment off of an already existing Flexible Hose or other Electrical segment.

Is this a limitation of the Cable and Harness module, that you cannot place segments relative to a cylindrical feature?  

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Invalid Reference To Segment Object Used

Dec 10, 2012

I derived in a part and I am trying to use a sketch from it in my new part.

I am trying to revolve my sketch and when I do I get this error.

I am using a English version, and I cant read chinese at all.  Design doctor shows no errors, but this will not revolve. Tried Extruding and get the same error.  When I try to revolve, it shows a preview of my part correctly, but when I click apply in the revolve dialog, that is when I get this error.

The files are attached and here is a video of my steps. In the zip file, the -M8.ipt needs the EOF marker moved all the way to the bottom.

Windows 7 x64 -12 GB Ram
Intel i7-930 @ 3.60ghz
nVidia GTS 250 -1GB (Driver 301.42)
INV Pro R2013, SP1.1
Vault Basic 2013

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