AutoCAD Inventor :: Invalid Reference To Segment Object Used
Dec 10, 2012
I derived in a part and I am trying to use a sketch from it in my new part.
I am trying to revolve my sketch and when I do I get this error.
I am using a English version, and I cant read chinese at all. Design doctor shows no errors, but this will not revolve. Tried Extruding and get the same error. When I try to revolve, it shows a preview of my part correctly, but when I click apply in the revolve dialog, that is when I get this error.
The files are attached and here is a video of my steps. In the zip file, the -M8.ipt needs the EOF marker moved all the way to the bottom.
I got a simple question about the creation of copies of an object. Is it possible to have the objects in the mirroring of an object change with the object used as reference for mirroring?
If there is no function to do this directly is there a way to do it via Ilogics to update the mirrored objects? If possible even by deleting and creating a new the mirroring yet not manually but by i logic?
The only way I know to remove the segment of this 3d object in between the orange lines is to slice on each orange line and select to keep both sides which is pretty tedious since I will need to do this every 3 feet over a 170 foot there another easier way to do multiple mortar joints on a 3d object like this?
I made a 3D box shape in AutoCAD. I would like to draw a line on one of the surfaces of the box. Also I know you can use the the linear tool under Annotations to display dimensions of 2D lines. But I don't know how to do it so that it that shows the dimension on a vertical axis as shown in the picture below.
I've just changed a VS compile options to use .NET Framework 3.5 (previously Framework 4).
My user controls that I've added as containers for the pallette don't seem to agree with it and I get a "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error on each of their resx files. And one on Resources.resx.
Whenever I switch renders layers I get the following error
/ Error: ...cameraMaskChange(unifiedRenderGlobalsWindow|rgMainForm|tabForm|mentalRayTabLayout|mentalRayCommonTab|scrollLayout|commonTabColum // // Error: Invalid use of Maya object "unifiedRenderGlobalsWindow|rgMainForm|tabForm|mentalRayTabLayout|mentalRayCommonTab|scrollLayout|commonTabColumn|rgRenderableCamerasFrame|renderableCamerasSW|mayaSoftwareCameraLayout|columnLayout27|columnLayout28|columnLayout29|checkBoxGrp71". // [code]....
Error: Invalid use of Maya object "persp" will happen for every camera in the scene until I close and re-open the scene! I do not know what causes it but it seems like whenever I delete a render layer it starts happening and it is driving me positively bonkers!
I have a strange problem going on for CS6... Where when I created a design, grouped all of them so that they had the same center.. then did a force perspective... Some of the letters didn't render while a wire frame does exist for them.
One friend suggested to make sure all of the points are joined, however when I Ctrl+J them, I get an error that says invalid object... which is most likely because they are joined...
I'm getting a "NullReferenceException. Object reference not set to an instance of an object" using:
For Each SetEntry As DBDictionaryEntry In SetRootDict Dim SetEntryDict As DBDictionary = CType(SetEntry.Value.GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead), DBDictionary) Next
I have the same lines letter for letter in a different procedure and referring the same unchanged root dictionary where it works fine.
Another question about the Cable and Harness module. When I am trying to create Segments, I can never select cylindrical features. Using the Tube and Pipe module, I can select them no problem, but for some reason under Cable and Harness I cannot.
This is a huge pain for me for two reasons, all of our wire loops are cylindrical, and I am unable to place a segment off of an already existing Flexible Hose or other Electrical segment.
Is this a limitation of the Cable and Harness module, that you cannot place segments relative to a cylindrical feature?
I have been working for the last couple of hours "copying objects" into my part file. I am creating composites from surface data that exists in other part files. I now cannot save my part which I have renamed TEST.IPT for the purposes of this request. This is a common workflow for me when I am recreating a part from multiple imported CATIA files. (I know it is hard to guess withour providing the actual data.)
Problems encountered while saving the document. Error(s) detected while writing segment PmDCSegment in database TEST.IPT Error detected while saving object of type MIxTransactablePartition in TEST.IPT Error detected while saving object of type MIxPartition in TEST.IPT The attempted write operation did not succeed. Part file may be corrupt. The database in TEST.IPT could not be saved
I'm trying to figure a "fast" algorithm to obtain the amount of material (in linear distance) between 2 points within an assembly i.e. if I draw a line between any two points P1 & P2 in an assembly, what is the length of this segment that goes through material and what is the length that goes trough empty space?
For now I'm creating a thin cylinder as a new part, place it with one end at P1 and the other end at P2, calculate the interference volume of this body with the rest of the assembly and divide this number by the total volume of the cylinder. but has some problems:
1. It is VERY slow, and I want to call this function lots of times. 3. Is not accurate due to the finite diameter of the cylinder. 2. If the assembly has some interferences, the result is wrong (accounting same volume more than once)
Using C3d 2013. I am looking for a way to place the deflection angle of the PI of an Alignment in the label of a structure part that references said alignment. But PIs aren't an option when I select Reference Text type. Common sense tells me it would be under Alignments, but none of the PI data is an option of the Contents' Text Component Editor. I couldn't find it under any of the other Reference Text types either. I can pull the station value from the referenced alignment, is there a way to get it to tell me the deflection angle at the PI it sits on? Or even the difference in the instantaneous direction just before and just after the part?
I know listing the deflection angle of a PI is possible, as I have seen it in several examples of labeling alignments. I just want to place it in the label of other objects.who can tell me how to display LT (to represent left) and RT (to represent right) when the deflection is positive or negative respectively.
Coworker opened a drawing that he created yesterday. Upon opening he received the following error - "Attempting to end an invalid transaction. Id: 2008125432". He hit OK and the program resumed. It did not crash. There is no red plus in the menu bar.
Inventor 2013 SP2 update 1 Windows 7 64x SP1, 12GB RAM NVIDIA Quadro FX 2000, driver (12/10/2011)
I am using Cable and Harness (Autodesk Inventor 2012 64 bit on Win7 64bit) and when trying to create the segment I only get the error message "The sweep operation failed for the harness segment Segment1 Adjust the segment geometry and try again". It does not matter what data for diameter and bend radius I am using under "Harness properties", it never works. When checking the "Bend radius" for violation it says nothing. I am attaching the files.
Am looking for the feasibility to check space available in Segment.I've assigned a segment diameter as 2 mm, and i have 2 wires have .9 mm dia each, Now i want to know what will be the remaining space available in the segment.
in another way around, if am adding more wires in the segment will inventor give any error message stating that there is no space for route more wires in that segment,
I sometimes get a error message stating 'invalid arguments specified when working with database...' (see attachment). What causes these and can I fix them? The file opens and seems to work ok.
i get an error message telling (invalid thread data table. Please check Thread.xls file.i tried to reinstall the windows and the autodesk inventor but the error keep appearing. os is windows xp sv2 32 bit
2. inventor version is 2011 32 bit i also had the same problem with 2010
3. i tried to reinstall without any antivirus on my pc but i still have the same problem
4. what's a UAC?
5. yes i've office 2007 installed & i had tried with office 2003 but also the same problem.
1 the first time i used, i made the bolted connection once, but at the second time i kept having this issue.
2 my last trial was installing a freh copy of the windows then install office and the inventor only but nothing changed
3 i tried to install the inventor on another pc but i also had the same issue
4 i searched the c drive for the file THREAD.xls, and i found three of it and i guess they are fine.
When working with an IAssembly I keep getting an error message that reads "an unnamed file contains an invalid path." I cannot seem to find a problem anywhere.
I have to create a hole (extrude) in a wall part in my assembly document where a stack will be installed.
To determine where, I verify if a line segment pass through the wall (XY Plane).
But I get an error with the command: IntersectWithLine
Here's my
Public Function IntersectionPoint(ByVal app As Inventor.Application, ByVal wp As Inventor.WorkPlane) As Inventor.Point Dim oTransGeom As Inventor.TransientGeometry = app.TransientGeometry Dim startPoint As Inventor.Point = oTransGeom.CreatePoint(Me.StartVertex.X, [Code] ......
I'm trying to copy sheets from one dwg file to another in Inventor 2010. I get the error: "Named segment already exists: cannot create or rename". The sheet name is not listed in the target file. Why this error is occurring and how to fix it?
In regards to sweeping, what does the title of the post mean (self intersecting paths or loops are invalid for this operation). I have a 3D sketch consisting of 1 straight line, one spline with 4 points dictated by 'points' and an arc. All have tangential constrains to each other and I am looking to sweep a circle along this path to create a bent wire. I don't have anypictures or files as it is a stand alone computer at the moment.
I'm trying to use "Replace Family Template" to overwrite an iPart family in Content Center.I've made changes to the iProperties of the iPart and I want those new changes to be in Content Center.
When I RMB on the iPart in Content Center and click "Replace Family Template", I get the "Import Part Invalid" message.Should I be able to do what I'm trying to do?
I would like to know how to draw segment elbow 90 degrees ( segments are not equal ) and create Flat Pattern for each of the segments - using sheetmetal in Autodesk Inventor?
I keep getting this minimum segment length message after running tubing routes. I've already configured the tube style and entered the minimum length I want. I place tube fittings before I run tubing, so I don't include fittings/couplings in my tube style. The lengths of the segments are equal to or longer than the segment rule I entered, so I'm not sure why I'm getting this error message. I also get a message saying that a segment will violate the rule once fittings are placed, even though I've opted out of using fittings in the style. To get around this error I've been having to go into each route and edit the sketch to make the problem segments longer.
HP Z400 Workstation Intel Xeon @ 3.33GHz 12.0 GB RAM Windows 7 64-bit Inventor Pro 2014