AutoCAD Inventor :: Changing Reference Object In Drawing File
Apr 9, 2012
I wondered if there is a way of changing view reference from one object to another.
I have two similar models but drawing done for one.
I could save it as with a different name and replace in all the views referenciing from old model to new one.
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Aug 8, 2012
Is it possible to update an existing drawing to reference a new part or assembly file while maintaining associated views and possibly the annotation also?
I have tasks which require frequent subtle changes to assemblies. These assemblies will then be given a completely new file name, so it is no longer just a revision change but a new part altogether.
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Jul 8, 2011
I am attempting to change the thread format in inventor under the dimensions style editor, but it is grayed out and does not let me select anything from the drop down box. I want to display the thread information so it includes the unit. For example, this is what it shows now: 1/2 - 14 NPT. I want to change it to 1/2" - 14 NPT. What I need to do to be able to change the thread format in the dimension style editor?
By the way, I have a lot of drawings to do, so manually typing in 1/2" - 14 NPT will take sometime, so I am looking for a quick and easy fix.
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Oct 26, 2010
I get the following exception message while debugging, after pasting VBA code into my project:
"Object reference not set to an instance of an object"
Without going to specifics yet, I commented-out ObjectCollections and the error happened further down in the class.
Is there a different way ObjectCollections are handled in a class, versus a VBA module?
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Oct 1, 2005
I'm having trouble changing a reference part back to normal. It's in a sub nested 2 levels. I earlier had it as a phantom but changed it easily to reference. Now I need it to be normal.
I've tried going into each level to change it. I cannot access it unless I change the BOM to read "Model Structure" since reference parts don't show up under BOM structure. When I click on Reference (it has a little X in it) it will seem like it's going to change but turns back to ref every time.
I went into the lowest sub & was able to change the part to Default through Properties but it just goes to reference again in the main assembly.
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May 25, 2012
Is there and easy way to change the base component of a derived part?
The way I use to do it, is to rename the base component. Then open the derived part, and point to the new base component after the "error message".
In the idw environment there is a "Replace Model Reference"" which does it for 2D drawings.
btw. I use Inventor 2013.
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Oct 15, 2012
We are using Autocad Civil 3D 2010 and are also using the 2010 Vault.
We are having problems with one project in Civil 3D (project in Vault). We are trying to create a surface reference and are getting the error: "Drawing is already attached to project X."
Note: This drawing is not vaulted, only the cross section surface that has the final grade surface in it is vaulted.
When we test the same process with a new document we are able to reference the surface fine and the command shows: _AeccCreateSurfaceReference which works properly.
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Aug 6, 2012
I got a simple question about the creation of copies of an object. Is it possible to have the objects in the mirroring of an object change with the object used as reference for mirroring?
If there is no function to do this directly is there a way to do it via Ilogics to update the mirrored objects? If possible even by deleting and creating a new the mirroring yet not manually but by i logic?
- 2500K @ 4.2Ghz- 8GB - Radeon7970 -
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Dec 10, 2012
I derived in a part and I am trying to use a sketch from it in my new part.
I am trying to revolve my sketch and when I do I get this error.
I am using a English version, and I cant read chinese at all. Design doctor shows no errors, but this will not revolve. Tried Extruding and get the same error. When I try to revolve, it shows a preview of my part correctly, but when I click apply in the revolve dialog, that is when I get this error.
The files are attached and here is a video of my steps. In the zip file, the -M8.ipt needs the EOF marker moved all the way to the bottom.
Windows 7 x64 -12 GB Ram
Intel i7-930 @ 3.60ghz
nVidia GTS 250 -1GB (Driver 301.42)
INV Pro R2013, SP1.1
Vault Basic 2013
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Jun 21, 2012
We often have drawings with multiple sheets.Usually the first couple of sheets are devoted to identifying components and where they should be placed. The remaining sheets provide details on specific components (dimensions, tolerances, etc.).
It would be nice to be able to reference (associatively) other sheets, so it is easy to find information on a component when looking through the drawing package. For example, add a note that says "See sheet 12", and have the 12 update if that sheet (or drawing view?) changes location in the package.
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Jul 28, 2011
I am getting this error in my production drawings.
My setup is as follows:
- EG.dwg has my existing surface in it. I create a data reference to use it in other drawings.
- Level One.dwg has the EG surface data referenced in, and I use this to create alignments, profiles, and finish surface. All of these are turned in to data references.
- Storm Sanitary.dwg has my pipe designs. I data reference in the two surfaces, profiles, and alignments, and create pipe networks. I create references for these networks.
- Plan Profile.dwg is the production sheet I'm getting this error from. Every one of my civil objects is data referenced in to this drawing. Everything is inserted correctly, the pipes show correct FG surface elevations for their rims, etc.
BUT when I open this drawing, I get this error. I assume it's because my FG surface is not directly in the storm sanitary.dwg.
How do I get rid of this error, without combining drawings, or promoting the surface to one or more drawings? Isn't this exactly what data references is made for?
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Sep 24, 2012
I'm having trouble showing a reference part in an assembly drawing. When said part is set to "reference" it is no longer visible on the drawing.
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Feb 2, 2013
In solidworks, if I have several similar parts to draw, I can draw one part and annotate it and then to save time and effort I can save the drawing as one of the other parts and then change the part reference in the drawing as I open it up.
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Dec 7, 2011
In a drawing Is there anyway to section (and show the hatch pattern) on reference components?
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Nov 7, 2013
I wonder if it's possible to see with ilogic if a part exciste in all others view (in assembly) of the same sheet?
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Aug 6, 2013
Is there a way in iLogic to iterate through all curves on a drawing. We manually apply radii labels to each drawing view but would like to automate the process with iLogic. How could I reference and cycle through all the radii on my drawing view?
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Jan 8, 2013
Using Inv 2013 and VB 2010. I am trying to reference a sketch within a drawing view, but I am having a hard time figuring out which view number and sketch number to use. I thought I had it figured out, but apparently I was wrong.
For example, see the 2 attached pics, Drawing A and Drawing B. For Drawing A I had the sketch reference set as
Dim oSheet1_View As DrawingView = oDrawDoc.Sheets(1).DrawingViews(3) Dim oSketch As DrawingSketch oSketch = oSheet1_View.Sketches.Item(1)
Drawing View 3, as it was the 3rd Drawing View in the list, and Sketch #1 within that Drawing View. I thought this was how it worked, because it worked with my code and it hid the sketch. However, moving on to Drawing B, I used the same code, and it does not reference that sketch at all. It did nothing to it. Even though the Flange_Holes sketch is in the same position. 3rd View down the list, 1st sketch.
So how does Inventor reference these views and sketches? Is it in order of creation? Is there a way to reference it by the what the sketch is named instead of trying to decipher the number it's assigned? I have a lot of drawings already made, and I'm not positive the views were taken and created in the same exact order each time.
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Dec 26, 2013
I did some digging and found the option to replace a model reference in an entire drawing, but I'm looking to change the reference in just a view. Consider the picture I have attached. I'm depicting top down views of these layers. Each layer requires changing the view identifier each time I drop a view. This would be considerably less time consuming if I could just copy/paste the view and change which part file it was pointing to.
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Jul 18, 2013
When a drawing view is made within Inventor from a presentation file (.ipn) some of the parts sometimes donot appear as properly visible.
I have attached some screen shots which might lead to some clues.
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Jun 21, 2012
I am in a IDW for an assembly file. buried deep inside , there is a part that need to be present in assembly (But in reference BOM condition)
When I insert a view with HLR option, why this part visible in dashed line. Whereas it supposed to Not Show up at all?
Example : Say I have a assembly of a spheres dia 5in & dia 3in (assembled center on center). The smaller sphere is in reference BOM mode. In the drawing view with Hidden Lines Removed option why is the smaller sphere visible in hidden line?
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Dec 11, 2012
How to reference the drawign sheet number using iLogic? I see on the snippets on the side a way to reference the sheet name, but I only want the number. To get the name it is ActiveSheet.Name, but ActiveSheet.Number does not work. Getting the name give something like ASSM:1, so if there was a way to take that and subtract the colon and everything before it that would work also. I am not a programmer, I've just taked some programs I found online and modified them a little to do what I want to do, but this is holding me back a bit.
Overall, I'm trying to modify the drawing view label to have a project number, referenced from the drawign iProperties, a view label, and sheet number, and then save that info in an iproperty of the part, and then reference that in the BOM so it automatically labels all of the views and fills out a column of the BOM to reference which page and view to find the parts of the assembly. I have everything working except for the sheet number.
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Jun 28, 2012
This is something that I have tried to understand and find a work around since I started working with Inventor. Is there a way to insert a BOM into a part drawing that does not reference itself? When we create parts they are cut or machined from a designated material (size, shape, etc) which has it's own part number, one that we have to manually enter into the drawing BOM with it's description. Is there a way to attach this raw or base material to a part file as a subordinate part that can be seen in parent assembly's BOM's?
If there is a way to attach a raw material to a ipt's BOM that can be seen at all levels above it we could explore the option of streamlining our BOM creation process.
IV 2012
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12 GB Ram
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Oct 30, 2012
is possible to retrieve the information of the reference in the iam file without open the file in session ? Opening with notepad the iam file, at the end of file, the references is contains in the planar text.
Is possible to retrieve documentation for this request ?
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Jan 14, 2013
I have a VB program that auto updates the size of a door and frame assembly, and in turn, updates the shop drawings to reflect this change. I have a view on my shop drawing that I have drawn a sketch in. I start the sketch, add my dimensions, and I use 'Project Geometry' to project the edges of the actual part around the sketch to constrain my sketch and keep it in place. The problem is, as the program runs, and the door/frame changes height, the sketch loses it's dimensional references to the projected geometry. When I go back and reopen the drawing after running the program, all the dimensions that went to the projected geometry are gone.
Is there another way to anchor a sketch to a drawing view part instead of dimensioning to projected geometries? This doesn't seem to be working, and I've tried it every which way I can think of. Oddly enough, I have another sketch in a different view that is set up the same way, and it never misses a beat.
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Dec 13, 2013
Is there a way to incude the sheet number that a drawing view has been moved to? I have an elevation tag that shows the view identifier, I am looking to have the sheet number referenced where I show "Field Text-Manual" in the attachments below. I am using inventor 2014.
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Jun 21, 2012
I want to reference an idw sheet from one file into another idw file.
Purpose:To duplicate details from one drawing into another drawing without copying sheets from drawing to drawing.
This prevents changing the annotations of the original detail in files that have the same detail that someone may change.
IV 2010 Suite
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Jun 14, 2013
I have assemblies that are comprised of reference parts - the assembly is a purchased part such as an air cylinder. I have them as reference only in the assembly (ie right click on the parts in the model tree->BOM Reference->Reference). I do it this way so I can adjust the air cylinder how I need it, but still only asign one part number to the whole assembly - as an example we'll say "cylinderX" is the part number, and filename is "cylinderX.iam"
The problem arises when I put cylinderX.iam into other assemblies and try and make drawings of those assemblies. Even though cylinderX.iam is not a reference part (but all it's sub components are), it shows up in an IDW just like reference parts. I am able to make it show up how I want by editing the view properties (Edit View->Model State Tab->Reference Data Line Style "as parts"), but I still cannot balloon cylinderX.iam. It shows up in the parts list, but I cannot attach a balloon to it.
Inventor 2013, 64-Bit
Dell Precision M6700
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16 GB Ram
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Jun 27, 2012
I'm working on a large infrastructure project with numerous of drawings. On quite a few layout drawings I need to have the same base set of references, however I need to change the layer settings (colors, lineweight etc.). This cannot be done in the base reference itself as it is used by others. As the layouts I work with includes other references as well, it is time consuming to filter and change layer settings on each base reference.
My concept is to have a master reference file to manage all layer settings and add/remove base references. When the master reference is referenced into the layout, all layer settings on the base references should stay as set in the master reference. In this way I can easily control all base references with one file and make sure all changes will be the same for all the layouts.
New illustration of concept:
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Mar 11, 2013
Is there a way to attach a reference file such as a pdf to an idw browser in R2013? There are many times we include torque specs, etc and it would be nice to include the catalog page or some reference to the original manufacturer specs.
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Dec 2, 2011
how to replace a model reference in and Inventor 11 .idw file. - It seems this is something easy to do in Inventor 12 but I don't see how to do it in 11..
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Dec 14, 2011
How do I replace the model reference in a IPN file?
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