AutoCAD Inventor :: Part And Assembly Reference In Drawing?
Nov 7, 2013I wonder if it's possible to see with ilogic if a part exciste in all others view (in assembly) of the same sheet?
View 9 RepliesI wonder if it's possible to see with ilogic if a part exciste in all others view (in assembly) of the same sheet?
View 9 RepliesI'm having trouble showing a reference part in an assembly drawing. When said part is set to "reference" it is no longer visible on the drawing.
View 9 Replies View RelatedIn solidworks, if I have several similar parts to draw, I can draw one part and annotate it and then to save time and effort I can save the drawing as one of the other parts and then change the part reference in the drawing as I open it up.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI am in a IDW for an assembly file. buried deep inside , there is a part that need to be present in assembly (But in reference BOM condition)
When I insert a view with HLR option, why this part visible in dashed line. Whereas it supposed to Not Show up at all?
Example : Say I have a assembly of a spheres dia 5in & dia 3in (assembled center on center). The smaller sphere is in reference BOM mode. In the drawing view with Hidden Lines Removed option why is the smaller sphere visible in hidden line?
This is something that I have tried to understand and find a work around since I started working with Inventor. Is there a way to insert a BOM into a part drawing that does not reference itself? When we create parts they are cut or machined from a designated material (size, shape, etc) which has it's own part number, one that we have to manually enter into the drawing BOM with it's description. Is there a way to attach this raw or base material to a part file as a subordinate part that can be seen in parent assembly's BOM's?
If there is a way to attach a raw material to a ipt's BOM that can be seen at all levels above it we could explore the option of streamlining our BOM creation process.
IV 2012
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Intel Xeon processer
I want to know if there is any api to check if a particular drawing is a assembly drawing or part drawing.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have an assembly were i want to exclude some parts in a sectional drawing view. I mean i want those parts should be visible in section view but should not get sectioned. And the remaining parts will be in a sectioned view. Is that posible or i may be missing something.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to extract the Rev of a model (part or assembly) from a drawing. Since Inventor has independent revs for the model and idw I am trying to drill down and put the rev from the model referenced. I got it to work for ipts and many iams using:
Dim oModelDoc As Document
Set oModelDoc = oDocument.Sheets(1).DrawingViews(1).ReferencedDocumentDescriptor.ReferencedDocument
The problem I have is when the drawing only references an ipn presentation file. The ipn ALSO has it's own independant rev! I'm trying access the model the ipn references but cannot get it to work.
BTW, I do know about the ability to sync idw and ipt properties. I have enable it for our template but we have a lot of legacy drawings that don't have this option selected. I also haven't tested that method with an drawing that only references an ipn.
Code is below with offending section in bold:
' Find model (part or assembly) referenced by drawing if active document is a drawing
If oDocument.DocumentType = kDrawingDocumentObject Then
Dim oModelDoc As Document
Set oModelDoc = oDocument.Sheets(1).DrawingViews(1).ReferencedDocumentDescriptor.ReferencedDocument
I wanted to know if there is a way to restore the link between a part/assembly and a drawing so that the drawing will open when "Open Drawing" is selected from right clicking the part/assembly from the Model browser in Inventor.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a Part List in the assembly drawing.
This list has Renumber Items activated.
All renumbered items become in blue cells in Part List properties table.
All added or altered after that Part Properties are not shown in this Part List.
For instance if I would add or change some Description, Comments or other properties to some parts which are in “blue” cells those will be not updated in neither auto nor any manual way.
So far I should delete and create the table again to see new added properties.
The question is: Is there are any other more simple ways to update the Part List table without recreating it from scratch?
I am using inventor 2013, and I have some model and like the word say they are model that i will use as derive parts to machined or change depending on the model. then I make the IDW drawing from the derived part.
Most os this models are assemblies. what i want is to pass the model number to my IDW drawing of the derived, so i can see from which model the part is derived.
I do a lot of work where I start with a full assembly drawing, then make more drawings for the individual parts. Is there a way to link the title block parameters in the part drawings to the title block in the full assembly drawing? The only way I found was to link the parts together and then grab the info for the drawings off of the parts, but if I'm implementing this in a template used by others I want them to still be able to just fill in the blank on the assembly drawing to make it work.
I was able to get iProperties to show parameter buttons, but I haven't seen any way to link to other files or anything like that.
I'm using Autodesk Inventor 2012 SP1 64 Bit on a Windows 7 machine without vault.
I seem to be missing something. I cannot get the parts list in assembly drawing to fill the part number column. See the image below.
The BOM has the part number field filled out as shown below. Is there someway that I need to map the iProperty to the part number column in parts list?
Dear Sir, In particular project, when I insert part in Assembly file, It is inserted as a Tube & Pipe run part. so that It is not Grounded automatically. What is the settings by which I can insert as a normal part in assembly file ? I have attached herewith the JPG file also.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI`m looking for the iLogic code that can change one parameter (user defined) for each (ipt) part in assembly (iam)
The one below doesn`t work.
Sub Main Dim oApp As Inventor.Application = ThisApplication Dim oAssy As Inventor.AssemblyDocument = oApp.ActiveDocument For Each oSubDoc as Inventor.Document In oAssy.AllReferencedDocuments On Error Resume Next Parameter(oSubDoc, "FH") = 15.26 Next End Sub
I would like to simplify this assembly into one seamless part for FEM calculation:The assembly consists out of parts that, in reality, will be welded together. Due to their form, there is no way to place them exactly onto each other, therefore there are slight gaps between the parts:
Now when I try to merge the assembly into one part via "simplify" --> "create simplified part" and choose "single solid body with seams between planar faces merged", Inventor does not fill these gaps (even though it displays only one part in the bottom right corner of my window). Unfortunately, the remaining gaps brings "contact" problems in the FEM simulation.
how to close the gaps and really merge the assembly into one part?
New user 2014
Part created in assembly does not update to part file.
I have a part that has protrusions. When i mate that part up to another part that second part needs to have cutouts/holes to receive those protrusions.
i mainly use it in sheetmetal parts. and use the rectangular protrusions on de contour to mate up with corresponding cutouts in the other sheet. this works with positioning and also makes for a nice weld spot/area.
But also for making holes to accommodate a mold pin used in custom punch dies. I want the intervening part to receive a corresponding (propperly tolleranced) hole automatically. Much like a bolted connection does.
same for parts like circlips. i want them to automatically generate the seat in the part it's mated to. Rather than using the axle generator.
Ofcourse one can place the parts and do an in assembly interpart projection and go from there, but i want the part to generate the (predifined) modification to the other part. It would save time and also reduces problems as the parts are moved about or even removed.
I have an assembly with 10 parts in it. We use many assembly features at the assembly level (Revolve cut, Extrusion cut..etc). How to find the mass difference of each part by comparing at its parts level and its assembly level.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a two part duct fire damper assembly. The IDW has the combined two part assembly, which I know how to turn the CoG on, so that it can be dimensioned. The problem is each piece will more than likely be hoisted separately so I would like to show the CoG for each piece, not the combined master there a way to do this?
Inventor 2014
Windows 7 Pro SP1
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770k CPU @ 3.50GHz
NVIDIA Quadro 4000
3D Connexion SpaceMouse Pro
If I want to find part which is inside another part or assembly, which means no matter how I turn camera, I always cannot see that part.
Does inventor has this function? Or is it possible to develope by .NET API?
I can't seem to find how to use the Inventor 2012 API to project an entire sketch profile from one .ipt to another .ipt file from within an .iam file.
i7-2720QM Dell Precision M6600, Win 7 Pro 64-bit, 8GB RAM
Autodesk Product Design Suite Ultimate 2013
Autodesk Vault Professional 2013
Why when I mirror a part in an assembly the mirrored part gets a new part number? I want to mirror only the position of the part which is always the same part. Is it possible to do that in Inventor?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI always "Configure Default Template" on start-up, changing Measurement Units to mm and Drawing Standard to ISO. After Ok,
"the default template (standard.*) will be replaced according to your selected drawing standard or measurement unit. The original default template will be copied to Old Templates folder as backup. Do you want to overwrite?" Yes.
I have created a series of parts which i have assembled and saved on my USB. I have placed fasteners from Content Center and saved. When i change computer, and attempt to reopen my assembly files, i get a "Resolve Link" window, as seen in attachment, to which i don't know how to respond, and end up clicking "skip all", which results in assembly with unresolved components.
What are the steps i should have been taking to avoid ending up with unresolved components, assuming i cannot avoid changing computer.
in inventor VBA, is it possible to get all reference documents without opening an assembly file in inventor?
this is i am using right now,
Dim oAssyDoc As AssemblyDocument
Set oAssyDoc = oInvApp.Documents.Open(sAssyPath)
Dim oAllRefParts As DocumentsEnumerator
If Check1 = True Then
Set oAllRefParts = oAssyDoc.ReferencedDocuments
Set oAllRefParts = oAssyDoc.AllReferencedDocuments End If
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2014
Autodesk Product Design Suite Standard 2013
Microsoft Office 2007 & 2013
Windows 7 64bit
Synergis Adept 2013
Visual Studio Express 2010
We have some serious problems by creating assembly drawings with reference geometries in inventor 2010. Our target is, to create a drawing that look the way, the attachment shows (Picture-1) The sheet metal plates Pos 10-100 are an assembly. And the assembly in the back is the reference geometry. It’s a frame consists of steel sections. What we want: 1. The frame must be phantom lined in the idw. 2.
The Sheet Metal parts must be thick lined. 3. The Partslist of the Assembly should only contain the sheet metal parts and not the frame We have some ideas to solve this case, but each of them is nor perfect (please see the attachment Box.pdf) And there’s another problem (described in part 3 of attachment), we cannot position viewports or drawing elements to each other exactly. You have no possibility to give them dependencies. Also if you want to position symbols to each other. All of them are only near to be exact, but that’s a big problem. If you change contents of a viewport, another should be aligned to it, but that doesn’t work.
Is there a way to set an assemblies bill of material setting to reference through iLogic?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am trying to find a simple way to center part(s) to some reference within an assembly such that if any part sizes are changed, then the assembly will stay symmetrical when updated. I would imagine that this is simply possible without adding any constraint containing a numeric value.
See attached part and assembly files showing a 4 piece frame with the angles unconstrained NE to SW. All i want to do is maintain symmetry of the frame if any parts sizes (cross-sectional or length) are changed. I've tried to add a centered plane to the angle and aligning that with a sketch point made in the assembly but i can't select any sketch features when i try to apply an assembly constraint.
I am working on an assembly and idw, and my assembly has a number of reference parts in it. Two patterns of reference parts are not appearing in the idw for some reason.
I can get them to appear by changing the view style to show hidden lines, and then the hidden lines appear and solid lines for all except the first instances also appear. When i turn off hidden lines, the hidden lines disappear leaving the solid lines of all but the first instances. Then if i change the reference data line style to try and show all the lines, they all now disappear again.
I need to assign the dimension in my screenshot to a parameter so I can use it to drive another assembly. However, I can't find any way to capture it in a usable manner.
In the screenshot I have an associative part inserted that contains only a sketch with the projected line and point that I wish to measure between, but the geometry in the sketch does not update when the model geometry changes. This seems to be normal behavior?
I'm having trouble changing a reference part back to normal. It's in a sub nested 2 levels. I earlier had it as a phantom but changed it easily to reference. Now I need it to be normal.
I've tried going into each level to change it. I cannot access it unless I change the BOM to read "Model Structure" since reference parts don't show up under BOM structure. When I click on Reference (it has a little X in it) it will seem like it's going to change but turns back to ref every time.
I went into the lowest sub & was able to change the part to Default through Properties but it just goes to reference again in the main assembly.