AutoCAD 2010 :: Taper Circular Object 1-1/2" High On 45 Degree Angle?
Jan 20, 2012
I'm trying to figure our how to taper a circular object 1-1/2" high on a 45 degree angle from the top down (that is the lower part goes in like a pie pan). Taper doesn't seem to work.
I'm trying to sweep it around shape like this But it won't, it says "The selected path curve is not valid." - so what do I do? (it is polyline) Is there maybe some other way to get this 3D shape fast?
easier way to program 45 degree corners on the top flange of two mating parts. We can't bend the ends on so they have to be welded. I am using inventor 2014 professional. Almost all my programming is done in sheet metal.
I'm trying to draw the following bench in Autocad but I'm getting bogged down trying to figure out how to create the following tube with an angle on it and how to achieve different shapes at the top of tube.
I am trying to make a toilet paper roller; standard white ones with the spring inside [URL] .
I need to cut the bottom of the cylinder at a 45 degree angle from the center to wall so if the roller was standing, it would be at an angle of 45 degrees to.
I have attatched what I have so far.
I am having trouble with the slicing. I am not sure how to chop the whole cylnder at an angle.
Also how do I remove the yellow lines and the white line with the measurement .1280 (you'll understand when you open the file)
I am trying to make a cut on a 12" D cylinder at a 45 degree angle and i am having a little trouble. I have projected the shape onto the curve and sketched it. Now to finish the cut do i need to scuplt that path or how do I go about doing this.
I provided a screen print to try and and explain it a little batter. The half moon looking sketch is what i am tring to cut out of the cylinder. i have already projected the surface lines on the cylinder, but get stuck at this point
What's the best way to model an alley with a 90 degree angle (turn). Do I treat it as an intersection with a zero radius? My typ section is 15 feet width with a 4% slope down to the center of pavement. "V" bottom. Not sure how to get it to model the outside corner and also eliminate the inside overlay.
I'm trying to create a dynamic block for plywood. I have the stretch parameter working so that I can stretch the plywood to the needed length. I also have set a rotation parameter based on the various roof pitches that we use. The problem is I would like to be able to rotate the sheathing to a 45 degree angle and then stretch along the 45 degree angle. Once I rotate the sheathing the stretch does not follow the rotation angle. I have attached the file.
how do one wants to do a polar increment angle to make a degree in a autocad drawing. I want to design a truss but at the angle of the truss , how to make an angle between the top chord and lower chord. which icon i should click on ?
I'm experimenting with 3d printing and wish to create a tube system based on this vase. Im completely new with 3ds max. What's the easiest way to simply bend the entire model 90 degrees? URL...
wrapping a continuous line of text around a 90 degree bend. The third attached image is exactly what I need it to do. That is something I just put together as an example though.
I have some repeating information that I want to wrap around the border of an image. Being that it is repeating information, the text can also look like the first and second image uploaded, where part of the word is cut off. I would prefer this to be minimal though.
So far all I have found in my time searching on this leaves the words distorted.
No matter the complications, this also needs to be scripted. It is not feasible to do this manually as the repeating information is dynamic.
EDIT: The upload for the thumbnails is off. Added Details.Attached File(s) textwrap2.jpg (8.9K) Number of downloads: 19 textwrap2.jpg (8.9K) Number of downloads: 17 textwrap.jpg (8.38K) Number of downloads: 7
I'd like to orient a picture of a book so that it's on a 45 degree angle and then "cut out" the area around the "book" to that when you view the picture is looks like a book on a 45 degree angle with no area around it. I'm sure GIMP can do that but the question is whether I can put that same photo on a website and have it look like it's a book on a45 degree angle.
I have a small section of hollow tube as an IV part which I need to cut to at one end to produce a tapered effect. Attached is a mark up of what I am trying to achieve with the hollow tube.
Inventor 2013 Product Design Suite Ultimate Windows 7 Professional-64Bit 12GB RAM Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz 12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)
Is there a quick way to rotate an object to match an angle without knowing what the angle is? I am using AutoCAD 2011 now. I was using 2007 and I had an add on command the would rotate an object using a base point and picking the two lines that make up the angle, and it would match the angle you wanted. I can not get that command to load in 2011.
I am setting up a family of parts that consist of a round disc with a fixed OD and a circular pattern of notches cut into the OD. The notches must go to a certain depth from the center, so those parameters are set. My problem is that I need to control the amount of material left between the notches, along the OD, after the pattern is done. Given the fixed parameters of the major OD, minor OD (3.5" in this case) and number of notches, the only way to control the amount of material between notches is to change the angle. When I set up the sketch to do the notches, I can only get a fully constrained sketch if I assign a specific angle to the notch. I need to be able to set it up so that the angle of the notch varies so the end result is a specifc amount of material left after the circular patter is completed.
In the attached PDF, I show what I have done so far. In this case the OD of the part is 4" and the diameter of the notch at it's closest to the center is 3.5". So basically, I end up with a driven parameter of 0.443. If I assign this value the parameter of d14, I need to make it equal to a ratio of another parameter (let's call it d15) so that d14 = d15*2.. This can only be accomplished by changing the angle.
In my family, the major OD and minor OD remain the same, but the angle must change to retain a specific amount of material between the notches when the number of notches is increased or decreased.
Is there an iLogic rule I can write to control this?
I try to wire the length parameter of a taper object to the local Y-Position values of another object. It works fine until I reload the file. I get an MAXScript Wire Controller Exception error:
--Runtime error: Illegal self-reference in controller script
...and the parameter-wire dialog opens. The desired functionality returns by clicking the Update Button and everything works fine again.
We are using Autocad 2012 & some of our users can not put Degree, Diameter, Plus/Minus Symbols in their drawings.%%P, %%D, %%C does not work in single line or M-Text. The symbols work In dimensions.
I used 2 3d printers to print the same object(a funnel with a circular section): Makerbot replicator 1 and 2.The result was a shape which was not circular in section but polygonal. What can I do (or the owners of the 3d printers) in order to obtain a circular form?
Initially I thought it was displaying it as a polygon (”shade” command) to save memory usage but when the actual product turned out non-round I concluded that I (or the owner of the printer) may be doing something wrong.
How to create a Circular Pattern of the Solid Object by VBA. I tried it by calculation Polar Transformations but was unsuccessful.
Then Rotated the complete Solid Object which changed original location. Is there any way i can Change the Angle and Mirror instead of Making circular pattern.
I received a drawing from a client, which has all the features on a coordinate system, But the drawing is rotated for some reason. Even after rotating the drawing the coordinates are the same as it was prior to rotation. I believe there may be some variables that has been changed for this. If a line is drawn A@100<0 it is drawn vertical instead of horizontal and like wise @100<90 is drawn horizontal instead of vertical.
As often done in mechanical drawings, a circle is drawn around a detail in the main drawing, and the detail is displayed somewhere else on the drawing on a larger scale.
My detail is the small rectangle in the upper right corner of the larger rectangle. I have also drawn a dash-dot-dot circle object around that corner to designate the detail-area.
In layout 1 the top left viewport displays the "whole" drawing. I also created a circular viewport to display the detail on a larger scale.
In the circular viewport, I used zoom-to-object (and selected the dash-dot-dot circle). The result is visible :both circles (object & viewport) are still visible, and they are not concentric too.
I thought the zoom command would have zoomed until both circles overlapped eachother and were concentric...
How can I make a circular brick object (using a tube)? I tried the same method as making the arch in the tutorial that comes with 3Ds Max Design (make a spline in the center and then use spine unwrap) but it comes out all warped.
I am currently using AUTOCAD 2012 free version for educational purposes. I have a drawing that requires high precision. It has a length of 1 cm and it goes as low as 0.115 millimeters. I would like to convert this drawing to direct .pdf. However, when I do, the dimensions get incredibly distorted and the lines get thicker. I have no problems in drawing the whole thing, but exporting to .pdf and even to .DWF is problematic.
I am a draftswoman have been using Autocad for doing my family tree, but i am having trouble reading the PDF's outout when printed at a high DPI. I've attached copies of the same part of the screen printed at 150 DPI, when its clear and readable, and at 2400 DPI when it goes all faded and unreadable. But there are occasions due to some graphics that its better for me to print at 2400 DPI. is there any way of improving the text printed at the higher DPI to make it clearer and readable?