AutoCad :: 3D Printed Circular Object Is Actually A Polygon?
Aug 26, 2013
I used 2 3d printers to print the same object(a funnel with a circular section): Makerbot replicator 1 and 2.The result was a shape which was not circular in section but polygonal. What can I do (or the owners of the 3d printers) in order to obtain a circular form?
Initially I thought it was displaying it as a polygon (”shade” command) to save memory usage but when the actual product turned out non-round I concluded that I (or the owner of the printer) may be doing something wrong.
How to create a Circular Pattern of the Solid Object by VBA. I tried it by calculation Polar Transformations but was unsuccessful.
Then Rotated the complete Solid Object which changed original location. Is there any way i can Change the Angle and Mirror instead of Making circular pattern.
Is there a way to define object data to a polygon or a poly line in C3d? I imported a shape file and saw that in the properties dialog box the object data of the polygons is displayed. I would like to define create new polygons and define certain atrributes to it before exporting it as a shape file. This would would eliminate the need to use a GIS program to define the attributes of the polygons.
Im using PCSWMM and would like to define certain atributes to polygons and polylines in C3D before i import it in to PCSWMM.
I drew a solid model of a structure in Autocad 2010. By using that model, I want to make a FEM analysis in Sap2000. The problem is that Sap2000 takes only polygon meshes (not solids) in 3d. The question is that how can i make a group of polygon meshes of the solid model that represents the structure.
(Since i am not an expert of Autocad, i will be glad if the solution is explained in a simple language.)
I'm trying to figure our how to taper a circular object 1-1/2" high on a 45 degree angle from the top down (that is the lower part goes in like a pie pan). Taper doesn't seem to work.
How can I make a circular brick object (using a tube)? I tried the same method as making the arch in the tutorial that comes with 3Ds Max Design (make a spline in the center and then use spine unwrap) but it comes out all warped.
I'm working on a UDK level for a college assignment.
I want to create a circular shaped elevator with a circular fence around it that's roughly half the size of an average sized character standing on it. I then wish it import this as a static mesh into UDK.
Here are 2 sketched up designs of the elevator, what I want to create.
1st image: [URL].... 2nd image: [URL]....
I am very new to 3DS Max so I would prefer a list of steps to follow to create this elevator with a a fence,
Any way to do the skin conversion to muscle system WITHOUT converting every single joint to a polygon bone object. I'd prefer to manually create the muscle bone objects from only the joints I plan to use for the muscle system, and then do the skin conversion using only those joints already converted. Basically, I only need a few muscles in this system and therefore only need a few polygon bone objects, but as far I can tell, there is only one way to do the skin conversion and it automatically converts every joint that the skin is attached to.
How to split polygon?I am using "bpoly" function when I split the polygon but It's inconvenient. Any better way to split polygons?I go over the functions through help desk.
If you have several lots consisting of separate polyline for each side of the lot, whats the best way to convert those into polygons, so I convert to a shp file.
Civil3D 2013 Windows 7, 64 bit Intel i7 2600 @ 3.40Ghz 16 GB RAM Nvidia Quadro 600
I create a .net automation application to print to pdf with layers. There are more 30+ layers in the drawing, I like to have the layer information in the pdf file but like to merge them to a couple:
e.g. PDF Layer 1 show AutoCAD Layer A1, A2, A3, ..., PDF Layer 2 show AutoCAD Layer B1, B2, B3, ..., PDF Layer 3 show AutoCAD Layer C1, C2, C3, ..., ...
I think there will be 3 solution here:
a) merge them at the time of AutoCAD printing
b) merge layer in pdf
c) create bookmark in pdf. I have used iTestSharp to generate PDF file, merge PDF files but cannot find a solution for this. How I can do it programmically?
I have a 2D image and I have the opportunity to get this image printed as a 3D model. To do this however, I of course need a VERY SIMPLE 3D model made. I attached the photo. How to make this for me really really simple? I have tried and tried, to no avail. The image is a logo for a non-profit organization that I head.
I copy and pasted details from a survey drawing into my current model. A message came on screen that warned that any printed output would display the message PRODUCED BY AN AUTOCAD EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT.
I continued thinking that I would be able to purge any blocks later. I am not able to clean the drawing and any copies are printed with the message. I have tried WBLOCK and it still remains.
I am about to implement an algorithm that takes a point and gives minimal polygon that contains it. (or null, be there no such polygon) Observing the hatch command, one would think there is already functionality that covers this. But I fail to get on its track.
I've MAP 3D 2013 64 bit (French version) with SP1.
When I launch command to "Convert polyline to polygon" (_MapPolylineToPolygon), I've message on command line "Select objetcs", I can convert to polygon =>OK
If I launched this command a second time, I've no possibility to select object, I come back to command line.I quit MAP, then launch MAP, and I can use this command only 1 time.
I have a series of polylines with a global width of 5m which I want to export to a polygon shapefile to represent in GIS. I realised if I create a shapefile of the polylines and then create a buffer of 2.5m on either side I can create my desired polygon. My question is how do I export this polygon to a shapefile. I have tried bulk copy but this just seems to revert the buffer back to a polyline shapefile .
What I want to do basically is merge a couple of polylines (which have different widths and may overlap each other) together into a single 'shape'. I am calling it shape, but I think the correct term would be polygon.
The end result should ("from the outside") look the same as before merging, the only difference being that the polylines are now merged into one shape. Important note: it cannot be a polyline with segments of different width, I know AutoCAD supports this, but the drawing will be exported to a format which does not seem to support this (and the result then is a line with a single width - wrong).
Here's a mockup of what I want to achieve:
On the left are three polylines (PL1, 2, 3), where PL2 has a different width and overlaps the other two polylines. On the right is the desired result: a single polygon (NOT a polyline with variable width) in the same shape as the polylines.
Is there a simple way to import a polygon from a csv file? I have read about ascpoint.lsp, but as far as I could work out, this makes a polyline, not a polygon. A simplified example is that I want to draw a rectangle with points 0,0 and 10,5 (note there is no z-axis, i.e. it's all just 2D). How can I create this from a csv file? I am flexible as to the format of the csv, but for example it could be 0 0 10 5.
Without trying to overcomplicate things, it would also be useful if the colour could be defined in the same csv file (e.g. using a 5th column, or a second row) and that the polygons were automatically filled solid (as you could do by using the BHATCH command).
The main reason I ask is that I have some cel files containing polygons and lines, but I cannot import them into autoCAD directly (changing the extension to DGN and inserting it fails) possibly due to a weird/obsolete format, however, I can convert the cel file to a csv file and strip out the nonsense.
I want to export some polygon shp files into CAD. What I can do easily is determine the line types, colors etc in the export but what I want to to is set the fill. Now I can't see how this is possible as the polygon features are converted to closed polylines in CAD and the hatch is a new feature.
I'm trying to create an oval/circular shaped reception desk, which needs me to create a circular slab. It won't allow me to apply slab properties to circular objects, I have also tried creating a square slab, then cutting holes in it... but still, it won't let me use circular linework to cut holes in slabs. Drawing an oval using straight lines would be innacurate and too time consuming.
Any alternative methods of creating something oval that can represent the worktop of a reception desk, or perhaps knows how to create a circular slab?
This sheet metal part has two bends, and was created with a lofted flange feature on the XY plane:
It was then cut by two circular profiles on the XZ plane:
When the flat pattern is created, it seems to work just fine as long as the diameter of the circular cut is below a certain value. Once the diameter is increased beyond this value, the flat pattern returns a cryptic error and does not compute:
I know that the bend geometry does NOT pass through the bend axis, so I am left guessing at what the real problem is. I have attached the part. The part currently has the parameter called "Tank_ID" set to 500 in. To see the error, change the value of this parameter to 600 in. For me, the flat pattern breaks between the values of 512 and 513 in.
Why does the flat pattern work at 512, but not at 513, since there is no significant difference in geometry?