AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Defining Object Data To Polyline And Polygon
Nov 24, 2013
Is there a way to define object data to a polygon or a poly line in C3d? I imported a shape file and saw that in the properties dialog box the object data of the polygons is displayed. I would like to define create new polygons and define certain atrributes to it before exporting it as a shape file. This would would eliminate the need to use a GIS program to define the attributes of the polygons.
Im using PCSWMM and would like to define certain atributes to polygons and polylines in C3D before i import it in to PCSWMM.
I've been working on a custom polyline object, and I've got it functioning!!Having said that, I plan to run its creation around picking a point for bounary selection.
(Other than trying to step through every vertecies) is there a technique I can thow the polyline data from a traceboundary result into my custom object? I've been trying to add the polyline from traceboundary to my object BEFORE it's added to the transaction by the way...I assume that's right, since I want to put it's data in my custom object then add my custom object to the transaction instead.
I have polylines that when selected, under properties it lists Object Data for the selected polyline. There are like 10 categories. This drawing is actually creeks in a county and they have object data connected to them where some are "a" some are "b" classification and I want to select all of the "a" polylines and put on a diffrent layer.
I am working on three different projects at once. For each project, I was sent a drawing with contours as polylines. Each contour is broken up into polylines about fifty feet long each at elevation 0. I am trying to set the polylines to proper elevation without editing each one individually. Each drawing contains several hundred polylines to modify. I was hoping for some sort of way to use a fence and interval (2') with a starting elevation.
I've searched the internet but haven't found a lisp routine to do this. I thought I remember Land Desktop having something like this, but can't seem to find it in Civil 3D 2012. I have found several threads asking the same question. Each time the poster was referred to a blog 7629. That blog unfortunately seems to have been taken down. If I can’t find an answer soon, it looks that my best option would be to retrace each contour which makes me glad to be paid hourly.
I've MAP 3D 2013 64 bit (French version) with SP1.
When I launch command to "Convert polyline to polygon" (_MapPolylineToPolygon), I've message on command line "Select objetcs", I can convert to polygon =>OK
If I launched this command a second time, I've no possibility to select object, I come back to command line.I quit MAP, then launch MAP, and I can use this command only 1 time.
Since Edge only has rectangles and ellipses built in as available shapes, how to I/we work with polygon shapes and active mouseover areas INSIDE of these shapes and non-active mouseover areas OUTSIDE of the shapes?
Problem/symptom: when I import a polygon, be it any file format from from Photoshop or SVG from Illustrator, a rectangular border/background (transparent) gets applied, leading to this rectangle defining the mouseover area of the shape - and not the shape itself (be it a star or whatever).
WHAT I WANT: the very shape defines the mouseover area. How do I achieve this?? See examle below:
I am working on a complex industrial site. And I would like a constant grade of 3.00% from my road intersections to the edge of curves. I know if I used a corridor, I'd be able to tell the grading to project ot the edge of the road/curve.
I'm just wondering if I can tell a grading object to project to a polyline or feature line along a intersection curve? There are many reasons as to why I'm not using corridors for this project, but I don't want to get into that.
We have a perenial problem with our old GIS software where files corrupt and drawing objects are lost.
There are few export options available, but export to shape is one of them. This means that I can export a damaged file and then import it into CAD with the layers intact and the tagged numbers (similar to object data or a block attribute in CAD) imported as object data. In order to make a new uncorrupted version for the GIS program.
Is there a way to select objects by object data?
If a file is corrupted, the only real way to repair it at the moment is to go back to the original cad drawing and reimport and then retag every single tagged attribute on what can be thousands of drawing objects, and by then we may no longer have the handdrawn data to even do that.
The next workaround is if I creat new dwgs from the cad drawing, Each one containing the objects with the same object data, and each saved with a file name that matches that object data, and then reimport into the GIS. (it can use the filename as a tag). This creates a new GIS file with the surviving information that should not lose any more data and we may be able to patch the 'holes' afterwards.
The problem is selecting all the polylines in the cad drawing that have that same tagged number in the object data. Select similar just goes on object type and layer. This would be easier if I could select by object data and get everything with the same tag in one go.
A way to batch create the new dwgs from that selected data would be nice too.
Is there any way to determine the source drawing of a dref'ed object? I'm not seeing anything in COM or the .NET API's, hopefully I'm just not looking in the right place.
Any way to create a parcel from an object (closed polyline) and populate the parcel with Object Data from the polyline?
I have imported a .shp file into a drawing and the result is many closed polylines with properties similar to the attached image. I would like to bring this data into a parcel object for labeling purposes.
I have thousands of polygons (and circles) which represent 2D foundation detail.
I have XY Location data (XLS, CSV etc) and Z's for the tops and bottoms of all these objects. (and hence, AutoCAD points)
I have used SHP data before (for the building footprints, and tops) whereby the top and base data is included in the data and I have use mapimport with change properties to thicken polylines and create quick 3D objects above ground.(This was created by others using a method similar to what I want, but in a competitors GIS...)
I need to do the same with the footings.
How can I create a "search" that says - for each polygon, look for a single point inside, and report its elevation and attached that to the polygon as data? Or, create a SHP of all these polygons with RL data queried of the internal point.
The points arent necessarily at centroid, which could be an issue. (Most are, however)
There is no keyID data between the polys and the points (so data joins wont work)
A friend did this very quickly for me in an ESRI Package, surely MAP can do the same!?
Map 3D 2012, and a monstrously powerful CAD workstation... just, er, not the knowledge to yet pull this off.
is it possible to get the alignment name which the corridor surface is built from when the surface is being data referenced. in other word no corridor as the middleman.
the way i see it is when corridor suface is referenced, it becomes a regular surface and loses some properties such as parent alignment.
i am still using COM. maybe .net can do it? either way works.
Civil 3D 2012 Work: Xeon W3503, 12GB, Quadro 2000, Dell P2211H x 2 Home: 3930k, 12GB, GTX 590, U3011, QX2710
AutoCAD Civil 3D 2009 w/Updates, Windows XP Pro, SP3
I am looking for a tool or routine to automatically add a unique object data ID number to Points or lines of a sewer system, that extract a prefix number from a seperate object data table (a location grid of closed polygons), then add a sequential number to each selected object. For example, 12 manhole points and 3 cleanouts are located with in one grid polygon. The Grid polygon has a coded id like 61280206, I want to be able to select all the MH and CO points in that grid polygon and have the new ID numbers be 6128020601, 6128020602, 6128020603, or to be able to specify the starting number like 6128020621,(for adding new points and continuing the sequence.
Better yet would be a routine that would be able to apply this system to all the points in the entire project area, extract the number from the appropriate grid polygon, and fill the numbers in one operation.
This is for the initial id numbering of a Cities, Sewer, water and electrical system.
I have searched for and found many LISP routines that do some of this (like ODCOUNT, etc), but none that I have seen have the data table extraction abilities. I do have one that works like this and files in the prefix number from a named views. I have several thousand grid cells (880ftx880ft). Perhaps there is a way to use my polygons w/table to create and name views
Trying to figure out how to define the folder I want my drawing to search in to find a specific set of point styles we have set-up. As it is set up right now, I am not sure where the program is looking to find the standard set of point styles it is showing, but its just showing basic civil point (ie. CB's, IP's, BM's, etc.). I have tried a few things to make it automatically grab the point styles I have in a set-up folder but is won;t display them.
The reason I need this, is that I want to set it up so that when I import points from my survey file, I want them to automatically insert into my drawing as the correct block (or point style), based on the survey code used.
I have downloaded ArcGrid (ADF) files from the USGS and am trying to define a TIN surface in Civil 3D with those files. I have done this in the past without difficulty but now I get a fatal error and the system crashes in the middle of the process. The ADF files are large, approximately 465 meg, and cover an entire USGS quad area. Is there any tricks or sollutions that would allow me to use this data source to create surfaces without my system crashing?
The system I am using is a Dell Intel Xeon CPU, W365@3.20GHz with 24 GB RAM, 64 Bit OS.
I made a bunch of cross sections of an EG surface and want to define an elevation label at each significant grade break. I see an option to weed by distance but no option that would allow me to place a label at where the slope changes by more than a certain percent.
I found this old thread from three years ago and the best solution to come out of it was deleting individual labels.