AutoCAD Civil 3D :: ID Numbers With Prefix From Separate Object Data Field

Jan 31, 2013

AutoCAD Civil 3D 2009 w/Updates, Windows XP Pro, SP3

I am looking for a tool or routine to automatically add a unique object data ID number to Points or lines of a sewer system, that extract a prefix number from a seperate object data table (a location grid of closed polygons), then add a sequential number to each selected object. For example, 12 manhole points and 3 cleanouts are located with in one grid polygon. The Grid polygon has a coded id like 61280206, I want to be able to select all the MH and CO points in that grid polygon and have the new ID numbers be 6128020601, 6128020602, 6128020603, or to be able to specify the starting number like 6128020621,(for adding new points and continuing the sequence.

Better yet would be a routine that would be able to apply this system to all the points in the entire project area, extract the number from the appropriate grid polygon, and fill the numbers in one operation. 

This is for the initial id numbering of a Cities, Sewer, water and electrical system. 

I have searched for and found many LISP routines that do some of this (like ODCOUNT, etc), but none that I have seen have the data table extraction abilities. I do have one that works like this and files in the prefix number from a named views. I have several thousand grid cells (880ftx880ft). Perhaps there is a way to use my polygons w/table to create and name views

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Can FIELD Read OBJECT DATA Table

Apr 12, 2012

I am just wondering whether FIELD category can access the OBJECT DATA Table ?

I want to use a block to display its OD table's attributes as Annotation text , so that the Text will update when the OD table change.

Or do I need use the Data connection for this purpose ?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Find PI Data Of Alignment Object To Plug Into Mtext Field?

Oct 18, 2012

Using C3d 2013.

Where do I find the PI data of an alignment object to plug into a mtext Field?

Field Category and Field Name and any other steps to locating it would be useful.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Use FDO Data To Populate Custom Data Field Expression

Apr 10, 2013

say you make some parcels in your project with custom data fields like: id_no, permit_no, acres_served etc. you attach an agency provided shape file via an fdo connection that has many fields of information like above.

when you right click on your parcel and do parcel properties you get a tab that lets you input the custom parcel data.

lets say you print an fdo map label showing, say, the id_no, provided in the shape file.  Then in your custom parcel properties for id_no you type that in.

is there a way to make an expression to put in the other custom parcel properties that will read, say, the permit_no(id_no) from the fdo like and put that information in the custom parcel property field?

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Revit :: Add A Prefix To All Window Numbers (Marks)

Apr 2, 2013

I have a number of windows already in the project - of differing types.
The numbering (marks) have been assigned as I created each one.
I would now like to add a prefix to the mark in the form of:
W0/01, W0/02, W0/03 etc. for ground floor windows then:
W1/01, W1/02 ... etc for first floor.
If it is not possible to break down by floor, then simply having a prefix W/01, W/02, W/03 etc. would work.
I can alter individual window types and amend the Mark to include the prefix, but it only seems to affect the one window - and not all instances of the same type.
Ideally - is it possible to set a standard prefix for use in window Marks throughout a project, regardless of type and whether it has already been inserted or in the future ?

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AutoCad 2D :: Unable To View Object Data Table In Separate Window

May 29, 2013

I'm attaching data to objects (attached data) and I'm unable to get the table option to open in a new window. I tried Field and the value is already set to 1. I'm using Map 3D 2012 .

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: How To Use Field Book Data

May 23, 2012

I have an alignment which is complete in all respects. Profile also has been finalized. now the the survey (joint cross section) has been carried out and the output is in the form of field books. we hav the data in formate like we hav km and than offset left and right and than elevation.

my question is that  how to use this data in civil 3d for creating cross sections and computing earth fill quantities.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Field Data For Surface Creation

Feb 1, 2013

I have a 1 mile road topo coming up for design purposes.  The curb is standard, but there is full curb & depressed curb.  If you had your way from the CAD seat, what shots do you prefer?

Most accurate I've seen iis Centerline, Edge Pavement/Edge Concrete Gutter, Flowline Gutter, Face Curb, Back Curb.  More fieldwork, but made a good product. 

What I have seen is CL, EP, BC, then "let them just use a template" and several variations thereof.  

I have never seen a good way to automatically offset from say BC only and  handle depressed curb by field coding.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Point Table With Alignment Station Data Field?

Jun 1, 2010

I have been provided with Surveyed Utility Locates along an Existing Roadway. These are provided to show conflicts between the New Storm Sewer System and Existing Utilities such as Water, Sewer, Gas, Elec, etc. The survey however is incomplete as it was prepared a few years ago and the Storm Sewer has just been designed. Yes, I can create points and provide them to the County Surveying department. However, before this is done, I must provide an easily-understood format of the new survey locations to the County Project Management.

To provide a Point Table which references the Surveyed Points' location in reference to the roadway stationing (Alignment). I have attached what the point table is to look like.

I am unable to find the desired data reference in the currently provided data field selection. Am I just missing it or is this a "Wish List" item?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Point Description​ Gets Truncated After Mark From Field Data

Aug 23, 2013

I am trying to get my points to displey the " mark from our descriptions. The description keys are set to $* and I have tried changing the Label Style from full description to raw description. I cannot get any information after the " mark from our field data. LDD used to put it in, but civil 3D truncates the information. I know I can do a find and replace in the .csv file, but would rather not have to continually edit the .csv file. Where the setting in civil 3D is to allow this to happen? I have even messed with the Point File Formats to no avail.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Select By Object Data?

May 22, 2013

We have a perenial problem with our old GIS software where files corrupt and drawing objects are lost.

There are few export options available, but export to shape is one of them. This means that I can export a damaged file and then import it into CAD with the layers intact and the tagged numbers (similar to object data or a block attribute in CAD) imported as object data. In order to make a new uncorrupted version for the GIS program.

Is there a way to select objects by object data?

If a file is corrupted, the only real way to repair it at the moment is to go back to the original cad drawing and reimport and then retag every single tagged attribute on what can be thousands of drawing objects, and by then we may no longer have the handdrawn data to even do that.

The next workaround is if I creat new dwgs from the cad drawing, Each one containing the objects with the same object data, and each saved with a file name that matches that object data, and then reimport into the GIS. (it can use the filename as a tag). This creates a new GIS file with the surviving information that should not lose any more data and we may be able to patch the 'holes' afterwards.

The problem is selecting all the polylines in the cad drawing that have that same tagged number in the object data. Select similar just goes on object type and layer. This would be easier if I could select by object data and get everything with the same tag in one go.

A way to batch create the new dwgs from that selected data would be nice too.

C3d 2013

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Figure Prefix Database

Aug 25, 2013

I am trying to work on my figure database and have run into an issue I don't understand. Curious as to weather or not it's something I am doing, or just a bug.

I wanted to look at every possible line that could be imported so I created a dummy point file using the Figure prefix data base and imported it into one of my blank templates and ran into to curious issues.

Issue 1

CP is connecting to AA

Issue 2

OC only connects if the point has an identifier behind the OC, for example OC01.

Here is a copy of the figure database and point file I am using. I understand you will not have my layers, but the connectivity should be the same. Let me know if you need anything else.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Possible To Add Prefix To Alignment Station Label

Jun 22, 2012

Is it possible to add a prefix to an alignment station label (ex. A 100+00.00 or B 100+00.00) in Civil 3D 2010 or later?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Adding Prefix To The End Of Cogo Points

Jun 28, 2012

Adding a prefix to the end of a cogo point ie.(when we bring in info we have a top of curb and a face of curb shot and we add TC and FC to the text componite editor.) is there a process where i can add this at one time or set civli up to where when it processes the file to recognize them and add this automatically for minimize drafting time?

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Lightroom :: GPS Data From D-SLR Doesn't Appear In GPS Data Field

Nov 18, 2012

The gps data from my D-SLR camera does not appear in Lightroom 4 after importing the pictures

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Data Referenced Object Source Drawing?

Oct 6, 2013

Is there any way to determine the source drawing of a dref'ed object? I'm not seeing anything in COM or the .NET API's, hopefully I'm just not looking in the right place.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Defining Object Data To Polyline And Polygon

Nov 24, 2013

Is there a way to define object data to a polygon or a poly line in C3d? I imported a shape file and saw that in the properties dialog box the object data of the polygons is displayed. I would like to define create new polygons and define certain atrributes to it before exporting it as a shape file. This would would eliminate the need to use a GIS program to define the attributes of the polygons. 

Im using PCSWMM and would like to define certain atributes to polygons and polylines in C3D before i import it in to PCSWMM.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Define Object Data Dialog Box Not Appearing

May 2, 2012

im using civil 3d 2012 when I click the DEFINE OBJECT DATA icon the dialog box is not appear I don't know if I did wrong on my software.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Create Parcels / Populate With Object Data

Aug 21, 2012

Any way to create a parcel from an object (closed polyline) and populate the parcel with Object Data from the polyline?

I have imported a .shp file into a drawing and the result is many closed polylines with properties similar to the attached image.  I would like to bring this data into a parcel object for labeling purposes.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Figure Prefix Database And Break Lines

Aug 26, 2013

I am running Autocad Civil 3D 2012. I created a figure prefix database that our surveyors were familiar when coding in the field. It is a numeric code list. I received a survey last week that had 6 break lines coded in the point file. Only one of the 6 acts as a break line.

All break lines start and stop with the right line work commands but they fail to break crossing triangle legs. I've checked everything I can think of and the setup looks correct . The only difference between the one break line that works and the others is that break line has sequential point numbers while the other break line codes are scattered throughout the point file.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Matching Letters In Figure Prefix And Description Key Set

Mar 15, 2012

I have Figure prefix of GPNT for painted gas line and GP desciption key for Guy Pole. Imported survey text file, linework for GPNT came in correctly but at each shot the symbol for GP (Guy Pole) came in. Is there a way to fix that without creating a description key for GPNT. Have others with the same situation. Wanted to avoid adding description keys for items that were displayed all the same.

Civil3D 2013
Windows 7, 64 bit
Intel i7 2600 @ 3.40Ghz
Nvidia Quadro 600

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Export Pipe Network With Object Data To Shapefile (SHP)

Sep 24, 2012

How to export Civil3D pipe network with Object Data as Shapefile.

Any code snippets?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Get Alignment Object From Data Referenced Corridor Surface

Oct 25, 2012

is it possible to get the alignment name which the corridor surface is built from when the surface is being data referenced. in other word no corridor as the middleman.

the way i see it is when corridor suface is referenced, it becomes a regular surface and loses some properties such as parent alignment.

i am still using COM. maybe .net can do it? either way works.

Civil 3D 2012
Work: Xeon W3503, 12GB, Quadro 2000, Dell P2211H x 2
Home: 3930k, 12GB, GTX 590, U3011, QX2710

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Survey Database - Delete Figure Prefix & Linework Code

Jun 7, 2013

I created new linework code to test and now I want to delete them from my toolspace but I do not get an option to delete.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Create Figure Prefix Form Excel Spreadsheet / Access

Apr 19, 2012

Is there a faster way to create figure prefix i.e form excel spreadsheet or access.

I have one tip also. When you modify the figure database "C:ProgramDataAutodeskC3D 2013enuSurvey" by using notepad and you add "*" after each figure it will connect during linework codes that much the prefix code and will exclude the integer, EPN1 and EPN2 will be treated as EPN

The aterisks can not be added from the civil3d .

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Extract Data From Excel To Field

Feb 2, 2013

I enter data into an Excel job setup worksheet. I then want to be able to extract data from given cells in the Excel worksheet, and have this become fields in AutoCAD. I do not want to use a table in AutoCAD - I want (ideally) to have the Excel data come in to AutoCAD as a field. I can see that Data Links tends to come in only to a table in AutoCAD. 

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AutoCad :: Extracting Viewport Scale As Field Data?

Oct 31, 2011

I have been through all of the system variable field sources but cannot find one that stores the scale of a viewport. I want to add a field to my drawings that prints the viewport scale and updates it automatically if and when I change the scale.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: How To Choose Attribute / Field Data From A List

Mar 28, 2012

How to choose the attribute or field data from a list?
When using the “title block”, attributes and fields to better control the information that belongs to the drawing, then it worth to have a feature that allows selecting this information from a LIST.
For example, if we need to specify “location” of the project, then it is better to have sort of list from which we can select the location of the project the same we do it in the Excel (as shown in the screenshot below).
Is there such feature in the AutoCAD? To choose the information from a list?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Update Field Data - Redefine Block Attributes

Jul 7, 2011

I've got a block with multiple attributes. This is not a problem to redefine the blocks attributes.

Some of the attributes contains dynamic fields (blockplace holder x y z parameters) When i insert a block with such atributes that includes the blockplaceholder dynamic fields i get

X: InsertionPoint => It is recognized as an Dynamic field but displays InsertionPoint. and does not update the value.

How can i update the fielddata from

Part of the code I use (where i think the problem is)

For Each attid As ObjectId In refbtr attent = tr.GetObject(attid, OpenMode.ForRead) If TypeOf attent Is AttributeDefinition Then Dim attdef As AttributeDefinition = attent Dim attref As New AttributeReference() attref.SetAttributeFromBlock(attdef, myBlockRef.BlockTransform) Dim attrefid As ObjectId = myBlockRef.AttributeCollection.AppendAttribute(attref) tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(attref, True) End IfNext

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AutoCad :: Plotting Survey Drawing With Field Data In Text Format

Feb 13, 2012

How to plot a survey drawing with field data in text format, (using Autocad 2008, so that the point number and XYZ coordinates appear on the drawing.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Import Point Data With Object Data?

Jan 20, 2011

how to import point data that has Map Object Data also attached to it? "import it by attaching to a data source".

Example: I have a bunch of manholes. Each MH has X,Y,Z, but also Type, Invert Elevs., Pipe Sizes, Pipe Materials, Pipe Directions, Structure Type/Material, etc. etc. etc. I may have point data representing MH's, airport runway ends, trees, anything you can imagine, with all kinds of data imaginable. 

I want to import this data directly into Autocad/Civil 3D as either Autocad points, lines, or closed polylines (I also have utility lines, parking lots, etc.- all with data associated with it), all with the data attached as object data. I know that anything more complex than points might be hard to explain here, so I am hoping at least for a solution on how to import points - I have 99,999 MH's and obviously I don't want to have to type all that data in one by one.

I basically suck at using sql server. I can get around using the Map workspace and the different tabs. I have never used FDO, and I am not even sure what it is.

I fooled it today by creating 99,999 Autocad points at the correct XYZ, attaching the correct object data to them, then exporting as a shp file. I went into the shp_name.dbf file and edited it to add the data I wanted by cutting & pasting from Excel. then I re-imported the shp file. but, this is a workaround at best.

Surely Map can import objects and their associated data fields, all populated with valid data! all I need is to know how to do it. I mean, if this is not something I can do directly using Map commands should I take the money I earned by surveying 99,999 MH's with my GIS data collector that allows me to assign 101data fields to each object I survey, and buy something better?

C3D 2012 on 64bit Win 7 all up to date
Dell Precision 7core 8GB RAM
NVIDIA Quadro FX 1800M
LDT/C3D user since release 12

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