Ok, I'm sure there is a very simple way to fix this that I just haven't yet discovered. When I insert a stacked dimension in the top line of my leader text, the spacing gets automatically adjusted for the hight of the stacked dimension and it adjusts the leader line up so that it actually passes through my top line. Can this be avoided? I have attached a picture for reference.
I have turned off or unchecked "Extend leader to text" (Multileader Style > Modify > Content > Extend leader to text) in all my templates.
Yet, when I start a new drawing using those templates, that feature is turned on (checked) again.
I've tested this several times. Yes, I'm using the same templates I've been saving. I've even created a new template from scratch with none of our standards in it. The check for Extend leader to text keeps returning.
I am currently using AutoCAD 2011LT. When I add a leader sometimes the text appears fine and sometime the text appear to go bold, I tried retyping the text but it appears to be luck of the draw as to when it happens. I don't have a problem with this showing up on the screen but it transfer to prints on both paper and PDF.
I have noticed on several drawings that the multileaders change themselves when the drawing is closed and opened again. I put the multileaders in, they look fine, and when I close and open the drawing the multileader has extended itself across my text. If I edit it it fixes itself but it 'breaks' itself again once I close and open.
I would like to add a Leader Text to lable a part- referencing the Part Number or whatever, move the text close to the edge of the part, to remove the leader/arrow and make the txt rotate 90deg to be vertical. I have messed with style settings for a new Vertical Txt style, and Vert Dim style -(pointed to the Vert Txt style and adjusted Notes and Leaders tab)
i don't understand why in the Format Text window the "rotation" box is always grayed out. can you unlock it?
How can I convert the shape of textbox to rectanglebox and fill any desired color into it? Can any API do so?
Here are steps that I follow in illustrator to convert the shape.
1. Create a textframe. 2. Select, choose "effect->convert to shape" menu-item. 3. Create a new fill from Appearence palette(Window->Appearance). 4. Fill the desired color from color palette(Window->Color).
In 2012... For Mleaders, Does the text frame (offset) really adjust with the landing gap set? I have been asking for the mleader text frame gap to be larger or adjustable for years. I was just wondering if what I read on [URL]........ was true.
Is there anyway to prevent AutoCAD from converting a MTEXT leader with a block element attached to a BLOCK leader when doing a copy/paste? See screen shot.
i'm having trouble fitting a particular picture into a frame. I got a picture of Floyd Mayweather Jr (BOXER), but i cant fit the whole pic into the frame because of the circular part above (see attachments below). I'm trying to make a DVD cover pic.
I'm running Autocad 2013 Civil 3d, when I open a particular drawing the cursor turns to a circular shape as if it is downloading something, but it is actually not loading anything. This circular cursor does not let you do anything with the drawing, you just have to keep hitting esc until it gives you a fatal error message that says "FATAL ERROR: Cannot write to undo file (probably disk full)" and it kicks you out of autcad. How to get rid of this ciruclar cursor?
I need to place a circle selection around a ring shape in a gif graphic and then delete the background outside of the ring shape. The gif I am working with is a square shape with a green background and on that is a white circle shape with lettering going around it and a small pic inside the circle shape. I want to only use the white circle shape with the text going around it and the pic inside and discard the green square background appearing outside the ring.
I need to crop a photo with a circular shape. At the end of the day the picture has to be circular. How do I do that? At the course I learned how to crop with or without proportions, but I want to crop with different shapes...
I am trying to remove a circular shape from a rectangle in illustrator, the retangles width is 10px and the diameter of the circle is 13px, I centre the circle ontop of the rectangle ( or I appear to) but when I use the Shape mode tool minus front, the circle is no longer centred ( see images).
I have tried switching off smart guides and snap to grid and am still having the same problem.
In the above image you can see once I have divided the 13px circle from the rectangle it has moved off to one side.
Also when I am trying to manually place the circle ( rather than using the centre guides ) I can only move it by a large degree it alway moves further than I move the mouse, could this be because of a pixel grid? I do not think I am using this. ( can see in the above image where I am trying to place the circle and when I let go of the mouse, the grey circle is where it lands.
From the 2 images below you can see that there is a 1px difference on either side of the extracted circle I was trying to get centered.
I should mention that the 'Align to pixel grid' in the transform menu is inactive when I am trying to do this, as I initially thought that this may be the cause of my problems, but it made no difference.
I need to divide a bridge deck section (sort of trapezoidal shape with circular hollow section inside) but I need to keep the centroid level of each section to be at the same height. is there any simple way of doing it using Autocad 2014?
As often done in mechanical drawings, a circle is drawn around a detail in the main drawing, and the detail is displayed somewhere else on the drawing on a larger scale.
My detail is the small rectangle in the upper right corner of the larger rectangle. I have also drawn a dash-dot-dot circle object around that corner to designate the detail-area.
In layout 1 the top left viewport displays the "whole" drawing. I also created a circular viewport to display the detail on a larger scale.
In the circular viewport, I used zoom-to-object (and selected the dash-dot-dot circle). The result is visible :both circles (object & viewport) are still visible, and they are not concentric too.
I thought the zoom command would have zoomed until both circles overlapped eachother and were concentric...
I have a drawing which has 3 viewports in it, two of the viewports are ok but with the third one when i try to have a leader from it to a text box outside the viewport in paperspace, the section of the leader within the viewport is blanked out,. I have tried bringing the leader to the front and sending the viewport to the back along with regenning the drawing to no avail. the leader works ok with the other two viewports no issue there but with the third one it just will not work. The viewport is used for viewing a location using a raster map image and it does show the leader / line object when zoomed out and disappears again when the line goes over the raster image.
I am trying to draw dimension leader arrows. I start "_LE QLEADER" and go to settings and tell it I want my arrowhead to be "closed filled". I draw the arrow, and it comes up as a "DOT" arrow.
I can change this in the Properties, but who wants to do that every time? When I go back to "_LE QLEADER" and go to settings, the arrow block is set back to DOT, even though I just changed it to "closed filled".
I used "rename" to rename my "closed filled" block to "dsfsdfsdf", in case the block got redefined somehow.My dimblk is set to "", as are dimblk1 and dimblk2. Tried both setting of dimsah as well.
I do not see any "CExxxxxx" variable which might control this.
I have a lisp program that creates a arch leader with a arrowhead on the end. All of a sudden the arrowhead does not appear on the end of the leader but out on space. Not sure what this is happening.
I have a multileader with attributed labels in a block, see included png file. The attributes are indicated by the rectangled text. As you can see the block looks fine, but the leader attaches itself to the insertion point of the block. I want the leader to justify automatically left or right, depending on the drag position of the block. One thing I noticed is that if the block contains an odd number of text lines the leader will automatically self justify. An even number of text line produces what I have here.