Illustrator :: Remove Circular Shape From Rectangle - Smart Guide / Snap To Point Not Working
Aug 6, 2013
I am trying to remove a circular shape from a rectangle in illustrator, the retangles width is 10px and the diameter of the circle is 13px, I centre the circle ontop of the rectangle ( or I appear to) but when I use the Shape mode tool minus front, the circle is no longer centred ( see images).
I have tried switching off smart guides and snap to grid and am still having the same problem.
In the above image you can see once I have divided the 13px circle from the rectangle it has moved off to one side.
Also when I am trying to manually place the circle ( rather than using the centre guides ) I can only move it by a large degree it alway moves further than I move the mouse, could this be because of a pixel grid? I do not think I am using this. ( can see in the above image where I am trying to place the circle and when I let go of the mouse, the grey circle is where it lands.
From the 2 images below you can see that there is a 1px difference on either side of the extracted circle I was trying to get centered.
I should mention that the 'Align to pixel grid' in the transform menu is inactive when I am trying to do this, as I initially thought that this may be the cause of my problems, but it made no difference.
I cant seem to snap to guide intersections when a linked jpeg file is visible. It works fine when I turn off the visibility of the layer the file is on but I am trying to "trace" over the image with line segments. I know that I have been able to do this in the past but for some reason it is not working now. Im sure that I have accidentally changed something but don't know what.
In AI, smart guides indicated "intersection" when I am drawing a path or moving an object to align to the intersection of two guides, when I release the mouse, the object I am moving/drawings jumps slightly off the intended alignment intersection. If I continue to try to move it to align, it jumps to the other side or back to where it was but will mot match the intersection.
So i've got a stroke in a circular path. I use the scissor tool and cut a segment of it out. Now, i want to move one of the end points up and have the anchor points after it follow the movement to keep the smooth line. I think Flash had a tool like this. It allowed you to manipulate one point that would affect the whole path depending on how extreme or what direction you went.
I have two lines and I am wanting the end of one line's point to snap to the other line's end point. I've dragged the end point to exactly where the other one is but instead of correctly snapping to the end it sort snaps about 0.5px away from it - there's no way I can get it to snap correctly without it deciding to move away.
How can I snap the center of an arbitrary symmetrical object to the grid? For instance the center of a circle or rectangle. According to this discusssion it's not possible: [URL]
How can I define a reference point in an arbitrary object or in a group of objects and snap this to the grid?
Not sure if this is expected behavior but I've found that it's only possible to snap to one type of guide/grid at any given time.
For example if you want to snap to a guideline in the horizontal and the pixel grid in the vertical, you won't be able to. Instead, the snap will work on the guide and completely ignore the pixel grid.
I am designing a brochure and have added a rectangle with a different colour stroke but I only want the stroke to be on the top and the bottom of the rectangle. How do I remove the sides? I have tried just selecting the side stroke with the direct selection tool and then hit delete but it deletes the whole rectangle, stroke and fill.
Yes, I'm new to Illustrator. Every time I open up a previously made image, usually a jpg of an illustration I did by hand, there is an outline of a rectangle right in the middle of my image. I have no doubt I put it there while doing something else. But, now it shows up in all the images I open in Illustrator. What I might have done to create this, and better yet, how I can get rid of it? I'm using Illustrator CS4.
Been using Illstrator for over 7 years now, and never really wanted to ask this question, but I have to now. If I draw a sqaure using the rectangle tool, it shows a cross in the centre, and if I draw one using the pen tool, there is no cross. Is the cross there to merely show the centre or does it have a different purpose in showing it's a different property? Also, if you want to recreate this, make sure you are in Outline View (⌘/ctrl + Y) .
I would like to shape the bottom of a rectangle at 600dpi that equates to 5100px by 900 px (8.5 x 1.5) using 5 or so total anchor points.
It would be 1.5" high on the left and 0.825" high on the right. The curve would look like the, warp-rise effect, but only on the bottom, and then subtly flatten out to the .825 end or right side.
How can I convert the shape of textbox to rectanglebox and fill any desired color into it? Can any API do so?
Here are steps that I follow in illustrator to convert the shape.
1. Create a textframe. 2. Select, choose "effect->convert to shape" menu-item. 3. Create a new fill from Appearence palette(Window->Appearance). 4. Fill the desired color from color palette(Window->Color).
Having a lot of issues manipulating points on paths in Illustrator CC - this is a fundamental feature of creating vector graphics and it's very annoying I'm paying for this and it's just not working. Eating up a lot of my time simply because I can't select or convert or add the anchor.
How do I curve a rectangle so that the bottom one can sit neatly next to the top distorted rectangle shape,as in the picture below? What tool do I need to use? I have tried placing extra point but it does not allow me to curve the rectangle.
In Illustrator CS6, Strokes are automaticly rounding to the nearest whole point size, and shapes I place in a given location are snapping to a grid that I can't seem to find anywhere. All my snaps are turned off, as well as "allign to pixel grid", and I can't seem to find anything in preferences or the transform or object panes that would affect these things. How do I disable both things?
When using View > New Guide ... can i get the Guide to place itself up against a Shape in the center of the Canvas (or where ever the shape is located), without knowing the Position to set the Guide at?
i thought that maybe Selecting the Shape would work but as you probably already know ... it didn't.
I'm having some trouble with smart guides in Ai CS6. They are on. However, when my cursor intersects a guide path, words like 'intersect' and 'guide' do not appear, as I have seen them do for others. Also, the 'heads-up' information display that shows the width and height, e.g. when using the grid tool, does not appear either.
The guides are working to some extent, it seems, since I do get green lines here and there.
I am working on a utility map with water valves and hydrants. I collected my points with a Trimble unit and converted them to shape files. I am unable to snap to these points, how i can use snap to draw my water mains from point to point?
With the Rectangle Tool's cursor is clicked in the document. The Rectangle Panel appears. A height dimension is entered. With the pointer, the Width field is clicked. Usually, the Height Value gets automatically entered in the Width field. In this case it does not.
This same behavior is occuring in the Ellipse Tool.
I am wondering if there is a way to add/remove/redistribute anchor points on a compound shape so that there are evenly spaced anchors along the outline of that shape.I am aware of the "add anchor points" command. But that adds a new anchor at EVERY midpoint between two anchors. It doesn't smartly calculate where to add and where to avoid adding anchors.
Is there a way to remove redundant points whilst maintaining the exact shape of the path?
After using Pathfinder or Expand there are often many redundant points which can't be removed using Simplify or Unite.
The VectorScribe plugin has a Smart Remove Points feature which is exactly what I want. I'm presuming the only way I can get that feature is to buy the plugin.
A simple example is shown below: The path is part of an exact circle and I need to remove one of the anchors.
I need to place a circle selection around a ring shape in a gif graphic and then delete the background outside of the ring shape. The gif I am working with is a square shape with a green background and on that is a white circle shape with lettering going around it and a small pic inside the circle shape. I want to only use the white circle shape with the text going around it and the pic inside and discard the green square background appearing outside the ring.