Illustrator :: Curve A Rectangle So Bottom One Can Sit Neatly Next To Top Distorted Shape
Aug 21, 2013
How do I curve a rectangle so that the bottom one can sit neatly next to the top distorted rectangle shape,as in the picture below? What tool do I need to use? I have tried placing extra point but it does not allow me to curve the rectangle.
I would like to shape the bottom of a rectangle at 600dpi that equates to 5100px by 900 px (8.5 x 1.5) using 5 or so total anchor points.
It would be 1.5" high on the left and 0.825" high on the right. The curve would look like the, warp-rise effect, but only on the bottom, and then subtly flatten out to the .825 end or right side.
Using illustrator CC, I want to curve the bottom line of my text upwards, but not have the top or sides move at all. Imagine of the text was something squishy, and I pushed it down onto the top of an arc. I've only been working with Adobe CC for about a week now. I've seen lots of examples of having the text follow a curved path, but they all curve the entire thing, whereas I only want the bottom of the text to curve.
Been using Illstrator for over 7 years now, and never really wanted to ask this question, but I have to now. If I draw a sqaure using the rectangle tool, it shows a cross in the centre, and if I draw one using the pen tool, there is no cross. Is the cross there to merely show the centre or does it have a different purpose in showing it's a different property? Also, if you want to recreate this, make sure you are in Outline View (⌘/ctrl + Y) .
How can I convert the shape of textbox to rectanglebox and fill any desired color into it? Can any API do so?
Here are steps that I follow in illustrator to convert the shape.
1. Create a textframe. 2. Select, choose "effect->convert to shape" menu-item. 3. Create a new fill from Appearence palette(Window->Appearance). 4. Fill the desired color from color palette(Window->Color).
So im attempting to square part of a rounded square, but leave some sides curved. The problem is I've got a small square to cover the curved square and I have aligned it and yet there is a blured edge that shows its not in line.
I am trying to remove a circular shape from a rectangle in illustrator, the retangles width is 10px and the diameter of the circle is 13px, I centre the circle ontop of the rectangle ( or I appear to) but when I use the Shape mode tool minus front, the circle is no longer centred ( see images).
I have tried switching off smart guides and snap to grid and am still having the same problem.
In the above image you can see once I have divided the 13px circle from the rectangle it has moved off to one side.
Also when I am trying to manually place the circle ( rather than using the centre guides ) I can only move it by a large degree it alway moves further than I move the mouse, could this be because of a pixel grid? I do not think I am using this. ( can see in the above image where I am trying to place the circle and when I let go of the mouse, the grey circle is where it lands.
From the 2 images below you can see that there is a 1px difference on either side of the extracted circle I was trying to get centered.
I should mention that the 'Align to pixel grid' in the transform menu is inactive when I am trying to do this, as I initially thought that this may be the cause of my problems, but it made no difference.
When i draw a vector shape using the shape tool and then resize it, it becomes distorted and pixelated as though it has been trandformed into a bitmap image.
Any ideas why it's doing that? Is there any options i need to change. It's never done it before.
Also, when i start a new document and draw a new shape it merges it to the background layer instead of creating a new layer automatically which it used to do.
I cant see how to do this but there must be a simple way of doing it. Howe do I have pointed corners for the top left and top right then curved bottom left / bottom right of a rectangle that I create. I tried unlocking the shape but it still seems to do all or nothing. Am I missing something obvious?
I was wondering if there is an option in to crop pictures not in the usual rectangle shape but like using scissors, like someone that cuts a drawing he did on a sheet of paper with scissors, which means to crop in any shape that I want.
I wanted to create simple shape for rectangle such that its dimensions are selected from the block table. For that purpose, I have constructed the required constrains (geometric and dimensions) and then a “block table” (attached).
As I tested the behavior to have 1X2 rectangle (attached), I got a rotated one (attached)!-
I want to do a perfect curve shape example with a button or something else. When I do a curve or something who have a curve it dosen't look perfect at all. The curve in the round are like zig-zag.
I am attempting to draft a shape that begins as a protruded rectangle. The shape then continues as a protruded rectangle that bends and conforms to the shape of cone. That may have been confusing. The profile does not change in shape to a cone. Lets say I want to do a sweep, and use the rectangle as the profile. I pick a path that was project wrapped to the cone, and the cone as the surface. I have trouble with the outcome.
I get all kind of open loop errors, and stuff with the paths, oh and also I get an error saying that the the path is not tangient and continuous. I have spent hours trying to go at it different ways. I tried using rails and I still can't get this sweep to do what I am wanting it to do. The rectangular profile has to be perpendicular to the cone surface as it follows it for the outcome to be correct. I have attached the file.
i'm basically making a shape with the pen tool, then i click the paint bucket, then the shape disappears. i've also done this with the rectangle tool and the exact same thing happens.
usually, it will work when i frst open the document, but after i start making new layers/text then i try to do this, the shape i make disappears.
how i can keep the shape so i can select the paint bucket tool?
I have some artistic text, that I converted to curves. This artistic text, included outline which I would like to keep with the text. But now - I would like to apply a fill, to fill the entire creation, including the outlines, seamlessly. Basically, replace the outline color with the fill, and the fill itself - such as linear fountain fill.
see attached picture, is it possible to trim the parts of the curve that go beyond the shape? In a CAD programme you can just trim these away and join whats left to form your shape.
By the way i am trying out the trial of Autodesk sketch book designer, (not to be confused with sketchbook pro). it has vector graphics in it and has some neat ideas xara could benefit from. Check out the video, i like the direct transformable fills. also the way lines are handled.
I know, I know. This question has been asked a million times already. Unfortunately the Align New Objects to Pixel Grid / Snap to pixel grid tip doesn't work for me. When I scale the image down to tiny proportions, the path becomes horribly, sickeningly distorted. It certainly seems like the pixels are being snapped to some kind of grid, but as you can see in the screenshot, the option is disabled. I tried switching between RGB and CMYK with no luck but I havent messed with the document profile past that. I am not yet ready to spend another few hours recreating the image.
I am using Illstrator CS6. Everything except the "web studio" is a path.
I am new to Illustrator. I have designed a new logo using Illustrator CS6 to the best of my knowledge. I now need to create business cards etc for printing but when I save it to jpeg it becomes very distorted after the file is uploaded to the printing site. Even if I cut and paste to another artboard it become distorted as well.
I am having issues with scaling objects that I have already created. I think it started because I inadvertantly turned on "Align new objects to pixel grid" But I have turned these off (under New Document as well as the Transform menu), quit Illustrator, and reset prefs.
I'm creating a van wrap design for our company, by Monday, so time is of the essence. When I import an image onto the design it's perfect, but when i slightly rotate the image, all the edges become serrated. Will this affect the final print? If it will affect the print what is it that I need to learn or do to change this?