Illustrator :: Convert Expanded Appearance Rounded Rectangle Back To Sharp Cornered Rectangle
Mar 12, 2013Any quick tips to convert an expanded appearance rounded rectacngle back to a sharp cornered rectangle?
View 6 RepliesAny quick tips to convert an expanded appearance rounded rectacngle back to a sharp cornered rectangle?
View 6 RepliesI saw that the Rounded Rectangle properties were not available on the regular rectangle (to change corner radius).
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have 4 layers (background, layer1, layer2, layer3-text). They fill all 300 x 600 pixels that comprise the .psd/future image. What I want to do is use a rounded rectangle to encompass all of the other layers, so that the surrounding pixels (around the rounded rectangle) are transparent.
I want all of my current layers to be the content of a rounded rectangle.
The issue I am having is trying to draw a rounded rectangle and it becomes a perfect circle. I was wondering if this warning below has anything to do with that. I have a project for school that needs to be in by tomorrow and I can't proceed until I find the answer to my problem.
Illustrators Options:
I am using Illustrator CS6 in the options field under the version catagory.
Warning: Saving to a legacy format found may cause some changes your text layout and disable some editing features is read back in. Also any hidden Appearance attributes will be discarded.
Only fonts with appropriate permisssion will be embedded.
This is what I see when I try to save in Illustrator options.
Specify the corner radius of a rounded rectangle?
View 13 Replies View RelatedI am missing the rounderd rectangle, ellipse, star, All I have is the rectangle tool. There is not any drop down menu for other shapes.
View 17 Replies View RelatedI am working in cs6 for Illustrator and Photoshop. I would like to make a rounded rectangle with an inner border. The area between the two borders I would like to add a decorative paper that I created in Photoshop. The large center remains white. I've tried clipping it, but apparently did not do it correctly. How to accomplish this?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI have the following rounded rectangle
Need to make border glossy like below image
In order to do that, I've expanded this shape and created a ellipse with no stroke above button, with transparency/screen. This is what I got:
Now I need to get rid of the rest of ellipse, so the button will be transparent on upper boundaries. Inner part of button should be white, but whatever I put between button and ellipse should receive glossy effect. How to do that?
How to adjust the degree of curvature on the corners of rounded rectangles in Illy? This can be easily done in PS but I'm not seeing any options for this in Illustrator.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am trying to make the hands of a clock with a small red rounded rectangle near the top. But as I rotate the shape the lines are no longer straight. The hands of the clock are invisible but a bounding box for the small rounded rectangle. It won't stay straigh either. I have tried everything I can paths, etc.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI created some buttons in Illustrator CC that have a white background and rounded corners. When I Save for Web as a Gif, I checked Transparency. However, the rounded corner area show a black background around each corner. When I save for the web,do I need to choose something else in the Matte and Transparency dropdown menus?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a rounded corner rectangle in a template that I am working on..I would like to extend the vertically but keep the rounded edge dimensions the same as I extend vertically.
Right now I extend the rectangle but the edges also extend.
How can I convert the shape of textbox to rectanglebox and fill any desired color into it? Can any API do so?
Here are steps that I follow in illustrator to convert the shape.
1. Create a textframe.
2. Select, choose "effect->convert to shape" menu-item.
3. Create a new fill from Appearence palette(Window->Appearance).
4. Fill the desired color from color palette(Window->Color).
I want to obtain the same result using API.
Where is the rounded rectangle tool in PS6? AlI see is the rectangle tool and not the rounded one.
View 1 Replies View Relatedhow to make a rounded rectangle selection now. But what about a rectangle with only the top-left and top-right corners rounded, and the bottom corners flat 90 degrees.?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI can't use my "Rounded Rectangle Tool" correctly anymore. When I draw the shape it's just a square without the rounded corners. The radius is set on 1 pixel. The cursor also displays a really small circle on the bottom right with a square inside of it.
View 3 Replies View Relatedhow to change the border width when I am doing things like rounded rectangles (I want to make the border thicker than how it is set by default). I'm using PS7.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIve been trying to turn on the "rounded rectangle marquee" tool in PS 7, but all the ones I have listed in my tools palate are: rectangular, elliptical, single row, single coloumn marquee tools. Ive tried loading everthing & anything & nothing, and after that i went to PS 7 help files and it says it has this option under (image ready). Is "image ready" an additional software i need to add to get this rounded rectangular marquee tool to work. I just want to make a simple rounded cube.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI don't use Photoshop a whole lot, but just wondering...
I've created a rectangle with a different colour stroke. I decided that I wanted a slightly different size of radius and an entirely different colour of stroke. Do I keep having to make new ones, or is there a simple way to edit the one that I have already made?
I have a small image of 125 px x 125 px (a small web ad) that is currently a rectangle. Is there a way to change it to a rounded rectangle?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI was wondering if anyone could help me with a very annoying problem. It seems like everytime i choose the "Rounded rectangle shape tool" it makes Squares not rounded. Does anyone know why this is happening? I am using Adobe Photoshop CS (8.0) for Windows.
View 7 Replies View Relatedcreate a rounded rectangle using the rounded rectangle tool. Need to add a
How do I make a stroked rectangle with anti-aliased rounded edges as seen in the attached image?
View 2 Replies View Relatedhaving drawn a rounded rectangle I'm trying to set it to a precise size -
do I have to rasterize it first or am I as ususal missing something.
I would like to create a rectangle with only 2 rounded corners. The other 2 corners I would like to leave 90 degrees.How would you do this in Xara?
View 3 Replies View Relatedthis day one using autocad and my first post, I have to draw a rectangular slot with rounded ends in a baseplate. My question is how do I round the ends of the rectangle.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've created a panel using the rounded rectangle method.
My panel is transparent on the background and I don't like how the edges of it are shown (too rough). I want to add semi transparent pixels after them (a kind of manual anti-aliasing)
This is my panel:
Close up:
How I would like it to look like:
How can achieve it?
According to the Photoshop CS6 help page here: [URL]...
There should be a "Rounded rectangle tool" to create rounded boxes ... but it seamed its not loaded by default.If I click on the red marked position nothing happen. If I click on the blue icon I see only "Stamp Edge". How can I get the other tools mentioned in the help page (e.g. Rounded Rectangle)?
CS5 Photoshop..I have just noticed that my rounded rectangle tool is not working properly. When I click and drag nothing is visible, when I release it floods my whole image with my selected color. I have tried all of the other tools and they work properly. I have tried restarting, compared settings with other tools, and checked for updates.
Also, I have what appears to be a common problem with my move tool. I click, drag, and drop only to have the selected image snap back to its original position. I have an intuos 5 connected, is this the culprit?
How do I get the rounded rectangle radius to pixels instead of inches. I'm using Photoshop CS3.
View 2 Replies View Relatedway to make a rounded rectangle frame/border around an image.
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