GIMP :: Anti-aliasing On Rounded Rectangle

Jul 28, 2013

I've created a panel using the rounded rectangle method.

My panel is transparent on the background and I don't like how the edges of it are shown (too rough). I want to add semi transparent pixels after them (a kind of manual anti-aliasing)

This is my panel:

Close up:

How I would like it to look like:

How can achieve it?

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Photoshop :: Improve Anti-Aliasing Of Rounded Corners

Apr 20, 2008

I want to create REALLY crisp and smoothly anti-aliased rounded corners to my rounded rectangles ...

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GIMP :: Anti-aliasing On GIF Animation

Jul 17, 2011

I created this Gif animation with GIMP using Blender to provide the frames. The end result looks like this:

Gif animation here

The question is: How to put anti-aliasing on the frames so it won't look as jagged?

Do the newer versions of GIMP provide PNG animation support? Is it planned?

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GIMP :: No Anti-Aliasing Brushes On 2.8?

Mar 9, 2013

I used gimp 2.6 for awhile just to do simple isolations for various projects.

Recently my gimp 2.6 crashes while trying to load gradients, so i upgraded to 2.8 and all of the brushes that were in 2.6 are gone and NONE of them have anti-aliasing edges so i can isolate things with fuzzy alpha edges.

how to turn this back on or create a brush that has anti-aliasing edges?

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GIMP :: No Anti Aliasing For Odd Line Widths

May 19, 2012

I have a selection, make "Edit -> Stroke Selection" -> 4px and Anti-Aliasing is checked, but the stroked line is NOT Anti-Aliased. When I chose an even Line Width like 6 or 8 the Line is Anti-Aliased.

Why there is no Anti-Aliasing for odd Line Widths? Is this a Bug or do I miss something?

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GIMP :: Fill Selection With Anti-Aliasing

Sep 8, 2012

As shown in the screen caps below, I have a simple Selection and I filled it with the Paint Bucket tool. the many curved edges of the selection (it was cursive writing) are now EXTREMELY aliased and almost Tron-like in their appearance.

So, is it possible (please say yes!) to fill a selection with anti-aliasing in GIMP, and if so, how do you achieve this?

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GIMP :: V2.8 Anti-aliasing Turned Off For Brushes?

Jul 6, 2012

I just upgraded to version 2.8 from 2.6, but now when i try to use my brushes i had installed they look all jagged.

Apparently anti-aliasing is off for brushes now and i cant figure out where to turn it on again.

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GIMP :: Getting Anti-aliasing Working With Alpha Layer

Sep 3, 2011

So I have this small image consisting of a sine:

and I would like to get a gradient border on it (something like two pixels would be perfect) from the green sine to black. (Partial transparancy would be nicer but since .gif doesn't support that...and yes I do need it to be a .gif XD)

Problem is...that I can't get any of the filter options to work, they are all disabled. After some tests I noticed that this is because there's an alpha layer that for some reason disables the filters. to get a gradient (green to black) border on the sine?

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GIMP :: Disabling Anti Aliasing / Color Blending

Jan 3, 2014

I want to cut a gradient with hard edges. But gimp is anti aliasing and color blending the edges with every tools. Same happens on filling the selected area, or erasing, or deleting.
See here. The upper is the original before filling with white/deleting the selected are, the lower is the result. The edges are blended, but i don't want it to be blended!

How can i disable this behavior?

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GIMP :: Disable Anti-aliasing When Using Colour To Alpha

Jun 29, 2013

I wish to impose an image on to another. a foreground image onto a background image. Hence for the foreground image I need the background (of the front image) to be transparent (alpha) which Ive done following this tutorial: [URL] .....

Note: the back colour is pure white (#FFFFFF)

However the issue arises that one of the people in the image is wearing a light blue shirt, hence when i follow the tutorial, it makes his shirt semi-transparent.

After much looking around i found this in the docs: [URL] ........

Which states: "It will attempt to preserve anti-aliasing information by using a partially intelligent routine that replaces weak color information with weak alpha information. In this way, areas that contain an element of the selected color will maintain a blended appearance with their surrounding pixels. "

However I dont want this, what i wish to happen is that anything is pure white is changed to alpha, and anything NOT pure white is left as is.

Hence it my understanding through the document quote above, the solution is to disable this ant-aliasing function as described in the quote

How can i do this?

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GIMP :: How To Create A Rectangle That Is Transparent With Rounded Corners

Jan 10, 2012

I am having lots of difficulty with this. I'm trying to create a rectangle that is transparent with rounded corners but I need the rounded rectangle outlined. Now I know how to create a rounded rectangle what I am doing for that is the following;

creating an image, selecting add alpha chanel, then selecting rounded rectangle, invert then cut.

The problem is I need the rounded rectangle outlined. When I try to use the paintbrush with stroke it outlines the image but when I go to save it it saves the whole image including the cut corners.

In essence. I just want to make a rounded transparent rectangle. Then have it outlined. This would be for a web page.

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Photoshop :: Getting Rid Of Anti-aliasing

Mar 16, 2006

I scanned some text hand-written with a magic marker. i use threshold to get the artwork plain black and white, select the white with the magic wand, select similar and then delete. i'm left with the solid black image with crisp edges. i have marquee tools, lasso tools, and magic wand set to anti-aliasing off. feather i set to 0.

when i rotate the image to make it level, the image gets anti-aliased. to try to correct that i select the pixels of the image with command click on the layer, delete that layer and make a new layer. then i just have shape of the image created by the selection tool. when i use fill to try to fill it in, the image is anti-aliased. all i want to do is fiil in exactly inside the shape that i have selected.

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Photoshop :: Rounded Rectangle - Extend Without Losing Original Rounded Corner

Jul 27, 2012

I have a rounded corner rectangle in a template that I am working on..I would like to extend the vertically but keep the rounded edge dimensions the same as I extend vertically.
Right now I extend the rectangle but the edges also extend.

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Photoshop :: Controlling Anti-aliasing

Mar 5, 2013

The Text tool has options for anti-aliasing - Strong, Crisp, etc. Is there anything similar when filling paths?

I am filling two paths with a common edge; when the Anti-alias box is un-checked, the border looks ragged, but when the box is checked, the border looks grey. I can get the results I want by filling twice with anti-aliasing turned on, but I would like to have the box "Half-checked".

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Photoshop :: Text Is Not Anti-aliasing?

Sep 30, 2013

Photoshop worked completely fine until four days ago; now whenever I try to write text it is jagged and not anti-aliased in vector form or once rasterised.

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Photoshop :: CS4 Brushes Not Anti Aliasing...

Oct 20, 2008

I've just set up CS4 and my brushes are not anti aliasing properly. There are no soft edges on any of them. I'm able to get a pressure sensitive opacity change on the stroke but the edges are all pixelated.

Here is an image (this is a soft brush. notice none of the feathering/anti aliasing is there): ...

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Photoshop :: Enlarge WITHOUT Anti-aliasing

Apr 12, 2006

I'm trying to enlarge a small section/layer WITHOUT the anti-aliasing and I can't for the life of me figure out how.

I've checked the help files but to no avail.

I'm using Photoshop CS 8.0.

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Photoshop :: No Anti-aliasing Transform

Jul 15, 2006

I am trying to transform a sprite which is about 32x32 and while using Photoshop's free transform tool to size it to something like 600x600 it becomes horribly distorted (thanks to the anti-aliasing). I need to turn it off while transforming, yet I see no option.

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Photoshop :: Way To Do Some Anti-aliasing On My Drawing

Nov 9, 2004

I'm looking for a way to do some anti-aliasing on my drawing. I have a drawing that I scanned in and I cut out a few components of my scan in MS Paint. I did this by drawing the outline manually in one color and then coloring the background with that same color and then copying it with that color as the see-through color. The problem is that the contours look terrible on a black background since MS Paint can't help with anti-aliasing. Instead, I've got these cut-out drawings of objects with a thin white glow around them. That is, when I cut them out, it was extremely hard to move along the lines EXACTLY. I tended to cut more outside the lines than in, and so I took a lot of the white background with it. I need a way in PhotoShop to get rid of those white lines and then do some better anti-aliasing. How can I do this?

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Photoshop :: Anti-aliasing Tutorial?

Nov 26, 2008

I'm copying some vector art (monochromatic flats) from Illustrator and pasting into Photoshop as Smart Object. I am making selections from the flats to create individual paths to color however the edges aren't lining up. I end up with gaps between the edges and the lines are jagged.

Can someone please explain anti-aliasing? I am following a few video tutorials, one is saying turn it on and the other says to turn it off.

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Photoshop :: Windows LCD / Text Anti-Aliasing

Sep 16, 2013

In the above picture you can see alternate options under text aliasing called Windows LCD. These only became visible to me after removing a GPU and all drivers, but with a new GPU it is still present?
My question is, how do you get this aliasing option as a default?
Edit: Bottom text is using Sharp aliasing.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Spot Color Anti-Aliasing

Jan 20, 2011

Here at work we have recently upgraded from CorelDRAW 12 to X5. While this has come with plenty of great benefits (able to open newer versions of AI files), it seems some things are still present (stability issues). I actually work on a Mac at home for my freelance stuff so maybe I'm just used to the reliability that comes with a Mac. I enjoy PCs too but with years of experience with both I'd be lying if I said PCs are on par with what Apple brings to the table. Especially when it comes to graphic design work.

So this brings me to the problem of spot color anti-aliasing in the enhanced view of X5. The first two pictures below show how CorelDRAW 12 handled spot colors. These are direct SCREENSHOTS that I cropped in Photoshop, not exports. And I did no extra editing.

There is basically no difference between how the Pantone colors display on screen and how the RGB colors display. Which is great and what you'd expect, right?

However, let us step into X5 for a minute with the exact same colors, using the exact same palette.

Obviously there is a difference here. For some reason X5 has decided to anti-alias the Pantone colors in some weird way so that I get a tiny white outline (no the shapes don't have outlines). And if you look closely at the smaller purple box at the bottom you will see that even when I use the exact same pantone color from the exact same palette but with one color named differently, I get the white outline. The smaller box's color within is named '276 CV' while the outer box's color is named 'PANTONE 276 CV'.

How does simply naming a color effect how it displays on screen? Seems like a bug/glitch to me.

I know what is trying to be done here but why take a step backwards from CorelDRAW 12. I have a hard time using CorelDRAW as it is but as a graphic designer I need to know how something is going to look on screen without this unnecessary anti-aliasing going on.

So my questions are:

1.) Why does this do this in X5 but not 12?
2.) How to maybe turn it off? (I know I can view it in Normal view mode and the colors are fine but then my text is screwed up).

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Photoshop :: Where Did Anti-aliasing Paths/vectors

Mar 10, 2009

When I create a rectangle shape the edge is blured slightly with one pixel of color. How do I make sure the rectangle is sharp? I cannot find the option to click off anti-aliasing on the option bar in CS4, anyone know where it went?

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Photoshop :: Anti-aliasing Custom Shapes?

Mar 3, 2004

I have noticed that the custom shapes are very jagged around the edges and I can't seem to find an anti-aliasing option for them.

I'm trying to use the "CheckMark" shape presently.

Is there a way to get nice smooth shapes? I didn't see anything about this in the help files.

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Photoshop :: Shapes (polygons) Without Anti-aliasing?

Oct 23, 2006

Is there a way to draw a shape WITHOUT anti-aliasing? It doesn't have the option like all the other tools. I've wondered this for years but never bothered asking anyone.

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Photoshop :: Anti-aliasing :: Smooth Edges

Nov 6, 2006

i have an image that i can select with the Magic Wand Tool (W). Only problem is the image is kinda jagged around the edges... my question is, how do I make the edges smooth?

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Photoshop :: Anti-aliasing For Smooth Edges?

Jan 23, 2006

I hope you understand what I mean but, when I make a selection and fill it the edges are not antialiased, it's really annyoing and I can't figure out how to get smooth edges.

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Photoshop :: Image Edge Anti Aliasing

Dec 7, 2008

When ever i save an image in photoshop it gives be a border of transparency...

How do i stop this?

I am trying to create a large image out of lots of smaller images but with this border it shows up very clearly...

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Photoshop :: Line Tool And Anti Aliasing

Aug 8, 2004

How can i turn of the anti aliasing with the line tool.

I use Adobe Image ready cs.

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Photoshop :: Anti Aliasing On A Simple Curve

May 22, 2007

Do draw a simple curved line: pen tool, then stroke with a brush, correct?

- line on left is stroked with a brush 2px max hardness

- middle line is stroked with pencil 2px, no anti aliasing (no option either?)

- arrow on right is what I'm aiming for! smooth, but not blurred, its the same thickness as the others.

Now, I actually drew the arrow, but can't remember how - do you see what I mean? There should be a happy meduim between the left and right curves, to get the arrow. I can't find it! the anti aliasing is still heavy, even on max brush hardness, and the pencil is too far the other way.

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3ds Max :: How To Set Anti Aliasing When Output Render Elements

Jan 4, 2012

I have problem with anti aliasing when output z depth render elements. What main parameter control do I have to tweak to improve the edges?

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