Illustrator :: Why Does Snap To Pixels ON Kill Smart Guides And Guide Snapping
Aug 27, 2013Seems like both should still work when snap to pixels is on... but they don't. Any reason for this?
View 13 RepliesSeems like both should still work when snap to pixels is on... but they don't. Any reason for this?
View 13 RepliesIn AI, smart guides indicated "intersection" when I am drawing a path or moving an object to align to the intersection of two guides, when I release the mouse, the object I am moving/drawings jumps slightly off the intended alignment intersection. If I continue to try to move it to align, it jumps to the other side or back to where it was but will mot match the intersection.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am trying to remove a circular shape from a rectangle in illustrator, the retangles width is 10px and the diameter of the circle is 13px, I centre the circle ontop of the rectangle ( or I appear to) but when I use the Shape mode tool minus front, the circle is no longer centred ( see images).
I have tried switching off smart guides and snap to grid and am still having the same problem.
In the above image you can see once I have divided the 13px circle from the rectangle it has moved off to one side.
Also when I am trying to manually place the circle ( rather than using the centre guides ) I can only move it by a large degree it alway moves further than I move the mouse, could this be because of a pixel grid? I do not think I am using this. ( can see in the above image where I am trying to place the circle and when I let go of the mouse, the grey circle is where it lands.
From the 2 images below you can see that there is a 1px difference on either side of the extracted circle I was trying to get centered.
I should mention that the 'Align to pixel grid' in the transform menu is inactive when I am trying to do this, as I initially thought that this may be the cause of my problems, but it made no difference.
How do you get Illustrator (CS5) to snap to guides? I don't want to use smart guides -- just regular old-fashioned guides. I drew a rectangle. I divided the path into a grid. I turned the grid into guides (make guides). But I cannot get anything to snap to the guides. Also, can I control the snap distance (like you can with smart guides)?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI cant seem to snap to guide intersections when a linked jpeg file is visible. It works fine when I turn off the visibility of the layer the file is on but I am trying to "trace" over the image with line segments. I know that I have been able to do this in the past but for some reason it is not working now. Im sure that I have accidentally changed something but don't know what.
View 6 Replies View RelatedDraw a box. Draw a Guideline. Have all snaps on. Including "smart Guides".
Drag proportionally (by holding down SHIFT) the size of the box... and it won't snap to the Guides.
How can proportional scaling be down by dragging, and have Guides and other nodes, vertices, anchors, "smart Guides" etc actually functional as Snap positions?
Or Adobe figure there's no need for accuracy when proportionaly scaling?
I was working on a project and using Smart Guides, but suddenly, they disappeared. I don't know what I did, the Smart Guide box is still checked in the View panel, and if I open a new document, they work just fine again. what other settings I should check?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm having some trouble with smart guides in Ai CS6. They are on. However, when my cursor intersects a guide path, words like 'intersect' and 'guide' do not appear, as I have seen them do for others. Also, the 'heads-up' information display that shows the width and height, e.g. when using the grid tool, does not appear either.
The guides are working to some extent, it seems, since I do get green lines here and there.
When adding a guide in CS2, it would usefully snap to the centre of the current layer. Sadly, cannot make this happen in CS3 except for text layers.
View 18 Replies View RelatedI would like to have my cursor snap TO guides at time but cannot find a way to make this happen. Is this an option in PS cs2?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI don't want my images to default to "snap to guides." I have guides up on most of my files because I use them for spacing my comic; I work from a template so I can have consistent sizing. But I only rarely ever want to snap to those guides.
Yes, I can turn off the snapping, but I have to do this EVERY F***ING TIME. Open a file I've been working on already? Gotta disable the snapping. Open a new file? Gotta disable the snapping. Restarting GIMP because it just crashed? Gotta disable the snapping. Every freaking time for each freaking image. Gimp won't save the setting to the file nor to my preferred settings.
How can I get GIMP to stop setting the guides to snap by default?
I hope I can get this explained where it can be understood. I create and box with an outline of 4pt's. Then I want to snap the outline to the very edge of the outline and the guide, but it does not work this way. when the box snapped to the guide it goes to the middle of the outline. How to get this corrected or changed?
View 2 Replies View RelatedAny way to snap guides to the edge of a layer? Also want to snap layers to the edge of other layers and snap guides to the center center of layers.
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe one with the glasses and lank hair, sitting at the back with no mates!
Now have CS3, and cant get the selection to snap!
When using the MARQUEE it positions the selection 2 pixels up and 1 pixel to the left of the guide (on the outside).
The guides will snap to the selection, however.
Sometimes when GUIDES are LOCKED the selection will snap to a guide, but not always.
Also, in the old days the curser would turn red when on a guide when lined up corrctly. This doesn't seem to happen now.
And in the mists of time do I remember correctly that there was a setting in which you could choose the snap distance?
Not sure if this is expected behavior but I've found that it's only possible to snap to one type of guide/grid at any given time.
For example if you want to snap to a guideline in the horizontal and the pixel grid in the vertical, you won't be able to. Instead, the snap will work on the guide and completely ignore the pixel grid.
I have just become aware of the smart guides in CS4. They seem to show up momentarilyin vicinity of certain points e.g. the center of page or the pupil of human eye.I have found very little about them in the help section -
View 4 Replies View RelatedI don't use smart guides, don't want em don't need em. Don't even know why they originally came on, but can't get them off, no matter how many times un check them.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have to save the smart guides and the slices created with those smart guides.
Is there a easy way to do this independed ( in a separate file ) from my curent design?
I need those for some comming works.
The only thing I comeup with is save a copy of the current design, clear the layers and use it as a template.
But then I lose some flexability if I had to change a smart guide and want to update existing designs.
I use GIMP 2.6.8 - when I switch to "path" tool or to "free select tool" mouse pointer is allowed to set vertices of the path or selection on non-integer coordinates (i.e. at x=13.5 and y=26.8 pixels)
How can I disable this feature and make mouse pointer (or vertex) snap to pixel boundary (or even to grid). I want it to be able to create paths / selections more accurately sometimes.
(or could I at least enter coordinates for each next vertex manually)
See image below. I have a 4x4 grid set up and am using a 4pixel square Paint Tool. I click Snap to Grid and it's always off centre. I want these blue squares to fit inside the squares on the grid.
View 10 Replies View RelatedAdobe Photoshop Version: 13.0.1 (13.0.1 20120808.r.519 2012/08/08:21:00:00) x64
Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit
Version: 6.1 Service Pack 1
When creating vector shapes and holding shift the shape do not snap to pixel. Snap to pixels is turned on. Initially when do not hold shift shapes is pixel perfect. As you can see in the image first 2 shapes are made free hand.
What I mean:
Draw an ellipse. Skew it with mouse.
Draw a rectangle to allign with ellipse's outer dimension by Alignment Guides (not by Align and Distribute command).
Now the aligned side of the Rectangle must be tangent to the ellipse BUT it's not! To verify, try to search an intersection point. Draw a Guideline and snap it to the rectangle's aligned side. It must be intersection point between Guideline and Ellipse but there isn't...
CorelDRAW X6
I have a number of vertical and horizontal guides to be placed, at different points. Is there a better way of placement rather than zooming up on the ruler area, watching the Nav coordinates and dragging and dropping? I'm really looking for a method which will I can key in the actual placement coordinates in some way, and the guide will jump to this point?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have two colors that I would like the Color Guide to pick other colors that will work well with them. Is there a way to do this? If I select just the green color as my base color and then select a color rule, the colors do not seem to go well with my other color.
View 3 Replies View RelatedSo how do you get the little green guide text bigger in illustrator? You know.. that little green "center" that appears when you mouse over the middle of the art board? If there isn't a way, I think I know why. It would have to be a conspiracy by Adobe to make everyone lose their eyesight so nobody can see well enough to design anymore, rendering the world without illustration. As a computer science major at a large university, I find it hard to believe that nobody can change the code to make this a user defined function in a menu. I miss my old desktop resolution.
View 2 Replies View RelatedFor example how can I create a horizontal guide at 33%, 50% and 75% down the artboard?
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen creating stuff I always have a separate layer for guides. I keep trying to select specific guides and they blink and that is it...can't select them? The layer isn't locked, so I don't understand...
View 6 Replies View Related1. Is there an easy/precise way to place a guide in the exact center of an artboard?
2. I want to use the guide to create a balanced design for a poster by making sure that I place my focal image on the center of guide to ensure that half of it displays on either side of the guide. How important is it to strive for complete balance? Sometimes I see ads that seem to have balance while other times there might be tons of white space an some graphic element on one side or the other of the layout.
I am working on a large wall sticker and I need to "slice" the image into pieces for vinyl printing. Is there anyways to place guides (or slices) and have them be converted to separate art boards for printing? In the past I would make individual art boards the exact size of each object and save them one at a time to send to the printer. Then once the art came in I could piece the wall art back together as I applied it to the wall or glass, But this is time consuming.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI like to use the construction guides in Illustrator, however I can't get them to work. I have it checked off in Preferences.
View 9 Replies View RelatedEverytime I try to place a guide on an object/ piece of type, the guide bounces away from the object by a number of pixels. how to find where to switch it off/ make it more accurate,
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