Photoshop :: Snapping Cursor To Guides

Jul 3, 2008

I would like to have my cursor snap TO guides at time but cannot find a way to make this happen. Is this an option in PS cs2?

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Photoshop :: Cs3 Guides Not Snapping

Oct 29, 2007

When adding a guide in CS2, it would usefully snap to the centre of the current layer. Sadly, cannot make this happen in CS3 except for text layers.

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GIMP :: Stop Snapping To The Guides?

Oct 1, 2013

I don't want my images to default to "snap to guides." I have guides up on most of my files because I use them for spacing my comic; I work from a template so I can have consistent sizing. But I only rarely ever want to snap to those guides.

Yes, I can turn off the snapping, but I have to do this EVERY F***ING TIME. Open a file I've been working on already? Gotta disable the snapping. Open a new file? Gotta disable the snapping. Restarting GIMP because it just crashed? Gotta disable the snapping. Every freaking time for each freaking image. Gimp won't save the setting to the file nor to my preferred settings.

How can I get GIMP to stop setting the guides to snap by default?

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CorelDRAW X3 :: Guides And Snapping In Creating Newspaper

Mar 21, 2012

I hope I can get this explained where it can be understood. I create and box with an outline of 4pt's. Then I want to snap the outline to the very edge of the outline and the guide, but it does not work this way. when the box snapped to the guide it goes to the middle of the outline. How to get this corrected or changed?

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Illustrator :: Why Does Snap To Pixels ON Kill Smart Guides And Guide Snapping

Aug 27, 2013

Seems like both should still work when snap to pixels is on... but they don't.  Any reason for this?    

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AutoCad 2D :: Drawing Polyline - Cursor Snapping / Lagging

Apr 5, 2011

When I go to draw a polyline, it feels like the snap mode is on and it takes forever to select my end point. It's almost as if it is lagging behind. I did not see this problem until I upgraded to 2012 last week. Going back to 2011, it seems to be doing the same thing.

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Photoshop :: Accurate Placement Of Guides [View>New Guides]

Feb 13, 2008

I have a number of vertical and horizontal guides to be placed, at different points. Is there a better way of placement rather than zooming up on the ruler area, watching the Nav coordinates and dragging and dropping? I'm really looking for a method which will I can key in the actual placement coordinates in some way, and the guide will jump to this point?

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Alignment Guides Doesn't Match With Guidelines And With Dynamic Guides?

May 27, 2013

What I mean:

Draw an ellipse. Skew it with mouse.

Draw a rectangle to allign with ellipse's outer dimension by Alignment Guides (not by Align and Distribute command). 

Now the aligned side of the Rectangle must be tangent to the ellipse BUT it's not! To verify, try to search an intersection point. Draw a Guideline and snap it to the rectangle's aligned side. It must be intersection point between Guideline and Ellipse but there isn't...

CorelDRAW X6

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GIMP :: Flashing Cursor / No Movement Of Cursor

Dec 14, 2012

My cursor appears and disappears while in GIMP as I move the cursor over the canvas. I can make the cursor appear but only if there is no movement of the cursor. It makes no difference which tool I select, the size of the canvas, or the level of zoom.

Please note that this only occurs in Gimp, and none of my other applications. It started when I upgraded from openSUSE 12.1 to 12.2. I'm assuming that it has something to do with my input device configuration, but I could be totally wrong.

I have a total of 3 input devices - Core Pointer, Logitech USB-PS/2 Optical Mouse, and Virtual Core XTEST Pointer. Both the Optical Mouse and XTEST Pointer are DISABLED. Core Pointer is the only one enabled. Enabling Optical Mouse and XTEST Pointer give me other problems in Gimp and need to remain disabled.

For the Core Pointer, Mode is set to SCREEN, a message says that 'The axis X has no curve', and the following Axis Settings:
X 1
Y 2
Pressure none
xtilt none
ytilt none
wheel none

In Gimp Preferences->Input Controllers, there are three active controllers - Mouse Buttons, Main Mouse Wheel, and Main Keyboard.

OS: Linux 3.4.11-2.16-desktop i686
System: openSUSE 12.2 (i586)
KDE: 4.8.5 (4.8.5) "release 2"

Display Info:
Vendor: Intel Corporation
Model: G33
2D driver: intel
3D driver: Unknown Gallium (9.0.1)

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Photoshop :: Guides Keep Shutting Off

Feb 17, 2013

last couple of documents I've been working on,I've been needing horizontal and vertical guides (no problem) but why is it when i close the file (saved all work) when I open the file to continue the guides have to be redone. Isn't there a save guides option in CS6

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Photoshop :: How To Paste Guides

May 14, 2006

Is there any way to paste guides, or, putting it another way, can I take an image, add guides, erase the image, keep the guides and paste in another image? Everytime I paste in another image I lose the guides. I want to know where I am in the second.

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Photoshop :: Smart Guides

Apr 20, 2009

I have just become aware of the smart guides in CS4. They seem to show up momentarilyin vicinity of certain points e.g. the center of page or the pupil of human eye.I have found very little about them in the help section -

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Photoshop :: Create Guides

May 21, 2009

is there any way to create multiple guides in an image by giving the space in pixels or inches as I have to put hundreds of guides in some images and I dont want to do the standard drag and drop procedure of making guides because its more time consuming and also I have the exact pixels location where I need to put those guides in different images ( I dont want to record actions either because images are different),

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Photoshop :: Can't Get Guides Out Of The File

Jan 10, 2007

A desinger gave me files with guides. I can turn them off while in PS, but can't figure out how to get rid of them permanently.

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Photoshop Elements :: Why Are There No Guides In 5.0.

Nov 16, 2012

I do not understand why adobe has eliminated any dragable guides in Elements 5.0.

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Photoshop :: Any Way To Copy Guides From One Photo To Another?

Jun 6, 2012

It would be very handy in determining movement between frames..

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Photoshop :: Converting Guides To Lines

May 12, 2007

I've placed about a dozen guide lines on a blank document but now need to actually "see" those guidelines in the actual print for cutting purposes. is there a way to "convert" them from invisible to visible?

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Photoshop :: Guides To Make Signatures?

Aug 22, 2005

is there some kind of guide to make signatures with ps?

like what brushes and what things do you use to make them? or is it random?

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Photoshop :: Make New Images From Guides?

Feb 7, 2004

Is there some way to make new images based on the guides? I have a file I need to cut into smaller ones, and I've put guides to block everything off -- but guides seem mostly cosmetic / snap to grid, and less useful otherwise.

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Photoshop :: Whats Wrong With Ps 7 Guides

Apr 10, 2004

i have recently switched to ps 7 and i find myself wanting to go back to my 5.5

what is wrong with the guides in there? when using the snap to guide, and i select something within the guides, the stupid selection sometimes falls short or too big by 1 pixel. this renders the whole purpose of the guides useless.

i also find that its much harder to set the guides to match up. i set them, sometimes even zoomed in at 200-300% and when i zoom in more 1600% i find the guide not quite where its supose to be.

i didnt have any of these problems with my previous version. i looked around in the options and couldnt figure anything to make it better.

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Photoshop :: Snap To Guides Doesn't!

Jan 10, 2008

The one with the glasses and lank hair, sitting at the back with no mates!

Now have CS3, and cant get the selection to snap!

When using the MARQUEE it positions the selection 2 pixels up and 1 pixel to the left of the guide (on the outside).

The guides will snap to the selection, however.

Sometimes when GUIDES are LOCKED the selection will snap to a guide, but not always.

Also, in the old days the curser would turn red when on a guide when lined up corrctly. This doesn't seem to happen now.

And in the mists of time do I remember correctly that there was a setting in which you could choose the snap distance?

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Photoshop :: Transform :: Way To Get The Guides To Shrink Along With Everything Else?

Nov 22, 2004

I did a mockup in Photoshop for a design that needs to go to press in a couple of days. It's complete with guide marks...

Now, I realize that it needs to be slightly smaller than I originally laid it out to be.

I can free-transform it down to the right size... but, my guides don't come with it. They stay the same. Is there a way to get the guides to shrink along with everything else?

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Photoshop :: Vanishing Points And Guides

Aug 19, 2005

To make guidelines that lead to vanishing points, I make a 1 pixel line and rotate it until it is aligned, though at times this process becomes cumbersome. Is there an easier way to create guide lines to vanishing points?

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Photoshop :: Can't Get Smart Guides To Turn Off

Jun 7, 2006

I don't use smart guides, don't want em don't need em. Don't even know why they originally came on, but can't get them off, no matter how many times un check them.

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Illustrator SDK :: How To Convert CUR Cursor To Mac Cursor

Feb 27, 2014

In Xcode, we have to define cursor as:
resource 'CURS' (16001) {
    $"00 00 00 00"
    $"18 00 3C 00"
    $"1E 00 0F 00"
    $"07 80 03 C8"
    $"01 E8 00 FC"

In Windows we use .cur file, simpler.
I want to convert .cur file to the mac format above, how?

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Photoshop :: Keep Guides Centered When Resizing Canvas

Nov 7, 2012

I'm working on a 960 grid layout, with all the vertical guides showing the grid.
I want to increase my canvas width from 960 to 1200, keeping the artwork centred, so in the canvas size dialog box I select the center anchor. Unfortunately this keeps the artwork centred but the guides always move left, as if they're anchored to the left of the canvas.  This means the guides are no longer in position.
Is there any way to add more canvas to both sides while keeping the guides where they are relative to the artwork?

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Photoshop :: Save Slices And Smart Guides?

Apr 20, 2006

I have to save the smart guides and the slices created with those smart guides.

Is there a easy way to do this independed ( in a separate file ) from my curent design?

I need those for some comming works.

The only thing I comeup with is save a copy of the current design, clear the layers and use it as a template.

But then I lose some flexability if I had to change a smart guide and want to update existing designs.

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Photoshop :: Saving Slices And Guides For Template

Jul 22, 2005

is there anyway of saving my slice and guides to use as a template for other projects? I've sliced up one image and created an HTML page, and the next image I want to use the same slice and guide positions, with some very minor adjustments.

can I apply one slice/guide template to another image in PS7?

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Photoshop :: Snapping In PS CS3

Jun 20, 2009

If I put an outer stroke around an image, the guides won't snap to the edges of the stroke.  Instead, the guides will snap to the edge of the image.  How can I get the guides to snap to the edges of the stroke? 

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Photoshop :: Snapping?

Feb 4, 2007

I have these small thumbnails on large white BG I need to crop out the white.

But when I crop, Ps does not snap to the edge of the thumbnails borders even though I have PS set to snap to layers and documents bounds.

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Photoshop :: Create Layer / Group-specific Guides?

May 21, 2013

I have a quite large Photoshop document where I've drafted up a number of pages for a website, and I require guides which are specific to certain layers or groups, and not just to the whole document. Is this possible? Any plugins which serve this purpose, or functionality I'm missing?
I'm using Photoship CS6 on a Mac OSX 10.8.3

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