Illustrator :: Why Rectangle Tool Matching Dimension Feature Not Working
Mar 7, 2013
With the Rectangle Tool's cursor is clicked in the document. The Rectangle Panel appears. A height dimension is entered. With the pointer, the Width field is clicked. Usually, the Height Value gets automatically entered in the Width field. In this case it does not.
This same behavior is occuring in the Ellipse Tool.
CS5 Photoshop..I have just noticed that my rounded rectangle tool is not working properly. When I click and drag nothing is visible, when I release it floods my whole image with my selected color. I have tried all of the other tools and they work properly. I have tried restarting, compared settings with other tools, and checked for updates.
Also, I have what appears to be a common problem with my move tool. I click, drag, and drop only to have the selected image snap back to its original position. I have an intuos 5 connected, is this the culprit?
I would like to create several similar rectangles on different layers with different opacity levels (i.e. 90%/75%/50% etc), that will match the solid color rectangle exactly, when they are against a white background.
I used Hue/Saturation on the transparent rectangles to approximate the solid color, but the eyedropper shows that I am a of couple values off. Is there a way to accurately match these colors exactly?
Align Objects feature is not working in trial version of Illustrator CC. Brand new MacBook Pro, have tried rebooting etc. Is this a software bug or a limitation of trial version?
Why is my rectangle tool leaving a trail of rectangles and not creating just one? Did I bump a setting by accident. How do I get the rectangle tool back to normal?
I am trying to remove a circular shape from a rectangle in illustrator, the retangles width is 10px and the diameter of the circle is 13px, I centre the circle ontop of the rectangle ( or I appear to) but when I use the Shape mode tool minus front, the circle is no longer centred ( see images).
I have tried switching off smart guides and snap to grid and am still having the same problem.
In the above image you can see once I have divided the 13px circle from the rectangle it has moved off to one side.
Also when I am trying to manually place the circle ( rather than using the centre guides ) I can only move it by a large degree it alway moves further than I move the mouse, could this be because of a pixel grid? I do not think I am using this. ( can see in the above image where I am trying to place the circle and when I let go of the mouse, the grey circle is where it lands.
From the 2 images below you can see that there is a 1px difference on either side of the extracted circle I was trying to get centered.
I should mention that the 'Align to pixel grid' in the transform menu is inactive when I am trying to do this, as I initially thought that this may be the cause of my problems, but it made no difference.
The rectangle tool is drawing at 90 degrees. I tried to fix it with the preferences>general>constrain angle, but I see that is ALREADY set to 0 degrees, yet the rectangle is 90 degrees! Is there another setting I should be aware of?
I have a problem of getting exact numbers on my civil 3D. I have a line of 900 feet. I create a line of hundred feet. But when I create and alignment, I get 108+00 and length of 10800 feet.
Usually when we enter RECTANGLE command, AUTOCAD will ask us to specify first corner point, then it will ask coodinate of second corner point.
Can the RECTANGLE command be set to straightaway insert dimension instead of coordinates?
Previous computer I used could do this, but this new computer can't. I don't know where to set it. Both computer using the same version of AUTOCAD LT2013. I reckon it could be set, but how?
I have a situation where the default behavior of my rectangle tool (or any of the other shape tools) is now different. I'm on Mac OS X 10.6.5 running Illustrator CS5. It acts as though the option-shift keys are pressed, so whenever I draw an object, it draws from the center point and the dimensions are constrained, so i can only draw a square or circle, not a rectangle or ellipse. Additionally, whenever I use the selection tool, it clones the object I drag, and also constrains the positioning, so i can only drag in a 0, 45 or 90 degree angle (or multiples thereof). It's as if my option-shift keys are permanently pressed (if I actually press option-shift, the behavior persists). I tried using a different (brand new) keyboard, tried throwing away preferences, and the problem remains. I also tried booting up Illustrator CS4, and the weird problem showed up there! This behavior just started happening spontaneously. I couldn't think of anything weird that happened (a crash, a new plug-in, etc.). I can't find a preference that sets this behavior either.
When I click the select tool, a brown selection type of rectangle appears in a particular area of the illustration, even though I have not clicked on the illustration yet. I assume it is some type of warning indication, but don't know what. P.S. It is draggable and scaleable - I can move it off the artboard. An example:
how I would go about writing a function that would calculate the length of a diagonal of a rectangle using SQRT function? I've been trying but so far nothing!
I keep having issues with the text tool so here is what i did. I opened a new document, clicked the "Type tool", drew a box with it and starting typing, now everything was working as it should, while typing when i would get to the right side of the "Type tool" box i had drawn, the text would stay within the box and the next line would begin sorte of like this (asume the imaginary box is four spaces long):
aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa
But then i started to do the same thing later in the project and the text would stay on one line and just disappear when it got to the end of the box, and i dont know how to get it working like it did before. When reshaping the box the text would stay the same size (was not a point type problem) but the text would basically just run off the end of the box and disappear, here is an example using the same text i showed above, but i'll use "b" to simulate the last four "a" lines which in this case the "b"'s will represent the invisible "a"'s. In this case the box is still four spaces wide and 5 spaces in height, but the text does not seem to acknowledge the box. And member i'm only using the "type tool", to draw these boxes, i'm not acutally drawing square shapes. Also i'm using Illustrator CC, and am using a mac.
When I use the Marquee tool, or the single row marquee I have perfect borders in my forms, but when instead I use the rectangle tool, the line tool or the elipse tool I have these strange borders that are not well delimited.
I have already deleted the default settings, but still continues the same.
My Gradient Tool no longer shows the Gradient Tool Annotator over a selected object. Did I turn something off that I don't know about? Recently updated my CS5 version to try and fix but no luck.
I can't figure out why the selection tool won't work. When active, I can't grab an object to move it and the icon next to the selection arrow is a line with an arrow pointing to the left, like this
So I downloaded Ai cs2 the other day. Whenever I come to drawing polygons with the pen tool I set the fill to a colour and the stroke to none(/) just so i can produce block colour shapes without an outline. However When ive come to do it on cs2 the pen tool only lets me draw thin black lines.
I'm trying to dimension an ellipse in the Inventor Drawing Feature. I've attached the .idw files. (the .ipt is too large)I am aware that the ellipse doesn't have a constant radius and was wondering what is accepted practice for these dimensions?
I need to first dimension the external elliptical shape (which I'm struggling at), might just add a note.
Secondly I'm trying to dimension the mesh part, its not centrally align to the part and since I can't put a center mark on I'm not sure how I should dimension this...