I am doing the structural frame of a house with curved walls and I needed to use the Model in Place command to create a curve shaped column. I defined it's category as Structural Column, but it takes the fill pattern of the wall. When I isolate the column, it has the same fill pattern as the column from the library. I need that the column will be displayed as the other structural column.
I am doing a five stories building and when ad the structural column with concrete cast in place material, the representation in plan view does not cover the block hatch of the wall. See attached image. I have read all about structural columns and did not find any solution.
I working on a project in Revit Architecture and I have the Mechanical (MEP) and Structural (Structure) models linked into my model. I need to reference a detail in the structural model/sheet set. Is there a way to do that without creating a false callout tag with linework?
I am trying to model a column to a curved profile as shown in my sketch. I have opened the structural Column family and imported the curve profile i require it to follow om my required work plane and tried to model a sweep but i'm having problems...
The Sweep will not follow the line of the profile and the column is offset.
How do I get to the settings that control what does and does not show in any given discipline - we need to update the Structural Discipline to show the non-structural walls, and non-structural portions of other walls as halftone.
I am having trouble setting materials for a kitchen countertop that i created by modeling in place. I think that it has something to do with the installation, and am wondering how to fix it. When I am editing the model, in the properties pallete I choose the browse button next to materials and this is what comes up:
How do I set up the materials so that they are available to choose from? I have no other materials issues with walls, etc.
I encountered a problem with my 2014 version.When I'm in the Model In Place and I draw a model. And Save the Environment Model In Place If I click on the message will be displayed (It was also shown in the lower version).Click on the Save Without Model In Place project is to save the environment .
How can I place a Google imagery file in my model. Suppose I have a model in revit [2013] can I create something beneath the model and place Google imagery on it.
Possible to change/set the work plane while sketching the path of an in-place model? This guardrail extension is an example of where I would have liked to change the work plane while sketching the path because the path shifted planes. I believe you can do this in the family editor, but I could not get it to work in the in-place modeler. What I ended up doing (as an experiment) was to create masses and picked their edges to get the path I wanted. I would love to be able to have more control over the work plane, like defining the workplane by a face and then being able to move it relative to the face selected.
When I insert a standard 6" square tube into an assembly there are all of the custom shapes and standard structural members to choose from. When I try to put the same tubing into a part file only the custom shapes are visible and no standard parts to choose from.
I can only guess that I have some obscure check box missing. There appears to be no good reason why I would be restricted in part files.
I've got a 3D structural model I'm building and will insert 3D mechanical models that I have previously made. I just xref'd the client survey in such that 0,0,0 on my structural model lines up my drawing with the survey.
However, even with the xref frozen and off, when I go Zoom Extents, I zoom to the extent of the xref when I'd prefer to zoom to the extent of my live drawing. I've xclip'd the reference to only include an area slightly larger than the live dwg I'm working on, but no dice.
I think it's functioning correctly, so how do I do a zoom that takes me to the extent of my live dwg and ignores the size of the xref under it?
I've created a 3D product model in an application that does not have any text capabilities (Autodesk Inventor Fusion 2013). I'm trying to get that model into AfterEffects (AE) via the Photoshop live object technique.
But before I open it in AfterEffects, in Photoshop CS 5.5 Extended, I'm trying to add the product text graphics to the "Diffuse" layer of the model so, when animated in AE, all the text moves with the appropriate perspective, etc.
For the life of me I can't figure out how to format the text to fit the model.
Fusion saves files natively to .DWG format, but they appear non-standard and without some key data.
I was able save the file as a "STEP" file .stp, then translate to .3DS format. That file results in a model that opens just fine in Photoshop and when saved in .psd format, and opened in AE as a Photoshop Live object, works fine. I can't image getting the text on the surface in AE would be easier/better than Photoshop.
Each time I double click on Layer 1's Diffuse (texture) sub-layer (is that the correct term?), I can put some text in the new window, but the scale is always way wrong, the orientaion is 90 degrees off (counter clockwise), and the text is clearly trying to wrap and repeat all around the model. I'm just trying to get a set of text (several pieces in different locations - company name, product name, some small additional text) on one side of the surface bound as if it were part of the model.
As an aside, I did try to add the 3D model, converted to a .DAE file, to presets > meshes as suggested in the help files, so I could treat it like one of the 3D object presets, and add the text that way.
No matter what I do I can't get the mesh to appear in the pre-set list. I don't see any way to "activate" the mesh other than place the file in .DAE format in that folder. Yes, I've exited and re-started Photoshop many times.
I was following a tutorial when he created a structural plan where he'd place his footings. when i tried it on my Revit Architecture 2014, i found out that i didn't have that feature. is there any way i can turn it on?
i'm not sure if he's using revit architecture because he just refers to it as Revit 2014. i made a floor plan below the 0 mark but things will be tidier if i could make structural plan views.
In my 3D View my walls disappear when I de-select the structural box. Although drawn as regular walls they are store front panels so carry no load other than their own weight. My Visibility Graphics dialog box seems to have limited options for this. Am I missing something? How do I get them to re-appear in my 3D View for rendering without switching them to a structural wall?
How can I switch the orientation of a structural system placed on a tilted face. In other words, I have framing that snaps to the underside, and I need it flipped to the topside of the face.
We are using structural steel framing familiies which are sloping in section. Where the view range cuts, the framing does not and the entire member is visible including above the cut plane.
The members are set to cut in plan in "Visiilbity Settings." The view is set to "Fine."
1) Why structural columns don't show up in architectural plans. The only way I can see to coordinate the structure with the architectural elements is to use structural plans.
2) How to make structural columns visible in architectural plans? I've tried the visibility graphics but everything seems to be turned on by default.
how to change the demolished and temporary appearances of non-structural elements such as railiings, plumbing fixtures etc?It is straigh forward to use phase overides to change the appearance of Walls etc that are either demolished or temporary, but however you change these appearances non structural elements stubbornly remain with a dotted blue outline. I want demolished railings and other non-structural elements to appear with a red hidden line style but have been unable to find out how this can done.
Revit Architecture 2014? I've been trying to use the structural beam system, but when I select the joist I cannot select the start/end extension in the properties dialog box. I would like to know why is that?
How can we calculate the formwork of column & beam? Is it possible to add "Height" parameter in Column. Because we add formula into the Family file as below:
Perimeter = (2*Depth+2*Width) Formwork Area = Perimeter*Height
Created a family with category 'column' in order to make in room bounding.
This family is basicly some extrusions. nothing fancy about that. However when placed in my model these extusions merge with the wall and inherit their properties which I don't want.
Revit Arch 2012. I've got some large grids in the model and need to adjust their 2d extends in a matchline plan. However every time I try to do so, I receive the "Element is too small on screen" error.
Screencast of error in action.
I mentioned in the vid that the grids were Copy/Monitor'ed from "another drawing"... I meant another model.