Revit :: Model In Place Component
Sep 27, 2011Can a Model in place component be replaced with say a wall? If i have n extruded form can it be replaced with a family?
what's the best way to add material to a model in place component?
Can a Model in place component be replaced with say a wall? If i have n extruded form can it be replaced with a family?
what's the best way to add material to a model in place component?
While making an In-Place Component, Revit fades everything else and makes it hard to see anything except for what you are working on. Is there a way to change this so that everything else isn't as faded.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to produce a Camera symbol to indicate the position of where a photograph has been taken on a site plan. I also want to be able to rotate the symbol to indicate the direction of the view and further to have a horizontal tag that shows the photograph number. Therefore I have been trying to create two families, a Camera Symbol and a Camera Tag so that the former can rotate and carry other information such as Date, Title etc., whilst the later needed to be kept horizontal. In trying to do this I started trying to create a 2D Model Family for the Camera but you cannot, it appears, to create a 'filled region' in a model family but it does appear that you can have a Symbol imported into the family. This I have tried to do by creating a Camera Symbol but when imported it remains invisible despite the visibility setting for annotations being set to visible. Since an annotation cannot reference an annotation, is there any way that I can create a Camera Symbol that does what I wish? I feel that I might be missing something fundamental.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am having trouble setting materials for a kitchen countertop that i created by modeling in place. I think that it has something to do with the installation, and am wondering how to fix it. When I am editing the model, in the properties pallete I choose the browse button next to materials and this is what comes up:
How do I set up the materials so that they are available to choose from? I have no other materials issues with walls, etc.
I am doing the structural frame of a house with curved walls and I needed to use the Model in Place command to create a curve shaped column. I defined it's category as Structural Column, but it takes the fill pattern of the wall. When I isolate the column, it has the same fill pattern as the column from the library. I need that the column will be displayed as the other structural column.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI encountered a problem with my 2014 version.When I'm in the Model In Place and I draw a model. And Save the Environment Model In Place If I click on the message will be displayed (It was also shown in the lower version).Click on the Save Without Model In Place project is to save the environment .
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow can I place a Google imagery file in my model. Suppose I have a model in revit [2013] can I create something beneath the model and place Google imagery on it.
View 1 Replies View RelatedPossible to change/set the work plane while sketching the path of an in-place model? This guardrail extension is an example of where I would have liked to change the work plane while sketching the path because the path shifted planes. I believe you can do this in the family editor, but I could not get it to work in the in-place modeler. What I ended up doing (as an experiment) was to create masses and picked their edges to get the path I wanted. I would love to be able to have more control over the work plane, like defining the workplane by a face and then being able to move it relative to the face selected.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've created a 3D product model in an application that does not have any text capabilities (Autodesk Inventor Fusion 2013). I'm trying to get that model into AfterEffects (AE) via the Photoshop live object technique.
But before I open it in AfterEffects, in Photoshop CS 5.5 Extended, I'm trying to add the product text graphics to the "Diffuse" layer of the model so, when animated in AE, all the text moves with the appropriate perspective, etc.
For the life of me I can't figure out how to format the text to fit the model.
Fusion saves files natively to .DWG format, but they appear non-standard and without some key data.
I was able save the file as a "STEP" file .stp, then translate to .3DS format. That file results in a model that opens just fine in Photoshop and when saved in .psd format, and opened in AE as a Photoshop Live object, works fine. I can't image getting the text on the surface in AE would be easier/better than Photoshop.
Each time I double click on Layer 1's Diffuse (texture) sub-layer (is that the correct term?), I can put some text in the new window, but the scale is always way wrong, the orientaion is 90 degrees off (counter clockwise), and the text is clearly trying to wrap and repeat all around the model. I'm just trying to get a set of text (several pieces in different locations - company name, product name, some small additional text) on one side of the surface bound as if it were part of the model.
As an aside, I did try to add the 3D model, converted to a .DAE file, to presets > meshes as suggested in the help files, so I could treat it like one of the 3D object presets, and add the text that way.
No matter what I do I can't get the mesh to appear in the pre-set list. I don't see any way to "activate" the mesh other than place the file in .DAE format in that folder. Yes, I've exited and re-started Photoshop many times.
Is it possible to skip the small preview window and the parameters display when i place an iLogic component white the command Place iLogic Component.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have created a standard part that has imates and all features are adaptive. When I create an assembly and then try to place the component I would like for the part to come in adaptive automatically.
For example I have a nightstand I am modeling. The top and endpanels are in the assembly constrained to each other. I have a standard top back rail that is set up in a library and is used in all cases. The rail width and thickness is always the same but the length is different. I have two imates set up on the rail so when it is brought in, it will snap into place with one end of the rail mated to one endpanel and the other end mated to the opposite endpanel. But since the part is not adaptive on input it dosen't work right. One mate works fine but the other doesn't snap into place. Once I make the rail adaptive then it works fine but I have to insert it into the drawing first then make it adaptive then move the imates into place. Is there a way to make it adaptive automatically when it is initially placed in the assembly.
Is there a way that will allow me to place a component into an assembly where it automatically creates a constrain between the components xz plane and the assembly xz plane? I tried the Ground and root component, but it does too much, I will need to constrain the component differently on the other component planes.
View 6 Replies View RelatedCreate code that will allow me to place a part in an assembly at all matching iMate locations. I would also like to call this function from iLogic using RunMacro if possible.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI created a simple Part with some parameters to drive dimensions. Saved the part. I created an Assembly. Saved the assembly. Clicked Place iLogic Component. The Place iLogic Component window appeared Selected the Part. I can see the preview window (Part-01) & the parameter window... Used default values. Hit OK NO PART INSERTED! Using Inventor Pro 2014 64-BitLudesroc
View 1 Replies View RelatedI love the new triad function when placing a new part in Inventor 2014: I am now searching to trigger the same function for a part that already has been placed.
Something like:
1) select component
2) press a button (triggers the macro I now want to write)
3) the triad pops up.
I searched true the Inventor Help & what's new in the API. But didn't find any reference to that command. So I am afraid that it is not yet in the API. Could I maybe emulate it by replacing a component with itself using the place component command + emulating a mouseclick at the same origin as the original piece?
So a piece of code like:
1) get filelocation of selected part
2) get the origin point (x,y,z) of the part
3) get the translation between the origin of the assembly and the part
4) delete the selected part
5) place the part using the place component command (so the triad has been triggered)
6) fill in the filelocation, origin & translation
7) give control back to the user so he can move the part using the triad.
Show on Place Component
If I set this to true, then when I "place iLogic component", I don't get the form displayed or the parameter table or the model preview.
If set True, displays the form when placing this model as a component in an assembly. This setting affects Place Component and Place iLogic Component. If the template file has a form, this setting also affects Create In-Place Component.
I wish to create a form that with multiple buttons. Each button will place another component (platform, stairs, ladder, railing).
I wish to place them using 'Place iLogic Component"
I know you can call this command by:
But is it possible to automatically browse to and open a file this way using a path "C:CPSVaultPlatformComponentsStairs.iam" within this command?
I am using Windows 7 64bit and Inventor 2012 SP1 (Build 190). When placing a new content center item an error message of "Unable to place component" is reported. Content center was working previously.
I determined the problem resulted in using a custom Date format in the Windows Region and Language setting. To duplicate go to Control Panel -> Region and Language ->Formats Tab -> Additional settings button -> Date tab and change the Short date format to a custom format (I was using ddd M/dd).
To fix simply reset to a standard date format.
Note that this can be done whilst Inventor is running and I have have submitted a bug report. None of the standard date formats resulted in errors. I have tested "ddd-dd/M", "ddd/MMM/yyyy", "yyyy/MM/dddd", and "yyyy-MM-ddd" and all resulted in an error. "yyyy-MM-dd" did not result in any error.
how to change Default template when using "Demote" in an assembly? Discovered that it was set to use harness.iam as default, want to have standard.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I reposition structure labels (in their 'dragged state'), the component <[Structure Offset Side(CU)]> does not show up while in drag mode. Sort of makes it hard to see the limits of the label if you are trying to place it in a congested area. Watch the "LT" part of the label in the GIF below.
No, it's not that big of a deal, but alignment labels with the same component do not behave this way, so I have to wonder why the structure labels do.....
I am trying to model a small component which has an OD. that is a 3/4-14 NPS thread. The part is relatively small and has additional machined surfaces, but I cannot create the basic shape with an external thread as the OD.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am having a problem getting my the line weights to upate when I re-load a Revit Detail component back into a project file. The item on the left is the detail component in the family editor and the image on the right is the detail component.
There are no overides set in the visibility setting for detail items-> [name of the line work], however, when I do overide the line weight in the view for the line work, it doe change.
I'm trying to create a flight of stairs by component (Revit 2013). When I view them in 3D I notice that one of the walls from Level 1 that should be "cut" where the stair run intersects the wall @ top of wall, does not cut and instead goes through the staircase up to level 2. How to get this wall to be "cut" following the rise of the stairs? I've remade the stairs dozens of times and it still does not automatically cut the wall.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to array a component along a curved line?- I want to set out trees at a regular spacing along a path which has several bends in it.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just upgraded hardware and moved from Inventor 10 in XP 32 bit to Inventor 10 in Windows 7 64 bit. Previously I had an add-in that would place a work point at the CoG of a model. The new installation does not, and since I was not the original user of the old computer I don't know where it came from.
I'm assuming it was a 3rd party add-in or something that does not install automatically with the 2010 mechanical design suite (SDK tools maybe?). Any link or where to find this tool in the installed files.
I would like to create a family component using the wall foundation bearing footing as a template. I cannot find the file where the templates are located. I tried using the structural footing template but it would not give me the same flexibility the wall foundation bearing footing template does.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI would like the pattern to follow the rotation of the component when inserted onto the project. I can achieve it with model pattern but I would like to use drafting pattern because we need to show them on different scales.The diffuser family consists of a detail family in order to show the pattern. The pattern is already set to align with object and it still does not work.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've been doing some family as an independent construction detail revit model, I think that is the most appropriate type of detail component. Graphically everything right but I encounter the following problem, all built to type text is not visible in the project then.
How do you control the display? or do you like I can put a text in a detail component family? and if not visible... why would have the option of make texts? Is the only option to annotate after in the project insertion?
In assigning a material for a new wall exterior component, I see no other material option other than brick, yet there are many materials sutable.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have created a "Jersey Barrier" as an adaptive component (attached). It is basically a profile extruded along a series of reference lines hooked to adaptive points.
In some plan views, under certain geometric configurations, the extrusion disappears in the view. The points highlight if you mouse over them. In a parallel 3D view, the component is still there. If I adjust the geometry in certain ways, the component will reappear in the plan view.
Here is an isolated view (3D on left, plan on right) with a configuration where the object does not appear in's a view where I have moved one of the adaptive points, and it appears in plan.
I was able to bring in custom curtain wall panels as legend components-- however, when I set the host length, the height is automatically the same. Is there a way to insert a curtain wall panel into a legend that will have a rectangular shape (in my case, taller than it is wide)?
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