AutoCAD Inventor :: Default Template When Using Demote (Create In Place Component)
Mar 6, 2012
how to change Default template when using "Demote" in an assembly? Discovered that it was set to use harness.iam as default, want to have standard.
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Jan 23, 2012
Converting a default part template to a custom template?
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Dec 28, 2012
Is it possible to skip the small preview window and the parameters display when i place an iLogic component white the command Place iLogic Component.
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Mar 18, 2003
I have created a standard part that has imates and all features are adaptive. When I create an assembly and then try to place the component I would like for the part to come in adaptive automatically.
For example I have a nightstand I am modeling. The top and endpanels are in the assembly constrained to each other. I have a standard top back rail that is set up in a library and is used in all cases. The rail width and thickness is always the same but the length is different. I have two imates set up on the rail so when it is brought in, it will snap into place with one end of the rail mated to one endpanel and the other end mated to the opposite endpanel. But since the part is not adaptive on input it dosen't work right. One mate works fine but the other doesn't snap into place. Once I make the rail adaptive then it works fine but I have to insert it into the drawing first then make it adaptive then move the imates into place. Is there a way to make it adaptive automatically when it is initially placed in the assembly.
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May 24, 2013
Is there a way that will allow me to place a component into an assembly where it automatically creates a constrain between the components xz plane and the assembly xz plane? I tried the Ground and root component, but it does too much, I will need to constrain the component differently on the other component planes.
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Dec 21, 2011
Create code that will allow me to place a part in an assembly at all matching iMate locations. I would also like to call this function from iLogic using RunMacro if possible.
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Dec 2, 2013
I created a simple Part with some parameters to drive dimensions. Saved the part. I created an Assembly. Saved the assembly. Clicked Place iLogic Component. The Place iLogic Component window appeared Selected the Part. I can see the preview window (Part-01) & the parameter window... Used default values. Hit OK NO PART INSERTED! Using Inventor Pro 2014 64-BitLudesroc
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Oct 21, 2013
I love the new triad function when placing a new part in Inventor 2014: I am now searching to trigger the same function for a part that already has been placed.
Something like:
1) select component
2) press a button (triggers the macro I now want to write)
3) the triad pops up.
I searched true the Inventor Help & what's new in the API. But didn't find any reference to that command. So I am afraid that it is not yet in the API. Could I maybe emulate it by replacing a component with itself using the place component command + emulating a mouseclick at the same origin as the original piece?
So a piece of code like:
1) get filelocation of selected part
2) get the origin point (x,y,z) of the part
3) get the translation between the origin of the assembly and the part
4) delete the selected part
5) place the part using the place component command (so the triad has been triggered)
6) fill in the filelocation, origin & translation
7) give control back to the user so he can move the part using the triad.
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Feb 22, 2012
Show on Place Component
If I set this to true, then when I "place iLogic component", I don't get the form displayed or the parameter table or the model preview.
If set True, displays the form when placing this model as a component in an assembly. This setting affects Place Component and Place iLogic Component. If the template file has a form, this setting also affects Create In-Place Component.
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Jan 22, 2013
I wish to create a form that with multiple buttons. Each button will place another component (platform, stairs, ladder, railing).
I wish to place them using 'Place iLogic Component"
I know you can call this command by:
But is it possible to automatically browse to and open a file this way using a path "C:CPSVaultPlatformComponentsStairs.iam" within this command?
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Jan 19, 2012
I am using Windows 7 64bit and Inventor 2012 SP1 (Build 190). When placing a new content center item an error message of "Unable to place component" is reported. Content center was working previously.
I determined the problem resulted in using a custom Date format in the Windows Region and Language setting. To duplicate go to Control Panel -> Region and Language ->Formats Tab -> Additional settings button -> Date tab and change the Short date format to a custom format (I was using ddd M/dd).
To fix simply reset to a standard date format.
Note that this can be done whilst Inventor is running and I have have submitted a bug report. None of the standard date formats resulted in errors. I have tested "ddd-dd/M", "ddd/MMM/yyyy", "yyyy/MM/dddd", and "yyyy-MM-ddd" and all resulted in an error. "yyyy-MM-dd" did not result in any error.
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May 13, 2013
Here in some IAM mine, i need to put a % more of some parts, so I decided to use virtual components for that. It worked great, but I'm with 2 doubts to get faster doing that.
1º - Is there a way to link the properties of a virtual component, to an existing part ? Like mass, part number and some Customs too. That would be easier in this case, when I need just put some more parts without change the modeling visual.
2º - Can I use a template to create a virtual component ? I did some searches, but I just found topics from 2005 that it wasn't possible, but with IV 2013 or even 2014 is that possible ? I have here many custom properties that I always have to create again in virtual components.
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Mar 25, 2013
How can I control placement of an DWG when i place it in a IDW. I can't see that I have a possibility to control that. How can I do that?
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May 24, 2012
I actually have two separate but related issues.
The place component button on the ribbon seems to have inconsistent behavior. When using the drop down to place components from content center or Vault, sometimes the ribbon button will be "sticky" and remember my selection for the next component and sometimes it will revert to the default place from local. Is there any way to configure Inventor to treat Place from Vault as the default behavior? Probably about 75% of the time I am placing components from Vault; having to crank through extra clicks to get to Vault is a waste of time.
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Jun 27, 2013
When I try to do a make components I get this error "Could not open default template file." All the files are the designated folder and named appropriately. Plus I just used this command earlier today. I did do a "rebuild all" but I'm not 100% sure the problem came directly after that.
FDS Ultimate 2013
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Aug 5, 2013
We have a problem whereby our Templates revert back to a Default state. This is totally random.
One operator can create a drawing with the correct template loading up, and seconds later another operator will report that an old 'Inventor' default template has loaded up. On investigation it appears all templates marked as "standard" revert back to older versions.
I have made the Templates read only, but the problem still persists.
Autodesk Inventor 2013-64Bit Edition
Intel Xeon W3520 @ 2.67GHz
Win 7 Pro
6.7 System Rating
NVIDIA Quadro FX 1800
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Dec 16, 2013
How do you set the default IDW template used when you select 'New Drawing?'
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May 21, 2012
I am trying to reduce the size of the a size title block, but I have not been able to. How would you resize it?
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Dec 5, 2012
I have an assembly file for a fan casing. We reuse this model and scale it up and doen depending on the size of fan.
For transportation we split the caing into several parts and join using flanges. The number and angle of splits changes depending on the job and geometry.
To model this we share a sketch through the parts and use the split solid command to split them.
I would like to able to create sub assemblies from the main assembly so that drawings and masses can be obtained for the sub assemblies. However, the 'Demote' command does not allow you pick individual solids from a multi solid part.
I have tried creating new parts from the split solids but these are not in the correct location as they are not constrained correctly.
Is there a way to use the Demote command as I am proposing? or is there a different method to split my parts?
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May 29, 2009
For a window selection of several parts to demote, results in the error:
! Error in RSe clone commander
IV2010 sp0 on Windows XP 32bit SP3
I tried restarting app, relogging in, and restarting workstation.
I can provide dataset to any Autodeskie interested in this bug.
See attached image.
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Oct 26, 2012
I have changed my template using the styles library. For some reason Inventor 2013 will not let me save my new settings as a default in my newly created template. Instead it gives me an error message that reads:
" The following style definitions in template ....... differ from the definitions in the style library; the style library will be used.
Part listart list (ANSI), Revision Table: Revision Table (ANSI)
If the style definitions in the style library are intended for the new document, update the template with the new style definitions. If the style definition in the template are intended for the new document, remove these styles from your style library using the Style Library Manager."
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Apr 17, 2013
I'm trying to create an ilogic rule that will look within the folders of an assembly and take the contents of each of those folders and demote them to separate sub-assemblies.
ie. Assembly1 contains NewFolder 1. NewFolder 1 contains Part1:1 and Part2:1. Upon executing the ilogic rule, I would like Assembly1 to contain NewFolder 1 and within NewFolder 1, Assembly1-01. Assembly1-01 contains Part1:1 and Part2:1. I would like this ilogic rule to look within each successive folder within Assembly1 and demote them according to their position in the browser such that NewFolder 1 - at the top of the browser list - contains Assembly-01, NewFolder 2 contains Assembly-02, etc.
I currently copy a master assembly with browser folders that contain parts and sub-assemblies to a secondary assembly where I manually demote the contents of the folders to sub-assemblies. When I create a drawing for our machine assembly department, the demoted sub-assemblies to isolate only those parts - nuts, bolts and the pieces they fit to - so it is easier for the assembly department when putting a machine together.
Is it possible, using ilogic, to demote folder contents to sub-assemblies with an assembly document?
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Jul 4, 2009
now a have a typical error to insert in my assambly a item from my content center, reciveing a erro like "unable to create component", i´m looking for a solution inside forums and find a solution but didn´t work for me, the solution watched and did for me as deleted of the content folder "CACHE" in my computer C:/....all users/inventor..../cache.
I use AI2009 with SP1.
What can i do, delete all families from content center and upload again?
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Nov 13, 2012
Where is the configuration for the Default Template Measurement units stored? Have tried creating an application options file, but on the clients this setting is not read/stored (still set to inches after import).
Is this setting stored in the registry? Where?
...and why does Inventor default to a non metric measurement unit?
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Mar 18, 2013
I am trying to use iLogic to programatically create virtual components in an assembly. These components will by used as iProperty "buckets" to hold Machine Center specific information to be exported to production planning software. This information is hierarchical in nature and cannot be (conveniently) stored in the assembly iproperties directly.
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Jan 10, 2008
Is there any way to set the default corner seam behavior in the sheet metal template? Right now a simple corner seam always puts a gap approximately the metal thickness, I need to make that smaller as the default behavior.
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Oct 18, 2013
Today, all of a sudden, my coworkers and I cannot place standard parts from our content center (there are only three of us). We are not using Vault - but we have set up our Content Center to access a network location:
N:StandardsInventorContent Center FilesLibraries
This has worked for months ever since we set it up. Problems just started today for all of us. Parts that DO work are parts that you have to tell it an extruded length (like structural steel or tube/pipe). Nothing else will work (fasteners, pipe fittings, shaft collars, etc).
Interestingly, if I select to insert the part "as custom" instead of "as standard", all parts work like they should.
For the parts that do not work, I can navigate through all of the menus to select parts, but instead of getting the "Save As" dialogue, I get the "Unable to create component" error message.
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Apr 1, 2013
I found this code to create a custom iProperty in the current, open document:
Dim propertyName As String = "MyProperty"Dim propertyValue as String = "Test Value"customPropertySet = ThisDoc.Document.PropertySets.Item("Inventor User Defined Properties")Try prop = customPropertySet.Item(propertyName)Catch ' Assume error means not found customPropertySet.Add("", propertyName)End TryiProperties.Value("Custom", propertyName) = propertyValue
I have a iLogic rule that goes through each component of an assembly, counts how many times it occurs in the assembly, and then assigns that value to an iProparty (i.e. it inserts the total quantity of the part in some iProperty). Currently, however, it assigns the value to a default iProperty value, "Authority". I'd like, instead, for it to assign it to a custom iProperty called "Total QTY". However, I don't know how to tell Inventor to do the above code for a component in the assembly rather than the assembly itself. Below is my entire code. I've labeled where I'm guessing the above code should go. How I'd modify the above code to create the iProperty in the component being processed by the rule at that point?
''True comment: Begin '''Commented-out Begin '''PartDocumentObject = 12290''AssemblyDocumentObject = 12291Dim openDoc As DocumentopenDoc = ThisDoc.DocumentDim docFile As DocumentIf openDoc.DocumentType = 12291 Then''If the open document is an assembly:''For each document referenced in this document:For
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May 17, 2012
When I use the command MIRROR to create a symmetric component from existing ipt there are two problems:
1. in the existing ipt dwg the dimensions were lost, when I update the dwg;
2. in the iam that contains the mirrored component the constraints were lost, when I update the dwg.
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Oct 4, 2012
my create a circular pattern in an assembly that maintains the orientation of the part being patterned.
This is for foundation plates. There are 3 plates. The plates are square, and have bolt holes in the corners of the plates. Since there are 3 plates and its going around a circle, the angle between the plates is 120 degrees.
Now, Ive been trying this for some time now and what is happening is the firs plate is fine, but then the second and third plate are rotated around their center axis. I would like it to simply remain as inserted and constrained within the assembly.
I have attached a picture to be more clear about what I want and what I'm currently getting.
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Jul 2, 2012
I have a problem where I am unsure if my upgraded template is incompatible with Revit 2013 or is there something else at play.
If I create a precast stair in default template I get "end with riser" turned on automaticaly. If I copy that stair to my template and create new stair, "end with riser" is turned off and I manually have to adjust stair afterwards.
Problem is "end with riser" is now an instance parameter of stairs and I can't find where to change the default value.
Why is the stair type that works in default template stuffed when copied to my template?
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