AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic To Create Custom IProperty In Sub-component
Apr 1, 2013
I found this code to create a custom iProperty in the current, open document:
Dim propertyName As String = "MyProperty"Dim propertyValue as String = "Test Value"customPropertySet = ThisDoc.Document.PropertySets.Item("Inventor User Defined Properties")Try prop = customPropertySet.Item(propertyName)Catch ' Assume error means not found customPropertySet.Add("", propertyName)End TryiProperties.Value("Custom", propertyName) = propertyValue
I have a iLogic rule that goes through each component of an assembly, counts how many times it occurs in the assembly, and then assigns that value to an iProparty (i.e. it inserts the total quantity of the part in some iProperty). Currently, however, it assigns the value to a default iProperty value, "Authority". I'd like, instead, for it to assign it to a custom iProperty called "Total QTY". However, I don't know how to tell Inventor to do the above code for a component in the assembly rather than the assembly itself. Below is my entire code. I've labeled where I'm guessing the above code should go. How I'd modify the above code to create the iProperty in the component being processed by the rule at that point?
''True comment: Begin '''Commented-out Begin '''PartDocumentObject = 12290''AssemblyDocumentObject = 12291Dim openDoc As DocumentopenDoc = ThisDoc.DocumentDim docFile As DocumentIf openDoc.DocumentType = 12291 Then''If the open document is an assembly:''For each document referenced in this document:For
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Aug 12, 2013
I am migrating our old Inventor data to our new system. I will do an ilogic script for that.
I know how to add custom iProperties with iLogic but how can I remove them? Is it possible with iLogic? I would like to clean out all old iProperties that we don't need anymore.
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Mar 25, 2013
I've been using iLogic. I'm creating a template assembly that will be used for multiple jobs. Therefore, the job number will be changing. I want a custom iProperty in ALL parts and sub-assemblies (cleverly call it "Job #" maybe) that I can include an a separate property called "Drawing #" which whose value will be [some text]-<Job #>-[some more text]. I want to be able to update all the "some text" parts manually for each component, but I want the Job # to update automatically. I need this property because I have a column in all my Parts Lists called "Drawing #" which tells the drawing number for any given part or assembly.
Ultimately what I want to do is open a text or Excel file, enter the job number, open my Inventor drawing, and have every Drawing # entry in every parts list magically update to the correct job number.
I've managed to use iLogic to do just that with a single .ipt/.iam file. But I have dozens upon dozens of components in the main assembly. I'd like to run some rule or hit some button or do something that will cause the Job # property to update for ALL sub-assemblies and parts, so that all my parts lists reflect the change.
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Dec 11, 2012
I am after writing part of rule for ilogic,i need the rule to fill out a custom property with information for me. I have a part that has 2 parameters
parameter 1 = Frontplanangleparameter 2 = Endplanangle
Custom property
iProperties.Value("Custom", "DESC2") =
I need the rule to examine both parameters and if both angles = 0 then DESC2 = ""And if any parameter >0 then
iProperties.Value("Custom", "DESC2") = bevel
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May 7, 2012
I want to have a Blank size custom iproperty using flat extents length and width this is what i did but gives error is there a way to get this to work the way I want it to? I dont want a Length and width to be seperated would like it all in one.
iProperties.Value("Custom", "BLANK SIZE")=Round(SheetMetal.FlatExtentsLength, 3)"X"=Round(SheetMetal.FlatExtentsWidth, 3)
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Aug 7, 2012
I'm looking to see if there is a way to link the revision number to a custom iProperty in the same part. Our laser requires a specific output for programming, but I only want this to show up on actual lasered parts as we don't need it on parts that are sawcut. Basically what I would like to do is create a custom iProperty that I can link to the title block for that reads RV:<Revision>. Is there a way to do this? I'd rather not create a separate drawing template for lasered parts as we've got about 100 templates for our various customers the way it is.
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Apr 9, 2013
I am simply trying to traverse an assembly, check each component for existance (or value of) an iProperty, and if so add that components name to a list. Here is what I have, but it doesnt work.
'Define the open document
Dim oDoc As Document = ThisDoc.Document
Dim oRefDoc As Document
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Sep 30, 2013
I'm trying to figure out how to create an iLogic rule that would create a Custom iProperties and put in what version of Inventor the file was last updated with.
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Mar 15, 2011
I would like to create an new custom ipropertie with ilogic. The reason is the contentcenter, thei haven't custom iproperties. How should the code work:
propertie "test" is available
write the value in the propertie
else if
propertie test isn't available
create prpertie
write the value in the propertie
end if
How can i check if the propertie is already exists in the file?
How can i create a new custom iPropertie?
The rest of teh code is ready and works fine.
i've faund already some code with VBA but not with "pure" ilogic.
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Jul 22, 2013
I know how to get a parameter into my list of custom iProperties.What I want to do is take the iProperty lbmass and add it to the list of user parameters. Is there any way to do this without using iLogic?
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Apr 11, 2013
I have a template part that I would like to save automatically once the parameters dialog box is closed. I would also like the Save As filename to automatically be filled in with a iProperty named "Part Name". I already have the "Part Name" description grabbing information from parameters. Is this possible? And is the best way to trigger the event after an "iProperty change" or "Any Model Parameter Change"?
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Aug 25, 2012
Any way to use iLogic to create custom iProperties from the cells in an Excel spreadsheet (both text and numbers) for a .dwg template. The only thing even close has been a user who already knew how to do it and was having a different problem. I am using Inventor 2012 and Excel 2003 and have very little experience with VB. I currently have a family of assemblies, consisting of two parts linked to an Excel spreadsheet to control the various parameters for each variation of the assembly.
I need creating an iLogic rule that will:
Go to a specific tab (I have four different tabs/worksheets) in an Excel spreadsheet.
Make a specfic row of that worksheet the current row based on the part number used to generate the models of the assembly shown in a .dwg.
Use the contents of a cell in that row (text or numeric or a combination of both) to generate a custom iProperty for the .dwg template.
Use the custom iProperties to fill in the title block of the template.
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Jun 6, 2012
I am trying to find an ilogic for part proparty entry as soon as I create new part/assy.
I know it is possible by Event triger-> New Document .
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Oct 13, 2011
I am trying to use the iProperties.Value("part1", "Summary", "iProperty") function to get the filename or complete filepath of a component within a subassembly. I know that these iProperties exist because I can insert them onto a drawing, and I see them in the general tab of the iProperty window.
However, when I try something like:
filename = iProperties.Value("part1", "General", "Filename")
I get an error message indicating that the General tab can't be found. How might I go about getting this filename iProperty, or is there an easier way?
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Jun 26, 2012
How to set multi parameter, iproperty using ilogic (or smth else)?
I hav eparameters: d1=50, d2=100, d3=5. I need to set a new multi parameter/iproperty that the final value is:
Angle 50x100x5 (suppousedly code should contain smth like: "Angle", "d1", "x", "d2", "x", "d3") but I do not know exactly...
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Jan 3, 2012
I would like to add a Custom iProperty to the BOM using API.
It would mimic the "Add custom iProperty columns" dialog.
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Sep 17, 2012
I want to use Ilogic to construct a code part name.
My question is perform a code of about 12 characters. For example the parameter "Lenght" is 600mm but in the expressione result It must be "000000000600" (a string of 12 characters)
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Nov 3, 2011
I am struggling to find the right ilogic to extract the state of a multi-value text parameter and use it to populate a single i property.
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Oct 17, 2011
Is it possible to add the iproperty summary, comments to a ilogic form?? Can't find it in the list..
Autodesk Product Design Suite Ulitmate 2012 Sp1 / Vault Collaboration 2012 Sp1
HP EliteBook 8560w
Intel(R)Core(TM) i7 CPU Q 720 @ 2,0GHz 2,0GHz
Windows 7 X64 SP1
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Aug 30, 2012
I have an assembly which has a few components suppressed.
My end results is another copy of the assembly (with copies of the all the parts) in another directory
Now i am able to create copies of un-suppressed parts using; (this allows me to SaveAs assembly components which are not suppressed)
DocumentsEnumerator = ThisDoc.Document.AllReferencedDocuments
And save a copy of the assembly using
I also added the fllowing snippet (which I am not sure what is does), but it does not work for me
Component.SkipDocumentSave = true
When I open the newly created assembly, I still see the suppressed components in the model browser
I want to either;
Skip saving the of the components in the model browser (i.e. the Assembly)
Delete the suppressed parts in the Assembly, so that they do not save altogether
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Jan 16, 2012
I am trying to add a custom iProperty from my assembly to the drawing parts list. According to the help wiki, I'm supposed to click Column Chooser > New Property > Custom Properties List (click here to see the relevant wiki page--also see the attached screenshot called Custom Property Help.png).
When I click on new property, there is nothing about Custom Properties List.
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Jun 18, 2012
I can't get Inventor 2013 show a custom iproperty correct.My iLogic rule is this:
iProperties.Value("Custom", "myvol")=volume = iProperties.Volume
But the custom iProperty is a Yes or No.Had no problem with this in Inventor 2011.
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Oct 26, 2012
I had wanted to find a way to engrave/emboss the part number on a part model and have it be parametrically tied to the part number iProperty. Since it doesn't appear that I can create a text box and insert the iProperty directly, here's what I did to work around this. (I setup my part templates to have this out of the box....)
1. Within, the IPT file, add a user text parameter called "PartNo" and set its initial value to any text value.
2. Create your sketch for your text to be engraved. Insert the User parameter you just created.
3. Create the engraving/embossing for your text.
4. Create the following iLogic rule:
' Requires a User Text Parameter called "PartNo" prior to running' Set the appropriate event trigger to tasteIf Parameter("PartNo") <> iProperties.Value("Project", "Part Number") ThenParameter("PartNo") = iProperties.Value("Project", "Part Number")InventorVb.DocumentUpdate()End If
5. I set this rule to fire using the "iProperty Change" event trigger. So if the iProperty is set or changed, your text will update. Obviously, you can set this to run with whatever trigger you like.
Inventor 2014 64-bit SP1
Win 7 Pro 64-bit SP1
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Aug 29, 2006
way to get multiple lines of text in an iProperty? I am using a custom iProperty named "Title" so users can insert the drawing title into the title block using the custom iProperty. The only problem is that the title comes out all on one line and goes outside the title block. Should I be using iproperties or is there a better way?
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Dec 21, 2011
I have gotten in the habit of using a leader text with a custom iproperty to do material call outs on my drawings. I have been doing the first one then copy/pasting the leader onto each piece i want to call out.
This worked flawlessly in 2010 and has worked well previously in 2012. For some reason it is not working at all in this particular .idw.
work flow is to create the first instance, copy. right click outside the view border and select paste. Then attach to as many different parts as needed.
attached is the error message I get.
The custom iproperty is text. 1/2 a36 or 4x4x3/8 Angle
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Apr 11, 2012
In the attached file there are two custom iProperties that cannot be perminantly updated nor deleted. The iProperties are "size" and "purch_qty". These iProperties were created and set using a custom macro but they are of course accessable via the standard iProperties dialog. I can change the values for these particular iProperties but as soon as I save the file they revert back to their original values. Same goes for trying to delete them. All other iProperties, custom and otherwise, seem to behave normally.
The sketch in this file originated with a 2D DXF file for a vendor supplied aluminum extrusion quite a few years back. The original file has been copied (save-as...) to about 20 different files over the years. The iProperties in question were added years after most of the files were created, Each file is exibiting the same problem. These files are used in a LOT of assemblies. The thought of recreating all these files from scratch and updating the assemblies is not very inviting.
No other IPT files seem to be having this issue.
Inventor 2012 SP-1
Acad 2012 SP-1
Vault 2012 Update 1 Hotfix DL18480860
Windows 7 Pro 64-bit SP-1
Quad core Xeon 2.26GHz 12 GB
Quadro 4000, 7936 Mb, driver (265.70), Dual Monitors
SpacePilot Pro, driver
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Jan 16, 2013
What I am trying to do is insert a part into an assembly file using iLogic. I basically want to mimic Inventor’s “Place” command using ilogic, maybe something like this:
oPath = ThisDoc.Path & ""
oFile = "File.ipt"
Component.Place(oPath & oFile, False)
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Mar 1, 2012
How can I include component suppression in the idw views? I suppress a component in the ipt or asm, but it doesn't
disappear from the drawing views. Is there a way to carry this over to the drawing?
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Dec 28, 2012
Is it possible to skip the small preview window and the parameters display when i place an iLogic component white the command Place iLogic Component.
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Aug 12, 2013
I'm trying to play around with iLogic for creating dynamically dimensioned subassemblies. I've created my dimensioning rules that link to the parts I wish to change dimensions on.
Parameter("Bridge Spine:1", "BridgeLength")=Length
And I've tested this in the SubAssembly I've created and all appears fine. However when I go to insert the sub assembly into the main assembly I get the following error:
Parameter: The component named "Bridge Spine:1" was not found.
I've noticed that the new sub assembly has created new parts with the extension -01 on the end of each part (As expected) It appears that this link is being lost in the rule for the new sub assembly. i.e the rule is looking for Bridge Spine:1 instead of Bridge Spine-01:1
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May 16, 2013
When using Inventor with Vault, we have a problem when categorizing custom content center parts in Vault. In short, custom content center parts are incorrectly categorized as "Content Center" and automatically released - as there is no property that we can use to identify these files.
I need iLogic code to trigger when custom content center files are created/saved, wich adds the following custom iproperty "IsCustomContentCenter=True".
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