AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Structure Label Component Does Not Show While Dragging Into Place
Aug 2, 2013
When I reposition structure labels (in their 'dragged state'), the component <[Structure Offset Side(CU)]> does not show up while in drag mode. Sort of makes it hard to see the limits of the label if you are trying to place it in a congested area. Watch the "LT" part of the label in the GIF below.
No, it's not that big of a deal, but alignment labels with the same component do not behave this way, so I have to wonder why the structure labels do.....
While making an In-Place Component, Revit fades everything else and makes it hard to see anything except for what you are working on. Is there a way to change this so that everything else isn't as faded.
If I set this to true, then when I "place iLogic component", I don't get the form displayed or the parameter table or the model preview.
If set True, displays the form when placing this model as a component in an assembly. This setting affects Place Component and Place iLogic Component. If the template file has a form, this setting also affects Create In-Place Component.
I have my pipe networks data referenced into my Utility drawing and I'm trying to add labels to my structures (catch basins, manholes...). I made styles and selected C-TEXT as the layer for the label, but for some reason they're all on layer 0. The 0 layer is frozen in my viewport but the C-TEXT layer is not, and the labels aren't showing up (but when I thaw 0 they show up)! I can see them in model space and when I click on each label the properties shows it's on the C-TEXT layer...
I need to make a structure label that defines the "PIPE FALL" for each incoming pipe. By "PIPE FALL", I mean the elevation difference between the bottom of the structure and the incoming pipe invert elevation.
Actually, I thought it was going to be pretty simple, just by doing:
Is there a way that I can get a small angle between my leader and the landing? When I get to a certain angle, the text flips. I can't place the text exactly where I want it because of this. I've tried changing the Readability Bias angle in the label style but that didn't work.
I would like to add a wipeout to this structure label so I don't see the profile view grid lines. I want the wipeout to be the exact width and height of the label. I have tried numerous edits but can't seem to get it. What is the easiest/best way to add this wipeout?
In the case of a pipe network structure, where one pipe is circular (say 60") and the other pipe is box (say 5'x4'), how can you get the "connected pipes" label to reflect [size in feet X size in feet] for the box pipe and [size in inches] for the circular pipe?
I don't see how you can conditionally affect a portion of the "connected pipes" label since it's one label object.
I was wanting to know it it is possible to get a block component out of a pipe label with the API to project onto a profileview.
The reason a want this is that to label lot connections in the form of a wye connection I typical use a pipe label with a stick block at 45 degress to represent the connection then explode it and use project to profile view command so the lot connection applies there as well. Just wanting to do it faster thru using code if it can be done.
I have a pipe network created that is shown in multiple drawings. I created labels for the structures showing Rims and Inverts. How to put the Rim info on a different layer than the Invert info? Right now the label has 3 different components...I feel like there has to be a way to put each component on different layers...
I need to make a structure label that defines the "PIPE FALL" for each incoming pipe. By "PIPE FALL", I mean the elevation difference between the bottom of the structure and the incoming pipe invert elevation.
Actually, I thought it was going to be pretty simple, just by doing:
We can add Reference Text in Label Components. it can be referenced to Alignment, COGOPoint, Parcel, etc. For example, after that it is needed to select a COGO Point, and Label is changed from "???" to a property of selected Reference Object. I want to add Reference Text by VBA.
Cannot delete label style component. This is for line annotation labels.
I created a child BRG-ONLY from a BRG-DIST and it will not allow me to delete the distance component. The red X is faded and not clickable.
This is my second day with a new company, and when somebody else created a similar child style apparently they could not either. The just made the distance component invisible... which I guess works almost as well.
How would I be able to pick a specific component to make sure I can delete it?
Typically when we have station offset for a storm structure shown to center of structure. How do you handle station offset with a storm structure label for say back of curb.
I would like to know if it is possible to display the pipe inlet/outlet elevation in my structure label. It seems like it is not possible.It is possible to use the inlet/outlet elevation of the pipe in my pipe label however I would like to display it in my structure.
Water main pipe network profile labels for structures do not attach to the structure properly in C3D 2014 (this same label style works fine in all previous versions of the software, through the 2013 release). The labels come into the drawing at a northing of 0 rather than attaching to the structure itself. However, if you grip edit and reset the labels, they reset to their correct attachment point. Additionally, if you attempt to grip edit the profile labels with Ortho mode on, it moves the label back to a northing of 0. I've created a new block for the structure, but that does not resolve the issue.
I've included a link to a Chronicle video that demonstrates the label behavior. [URL] .......
I have a road with storm drain and sanitary sewer. There are three alignments, one for the road centerline, one for the sanitary sewer and one for the storm drain. I would like to label the structures with the stationing from the alignment it's on but I would also like the label to include the road centerline station perpendicular to the structure.
I'm trying to create a custom expression in a structure table that will list the "size" of the structure, wheter it be a circular or rectangular structure. My column simply states size and I want it to label 5' for a circular or 4'x4' for a rectangular (or whatever the specific sizes are). The thought was to create an IF function, but Structure Shape was not available to use in expressions (among other problems). Short of using the description field (tedious) as a workaround?
In this example - CB-104 is a rectangular structure and CB-106 is a circular. I'd like the CB-104 size to read 4'x4'.
A way to change the display order of pipes connected to the structure in a structure label? (plan and profile) Say you have a 10", 6" and 12" pipe connected to a structure, modeled in that order, so label would place them 10, 6, 12. we would like the label to display the order as 6,10, then 12 without having to drag the pipes off and then having to re-input inverts.
I have a label style creating a callout bubble for structures in a pipe network, but it keeps placing the label (and therefore, the leader when dragged) at the edge of the structure, and I want it to go to the center.
Civil3D 2011 - How do I get pipe lengths to show up in a Structure Table? Can't find it in structures. I want to show the length of the pipes that is between two structures. The pipe slope is there but I can't find the length.
Also, comments. How do I get the Comments column in my table to actually display some sort of comments? Can I add a COMMENTS field to my structures?
I've been having a problem with a pipe structure not showing up in a profile view. I have a single pipe network with everything (pipes and other structures) showing up in the profile when I select them, right-click, and click on "Draw Parts in Profile". Like I said, this works for all the other pipes and structures in the profile except one. When I select the structure individually and try to draw it into the profile, it still won't work. A friend told me to make sure that the structure is within the surface, and it is.
I'm working with a structure profile label style and it seems like the only way to anchor the position of the label is based on offsets from the structure itself... Any way to position the label based on the top of the profile view, so that I could make all of my labels horizontally aligned above the profile view?
when i type a fraction in a label the fraction is alwas stacked i have to unstack the fraction but when i unstake the fraction the fraction show up like this 1 1#2. any thoughts about how to fix this? this only happens on one computer when a different user use that same drawing the fraction always show up unstaked 1 1/2.
I'm trying to create a label which gives me a distance from the begining of my reference, but coordinates are not good for this because my reference is not linear. It is a alignement with tangents and curves. What I'm trying to figure out is how to create a label with the distance of the projection of the begining point of my feature line in the alignment to the begining of the alignment.
For example: There is a alignment (road) and a feature line (curb). The alignment is the axis of the road and the feature line is an edge of the road (not need to be exactly an offset). How to configure a label to show the two kilometer markers (0.0001 precision) of the road that are the beginning and ending markers of the part of the road that has curb?
I have note labels in one drawing. An Elevation style that list the elevation of the insertion point. The label texts are dragged to new locations. When I xref this drawing in to another. The label text shows at both the insertion points and the dragged locations. What's going on??
I've made sure the labels aren't duplicated on another layer. If I change the layer of the dragged text and do an Xlist in the drawing they're xrefed in to. The dragged text list on the layer I've change it to. The text in the original position lists on layer 0, which is the default layer for creation.
I am trying to set-up point and point label styles to show trees on a survey plan. The point styles is set with a block, and a label is a regular label style that shows a point number and elevation. The problem comes when the label is positioned outside of the block that represents the point. What I need is sort of fixed offset from the center of the point.
I have a wall of frames, if you will, and some frames within this wall are different sizes. When doing the BOM, I want to be able to combine anything that has the same stock number as well as the same cut length. The only way I have thought to do this so far is to cycle through each stock number and if the cut length is the same, I override the quantity of one and change the BOM Structure of the other to "Reference".
How can I change the BOM Structure to reference without selecting the part or going through the BOM Editor? Is there some VBA code I could utilize? I am striking out by solely using iLogic.