AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Error Dragging Point Label
Nov 20, 2012Move labelpecify the locationFunction cancelled"
namespace mismatch
"" type Y to reset: "*Cancel*
C3D 2012
Win 7 64. 12 GB
Move labelpecify the locationFunction cancelled"
namespace mismatch
"" type Y to reset: "*Cancel*
C3D 2012
Win 7 64. 12 GB
The label associated to a grading point when is moved when is moved changes its size automatically and a leader appears. After this happen no control over the grading point and its associate label. refer to the image below.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I reposition structure labels (in their 'dragged state'), the component <[Structure Offset Side(CU)]> does not show up while in drag mode. Sort of makes it hard to see the limits of the label if you are trying to place it in a congested area. Watch the "LT" part of the label in the GIF below.
No, it's not that big of a deal, but alignment labels with the same component do not behave this way, so I have to wonder why the structure labels do.....
Is there a way to label the low point of a profile or alignment that doesn't have any vertical curves? We have an existing alignment and profile which is relatively flat, and we'd like to establish and label the low points for drainage improvements.
View 9 Replies View Relatedi've got a bunch of points that need a coordinate label. my drawing is on a state plane coordinate base but i want the point labels to be on an artificial coordinate base. i basically need to start in the corner of a parking lot at 0,0 and work my way out from there with the coordinates based on that 0,0. Is this a possibility?
Dell Studio XPS 9100
Intel Core i7 CPU 930 @ 2.8GHz
12GB Ram
64 bit
C3D 2012 SP3.0
I'm using AutotCAD Civil 3D 2012 in the Civil 3D workspace, trying to create a point label style to show what I need it to show. I click on a point and select it's properties. Once on the properties tab I go down to the point label style box and clicked on the down arrow. A list of options then comes up and I selected the create/edit option. A small point label style box then appears and i choose the button directly next to the drop-down list and the label style composer box pops up. In this box I go to the layout tab and then go down to the contents box. I select the browse button next to the contents to select the contents. I select the contents I want but when I apply it every point has those contents and I need just that one point to have those contents.
View 3 Replies View Relatedwhen i create a point it does not display (label or point). if i create a point group with overrides for the point and label style the points display. the default point and label style are set to the same styles as the overrides.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm thinking that AutoCAD has no such feature, but I'll ask just to make sure.
What I am doing is mapping points which each have a simple point number label. (asbestos load buried in landfill in case you are curious) There are many points which have the same coordinates (up to 20 points sometimes). So, then I have to drag each label individually until all labels are visible.This take a ridiculous amount of time when you are talking about 1000+ points.
Am I correct in assuming that if Surface Labels by One Point is chosen, the slope as shown is the maximum slope of the surface triangle where the point was chosen??
IDSP Premium 2014 (mainly Civil 3D 2014 UKIE SP1 & Infraworks with some limited 3ds Max Design)
Win 7 Pro x64, 256Gb SSD, 300Gb 15,000 rpm HDD
16Gb Ram Intel Xeon CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.0GHz
NVIDIA Quadro 4000, Dual 27" Monitor, Dell T3600
I cannot erase certain point styles/label styles in Civil 3D. Why is this, and is there a way I can?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI would like to rotate my Cogo point label so that i will be able to see it from a set view or a different UCS. Example I would like to see the label in the "LEFT" view.
View 1 Replies View RelatedImported points and I have a label style to label tree sizes automatically, but when there are many trees near each other labels start to overlap. So I will typically rotate the label style 180 degree or drag the label, but I am curious if its possible to have label always stay horizontal no matter what my rotation angle is.
Civil3D 2013
Windows 7, 64 bit
Intel i7 2600 @ 3.40Ghz
Nvidia Quadro 600
I was asked to lable survey data with the (2D) distance between the design surface and the survey points of the finished ground.
View 9 Replies View Relatedi have a building corner point label style that labels the corner of bldgs with the elev on top of an arrow and the full description of a bdlgc on bottom of arrow...rotated at 45 degrees....
i have 3 components...a block of an autocad leader i call an arrow that i just drew from left to rt on layer 0 and named the component arrow...then i have the elevation and the description
problem is that when i rotate label to move it out of way of obstructions it flips the elev on bottom and the desc on top!!
i have tried a number of combinations of anchor pts and changing the "flip anchor pts with text" to true/false under the general tab of the label style composer...
i cant get it!
I have a large number of cogo points that I have set. I would like to move, as a group, the label portion only and leave the coordinate value as is. This would be a time saver as I am seeing that I am going to have to move every point individually. I used to be able to do this in LDD along with changing the rotation. I've tried locking the points and then moving them but the values change. Not too happy with the lack of control with the leader either.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI need to get a station and offset for a bunch of points and have it show up in the point label. i can't find reference text in the label style so i was wondering if there was a good workaround.
Dell Studio XPS 9100
Intel Core i7 CPU 930 @ 2.8GHz
12GB Ram
64 bit
C3D 2012 SP3.0
If you can get the co-ordinates of the centroid / label grip point of a parcel.
View 5 Replies View RelatedPoint label styles do not scale properly in raster plots. Raster plots have long been my fix for making wipeouts and masks behave. Without the excellent fix raster plots have been, I'm sunk! All of my work depends upon raster plotting to maintain consistently correct output with absolutely no wipeout or masking errors. My point label styles all have a text height of 0.11" which is the plotted height according to the documentation. They are exactly the right height in all page setups with non-raster plot devices. But, when my page setup includes a raster device the text is scaled to just a speck. It should be 32 pixels high at the 288 pixels per inch I have specified but it is barely two or three pixels high both on my display and in my ploits.
The attachments show the wipeout/mask problem in 2012 DWF output and the rescaling of point labels in 2012 raster (TIFF) output. I am in critical need of a fix that does not involve special point label styles just for raster plots. Autodesk!? I already have to use a special pen tables for raster plots with pens sizes scaled for each dpi resolution I use but that has been settled for many years now.
If I use this code it will give me the insertion point for a block
(setq ent (car (entsel "
Select Main Object: ")))
(setq InsPt (assoc 10 (entget Ent)))
Now if I try to use this for a surface label and try to get the insertion point
(setq ent (car (entsel "
Select Main Object: ")))
(setq oEnt (vlax-Ename->Vla-Object ent))
(vlax-dump-object oEnt)
I dont see anything that will get the insertion point.
How to create an alignment label expression for Geometry Point that will show the delta angle rather than the instantaneous direction or perpendicular direction?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI did some search and got some code from 2009 post which not really working for me. Since I am not a pofr for autocad civil3D and just staring to learn how programing with autolisp, I am having trouble to debug the code:
(defun xp()(setq sset1 (ssget "X" '((0 . "AECC_PARCEL_SEGMENT")))) (COMMAND "EXPLODE" SSET1 "")
if (= (setq ss (ssget "X" '((0 . "AECC_COGO_POINT")))) nil)
(setq ss (ssget "x" '((0 . "AECC_COGO_POINT")))) );
FILTERS UNCLOSED POLYLINES(defun c:changestyle()
(setq xlabel (vlax-ename->vla-object (car (entsel))))
[Code] ....
any way to make a cogo point label become freely movable. Just now I can move it somewhat freely to the left or to the right of the original location, but if I want to move it just up or down it doesn't work very well. It flips around the (invisible) leader.
View 2 Replies View RelatedEssentially, what I am looking for is the easiest way to label control lines and right-of-way lines in section view. In the past, I have used profile grade lines to do this - with a customized Marker Style for each alignment. On projects with 40+ alignments, this leads to a lot of blocks and marker styles to wade through. What I'd like to know - Is there a way to display a point name (read from a MarkedPoint) in section view using marker labels? Here's how I see it working (theoretically):
Define the following two point codes for use in my Code Set Styles: ALGN and ROW. Each would be assigned a Marker Label Style (let's call them A & R) in the Code Set. I'd like this label to display the point name in section view. For example, I'd like to insert a marked point on the centre line; Point Code = ALGN, Point Name = L100. However it doesn't seem that the Marker Label can read the "Point Name" field. Am I missing something really simple, or is this just not doable?
I have set the default style for the drawing to a certain style by going to toolspace - settings and right clicking on point and clicking on edit feature settings ...under default styles i set it to the one I want for both point style and point label come when I create a few manual points and then go to the prospector tab and right click on _all points, the point label style is not set to the default one I set it to as I described above? The points are not coming in the way I want them to?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am trying to create surface elevation labels along a polyline and I am having an issue with the label anchor point. I have created a line label style that uses a reference text to produce the elevation from a specified surface, however when I insert the label the default anchor point for the label is in the center of the line segment and that is where the reference text is taking the surface elevation. I am looking for the elevation of the surface at the start of each line segment, and I do not know how I can make it stop defaulting to the center of the line segment.
Attached is an overview of what my labels look like, where the anchor point is, and the layout properties within my label style. I am using C3D 2012.
I have a block tha I use in a point label style. All of the block entities are on layer 0. The label style is also set to layer 0 so that it get on the same layer as the point. I've tried setting the block color in the label at by layer and by block. When a drawing that contains this label style is XREF'ed into another drawing, the block in the label always takes on the color of the current layer.
C3D 2011, Version 3
edit: I attached an example. The top figure is the point with the block in the label and the bottom is just the block itself.
I'm trying to set up my point label styles and I don't understand how the dragged state settings work. The default setting is "as displayed" but then the leader does not flip, if I change the settings to "stacked text" the leader flips but the text is out of order. See the attached plot of some points to see what I mean, default on the right and stacked text on the left.
How can I set the point label so the leader will flip and keep the label components in the default order?
I need to show offset distances from alignment centerline. Is there a way to add this to the point label?
View 9 Replies View RelatedFor composing a profile label, I can't find the option for Geometry Point Text, which would use our abbreviations under the drawing settings. It is available for alignments but not profiles. Currently have it text compenent being labeled with PVC and PVT, but I had typed that in.
Civil3D 2013
Windows 7, 64 bit
Intel i7 2600 @ 3.40Ghz
Nvidia Quadro 600
I have created 8 points (from 4 locations with 2 depths in each location) in _All Points/Points. These 8 points are grouped into 2 Point Groups:
Points #1, #3, #5 & #7 for Point Group - (1) Depth#1 and
Points #2, #4, #6 & #8 for Point Group - (2) Depth#2.
The "Name" of Point is filled with the SampleID (like cdc-ss01-s1, cdc-ss01-s2,...) - see the attached file. From the HELP of AutoCAD C3D 2013, I have read/studies the "Point Tables" and "Point Label Styles" and I cannot figure out how to label the 8 points to show the "Point Number", "Point Elevation", and "Name" of Point (i. e. the SampleID like cdc-ss01-s1 & cdc-ss01-s2, ....).!!
How I would replace the Elevation label on a point with Alphanumeric text on certain points in a point group (or if it can be done at all)
Some background info:
I work with site diagrams that have monitoring wells and each one has a groundwater elevation value that gets updated every year according to field data. Our current setup is that the monitor well name and elevation values are displayed using point labels and looks like:
x 12-1 (Monitoring well name)
788.432 (Groundwater elevation value)
However, sometimes the monitoring well is dry and we need to display 'DRY' instead of a numeric elevation value. Autocad won't let me put 'DRY' as an elevation because it's not a number. Is there a way to override this, or somehow make the label display 'DRY' if elevation of 0 is entered?
Another use to overriding point label elevation is that sometimes the groundwater elevation that we get from the monitoring well is so far off from the general contour pattern that we will put the elevation value of that well in brackets such as (788.432) and indicate that this means the elevation was not included in the groundwater contour flow map.
Is there a way to do this override, or is there another method I should be using to label my monitoring well elevations? I know I could just MTEXT everything, but that's double the time to update the point elevations for the contours and then updating the mtext to display the numerical elevation values.