AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Profile Label - Geometry Point Text
May 10, 2012
For composing a profile label, I can't find the option for Geometry Point Text, which would use our abbreviations under the drawing settings. It is available for alignments but not profiles. Currently have it text compenent being labeled with PVC and PVT, but I had typed that in.
Civil3D 2013
Windows 7, 64 bit
Intel i7 2600 @ 3.40Ghz
Nvidia Quadro 600
I have an alignment label that I normally use to show the PVI's of a profile in the plan view.
This is a little unusual, but in a specific case I wanted to design my profile at one alignment, but show it at another. I designed my swale profile in the pathway profile view and then superimposed the swale profile on the swale profile view. I then went back to the swale alignment to add these labels.
It's a no-go AFAICT. The only profile available for me to select for these labels is the original ground profile from the surface.
How to create an alignment label expression for Geometry Point that will show the delta angle rather than the instantaneous direction or perpendicular direction?
is there a way to set up the profile so it is anchored to horizontal geometry from certain point. that way when i change the alignment in the middle it won't cause profile to be shifted because station changes (length changed) while the vpi stations stay the same as before.
i can make a program in .net to specify a station and move all the vpi station by that amount which can be obtained easily by taking the length before you modify minus length after you modify.
Pretty common problem. it's not that hard to do in really the logic is defined. i have this alignment that's 60km long that's only one portion. hecka lots of horzontal curve and vertical curves. over 100.
Civil 3D 2012 Work: Xeon W3503, 12GB, Quadro 2000, Dell P2211H x 2 Home: 3930k, 12GB, GTX 590, U3011, QX2710
I am in the process of modifying our current company standards to conform to another set of standards. The main change is switching from "simplex" font style to "Tahoma".
Simple in theory but problematic in execution, our main alignment label style "GEO-LABL", used for P.O.T, PC, ect. utilizes an underlined reference text object in order to control the length of the line under the call. The base insertion places the call perpendicular to the alignment, when dragged to the left or right it switches to stacked text plan readable. Works like a champ with the "simplex" text style - 1.jpg see attached.
Now simply changing the font to "Tahoma" - 2.jpg the larger you make the text the larger the gap.I am trying to stay away from adding a line for the underline due to the difference in lengths needed when the call gets longer or shorter based on alignment name or stationing.
I need to get a station and offset for a bunch of points and have it show up in the point label. i can't find reference text in the label style so i was wondering if there was a good workaround.
Dell Studio XPS 9100 Intel Core i7 CPU 930 @ 2.8GHz 12GB Ram 64 bit C3D 2012 SP3.0
How I would replace the Elevation label on a point with Alphanumeric text on certain points in a point group (or if it can be done at all)
Some background info:
I work with site diagrams that have monitoring wells and each one has a groundwater elevation value that gets updated every year according to field data. Our current setup is that the monitor well name and elevation values are displayed using point labels and looks like:
x 12-1 (Monitoring well name)
788.432 (Groundwater elevation value)
However, sometimes the monitoring well is dry and we need to display 'DRY' instead of a numeric elevation value. Autocad won't let me put 'DRY' as an elevation because it's not a number. Is there a way to override this, or somehow make the label display 'DRY' if elevation of 0 is entered?
Another use to overriding point label elevation is that sometimes the groundwater elevation that we get from the monitoring well is so far off from the general contour pattern that we will put the elevation value of that well in brackets such as (788.432) and indicate that this means the elevation was not included in the groundwater contour flow map.
Is there a way to do this override, or is there another method I should be using to label my monitoring well elevations? I know I could just MTEXT everything, but that's double the time to update the point elevations for the contours and then updating the mtext to display the numerical elevation values.
I'm attempting to create a profile view and then modify the label by overriding the text components. Unfortunately the profile view bands don't populate the labels until after my command is complete making it not possible to modify them in one command. Is there a way to update the band to have it show the labels?
Is there a way to set up a custom Point Label Style that will change the text color if the information entered meets particular criteria? I will be entering sample measurements taken on two (2) different dates, but if the sample data is greater than 1.0, I want it to show up a different color.
C3D 2013. We have profile line labels, some of which get manually edited (for example, change the "<[Tangent grade(FP|P2|RN|AP|GC|UN|SD|OF)]>" to a static number such as 0.29%).
However, if you CTRL+Click and select one of these labels and change the style of that one label, then the manual edits are lost and the label reverts back to the default string.
The label associated to a grading point when is moved when is moved changes its size automatically and a leader appears. After this happen no control over the grading point and its associate label. refer to the image below.
I'm trying to label my Profile label stations as raw stations, 20~20 meters, and I'm not being able to adapt the format to STATION 0, STATION 2, without any plus zeros or +, or -, or commas, or anything, as following in the image.
I'm working with a structure profile label style and it seems like the only way to anchor the position of the label is based on offsets from the structure itself... Any way to position the label based on the top of the profile view, so that I could make all of my labels horizontally aligned above the profile view?
Profile View Band Styles, Vertical Geometry and Horizontal Geometry types, include the option to Anchor Labels to True Geometry Locations.
Any image/example showing the difference between the Anchor Label options (Segment in Band and True Geometry Location) in Vertical and Horizontal Profile View Bands.
I have an alignment and would only like to label stations and specific geometry points such as EC/BC. When I add geometry points to my label set it automatically gives me curve midpoints and beg/end of alignment. How can I turn off these labels so that I only get BC/EC?
I have a strange thing that all of a sudden started happening. If I Rt-Clk on a surface on a profile and select Edit Profile geometry, the dialog box comes up, but almost every option in there is greyed out!
This is not drawing-specific, not is it machine specific.
I did a grading, created surface with it and draw a profile view. Everything seems to be good, except with the vertical geometry band. I need to fix slope and length only at break point, means PI (blue line), but aligment has created more PI with each surface tringular line at intersection (us i note). Is there any why to specify PI only at a break points?
I can erase PI manually on static profile view mode, but i desire to do it in dynamic mode..., in case when conditions changes.
I'd like to label profile elevations at horizontal geometry points. I accomplished this with a profile reference. Essentially labeling bottom of curb at pc, pt, mid, and pi, and would like to get and expression to add the top of curb, but under hor. geo style expressions you cannot pickup pgl data and PGL style expression are not loaded in the hgp data.
Note: Its all Resistentialism, so keep calm and carry on 64 Bit Win7 OS.
I'm using C3D 2012. I created a profile view for a straight horizontal alignment. The band label for the horizontal won't appear for this particular straight aligment. I have a few other alignments that has curves in it and the profile view displays the labels fine.
I tried to create a new straight alignment again, create a profile view but I get the same results.I also tried it on a new drawing using the NCS metric template with same results.
I can think of (if this is a bug) is to extend my alignment by say 0.1m and add a new IP at the correct alignment end, mask that on plan and end my profile view to the right length.
I do know that tere is supposed to be an algorithm in C3D that will recognise when two geometry points are coincident on a profile view...that is, say a profile vertical geometry point happens to occur on a major station (for example).
I have never seen this actually work. When I have this situation, the labels stagger and I get two columns of identical data on my PV.
I know I can remove individual labels bY CTRL+select and eIther erase or turn visibility to false, but I would rather that C3D figured it out for me and removed the duplicate data.
I have designed a railroad yard that the construction plans require all grading to be to centerline of rail (0.5 feet under the ties) and my profiles are required to be to the top of rail (1.3 feet above the centerline elevation). Since I already have the grading surface done I was hoping there was a way to target my grading surface and add the 1.3 feet to the elevation in the label. Is that passable?
Using the stock 'Elevations and Stations' style I targeted the existing ground for profile 1 and the finished ground for profile 2. Then I tried using the language you enter at the command line to do math in the label (+ 1.3 <[Profile2 Elevation(Uft|P2|RN|AP|Sn|OF)]>) but that only generated a label that read "(+ 1.3 242.00)" instead of the "243.30" that I need for the loading area, for example.
AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 (Primary), 2011 by contract. Dell Percision T3500: MS Windows 7 64-bit SP1; Intel Xeon CPU W3505 @ 2.53GHz, 12.00 GB RAM, NVIDIA Quadro 600
Is there a way to label the low point of a profile or alignment that doesn't have any vertical curves? We have an existing alignment and profile which is relatively flat, and we'd like to establish and label the low points for drainage improvements.
I'm trying to label the beginning and end points of a design profile (yellow line in the attached image) using the Horizontal Geometry Station Label tool. For some reason they will not show up.
I would like to add a wipeout to this structure label so I don't see the profile view grid lines. I want the wipeout to be the exact width and height of the label. I have tried numerous edits but can't seem to get it. What is the easiest/best way to add this wipeout?
I need to know how to display a proposed profile elevation in the major station alignment label, I mean, for example, I want to read in the label "0+000, 494.444". I've already edited my major station label style adding a (profile type) Reference text, and it only displays "?". I suppose I need to associate it with the correct profile, but I've not figured out how to. I show you how the label looks in the attached image.
I am trying to create a label for fire hydrants in plan view that shows the flange elevation. I want the elevation to be 0.4' above the adjacent road profile. I added a reference text component to my label style that shows the profile elevation. Where would I find the expression for the profile elevation reference text?