Revit :: Why Don't Structural Columns Show Up In Architectural Plans
Nov 2, 2012
1) Why structural columns don't show up in architectural plans. The only way I can see to coordinate the structure with the architectural elements is to use structural plans.
2) How to make structural columns visible in architectural plans? I've tried the visibility graphics but everything seems to be turned on by default.
How do I get to the settings that control what does and does not show in any given discipline - we need to update the Structural Discipline to show the non-structural walls, and non-structural portions of other walls as halftone.
I am trying to show all the wall scones and light fixtures in my rcp plan, but i don't want to show any door or wall openings, i just want the walls to show up as solid/hatched fills.
I imported a scanned drawing into Revit and traced it. I put the walls and floors in, then was inserting doors. I tried to find a particular door, but found I clicked on the wrong door and closed Revit instead of the screen I was in. However, when I brought Revit back up, I could no longer see any Floorplan, but my 3d was still visible. How do I retrieve or make visible Level 1 or 2? (When I tile the Floorplan Level 1 and the 3D drawing, my 3d drawing will turn blue if I box in the blank area on my Floorplan screen, so I assume it must still be there).
The other question I need answered is how to insert the geometric figure/camera that shows each side of an elevation? When I imported my scanned drawing, it was much larger than the area within the four “eyeballs”, but I have tried moving it and don’t see them.
I have an 11 floor building I wish to create a gross area schedule for. I have made all the area plans, and they all show up under the Gross Building Area Plans. But when i go to create a Gross Building Area Schedule it only lists 7 of the floors. (Leaves out sub base - Lvl2 and gives Lvl3-penthouse)
How about setting parameters so these four columns show in a boom: Width ft., Width in., Length ft., Length in. Also, how about getting the bom to show surface square footage for coating purposes?
I was following a tutorial when he created a structural plan where he'd place his footings. when i tried it on my Revit Architecture 2014, i found out that i didn't have that feature. is there any way i can turn it on?
i'm not sure if he's using revit architecture because he just refers to it as Revit 2014. i made a floor plan below the 0 mark but things will be tidier if i could make structural plan views.
In my 3D View my walls disappear when I de-select the structural box. Although drawn as regular walls they are store front panels so carry no load other than their own weight. My Visibility Graphics dialog box seems to have limited options for this. Am I missing something? How do I get them to re-appear in my 3D View for rendering without switching them to a structural wall?
I'm creating a window family by modifying a pre-existing one. One of the things I need to do is to move the reference planes defining the "left" and "right" edges of the window opening, so as to make to opening wider, but I'm not allowed to do it. The reference planes always move together, so that I'm stuck with a 3'-0" wide opening no matter what I do. I can't find any constraints linking the reference planes to each other or to a 3'-0" dimension - I can't find any constraints on them at all, in fact.
The file in question is attached. As I mentioned, the reference planes I'm concerned about are called "left" and "right". I have been able to move other reference planes in the file.
I am doing the structural frame of a house with curved walls and I needed to use the Model in Place command to create a curve shaped column. I defined it's category as Structural Column, but it takes the fill pattern of the wall. When I isolate the column, it has the same fill pattern as the column from the library. I need that the column will be displayed as the other structural column.
How can I switch the orientation of a structural system placed on a tilted face. In other words, I have framing that snaps to the underside, and I need it flipped to the topside of the face.
We are using structural steel framing familiies which are sloping in section. Where the view range cuts, the framing does not and the entire member is visible including above the cut plane.
The members are set to cut in plan in "Visiilbity Settings." The view is set to "Fine."
I have made my sections cuts through the floor plans, but when I view them, the walls I have cut through are not poched in to show that there is a solid wall there.
I working on a project in Revit Architecture and I have the Mechanical (MEP) and Structural (Structure) models linked into my model. I need to reference a detail in the structural model/sheet set. Is there a way to do that without creating a false callout tag with linework?
The attached schedule is all good except that I want to get a total for the columns Duplex, Duplex GFI, Fourplex and Simplex. The schedule only shows the (1) column at the moment Duplex Total created as an additional paramter with calculated totals in the project. I am trying to link that to the Duplex column etc...,
Please note that those columns Duplex, Duplex GFI, Fourplex, and Simplex are graphical yes/no paramters for my all in one outlet family created using the annotation symbols separatey loaded in a 3d wall hosted electrical family then turned off and on accordingly.
It's all working nicely expect that the different heights are counting separately, when I want a total of just Duplex's, Simplex's and so forth.
The layer is on and the ground levels on the architectural drawing in model view show the number and the box surrounding them however in the drawing window be it in the numbers have dissapeared and we are left with only the boxes ?
how to change the demolished and temporary appearances of non-structural elements such as railiings, plumbing fixtures etc?It is straigh forward to use phase overides to change the appearance of Walls etc that are either demolished or temporary, but however you change these appearances non structural elements stubbornly remain with a dotted blue outline. I want demolished railings and other non-structural elements to appear with a red hidden line style but have been unable to find out how this can done.
The beam is continuous. The connection details are not important. They're some kind of plate welded to the beam and bolted through the column web. I don't need it to be able to do structural calculations.
Join won't select a structural column or beam. Align creates a rotation error because of the beam's pitch. The column height appears to only change by the Level, but again the beam is pitched. Setting the height above the beam breaks the beam.
When splitting a schedule, the title of the schedule shows up above each of the columns created. Is there a way of having it so that when you slit a schedule in multiple columns, the title centeres over the entire view and shows itself only once instead of once over each column?
I am having issues with not being able to put in a column on an angle when using Revit Architecture. I read a troubleshoot guide and you can do it using Revit Structure, however Architecture is a different story.Why is this, and more importantly how can I put a column in on an angle.
Revit Architecture 2014? I've been trying to use the structural beam system, but when I select the joist I cannot select the start/end extension in the properties dialog box. I would like to know why is that?