I use PS CS6 for Windows. When I select a layer by mean of Ctrl-Click on layers palette, selection edges is not shown. When I go to menu View > Show > Selection Edges i realize that option is disabled.
I have a edu version of Adobe creative suite CS2. I tried to learn some text effects in online turtorial but I found that feather, modify, grow, similar, transform selection submenu are disabled in the select main menu. I would like to know why and how to make them enable.
I am having problems assigning materials as when I do the 'assign to selection' is disabled - what to do. I have tried everything but there must be something that I have not done.
I am trying to use a shared project with my other colleagues. Problem we are having that we are not getting into how to change the File Check in/out Status (option is disabled/greyed) . Do we required administrative rights to do that?
In X6 text shows up on the screen with ragged edges unless selected. This does not allow an appropriate visual assessment of a full page.
I don't recall if this happened in X5, but I am pretty sure it didn't happen in X3.Is there any mechanism of turning this "feature" off. It is completely unwanted in my view.
One of the computers running Inventor in my educational setting has all of the menus options show as squares. A screen shot is attached. In Application Options everything is set the same as the other computers and Tahoma is the font. Yet the menu does not appear as Tahoma.
I opened a file I had been working on yesterday on a different Mac, and got the error message: "3D functionality is currently disabled due to OpenGL being disabled." I am currently using MacBook Pro (2008), running Mac OS 10.9, using PhotoShop CC. I've already looked at Ps Preferences>Performance and I see this.
I've done a grading "applying to entire lenght" but after done that I realized that I needed to do some located contentions. Is it possible to edit the grade for not applying it to entire lenght?When I go to the modify tab, edit grading, it does not appears the option "apply to entire lenght?"
Just installed the LR3 software and updated to the last version. I inserted the SD-card with 12 pictures (jpg and raw) into the card reader but on the LR3 screen I only saw 12 grey rectangles. However, I imported the 12 pictures into a folder on the PC. The rectangles remained gray. With other programes I can see and open the pictures. My camera is a LX5.
I am not getting any nice blending from the edges of the car to the background. When selecting I use 1 pix feather, but I still get jagged edges. Is there a way of make the edges look more blended in with background?
I changed the color of the car, added a carbon fibre pattern ect,ect.
When I make a selection in a picture, the selection dotted line shows a coloured border, which is the colour of the second choice in the Materials palette. Especially if I make an addition to the selection, this coloured line runs right through the selected figure. If I copy the selection, undo the selection and then paste as a new layer, the coloured border, especially in added areas, remains visible.
how I can get rid of this strange artifact? I didn't use to have it, it emerged a few days ago.
Everytime I do a command where I have to select something, such as move, copy, etc., this pesky "selection" box comes up. This started just a couple of days ago and is annoying. What setting I need to change to get the box to go away?
The “window selection” selects only what appears on the screen! I wanted to select a page number located on the lower left corner of each title block of each drawing but found out that the “window selection” doesn’t keep selecting what doesn’t appear on the screen (if zoom in is applied)! For example, if I select a number of drawings and “zoom in” is applied then the window selection will only keep selecting what appears only on the screen!
Then how to let the “window selection” keep selecting all the objects regarding whether they appear on the screen or not?
After upgrading to Inventor 2014 we notice that the graphics do not work properly, and that the overall performance in drawings and modelling bad compared to 2013. Then we installed SP1 and now drawing views are disappearing, however when we select "shaded" view the view reappears and works perfectly..
Why do I not get the option to "fade fill" when I use the ALT/Backspace keyboard shortcut to fill a layer. If I use the menu option Edit/Fill.. to perform the fill I am given the option to "fade fill"
I uninstalled my creative suite from one laptop, and i am installing it on other laptop. i seem unable to activate it. tried internet, and phone. the program didn't show a deactivate option
A few days ago, I suddenly cannot find the eyedropper to select color, either in type or color functions. When I click the color boxes, it now opens up the color menu with the usual sliders, crayons, specturms, etc, but no eyedropper.
I'm trying to compare a selection made with the Auto-Enhance check box on and off with the Quick Selection tool, though I'm not seeing a difference. My understanding is that it gives the selection a smoother, less blocky edge,
1. even though I'm not seeing a difference, is there a reason to just not keep it checked all the time? 2. Can you apply this checkbox after making a selection or only prior to doing one?