I'm in the process of making a collage which consists of several layers with elements cut out from photographs (=these elements make up the composition). All elements have their separate layer.
My question is how can I apply a gradient overlay to a selection or 1 element(=on seperate layers).
I found how I can apply a gradient overlay but this is for the whole image instead of 1 specific element in the composition.
I've got a real problem here with the Script-fu Gradient Overlay. Every time I try to use it and click on any of the buttons - see screenshot for full list - it shuts Gimp down. There's no warnings, Gimp just suddenly vanishes and if anything is being worked on then all the changes are lost.
When I choose blend, the tool options dialog comes up, but there is no selection for gradient (like "full spectrum," for example) available. The only option is "FG to Transparent."
I have tried uninstalling GIMP and then re-installed it, but there is still no gradient selection available. I am using GIMP 2.8.2.
I've been using a radial gradient on a mask to create a selection, then messing with the selection with various tools, e.g. saturation, blur, contrast. All this on a duplicate of the background layer, of course.
On my most recent attempt, I noticed "rings" in a portion of the finished image. Is the sequence in which I'm using the tools the problem? Should I work on the top layer first, THEN create the selection? Here's a crop from the image:
I was just starting to experiment with the gradient tool last week. I could have a circle as the selection, use the gradient, and then it would make the gradient within my circle all nice.But now whenever I try to use the tool, it fills my entire layer with the gradient instead.I know I still have the circle selected.
I thought this would be fixed with version 6 but I guess it isn't or maybe I'm still just doing it wrong. How do you apply a transition effect to just the overlay track. For instance I want to apply dissolve to an animated gif that I'm using in my overlay track but when I do it gets applied to everything and even the primary track blacks out and then dissolves back in. So frustrating. I switched over to final cut pro because of this but love the ease of use of VSP so I bought version 6 hoping this issue had been fixed.
I have found what I can only assume is a bug. I have a PSD file that when opened in CS5 looks as it should. When I open it in CS6 any shape with a gradient overlay displays as black. When I choose Save for Web it displays correctly in the save window, but the file displays the shapes as black in the regular Photoshop view.
I used to use Ps normally, but since I've reinstalled my Windows recently so I had to reinstall Ps as well. However, when I used Gradient Overlay, it didn't work out correctly as it's supposed to do: no matter how I configured the option, it just filled a solid color instead of a gradient (as number 1 in picture). When I clicked reverse, it filled with the other solid color. Number 2 I used Gradient Tools to make it easier to compare.
I'm trying to modify my companies logo for our new catalog by applying a gradient to it. I've tried to do this in both Illustrator CS4 and Photoshop CS4 and for some reason I can't get the gradient to apply only to the logo. Instead, it applies the gradient to the background. The logo is saved as a JPEG, so I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it.
All im tryin to do is create a rectangle with a gradient on it starting with blue and finishing with light blue. I create the canvas, then new layer, then rounded rectangle then when i try and put a gradient on it it wont let me telling "the content of the layer is not directly editable? i must be missing something dead simple?
Is there a way to, as in Photoshop's effects gallery, create a color-overlay on an already-done gradient in Illustrator CS 5.1? I've already done the gradient and I have my color, but can't quite make it work.
When I apply a gradient to a shape layer, the gradient is always applied as a rectangle.
The red rectangle implies the edges of the gradient. It's a horizontal gradient.What I'm after is for the gradient to be applied in a way that uses the shape layer for the edges... so the same value will be applied evenly to the left side of the shape and then spread evenly to the right. Is this possible?
I draw a rectangle and colored it with green then i wanted to give some effects by double clicking on the layer. Then opened a window named layer style. When i tick the box "gradient overlay", appears a gradient effect bu color of the image changes from green to gray. How may i prevent this change to gray. I want my stay rectangle green.
a photo in xara is actually a bitmap filled shape, so if you just try applying another fill, eg linear, it will replace the bitmap completely
so what you need to do is draw a rectangle over the photo - apply the fill you want to the rectangle - and then give it a transparency of type hue
now come the reservations - hue transparency has no affect on black/white/grey-tones, so you may not end up with an even fill as you can see from the example
you may wish to contone the bitmap first... the underlying color will still affect the fill to some extent... as can be seen from the green band in the examples..
the chosen fill ramp gives a rather nice effect on the original I think, but is a bit extreme on the contones...
[I find it useful for adding gradient color to raster line art, sometimes quicker than going into a bitmap editor and painting on color whilst preserving transparency...]
I've created a button with a gradient overlay, but when I click and drag the button, the gradient overlay stays put, it won't move with the button. Is there an option I'm overlooking to anchor the gradient with the item I've created? I've never seen this before. I'm on Photoshop CC 14.0 on a Mac.
I have a webpage that has a gradient background that extends down the page at least 800 px and is set to repeat-x. I have an auto centerd column which has a background applied to it. The background is set to repeat-y. The center column has a dropshadow applied all the way around it. The problem is that I am not able to get the drop shadow to blend in with the gradient as the page grows. Initially at the top of the gradient where it, the gradient, is the darkest, the drop shadow blends in. But as the gradient moves down, i.e., becomes lighter, the drop shadow ceases to blend in any more. is it possible to solve this problem? If so then how?
I have a curved shape which is a light color. I want to create a dark outline and have it fade into the light color as a gradient would, uniformly following the curved shape.
There are a few things i wanted to ask since i don't really find anything relevant to what i'm looking for.
1) Is there a simple and efficient way of applying a texture to a selection (minus alpha of course)? There is a plugin here that claims to do just that, but how to use it or it isn't working properly.
2) I sometimes want to color specific portions of an image that isn't layered, and if there are outlines, it only gets harder. Any tips about that or perhaps some plugin that can pick out a specific color range of pixels from my selection?
3) There is a plugin called Drop Shadow or something. It is really useful and well done, i'll give the author that, but it would also be better if there was an option to dump the shadow in a new layer below the current to allow easier manipulation later on. The current workaround is generating the shadow without the original image, copying, tracing the steps back and pasting in a new layer.
So there are for now. Oh, and one last thing: is a new version or at least an update coming out anytime soon? It's been a long while since i saw any changes.
Illustrator keeps freezing when applying an effect such as texture-grain to a simple gradient, or even rasterizing a simple black circle. My system is about a 6month old macbook pro with 16gb ram, i7 and AMD Radeon HD 6770M 1024 MB. What could be causing this? It wasn't like this when i first started using the laptop but has started to do it everytime i try and do any of those simple tasks recently.
It's a work in progress so eventually all the gradients will line up as in this image:
what setting to I need to change to get rid of the white pixels around the black outline? I'd like the gradients to touch the outline instead of looking all jagged.
What I want to do is make a row of five small thumbnail images that blend into each other. I've got them on five separate layers, and I just want to be able to select the edges of the pictures and create a horizontal gradient that makes the very outer edge almost 100% transparent, and the inner edge of my selection 100% opaque.
I open a JPG and enter quick mask. I use the gradient tool with a radial gradient and make a small gradiated area. It appears in red fading out to the edges. So far so good.
I USE to be able to exit quick mask, and that gradient would now be a selection. What is happening now though is when I exit quick mask, the area selected is the entire image and not the gradiated area.
Right after one makes a selection, say by using the Rectangle SelectTool, is presented with handles that allow altering the selection.
If one then selects another tool without deselecting is being deprivedof these handles while the selection remains active thus rendering himunable to alter the selection in that fashion.
Thus forming my question: is there a way to make these handles to(re-)appear on a non-freshly created selection?
I have the kind of bull/goat face in this edited out as a separate layer for adjusting, what I would like to do with it at the moment is apply a left to right brightness gradient on it to make it gradually change from light to dark so that it blends in with the background a bit better.
I have a perspective image of a tube station. I want to replace an image of a poster with a different one. So I need to apply perspective (I can do this) and make the resultant image curved, to fit the curved wall.