Photoshop :: Creating A Transparent Gradient In A Selection
Jan 31, 2005
What I want to do is make a row of five small thumbnail images that blend into each other. I've got them on five separate layers, and I just want to be able to select the edges of the pictures and create a horizontal gradient that makes the very outer edge almost 100% transparent, and the inner edge of my selection 100% opaque.
Hey, I'm having troubles with applying a gradient tool to a rectangular marquee in Photoshop CS3 for Mac OS X 5.8. Instead of getting a black color to fade into the background, I just get the black color.
And I'm click and dragging about 1.5 inches long. Sometimes I end up covering the entire picture with that color, not just the object (even though the object is selected). Gradient maps and layer masks don't seem to work.
Currrently, we print floor plans to pdf's, open them in Photoshop and make them part transparent and part semi-transparent so that we can overlay them in various visual tools. Is there a way to create pdf's or images where the background is completely transparent and and solid patterns within the floor plan that are semi-transparent?
Im using Photoshop cs6 and im trying to blend 2 images together, i followed this tutorial;
which i also foiled last year to blend my images and it worked, but for some reason nothing is happening this time i try it, and what im doing differently to what i did last year!
I have attached an image of what im trying to do but it doesn't seem to be working at all.
I have a gradient in CS6 which I have set from 0% white to 100% Spot Color then back to 0% white as I want the gradient to be transparent at the edges.
For some reason the 0% is not displaying as transparent on the screen, even though in the Gradient editor it does show the transparency is there.
i want to transform an image and make it transparent with a gradient. i want the image no be 100% in the left, 50% in the midle and 0% in the right(i dont know if that was explicit). how do i do that?
It's a work in progress so eventually all the gradients will line up as in this image:
what setting to I need to change to get rid of the white pixels around the black outline? I'd like the gradients to touch the outline instead of looking all jagged.
I've had the hobby of graphic design for a while now. Recently, I've been trying to recreate things like flyers and websites for entertainment.
I'm currently trying to recreate a professional photo booth flyer. I'm having trouble recreating the dark to transparent gradient in the footer. Here's the original flyer:
Whenever I try to recreate this effect, it ends up being very sudden and unappealing. Here's an example (note that it is unfinished, leaving some areas white):
Is there any better way of doing this gradient effect (or does it even need to be fixed, for that matter?).
I have created a gradient background in photoshop and positioned this on my webpage using css.
I thought it would be nice to create some page titles in photoshop instead of using regular fonts.
Something that has always stumped me, is whenever I have created text on top of a transparent background using photoshop, saved for web, gif @ 256 colours and applied to the webpage, no matter what I do the text always look frazzled around the edges. Is there a technique to creating transparent text that looks smooth?
I have a webpage that has a gradient background that extends down the page at least 800 px and is set to repeat-x. I have an auto centerd column which has a background applied to it. The background is set to repeat-y. The center column has a dropshadow applied all the way around it. The problem is that I am not able to get the drop shadow to blend in with the gradient as the page grows. Initially at the top of the gradient where it, the gradient, is the darkest, the drop shadow blends in. But as the gradient moves down, i.e., becomes lighter, the drop shadow ceases to blend in any more. is it possible to solve this problem? If so then how?
I am having a little trouble trying to add multiple fade to transparent gradients appear in a single image. Here are the steps I have done so far:
Create a new vector with the photo unlocked
Add a layer mask
use the black to white gradient, so the edge of the photo is completely translarent and as you move to the center, it slowly reveals the photo.
I used this technique I found online for one edge of the photo and it worked great, untill I tried the second gradient on the same photo, and the first one I did disappeared. I guess Photoshop only lets you have one.
The next thing I tried is to create another vector mask and create another gradient, but it did not work at all. Also, Photoshop only lets you have two vector masks per layer, so That wont do me much good if I need 4 gradients, each one fading to transparent around the 4 edges of the photo.
Any solution would be greatly appreciated. I plan to take the photo that has the fade to transparent gradients and copy it to another background image with some text.
I want to take a photograph and have it go from transparent to solid opacity. I believe the gradient tool can do that (maybe) but I don't want any color, just have the transparent blend to solid.
I open a JPG and enter quick mask. I use the gradient tool with a radial gradient and make a small gradiated area. It appears in red fading out to the edges. So far so good.
I USE to be able to exit quick mask, and that gradient would now be a selection. What is happening now though is when I exit quick mask, the area selected is the entire image and not the gradiated area.
I'm coming from Fireworks.A technique I use often in my ui work is to combine a texture with a gradient that fades the gradients color and the pattern to transparent.
In Fireworks, this can be done on a single layer with no mask. The transparency of the gradient affects the pattern.This is not the case in Photoshop. I am wondering how I can accomplish the same thing in Photoshop, while keeping everything vector.
I open a new project and add a layer, then create a rounded rectangle, is there a way to fill just that rounded rectangle with a gradient. I keep getting a message that the layer is not directly editable or something. I need to just play with the thing, I'm sure - eventually I'd porbably sort it all out. But I got a job creating a web page for a mortgage company and I wanted some custom buttons with a gradient fill -
I am trying to make a gradient to go from "transparent to white" example: I have a circle that the center is transparent, but I want it to go from a transparent to a white. I can't seem to figure out how to do this.
I am following the following tutorial:[URL]....... I create a new page in Paint .Net and select the gradient tool. Once i have the page with the gradient colors i've chosen, i select the Line tool and create a wavy line.
The issue im having is fading out this line. The tutorial states "and fade out the far end with a linear transparent gradient" I cant find this tool or not sure what action to take.
I need step by step gradient text instructions for Photoshop WITH TWO CUSTOM COLORS GOING FROM TOP TO BOTTOM.
How do I (instead of using the preset color choices) make a custom gradient? I am trying to create text with a top to bottom gradient of green (#228B22) down to aqua (#40E0D0).
I shot a TV set and we decided to add a white to transparent gradient on the otherwise black TV screen to create depth for shaping.
What I did was create a circular gradient in the top left corner of the TV set. It has been set to go from White to Transparent. Then I reduced the opacity to around 40% to make it seem more realistic. The problem is that there are very visible bands from where it starts to where it fades out. These are visible from 100% opacity and downwards. I want the transitions to be smooth smooth smooth My Layer Blend mode is set to normal Will changing the blend mode help? I did try to use different blend modes and nothing changed.
I'm Using CS2 9.0.2 on Powerbook with Cinema Display
When I use a transparent gradient on top of a darker colored background, I can see white as part of the transition, even though I have it set to fade to no fill.
And, no I don't want to use the multiply filter to solve this issue. Needs to be set to "normal" because the object will be used for web. This feature works correctly in Photoshop.
I've created a heart using many strokes (like a child would do with crayons). So it's made up of many lines grouped together. I've expaned the stroked lines, so they are now a group of objects in a heart shape. I need to fade them from 100% red to 100% transparent. I don't know how to do this with a group of items.
When I choose blend, the tool options dialog comes up, but there is no selection for gradient (like "full spectrum," for example) available. The only option is "FG to Transparent."
I have tried uninstalling GIMP and then re-installed it, but there is still no gradient selection available. I am using GIMP 2.8.2.
I have not created a document yet and would like some thought on how to do this: I want to use a continuous tone black and white image which is somewhat close to what would be a 'knockout' but with soft edges - so it gradates appropriately over the background image I want to use, making the black part of the image used as the mask become much of the effect of a gradient mask: the background image shows through whereever there is the 'black' and 'tone' of the image.
my first thought is to create a layer mask and then paste the black and white image onto that, but I'm not sure if that will work to accept the 'soft tones' of the image and work appropriately. What steps I should take to make this effect work?