I open a new project and add a layer, then create a rounded rectangle, is there a way to fill just that rounded rectangle with a gradient. I keep getting a message that the layer is not directly editable or something. I need to just play with the thing, I'm sure - eventually I'd porbably sort it all out. But I got a job creating a web page for a mortgage company and I wanted some custom buttons with a gradient fill -
I want to create a gradient for random curves. but I need exact the oposit. I found how to do in circle and in squares but I can't find how to do in a "shape".
how I can get the black-to-transparent gradient that is present in the photo below? I don't know how to make a gradient around a shape so that it follows the edges.
Also, I want to build something similar to the blue background, but in green. My plan is to use a single gradient with twenty or so color stops in it. Does that seem like the right way to go about it?
My question is about gradients and anti-aliasing. I'm using PS 7.0 and what I want to do is use the custom shape tool, and fill the shape with a gradient. Not difficult, but here's where I get caught. After the shape is filled, I'd like the edges to remain anti-aliased.
For example, if I use the custom shape tool to create a hand print with anti-aliased edges, then use the magic want to select it. Next I grab my fore and back colors, choose a linear gradient and drag it in the appropriate direction. The selected shape is filled the way I want, but when I deselect, the edges have become pixelated. Is there a way to avoid this and keep them smooth? I tried using the blur tool and blur filter, but they don't quite have the same look.
When I apply a gradient to a shape layer, the gradient is always applied as a rectangle.
The red rectangle implies the edges of the gradient. It's a horizontal gradient.What I'm after is for the gradient to be applied in a way that uses the shape layer for the edges... so the same value will be applied evenly to the left side of the shape and then spread evenly to the right. Is this possible?
is there any way in photoshop cs to create a gradient mask inside of a certain shape, so that the gradient is black on the edges and turns white when it reaches inner parts of the shape?
I don't like the radius of the gradient fill of my shape layer in Photoshop. I cannot find any hints about how to expand the gradient fill to cover a different area inside of the shape layer.
How can I transform gradient fills of vectors shapes in PS?
I have a curved shape which is a light color. I want to create a dark outline and have it fade into the light color as a gradient would, uniformly following the curved shape.
We are having a problem applying a gradient mesh to a shape. If we apply the mesh to a square box the grid appears properly, but if we apply it to a shape the grid is massively distorted with lines going in all directions.
What I want to do is make a row of five small thumbnail images that blend into each other. I've got them on five separate layers, and I just want to be able to select the edges of the pictures and create a horizontal gradient that makes the very outer edge almost 100% transparent, and the inner edge of my selection 100% opaque.
I need step by step gradient text instructions for Photoshop WITH TWO CUSTOM COLORS GOING FROM TOP TO BOTTOM.
How do I (instead of using the preset color choices) make a custom gradient? I am trying to create text with a top to bottom gradient of green (#228B22) down to aqua (#40E0D0).
I shot a TV set and we decided to add a white to transparent gradient on the otherwise black TV screen to create depth for shaping.
What I did was create a circular gradient in the top left corner of the TV set. It has been set to go from White to Transparent. Then I reduced the opacity to around 40% to make it seem more realistic. The problem is that there are very visible bands from where it starts to where it fades out. These are visible from 100% opacity and downwards. I want the transitions to be smooth smooth smooth My Layer Blend mode is set to normal Will changing the blend mode help? I did try to use different blend modes and nothing changed.
I'm Using CS2 9.0.2 on Powerbook with Cinema Display
Completely unlike the way Illustrator worked in previous versions, when I rotate a shape (say a square) that has a gradient in it, the gradient does not rotate with the object. For example if it is a black to white gradient and initially the black is at the bottom of the square, if I rotate the square instead of the gradient moving to the top, it stays at bottom. Same thing if its rotated to other rotations, 45 degrees moves the black to a corner etc. I can't find this anywhere, is it a preference? I've had 2 installs of Illustrator now on 2 clean Windows 7 installs and its still the same. A very frustrating workflow being that I am an animator, I don't want to have to manually change a gradient everytime I do another frame.
The shape is a compound path with a black fill & no stroke. Alternatively, is there any way to convert that shape to individual horizontal & vertical wavy lines?
i already know that in order to get a gradient to follow the outline of an irregular shape you could do a "blend" with smooth colour'
T he problem I'm having is that it's an involved process and most of the time requires too much tweaking - the points in both shapes should be the same and should approximate each other's distances btw the location on both shapes. I'm wondering if there's another, more direct way to, let's say, take a letter and get a falloff gradient in the shape of the letter...
just realised that a drop shadow might work....i need the gradient to eventually become a mask...
I have not created a document yet and would like some thought on how to do this: I want to use a continuous tone black and white image which is somewhat close to what would be a 'knockout' but with soft edges - so it gradates appropriately over the background image I want to use, making the black part of the image used as the mask become much of the effect of a gradient mask: the background image shows through whereever there is the 'black' and 'tone' of the image.
my first thought is to create a layer mask and then paste the black and white image onto that, but I'm not sure if that will work to accept the 'soft tones' of the image and work appropriately. What steps I should take to make this effect work?
I was making a website and I wanted to make a pattern that looks like one color turning into another color by way of small circles increasing in size. I've created a small mock-up of the type of effect that I want to make, and what is the name of the effect, or how to do it. But for some reason it doesn't let me post the image.
I need step by step gradient text instructions for Photoshop WITH TWO CUSTOM COLORS GOING FROM TOP TO BOTTOM.
How do I (instead of using the preset color choices) make a custom gradient? I am trying to create text with a top to bottom gradient of green (#228B22) down to aqua (#40E0D0).
I am trying to make a shape made from the blob tool made into hafltones. I do not want it as a gradient, just equal sized halftones throughout the shape. Is this possible?
When I do it using Effects/pixilate/color haltone it makes multiple colored halftones, whereas I just want one color. And when I change the channel's it comes up with similar results.
I am creating a shape that looks like a pill a rectangle with two circles on the ends, if you will. But it's all one shape. I want a gradient or blend (what exactly is the differnce?) that has a white middle and dark gray edges. The white goes along the pill horizontally but the dark gray is above and below this white "line" but the rounded edges of the pill shape are the dark gray. I'm using CS6.
how do I create a gradient using my own colors? I've recently upgraded form CS3 where I was able to just drag a colour swatch onto the gradient slider to set the colour. Now I can't do that. If I try with one of the default colors it works no problem but if I create my own swatch then I get a circle with a line through it saying I can't do it.
I'm creating navigational elements in photoshop and I want to be able to adjust the outline by itself, as well as there are some elements that are only an outline with no fill. How do I create shape outlines without the fill?
i've scannd somthing, and i want it to look like its behind a glass window.. the object is pressed to the scanner so i got the behind somthing feeling.. now how do i make it look more like a glass window? a glass wall..?
How do I create a gradient with paint.net with a photo - a landscape photo, from white on the left going darker to your right with colors being more prominent on the right?