I've got a real problem here with the Script-fu Gradient Overlay. Every time I try to use it and click on any of the buttons - see screenshot for full list - it shuts Gimp down. There's no warnings, Gimp just suddenly vanishes and if anything is being worked on then all the changes are lost.
I'm in the process of making a collage which consists of several layers with elements cut out from photographs (=these elements make up the composition). All elements have their separate layer.
My question is how can I apply a gradient overlay to a selection or 1 element(=on seperate layers).
I found how I can apply a gradient overlay but this is for the whole image instead of 1 specific element in the composition.
Im trying to change the primary color of a wallpaper for my phone (droid razr), so i took the wallpaper, added a transparent layer over it, filled it in with like a turquoise, and set the mode to hue. it went from this:
To this.
Is there any easy way to get that blurred part at the top to change also?
I have found what I can only assume is a bug. I have a PSD file that when opened in CS5 looks as it should. When I open it in CS6 any shape with a gradient overlay displays as black. When I choose Save for Web it displays correctly in the save window, but the file displays the shapes as black in the regular Photoshop view.
I used to use Ps normally, but since I've reinstalled my Windows recently so I had to reinstall Ps as well. However, when I used Gradient Overlay, it didn't work out correctly as it's supposed to do: no matter how I configured the option, it just filled a solid color instead of a gradient (as number 1 in picture). When I clicked reverse, it filled with the other solid color. Number 2 I used Gradient Tools to make it easier to compare.
Is there a way to, as in Photoshop's effects gallery, create a color-overlay on an already-done gradient in Illustrator CS 5.1? I've already done the gradient and I have my color, but can't quite make it work.
I've created a button with a gradient overlay, but when I click and drag the button, the gradient overlay stays put, it won't move with the button. Is there an option I'm overlooking to anchor the gradient with the item I've created? I've never seen this before. I'm on Photoshop CC 14.0 on a Mac.
I have a webpage that has a gradient background that extends down the page at least 800 px and is set to repeat-x. I have an auto centerd column which has a background applied to it. The background is set to repeat-y. The center column has a dropshadow applied all the way around it. The problem is that I am not able to get the drop shadow to blend in with the gradient as the page grows. Initially at the top of the gradient where it, the gradient, is the darkest, the drop shadow blends in. But as the gradient moves down, i.e., becomes lighter, the drop shadow ceases to blend in any more. is it possible to solve this problem? If so then how?
I have using the overlay feature in Photoshop for two years now. It's always worked well, I put a solid color on one layer, a black and white image on a layer above it, choose overlay, and the black and white image takes on the color from the layer below, keeping all the contrast of the original photo. It's why I like this instead of just changing the opacity, which just lightens and washes the image out, even though the color shows through. Now suddenly when I try to do the same thing I've always done, it takes on the color but I get all these bright blown out areas. I have always worked in CMYK as it's for print. I tried making the image black and white and copying it directly from the grayscale file and pasting it into the CMYK file, and I've tried making it a grayscale image, and then turning it back into a CMYK before I paste it into the actual CMYK file I'm working with. Both ways have the same bad result. It's almost as though a preference accidently got changed but I can't find what it might be.
Im working on this tut from grey cobra. It shows you how to get that worn out look.
At one stage you're told to duplicate the background, go to its blending options, choose pattern overlay, chose crepe paper and use overlay as the blending mode.
This is supposed to create a subtle noise effect on the appearance of the background. The screen shots in the tut show this.
When i do it i cant see any change after the effect has been applied to the layer. Ive got 100% apacity and all that. Could anyone suggest a reason why it wont work?
I have a perspective image of a tube station. I want to replace an image of a poster with a different one. So I need to apply perspective (I can do this) and make the resultant image curved, to fit the curved wall.
I have a new kitcarn (picture attached) that I want to change the color of but I want to overlay a few different colors on the car first so I can get a feel for how it might look, I just don't know how to go about selecting just the body of the car as this is all I want to change... is it just a matter of creating a duplicate layer and then carefully and slowly using a select tool go around the sections that I want to color and color them in?
I don't know which color I want the car yet so would like to know how to do it myself?
If I have a picture with a transparent overlay, along with a nontransparent version of the overlay, is there a way I can remove the overlay from the original image?
One application for this would be removing GUIs from video game screenshots.
For the background image halfway down, there's a totem pole sort of "merged" in with the color. But it's not simply an overlay blend mode or opacity change. It has essentially seemed to adopt an entire palette based on the background color itself.
I think I recall a way to create this effect in Photoshop, but in GIMP I'm stuck. How would one go about making that "color overlay", given any regular picture and a colored background? I'm doing this for a website, by the way.
I am working on an image of Elvis and using layers and blending techniques to put the music to one of his songs over his face. But I want the musical overlay to mold to the curves of his face. Is there a way to do this? The blend mode I'm currently using is Multiply. I have tried other layer modes but it still does not give me the effect that I'm looking for.
I am attempting to create screenshots from an old video game and one part of the game includes a semi-transparent overlay layer that I would like to extract into its own image. I am able to render each layer separately in the emulator I'm using, but the screenshot tool is only able to export the final rendered image, so the transparent layer, when rendered alone, still results in a screenshot where it has been merged with the game palette's background color. I have managed to get 2 different copies of the overlay image using 2 different background colors, but I don't know the transparency percentage on the overlay. Is it possible to extract the original semi-transparent overlay with its original colors and transparency levels knowing the original background color? I can get more screenshots with different background colors if that would work. Also, the overlay only has a 5-color palette, so it's not a terribly complex image. I'm attaching the images I have with the background colors included as separate layers in each.
am using Photoshop CC and just the other day my gradient tool started acting strange - when I go to apply a gradient on a layer or a layer mask, I will drag the gradient and then if I try to drag it from a different angle to add to it, it erases what I've done and starts a new gradient from that angle. I've never had this issue, is there some setting I need to have adjusted?
Im using Photoshop cs6 and im trying to blend 2 images together, i followed this tutorial;
which i also foiled last year to blend my images and it worked, but for some reason nothing is happening this time i try it, and what im doing differently to what i did last year!
I have attached an image of what im trying to do but it doesn't seem to be working at all.
I have a gradient in CS6 which I have set from 0% white to 100% Spot Color then back to 0% white as I want the gradient to be transparent at the edges.
For some reason the 0% is not displaying as transparent on the screen, even though in the Gradient editor it does show the transparency is there.
I was wondering if anyone had any idea about this problem that I've been having. For some reason when I create a gradient that goes to zero opacity on either end it gets all scattered.
It was working fine and now I've reinstalled it in Windows Vista 64bit. I remember I had this problem the first time I installed it as well but then I turned the update on and it just went away before I really cared too much. Now I've got the update on and went and downloaded the 10.1 from the website and it's starting to bother me .....
I have a photo that i want to apply several gradients from each side so it is see through on all 4 sides.
What i do is i add a vector mask to the layer and then choose the gradient tool from the left toolbar which is located next to paint bucket.
I apply my first gradient on the left side of the photo, and it works like its supposed to.
However when i apply another gradient from the top, right or bottom of the photo, it cancels out the first gradient and applies the gradient. I cant apply several gradients one after the other.
I'm trying to add a gradient to my text but it seems like it's not working anymore. It was working just yesterday.I've browsed other discussions and it seems like a "Type" problem. However I tried adding a Fill and it still does not work.
Even though I select the gradient tab, have the central circle highlighted (black dot showing) and have the three lines showing; when I attempt to adjust levels within the selected zone, the whole picture changes. Depending on image gradient area is either one third to half, horizontally, sky or foreground.
I have tried it on other images, restarting Lightroom and rebooting PC, nothing seems to change it.
I also have it installed on my laptop, running 64-bit Home and it works fine.
Did a photographic course yesterday and my images could be manipulated whether on their pc or my laptop. Brought them back home and no go on the desktop again?
I have a shape (of a splat) and want to use an image to 'paint' it with, so that the image only overlays the shape and the rest of the background that is not part of the shape is transparent - how can I do this.
My Gradient Tool no longer shows the Gradient Tool Annotator over a selected object. Did I turn something off that I don't know about? Recently updated my CS5 version to try and fix but no luck.
Updated Illustrator to CC and now my apply gradient to stroke is acting funny (also does it with apply along stroke). First i can't get it to show up unless I find a number it likes (start out with 1 pt, don't see a stoke so increase size 1 pt at a time up to 11 to see it) now the corners have gotten strange, They seem to be missing small patches. You can see in the image I am not doing anything fancy, it's type and then just to make sure it wasn't a font problem I tried just a rectangle. It seems to be worst with corner set to round joint.
1. Is there a "show quick mask" feature for showing masks?
I know Gimp has a "*Show quick mask*" feature which shows what you have(and haven't) selected by displaying a red overlay over your image,allowing you to add to or subtract from a selection by using the paintbrush, but I haven't found a similar feature for showing masks.
Photoshop has this feature (it's called 'reveal mask' I think) and it basically just shows a red overlay of your mask on your image so that,similar to the quick mask feature in Gimp, you can see where you have and haven't masked through.
(I don't own Photoshop so I'm not sure if the red overlay shows the opacity with which you've masked through or whether or not you can edit the mask when it's being shown as a red overlay.)
2. Is there a command for showing the layer underneath the current layer I'm working on?
This is another feature that I've seen Photoshop has that is useful for blending multiple exposures (and lots of things, really).
Basically it's just a keyboard shortcut for showing the layer underneath your current when you hold down a certain keyboard command (it's not something you toggle since it's meant for quickly viewing what's on the layer underneath your current one).
I know I can press space bar to show or hide the layer I'm currently working on, but I can't do that unless I focus into the layers dialogue first. It'd be nice if I could activate that functionality from anywhere,regardless of whether I'm focused on the layers dialogue.
i'm trying to fade out the last few inches of a photograph so it blends more seamlessly into backgrounds it's placed onto.If I use the gradient tool, set to "Foreground to Transparent" I get the proper effect, but instead of fading to transparent it fades to white.. which dosen't work when I move the layer over a coloured background.
I've read and watched many tutorials on this, and they all say to create a layer mask, and then use the gradient tool.. but for some reason anytime I have the layer mask selected the gradient tool won't work at all..