I have a complex shape that has a cutout to the edge and I would like to apply a radius.I can, of course, play with nodes etc. but is there an easy way to do this? I use combine and weld etc. but the problem is ensuring the edges touch on both faces.
I am trying to create a complex shape with an opacity map. To keep things simple, consider an egg shape with heagon shaped windows. I have tried to create a solid / shell with boolean cut-outs, but getting these windows at the right angles is becoming very difficult.So, I tried a CV Surf with an opacity map. This allows for the windows to work well, but there is no depth to the surface.Is there a way to add depth to a CV surf object? Also, I want the map of the interior to be different from the exterior. A solid will have a ton of polygons, making mapping a huge time sink.
I have a client which wants me to change the color of his products - from bronze to chrome and vice versa. I'm specialized in web design in Photoshop, I tried different techniques but didn't manage to get a good enough result. I have to add that it's not only 1 product, but up to 100. Here are the images: [URL]....
I have a problem regarding a mechanical design. I want to make a pin move around a complex shape, always tangent to the sides of the shape. The point is not to have it animated, but I need the constrain so I can further work on the mechanical design.
I have a topo map in max, and I'm trying to raise and sink parts of it to make sidewalks and parking lots. My thought was to import line objects from dwg files, shape merge them onto the terrain, change the material number, then extrude. The problem is that shape merge doesn't maintain the correct shape.
I've made sure that I'm in orthographic mode, looking straight down on the surface, but anywhere there's a curve it messes things up. Circles become irregular ellipses. Arcs become more convex or concave. Where I'm shape merging two different objects at different times, objects that had lined up, the curves are now different and they either overlap or no longer touch.
I'm assuming that it's because my terrain mesh is too complex, but I'm not sure how to get around that.
I have created a custom linetype using a shape & also added text. I have tried countless combinations to have a different spacing for the text, without affecting the frequency of the shape.
I want there to be no space between the shape, just repeating. But I want the text to display only once for every 4 times the shape repeats. Is this at all possible?
Every time I change the text spacing, I get huge gaps in the between the shape and it seems that their spacing cannot be independently controlled.
Is it possible to run force analysis on my part in Inventor? I have used the force analysis before, but never for something so complex in shape. My main issues are constraining the base of the part and applying forces. I tried thickening sections of the part in order to apply a force/constraint, but now Inventor won't recognize the thickened parts as connected to the main body.
On a side note, it won't let me attach my file, which is 122 MB. Is it too large?
When I apply a gradient to a shape layer, the gradient is always applied as a rectangle.
The red rectangle implies the edges of the gradient. It's a horizontal gradient.What I'm after is for the gradient to be applied in a way that uses the shape layer for the edges... so the same value will be applied evenly to the left side of the shape and then spread evenly to the right. Is this possible?
Octagon inside a circle... The circle cannot be dimensioned off the octagon?
I need it to have, say .25" clearance and I mean I can just make the circle the right size... but Inventor/I really should be able to do something this simple...
A circle inside a circle, same center point, you can click both and get the distance between the two?
(R-click and set circle to Radius does nothing, it still wants to dimension it from the center point)
Using Illustrator CC. I made a sphere shape and reshaped it using a warp effect.
Now when I try use a transform command (reflect or rotate) it only effects the “original” bound box which is the sphere I first made, and not my warp effect shape. My question is can I modify a shape after I apply a warp effect?
I have a curved shape which is a light color. I want to create a dark outline and have it fade into the light color as a gradient would, uniformly following the curved shape.
I'm working on a part of an image that, I suppose, is "complex".
I'll start by saying I have no snap to options selected. I'm zoomed to a section of an image and moving the node arrows to create the pattern. Why do the arrows push each other out of the way? How do I manage node manipulation without the pushy arrows? Is it possible to have too many nodes? I only have this happen when working on something with a lot of nodes.
Im importing large plots from autocad in .pdf format into corel to annotate and overlay a few images , these drawings have literally thousands of lines are really slowing the computer down a lot making it impossible to do anything, is there a way to optimize these so they run any faster? i really dont want to have to flatten them into raster images as it defeats the point of it!
I'm creating a logo that consists of the word DIFFERENT in text and a shape, a dot (an ellipse) that I want to appear above the I and be vertically aligned with I.
How can I do this?The problem is that I can't see how to identify the point in the text - the centre of the I - to act as the target. I can't seem to get any of the Snap to Object tools to work.
I feel that I should be able to mark a specific point anywhere on a shape or an object and use those points to align.
I suspect that I could achieve the effect that I want by splitting the text characters up into individual objects, than I can align them more obviously but then I set up some other issues with kerning.
I'm working with CorelDraw X3 and want to fill text into a round shape, while keeping it's exact outline. Hence, cutting of parts of words and letters is fine with me as long as the shape is well-defined. Unfortunately when filling paragraph text into a shape, the automatic line breaks lead to a quite irregular shape regardless of font size.
As workaround I arranged a mask in front of background and text but this requires a square paragraph text which is larger than the background. Since paragraph text obviously cannot be cropped with other objects I made the mask size bigger and filled it white. When exporting my document as image everything looks neat, but there must be a better way to do this in CorelDraw itself?
I tried converting the paragraph text into artistic text and cropping this, which works fine for a few words and a small object. But I'm talking around 1000 words here, and trying to crop this artistic text leads to very random cropping results. I guess such a large number of objects and knots is too much for CorelDraw to handle!?
I just installed CD on my daughter's computer and her shape tool only allows for a free form selection by following the cursor in a free form way. My install allows for a rectangular click-and-drag type of selection. I see no options for this tool Is her install bad?
Is there a reason why the radius of curvature at the corners of an object is not maintained when you either stretch it or shrink it? Is there a way around it without having to redraw and reset the radius?
What I do not like is that I draw a rectangle and then add the radius corners and it is fine.
If I then drag the box taller or wider the radius of the corner changes too. But also I have noticed that it does this even if you drag the box to size first then add the radius corners.
example: I make up a rectangle and add start adding text. Then I have to make the box bigger so I do that, finish adding my text. Now go to add in the radius corner and they are all skewed out of shape. This seems to be because I have dragged that rectangle bigger that what it was when I first dragged it into place.
Is there a way around this so that I can make my rectangle say 250 wide by 50 tall. Then later on change it's size and add radius corners and make it so the corners are all even and not all out of proportions?
I have a radius that is spread between 10 and 40 degrees that I need to evenly space 6 line segments throughout.
What this is for is a property with 5 lots along a curved street. Each lot is the same size and I am trying to draw just the sections that are affected. I have tried using the star feature and reducing it to single lines, but they do not space evenly and getting the line number is very difficult. I have tried dividing the angle range and come up with the correct angle and spacing but this is also an issue. Is there any way to do this without dragging each line separately?
Is there a way to pick exact colour for para text and apply to the rest of the text? I tried the Eyedropper tool but can't seem to do this for paragraph text. I can pick exact sample but can only apply to the rest of the text body.
How can I apply edited paragraph style to all at once.
I mean I have created new paragraph style with 10 pt Arial font and applied to different paragraph. And now I have edited the same paragraph style with 16 pt. Arial font, now how it will applied at once to all old style that I have used.
I was doing some "sphere-ology" and wanted to overlay a bitmap pattern. I tried to use a Fish Eye lens on a bitmap to give it some shape before applying it, but it does not seem to work. It will cut out the shape, but no distortion is applied.
I found this thread from a couple of years back on X5. There was no resolution.