I have a problem regarding a mechanical design. I want to make a pin move around a complex shape, always tangent to the sides of the shape. The point is not to have it animated, but I need the constrain so I can further work on the mechanical design.
Is it possible to run force analysis on my part in Inventor? I have used the force analysis before, but never for something so complex in shape. My main issues are constraining the base of the part and applying forces. I tried thickening sections of the part in order to apply a force/constraint, but now Inventor won't recognize the thickened parts as connected to the main body.
On a side note, it won't let me attach my file, which is 122 MB. Is it too large?
I have created a custom linetype using a shape & also added text. I have tried countless combinations to have a different spacing for the text, without affecting the frequency of the shape.
I want there to be no space between the shape, just repeating. But I want the text to display only once for every 4 times the shape repeats. Is this at all possible?
Every time I change the text spacing, I get huge gaps in the between the shape and it seems that their spacing cannot be independently controlled.
I am trying to create a complex shape with an opacity map. To keep things simple, consider an egg shape with heagon shaped windows. I have tried to create a solid / shell with boolean cut-outs, but getting these windows at the right angles is becoming very difficult.So, I tried a CV Surf with an opacity map. This allows for the windows to work well, but there is no depth to the surface.Is there a way to add depth to a CV surf object? Also, I want the map of the interior to be different from the exterior. A solid will have a ton of polygons, making mapping a huge time sink.
I have a client which wants me to change the color of his products - from bronze to chrome and vice versa. I'm specialized in web design in Photoshop, I tried different techniques but didn't manage to get a good enough result. I have to add that it's not only 1 product, but up to 100. Here are the images: [URL]....
I have a complex shape that has a cutout to the edge and I would like to apply a radius.I can, of course, play with nodes etc. but is there an easy way to do this? I use combine and weld etc. but the problem is ensuring the edges touch on both faces.
I have a topo map in max, and I'm trying to raise and sink parts of it to make sidewalks and parking lots. My thought was to import line objects from dwg files, shape merge them onto the terrain, change the material number, then extrude. The problem is that shape merge doesn't maintain the correct shape.
I've made sure that I'm in orthographic mode, looking straight down on the surface, but anywhere there's a curve it messes things up. Circles become irregular ellipses. Arcs become more convex or concave. Where I'm shape merging two different objects at different times, objects that had lined up, the curves are now different and they either overlap or no longer touch.
I'm assuming that it's because my terrain mesh is too complex, but I'm not sure how to get around that.
I have a shape that happens to have many nodes; it was simple to extrude it (inventor saw it as a complete shape) but adding fillets is another story. each tiny segment requires a click to select it. is there any way to simplify this — either through simplifying the path somehow or by selecting the edge in some other manner?
i saw a thread on the forums about imported 2d vector files with a similar issue. I did import my file but it came from rhino. everything is fine except this one issue. i guess i could go back to rhino but i would prefer not to.
i have attached a small screenshot of one area of my sketch.
I can't post the original files, but I have gotten permission to post jpegs of what I am trying to do.
My end goal is to fill in between the grey part and the surface. The surface comes from another part in the assembly, and I used Copy Object to get the surface in this part file. Ideally I would like to do something like Extrude> To Next and select the surface as my terminator. I have done this with success with curved surfaces, but not complex curved surfaces. Does Inventor not handle extruding to complex curves?
Another option I tried was simply extending this part out beyond the surface using the Split feature to trim the part. Again, to no avail. I also tried creating a subassembly of this part and the part the surface is derived from with this part extending beyond the surface, deriving it and subtracting the surface part so I could use Delete Face with the Lump option. No dice there, either.
There was a hole in the side of the surface where I am trying to extrude the part (it is still open on the other side of the surface), but I used Patch and it seemed to fill it in just fine.
How to get accurate fill volume data in complex assemblies.
we have roulette menu, mini toolbars and appearances.
There are several uncontrolled jumps during the movement, but in the end, after some delay, it's normal again.I can send the Inventor 2013 files to an FTP site.
In inventor 2013, how do I engrave and wrap some text onto a surface that is neither on a cylinder, a cone, or a sphere? I created the part by first drawing a cross section made up with the spline tool, then revolved it around an axis. I need to imprint two words on the part's curved surface. I sketched the words, then I tried using the emboss/engrave wrap feature, but I got an error message saying that emboss/engrave wrap can only be done on standard surfaces such as cylinders, cones, or spheres. How to engrave words on surfaces other than these standard surfaces? I also tried to extrude cut the words onto the surface, but the words don't wrap to the surface, and are not evenly imprinted onto it.
Also how do i make the letter's bigger when I sketch them? even though I put in large numbers such as 50 in the size box, the text does not appear big. Also, how do I increase the spacing between the letters?
I want to engrave the text 'TEST' all the way around this clonal object. When I use the emboss tool, selecting the option 'wrap to face,' it gives me an error message that the "face selected is not tangent to the profile plane."
I am using a work plane that is offset from the XY plane. I included a screen shot and the file that I am using (Inv. 2014)
i am trying to draw an aircraft and after drawing the windows, i got stuck. i am trying to revolve a shape around the shape of the window (oval) but it won't recognise that shape as an axis. i can't click it. is there a solution to this?
Trying to create a fold/bend/flange along a curved feature. I modeled the part to view but would like to be able to model this feature in sheet metal. This is how it would be manufactured, probably in a die roll.
I'm designing a press for a skateboard similar to: Rib Press
I have the board modeled: (see attached)
Now what i want to do is generate those ribs as seen in the picture.
I tried creating a block that intersected with the board and tried to split the rib at the surface, but to no avail. I think the issue has something to do with the curve of the board in two directions, but i can't seem to get it right.
if you are having trouble visualizing what i'm asking about, look at this. I want to be able to figure out the exact shape of those center ribs to print and eventually cut out of wood.
I want to select part of an image with just one layer. Say I just flattened the image and have to move one part of. I select it with the rectangular select tool. It seems intuitive that I could then just move what I selected, but when I drag the selection, the selection itself moves without moving what is inside the selection.
If I then remember to click the move tool and try to move what's in the selection (seems to work sometimes, maybe when there's multiple layers?) the entire image moves.
The only way I can move part of the image over is if I make a selection and then cut it (ctrl X) then paste it.
How am I supposed to move part of the flattened image, is there a way I can set it to default to "When I select something, I can immediately drag that selected area around."
I have started to make a custom librabry in the Conter Center with our company products. At the begining I didn't think too much what categories I will need, but now I need to reorganize some categories and to move some families parts into other categories. But I can't find how to do that. I see that it's possible to move the them to other librabry.
So for the moment I just want to move 2 families for J-TEC catergory in the upper category named Piping and then just to delete the category J-TEC.
AIP 2014 Windows 7 x64 Dell Precision T7400 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5472 @ 3.00GHz (4 CPU's), 8Gb RAM, NVIDIA Quadro FX 5600 1536MB GDDR3
in inv 2012, if I create a new part with adaptivity within an assembly the datum of the sketch ends up wherever, if I break links and remove the adaptivity, is it possible to move the absolute datum of the sketch to a decent position within the sketch?
I have probably a very simple problem but cannot figure out how to do it. I am adding text to a drawing and I want several leaders to be associated with this single text. I add my first text at tow head and then do a add vertex/leader. It will not let me add one unless it is on a line.
And it adds it but then I cannot get it off the line. I have tried holding down the shift, control and alt key before, during and after I have highlighted the arrowhead to move.
I've been making a model plane model in inventor 2012 from imported IGES geometry, and Realised that my sketches were not assigned to any part (and thus can't be lofted). Is there any way of moving the sketches to the newly created part without redrawing everything? I've tried dragging and dropping because it seemed to make sense, but alas, that had no success.
When I place parts in my assembly they are stuck in the position I place it and can only be moved once I mate it to another part of my assembly. I have only recently encountered this problem, as usually when I place a parts in an assembly I am able to simply click on the component and drag/move that part around to put it in a place that suits before I use any constraints.
What is the problem, have I clicked on some function unknown to myself which has disabled the ability to move parts/assemblies when I place them into an assembly?
I have some "insert" constraints for DIN rails in holes. I've moved the holes, but the DIN rail doesn't move. The refresh button isn't "lighting up", or when it does, it does not do anything to move the rail. Is there something that's been "shut off" to keep things from moving?
I like the new(ish) feature where you can drag a section plane through a component, but is it possible to program a moving section and record it to an avi file? Is this something I can do in 3ds, Studio or Showcase? IV2013
I created a sketch on a 'fixed workplane' and extruded it. I would like to know if it is possible to move the workplane? I understand I can change the workplane if it is a 'plane by offset from plane'.
If moving a fixed workplane is possible, does the extruded features move along together?
So I have this assembly with all parts constrained properly yet it won't let the parts move the way they should under the constraints applied and it's telling me I have interfering constraints.
I checked the "broken" constraints over but they look fine. It's a relatively small assembly (10-15 parts), although the parts have been used in a previous assembly. Would this affect their behavior?
I have numerous step files which I have imported into an assembly. I now need to move all the imported files to a predefined UCS (not 0,0,0). I can do this manually by using the assemble command and selecting the centre point then selecting the centre point of the pre-defined UCS.
I have potentially thousands of parts to move in various assemblies, is there a way to do this using iLogic and if so, how?
I need to find out how much smaller the part in the upper image is so it fits inside the similar shape in the bottom image. The real part is a bit more complicated so it's hard to calculate if it fits. Is it possible to make those parts in assembly mode so that they don't move through each other and I could move the upper part inside the lower and find out that way if it fits?
I'm new to Inventor and I've been working on a complicated part for quite some time. However, I've just realised that I've made an error at the very beginning. I'm drawing the part in the YZ plane and extruding along the X axis. My problem is due to the fact that I began the drawing at x=0 when I should have began at x=7780mm. moving the entire part in the positive X direction? I've tried several approaches but none seem to work.