CorelDRAW X6 :: Applying Hues To Selected Objects?

May 17, 2012

Is there any simpler way of applying hues to the selected objects at once despite of selecting each element and applying the hue.  


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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Instantly Create Layers From All Objects Selected?

Aug 23, 2013

I have finished my works using only one layer( a bad habit I know) and now I need to export them as PSD, and as You know it needs Layers so it can be editable on Photoshop.

I know the fact that I should import all the objects in single Layers, ie creating thousands of Layers for all the work, new layer for each object I import.

But is there any option for easy extraction of objects into single layers, one click option or much easier than going individually through each of them?

If not available, this type of option would work for CorelDRAW or any vector program, be really more effective and stay in touch with the requirements of the industry, especially when it comes, on creating vectors for web or apps.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 :: Find All Objects That Match Fill Color Of Currently Selected Object?

Aug 16, 2011

I know my code below wont work, just putting here to hopefully explain more exactly what im trying to do

Sub FindbyFill()
Dim sh As Shape
dim findColor
ActiveSlection.GetColor = findColor
For Each sh In ActiveLayer.Shapes   If sh.FillColor = findColor Then      ActiveSlection + sh
End If
Next sh

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Lightroom :: Applying Edits To 2 Images But One Is Selected

Oct 31, 2013

Since "upgrading" to lightroom 5.2 I've been plauged by it applying whatever I do to the image I'm on as well as the next image. The second image is not chosen - I only have one image selected. Whether I'm trying to do a correction, a crop, give it a number of stars, edit in Photoshop - it always affects two images at once.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Rotation Not Applying To Selected Area Only

Jun 9, 2011

When I select an Area, and then apply Rotation Everything Rotates, instead of the Selected Area - Why?

(and I have a image example; but, I could not figure how to Insert here via Image shack -most of the codes I tried between the 'IMG' gave strange results)

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Apply Color To Selected Objects Without Having To Search For Color In Color Palette

Mar 13, 2012

Is there a way to apply a color to selected objects without having to search for the color in the color palette. So say if I am working with an image that has multiple colors but want to use only one of the colors in that image, is there a way to apply it without having to create or add it to the palette.

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AutoCad 3D :: Applying Material To Objects?

Dec 15, 2009

how to apply materials to objects. I have made my objects and am ready to apply a material to them. I typed materials into command and the table pops up where you can render a material. I then chose my material and i see it at the bottom of the table where i can edit. All is good at this point. Now, I go back to top of table and choose apply material to objects and a little paint brush icon appears. I go and try to highlight objects and it does but when i click nothing happens. Am I missing something or is there another approach?

Just in case, I am drawing a basketball court and want to put a wood floor down. I went to the material list and chose one of the woods/plastics.

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AutoCAD Print / Plot :: Styles Not Applying To Xref'd Objects

May 13, 2013

I currently have with my plotting.  I've recently switched from using a color table plot style to named/layer plot style.

Drawing "TANK.dwg" contains 2d geometry inside a block named "2d-tank" and is on layer '0' in the block, and that block is on layer '0' inside "TANK.dwg"

TANK.dwg is xref'd into "PHASE 1.dwg" several times in several locations.  "TANK.dwg" is on layer '0' in "PHASE 1.dwg"

"PHASE 1.dwg" is xref'd into "COMPOSITE.dwg" on layer 'P1' 

In "COMPOSITE.dwg" I can change the layer color of layer "P1" and the block "2d-tank" changes color to suit.  It derives it's display color based upon layer P1, as everything has been on layer '0' up until now.  However, despite picking up the appropriate color, it does not inherit the appropriate plot style.  I try to apply a screened/shaded plot style to it and it instead inherits the plot style of layer '0' in "COMPOSITE.dwg"

This is a problem for me as I have 3 phases, and I need to be able to plot them differently, depending on each phase shown.  I'd rather see if there is a way to make my current model setup work before I go duplicating thing and restructuring all my drawings to suit a layer style inconsistently, but I need this to print right.

I don't understand why an object would inherit the color of the layer it's on, but not another layer property, specifically its plot style.

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Photoshop :: Hues And Colors

Mar 15, 2005

The purples and beiges look really really nice. not to mention the bit of blurring and what not.

how to achieve the colors. I've been playing with all the hues, saturations, colorizing, layer effects but I can get anything close.

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Photoshop :: Purple And Green Hues In Mid-tones In Black / White?

Jan 10, 2013

is there a way to remove or avoid getting purple & green hues in midtones (occasionally in shadows) when making images black and white?

I've been using the channel mixer (most times the red channel) to covert images to black and white and there's noticable purple/green hues.

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GIMP :: Changing Gradient Color (green Hues To Blue)

Jul 11, 2013

I have this Image: [URL]......

I am trying to keep the same image, but change the green hues to blue hues. I am fairly positive I can recreate the bottom part of the image (the rectangle with rounded edges aka a button), but I don't know how to add the top parts after that. Ideally I would just like to be able to change the greens to blues.

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GIMP :: Changing Gradient Color - Green To Blue Hues?

Jul 11, 2013

I have this Image:

I am trying to change the green hues to blue hues. I can recreate the rectangle with the rounded corners with a blue gradient, but I don't know how to add the top parts to the image. Ideally I would just like to be able to manipulate the image I have and change the green hues to blue hues.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Save Selected Objects For Later Use

Feb 13, 2013

Is there any way to have a user select entities and then save that selection for later use not only in the current drawing session but also for later retrieval in another completely new session and even by someone else?  I anticipate the need to save the data out to an external file/database but I am not sure what to save out as I believ the object ids are session dependent.

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AutoCad :: Objects Appear Only When Area Is Selected

Nov 1, 2013

I am running autocadlt and opening up a very detailed drawing by an architect which was likely drawn on the most recent version of the autocad. When i go to select a certain area of the plan, elevation views appear in the background as i drag my selection with the mouse. The elevation views are not visible in the plan in the model space. All layers are on and unfrozen.

I am a surveyor and am trying to import the plan into my survey program (which only accepts files in autocad 2007 or earlier anyway). When I open the file in the survey program, for some reason the elevation views are showing and can not be turned off.

I tried to use the command erase, then "all" it tells me "2891 objects found, 19 not in current space". Does that have anything to do with it?

I have gone into the layer manager and selected all the layers and turned them on, and have unfrozen them

Did the proxygraphics command as well

Could it be because autocadlt???

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AutoCad :: Selected Objects Disappearing?

Nov 19, 2012

When working with large plant layouts I sometimes need to copy may things from different parts of the plant. Some large some small. When I zoom in to select the smaller objects i have lost lots of objects that were selected before.

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Illustrator :: Selected Objects And Markers?

Jun 25, 2012

I suspect I may have hit a hotkey shortcut for hiding the visual aid for selected objects.How do I change it back? I cannot see anymore which element (object, anchor, path, etc.) that I have selected on my artboard.

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Illustrator :: Cannot Move Selected Objects In CS5.5

Oct 21, 2013

I'm using Illustrator CS5.5.
I cannot move anything I select. I try to drag it and it makes the "bump" noise. 

-I made sure that my preferences are not set to "object selection by path only".

-I've restarted my computer several times

-I tried to open a previous Illustrator file and I have the same problem

-I even uninstalled and reinstalled my entire Abode Suite beacuse I've been having several issues
I'm not sure if this is related but I also can't create a new document unless I use picas and CMYK coloring. It refuses to adjust to anything other than the default settings. Also, I can't increase the stroke of an object unless I type in the number, meaning I can't use the arrows for adjustment.

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Illustrator :: Way To Export Selected Objects

Oct 14, 2009

Is there any way to Export Selected Objects in Illustrator? I am working on a website sketch and i will need to include things outside the frame. When i select Export (or save as PDF) even if i have all objects selected i just get the JPG with the A4 paper.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Applying Radius To Complex Shape

Jan 8, 2012

I have a complex shape that has a cutout to the edge and I would like to apply a radius.I can, of course, play with nodes etc. but is there an easy way to do this? I use combine and weld etc. but the problem is ensuring the edges touch on both faces.

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Determine The Order Of Objects Selected

Jan 24, 2013

How to determine the order of objects selected (i.e text, block reference...). According to type or X, Y ..?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Export Selected Objects Only?

Sep 28, 2012

I'm in a situation where i have to export a civil3d 2013 drawing to autocad 2000, but i don't want to send everything in the drawing, just the final drawing from model space.  is there a way to not need export the drawing and then delete the objects i don't want to send?  It seems like a simple task but i work with some people that can't handle simple things like that, so aside from trying to find new co-workers, what can i do?

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AutoCad 3D :: Unable To Revolve 12 Selected Objects

Oct 27, 2011

Im building a speaker, and i have the 2d drawing rady, i want to use the "revolve" command to finist it, but the porgram tells me this: Unable to revolve 12 selected objects.

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Revit :: Objects Automatically Moving When Selected?

Aug 7, 2012

I'm using Revit 2013 and recently installed the Update Release 1.  After the Update I am running into an issue when I selct any element, my screen flashes 2-3 times and then the element is automatically moved to the North.  It's as if every time I select an item it defaults to offset. 

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AutoCad :: Objects Are Not Selected Before Click The Mouse?

Jun 19, 2012

When moving the mouse over objects, the objects are automatically selected. Are there a way to disconnect that function, so the objects are not selected before I click the mouse?

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CorelDRAW X4 :: Picking Colour From Paragraph Text And Applying It?

Jul 23, 2011

Is there a way to pick exact colour for para text and apply to the rest of the text? I tried the Eyedropper tool but can't seem to do this for paragraph text. I can pick exact sample but can only apply to the rest of the text body.   

Windows 7 [64-bit], Core i3 - 3.02 GHz, 4GB DDR 3 RAM

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AutoCAD LT :: Loss Of Tool Function For Selected Objects

Jan 8, 2014

I am using AutoCAD LT 2011. I have had an unexpected loss of functions that is not restored by a system restart.

When I select objects, I can't get any of the tools to work on the preselected object ( The tools all work if I select the tool first and then select object to apply it to). And I can't change properties such as layer & color of a preselected object.

Also I can't delete a selected object with the keyboard delete key, and I can't bring up the MultiLine text editor with the usual double click of a text object.

It doesn't sound like a simple command reset as there is too many things involved. Can't find anything on options and drafting settings that is relevant. So it sounds like it might be a total reload of LT?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Add Selected And Continue Matching For New Objects

Oct 2, 2013

I used to have a third party plugin that had a "clone" command.

It was like "Add Selcted" & keep matching the properies for more new objects. So new objects would match the layer, linetype, etc.of what was previosly selected  Not just the once.

Is there a command  like this in ACA 2012 ?

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AutoCad :: Bring Selected Layer Objects To Front

May 19, 2009

I remember reading a while ago about being able to select the layer you want and have everything on that layer brought to the front for ease of editing, however i can't remember the command name.

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AutoCad :: Text Editing With Multiple Objects Selected?

Dec 22, 2011

I was wondering if there is a way to edit single line text when there are multiple objects selected. I have multiple text which need their justification edited but there are non-text items amongst them. Instead of clicking on each of them I would like to just select the area and then edit the text as required.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Inserting Objects Into Selected Surface

Feb 6, 2012

When using the design pallette tool bar, my objects will not insert into the selected surface?  Reasons Why?

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AutoCad 2D :: Selected Wrong Action / How To Reselect All Objects

Dec 20, 2012

occasionally, after going through some painstaking object selection, I accidentally choose the wrong action, for example, Rotate instead of Scale. This is because I don't always use typed commands, but will use the left-click menu for some actions, and Rotate and Scale are right next to each other (mouse is a bit jittery sometimes - yes, I need a new mouse). Even with simple object selections, it is annoying to have this happen. If I find that I have made the wrong command choice, I simply want to undo the command choice but keep the objects selected. Is there a way to do this besides clearing it all and starting over? Kind of like the OOPS command, but for actions, not erase?

On a related note, if I have several actions I intend to use on the same set of selected objects, I have to re-select them after each one is completed (not always, but this is sometimes true). Is there a quick re-select command that selects the same group of objects I had last selected?

FYI, I use AutoCAD 2012 LT

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