AutoCAD Architecture :: Turn On All Colored Overrides In One View?
Nov 13, 2013
I create MFC enclosures with various gasses. These enclosures can be quite large with three or more gas types. I create view representations with gas name and color the flow path for each gas in the named view. Is there a way to turn on all the colored overrides in one view to see all the various colors at once? I thought MASTER would show all colors but it does not. If not the only way would be to create the view of all gasses on and re-do all the work from all the prevous views.
I want to run one wall just a few inches past another. If I override the Cleanup Radius at the appropriate ends of the walls, setting the radii to a small number (1/2"), shouldn't that allow one wall to be run a couple inches past the other? The attached image shows the end of Wall 2 pulled as close to Wall 1 as I can get it. Both walls have the Cleanup Radius override at 1/2". If I nudge the end of Wall 2 down any further, it jumps down to form a corner with Wall 1.
I am trying to override a dimension to provide a +/- at the end of one ACA dimension. I added the override, but it is not showing up - even after a regeneration...
When I save layer states overrides for a certain view port and mane it e.g. "K", in layer state manager current layer state is shown as "K", but when I change layout and come back to this one, in layer state manager current layer state is shown as *UNSAVED* again!!!
This results in a great problem. If I update layer state "K" it does not update all view ports that should have layer state "K" automatically so I have to go trough all of them again and apply "K" again and again after any change to "K" is made.
Link to other thread: Apply Layer State Overrides to view ports using filter which, if answered could bypass the problem.
I have never gotten this to work, but had put little effort into it until recently. Thus far I have checked my project standards to make sure "match sheet views to view" is checked to "yes".
In both View drawing and the sheet- VISRETAIN is set to 1.
I am working on drawings that are in my current project through project navigator. I am using ACA 2010 and not sure what else I need to do. I turn off all the unwanted layers in the view drawing, then create a sheet and xref in the view to model space- all the layers reset, and I again have to turn off all the unwanted layers. If I change a layer color in the view drawing, it does not change in the sheet drawing upon save and refresh.
I hate wasting time repeating the same task over and over....
i draw up all of my walls, i connect them properly, cleanup etc. then i want to trim them with my roof slabs and what i see? i see my walls suddenly dissappear in 3d view but are still correctly shown on plan view? i know it has something to do with roofline because when i tried to project them automatically to ontu my roof slabs the walls dissappeared too!
We need a macro that will allow you to select a certain color fill inside document and change all to no fill hairlines. It needs to be capable of doing it several times within the same document. Does anything like this exist out there?
We have color replacer. We want it to do this automactically with a static group of colors everytime without any manual maniplulation required.
I am trying to design a house on AutoCAD Architecture 2011 and I have a bunch of layers that I'm not using but I can't delete. The problem is when I turn off all the layers I am using and I leave the ones I'm not using on their is noting on my screen??? why they are their and why I can't get rid of them. I'm trying to keep everything neat and they're messing me up!!
How to turn on the perpendicular osnap. Whenever i open the draft settings window and get close to the perpendicular name it changes to midpoint. I can not seem to select the perpendicular name.
How to turn off the tool tips that keep showing up in the upper right hand corner. We are on ACA 2013. He tried hitting the "Don't show me this again" option and it didn't work. How I turn this off?
I'm a right clicker. Contextual ribbon tabs pop up every time I touch an object. They require additional clicks and mouse movements. I don't want them. How can I stop them? I just want the default ribbon. I was able to do this on a previous version but now I forget how. Version upgrades do not bode well for old people.
When I edit a part directly in an assembly, clicking on 'edit sketch' (frequently) changes the view from the one I had set while looking at the assembly. Is ther any way to turn this OFF?
This problem has bugged me for several versions. I'm using 2012 at the moment as I haven't wanted to get into the fiasco of a new drawing version with 2013.Anyway, the image below really tells the story for me:
You can see the behavior of the crosshairs overlapping a drawing line with Hardware Acceleration On and Off. It's always been handy to have the drawing lines or crosshair go to the "negative" color when they overlap. However, with Acceleration ON, that behavior goes away entirely. This happens on every machine we have. It's not isolated to one machine or video card. In fact, on this same machine I have had this happen with two entirely different video cards.
So, I have to choose...hardware acceleration or overlapping negative colored lines.
How can I turn it off permanently? Or change the default to off? It's always on when I open my drawings.
I save the files with it off, but when I reopen, it's still on. A real pain in the butt when plotting since if I batch plot, all of my contours are off, which eliminates using batch plot entirely. Luckily, I only have 5 figures at the moment, but once we get to design phase I will have many more and require batch plotting.
I'm using civil3d 2013, I have never run into this before with any other versions.
I recently upgraded from 2007 to 2012 and the entire look and feel of the program is different. Like Microsoft, AutoCad has "upgraded" everything so overnight i have managed to go from marginally competent to totally inept!
I really really would like to know if it is possible to switch back to the classic view with the old tool bars and commands.
New to AutoCAD. Designing a building in plan. Then used the plan to draw a section in new layer, but still in plan view. Is there a way to copy that section onto a new layer in front view and erase the old section layer? .
I create a drawing of an iPart, while doing so I have the iPart model open in the background. When placing a view on the drawing the active factory member is the default option, I have a bad memory so forget to tell Inventor that actually I would like to use a specific iPart member in this particular drawing view. I then spend a long time laying out and dimensioning the drawing. When complete, I create a second sheet and copy all information from sheet 1 onto sheet 2. I then double click on the main drawing view and change the model state to an alternative factory member. At this point I realise that the drawing on sheet one is based on the active factory member and start swearing.
The result of changing to a different member when the existing drawing is based on the active member is that ALL DIMENSIONS DISSAPEAR FROM THE DRAWING AND HAVE TO BE PAINSTAKINGLY REPLACED. At this point I will usually REDRAW SHEET 1 so that further sheets can be created quickly in the future by selecting an alternative factory member.
can I change the software defaults somewhere in the setup to prevent the 'active factory member' being displayed as an option in the first place?
I am working on drawing a simple garage with a few windows throughout it. After inserting the windows in the wall where I want them, I cannot see them from the top view. If I switch to an isometric view they are visible and exactly where I want them. what I may do to make these visible from the top view?
I created a 3D view, shaded Realistic and inserted it into a sheet that is 11x17. When I plot (whether to .PDF or our copy machine) after the plot dialog box disappears, another one pops up that says "Plot Progress: Attempting to Cancel Sheet". Then it prints everything in Paper Space, but the viewport doesn't plot. By the way, when I look at it in Plot Preview, it's perfect. Fortunately I don't need to give this to my client for another 10 minutes.
I got a 3D model from a building but somehow it is not solid, you can "see trough the walls" (as in image attached). I want to create a plan view for each floor and a side view from this 3d model.
For over ten years I have been placing view ports on the defpoints layer and have never had a problem.
Apparently one of my co-workers say that the drawing crashes when this is done. When I ask the reason, they could not explain it.
The only thing I can think of is what happened to me once and that is I had a corrupted block and some of the objects were on the def points layer. If the drawing crashes because the view port is on the def points layer.
I just started aca12 today and i have a substantial query:
i've set up my project and levels. i have -1, 0, +1 levels with certain thickness each. i've noticed that the levels are separate dwg files. and each of them has 0.00 elevation for walls and elements that i put in.
a. now, i'd like to know how to put all the levels together, say, in 1 single display, so that i can make 3d view of the whole building? b. btw the level names can be different from constructs' names, am i right? c. why when i choose ,,copy constructs to levels'' nothing happens on those levels. i don't see any new elements there? instead of them i get 3 copies of the same level, like ground floor (1) ground floor(2) etc.
i.e. I have a outlet recept thats a MVB. I have it linked to the space with has the circuit number for the electrical panel. Is it possible to tag a MVB similar to tagging a window?
spaceobjects property set: spaceobjects:circ_number (manual property set) also has a location set recept property set (connected to the MVB of the receptacle): formula pulls the circ number from the spaceobjects
I was using the 'Isolate Objects in Plan' on my Model when I experienced a fatal error, and my system went down. So I went to my latest Autosave and opened it back up, only lost 5 minutes at the most. No, big deal, right?
But now I have objects missing, and when I go to save it says...
..."Save command is not allowed when edit in view session is active"...
It must still be in Edit in view, the only problem is that the small dialog box which takes me out of edit in view is missing. So, how am I supposed to exit this session? I have nothing active in the ribbon, nothing in the tabs a the bottom of the screen.