i.e. I have a outlet recept thats a MVB. I have it linked to the space with has the circuit number for the electrical panel. Is it possible to tag a MVB similar to tagging a window?
spaceobjects property set:
spaceobjects:circ_number (manual property set)
also has a location set
recept property set (connected to the MVB of the receptacle):
formula pulls the circ number from the spaceobjects
I have a Room Tag (multi-view block) that was created in a previous release of AutoCAD Architecture that is not coming in at the correct scale in AutoCAD Architecture 2011. When we used to insert this block into an 1/8"=1'-0" drawing, it came in at a scale of 12.0,12.0,12.0. Now when we insert it into a 1/8"=1'-0" drawing, it comes in at 9.0,9.0,9.0. So, at 1/4"=1'-0" it comes in at 4.5,4.5,4.5; when it should be 6.0,6.0,6.0. I have many custom blocks that we have created for door tags, section refs, etc. and would just like to know what scale factor needs to be adjusted to fix this small issue.
with the new civil 3d 2013 i would like to show my hydrants in profile and section as well as drive thru's .... same with more parts then what they give us "out of the box"...multi view block of a hydrant?
I have a block containing several parts blocks. When I explode the main block all of the parts are exploded back to lines. I have used both "explode" and "xplode" and have the same results. How can I explode so I have my components as blocks?
Is it true that you can't attach an Annotative Block to a MultiLeader?This is the message that I got when trying: "Specify leader arrowhead location or [leader Landing first/Content
first/Options] <Options>: OP Enter an option [Leader type/leader lAnding/Content type/Maxpoints/First angle/Second angle/eXit options] <eXit options>: C Select a content type [Block/Mtext/None] <Block>: Enter block name <DOORTAG>: LEGENDNOTE Invalid Input."
It's unfortunate because I would like the block to show up Annotative in my Legend, and then again to the proper scale with the Multi Leader
I changed my Publish options on the Project Navigator for publishing to PDF as a single sheet per sheet layout. Now I want to put it back so that when I publish it does ALL sheet into one PDF file and I can not figure out how to put it back. Now ever time I publish it does each sheet as a separate pdf.
We've been having some issues that have only recently cropped up. If I am in a drawing named FP-00.dwg and I am working, saving regularly, etc. everything is fine. If a co-worker opens up the same file, he will sometimes (10%) NOT receive the read-only pop up and he will open the same drawing with full rights. Then, if I go and try to save, I will be alerted that the file is in use, and my file will be switched to read-only. When I have to do a saveas, the file then changes the default name to: FP-00.fdwg (notice the "F" in front of .dwg).
I posted this to the AutoCAD Architecture group, b/c we are currently using Architecture 2k8.
No one has changed out Open/Save options, and we haven't been losing the connection with our server.
I know that if I use IMPORTOBJ I can import an excel file....but the file is multiple pages (within the same workbook page). Is there a way to bring that in withought breaking up the Excel file into mulitple files?
I have a drawing done by a colleague. The problem is the blocks not shown in multi view.... I checked the layers and isolation but i cant find the solution.
I have never gotten this to work, but had put little effort into it until recently. Thus far I have checked my project standards to make sure "match sheet views to view" is checked to "yes".
In both View drawing and the sheet- VISRETAIN is set to 1.
I am working on drawings that are in my current project through project navigator. I am using ACA 2010 and not sure what else I need to do. I turn off all the unwanted layers in the view drawing, then create a sheet and xref in the view to model space- all the layers reset, and I again have to turn off all the unwanted layers. If I change a layer color in the view drawing, it does not change in the sheet drawing upon save and refresh.
I hate wasting time repeating the same task over and over....
i draw up all of my walls, i connect them properly, cleanup etc. then i want to trim them with my roof slabs and what i see? i see my walls suddenly dissappear in 3d view but are still correctly shown on plan view? i know it has something to do with roofline because when i tried to project them automatically to ontu my roof slabs the walls dissappeared too!
I have a road construction ahead sign where I have hatched the background orange (color 30) as a mask since I am using an air photo for the drawing background. The block is fine until I try to use it in a multi leader, then the hatch color switches to block and I can't read the text. The block was created on the same layer as it is inserted. How do I get the orange hatch to show as orange in the multi leader block? See the attached screen shot.
I have a multileader with attributed labels in a block, see included png file. The attributes are indicated by the rectangled text. As you can see the block looks fine, but the leader attaches itself to the insertion point of the block. I want the leader to justify automatically left or right, depending on the drag position of the block. One thing I noticed is that if the block contains an odd number of text lines the leader will automatically self justify. An even number of text line produces what I have here.
Having issues with multi line attributes in dynamic blocks. On the odd occasion I get the attribute moved for example i use multi line attribute for title block information and sometimes it moves where i don't want it .
I have been working on an AutoLISP routine which is intended to:
1) collect input from the user via a DCl dialog box
a) Create a List of the non-null "GROUP_CODE..." variable values collected from the dialog's settings
b) Create a List of the "ESN***#_Part" variable values collected from the dialog's settings (does the List elements' order need to be reversed after collecting them?)
2) Prompt the user to select an insertion point
3) Insert a Block named "ESN-CONTROL-WIRED" which has multiple attributes
a) Apply the first List element collected at step 1.a above to the attribute tag "INPUT_ADD" in the block
b) Apply the first List element collected at step 1.b above to the Attribute Tag "PART_NUMBER" in the block
4) Insert a second instance of the Block named "ESN-CONTROL-WIRED" below the first instance
a) Apply the second List element collected at step 1.a above to the attribute tag "INPUT_ADD" in the block
b) Apply the second List element collected at step 1.b above to the Attribute Tag "PART_NUMBER" in the block etc. .... keep inserting the block "ESN-CONTROL-WIRED" below the previous on until all the input from the dialog has been displayed in the attributes.
The Dialog's pop-up lists are populated from external .TXT files which reside on our network (or alternate local C: drive folder if no network drive is found)
Inside the file "ESN_SENSORS_NUMBER.LSP", it is the function "ESN_APPLY_TAG" which I am struggling with how to write...
find inside the .ZIP file:
- (2) example screenshot .BMPs showing dialog box settings and what the resulting output in AutoCAD should look like
- (1) ESN_SENSORS_NUMBER.DWG with a sample output - and the definition of the block ESN-CONTROL-WIRED
- (1) ESN-OCC.txt which populates the PopUp List Boxes
- (1) ESN-DAYLT.txt which populates the PopUp List Boxes
- (1) ESN-IR.txt which populates the PopUp List Boxes
I'm pretty new to using multi view blocks and rendering etc etc... basically all I want to do is show my surface (lake and landscaping) as grass, show a clear blue hatch to represent the water line and add some multi view blocks.. people and trees...
Using the multiview blocks toolpalette I have dragged and dropped some blocks into model space and ensured they are at the correct elevation to sit on the surface...
I have noticed that only one of the multi view blocks within the landscape tab is showing as I would expect - the rest all look like an extruded cross... I don't know how to fix this or whether this is correct.
New to AutoCAD. Designing a building in plan. Then used the plan to draw a section in new layer, but still in plan view. Is there a way to copy that section onto a new layer in front view and erase the old section layer? .
I've placed the Multi-Segmented Grids in my large project that requires (6) dependent views per floor plan. In each of the dependent views, I'm trying to get the grid markers to show at the ends that ~I~ want them to show, but I'm not getting the checkbox.
I am working on drawing a simple garage with a few windows throughout it. After inserting the windows in the wall where I want them, I cannot see them from the top view. If I switch to an isometric view they are visible and exactly where I want them. what I may do to make these visible from the top view?
I created a 3D view, shaded Realistic and inserted it into a sheet that is 11x17. When I plot (whether to .PDF or our copy machine) after the plot dialog box disappears, another one pops up that says "Plot Progress: Attempting to Cancel Sheet". Then it prints everything in Paper Space, but the viewport doesn't plot. By the way, when I look at it in Plot Preview, it's perfect. Fortunately I don't need to give this to my client for another 10 minutes.
I got a 3D model from a building but somehow it is not solid, you can "see trough the walls" (as in image attached). I want to create a plan view for each floor and a side view from this 3d model.
Is it possible to create a block with a 'mask' or 'wipeout', or whatever ACAD has, that is in the block so that when inserted, it blocks out whatever is behind it? I need to create a sprinkler symbol for a reflected ceiling plan (RCP), but my RCP has a lot of graphic hatching and needs to be blocked out wherever I insert this sprinkler block.
Why I can’t see this title block, it opens fine with no errors, but I cant find it in drawing, when I open it separately then it’s all fine but when I importing it to other drawing I cant find it.