I have a Multi-Category Schedule and using certain fields it shows me Furniture, Toilet Assoc., Plumbing Fixturers, etc. All I want the Schedule to show is Furniture and Furniture Systems together in one schedule. When going to the Filter I choose Category>Equals>Furniture Systems and Category>Equals>Furniture. Assuming that the schdule would filter out everything else and only show items from the Furniture Systems Category and the Furniture Category. Instead it shows me nothing, eveything disappears. Its as if it is looking for a Catgory that is botn Furnitue Sysems and Furiture as one. I can do each Category individualy and its fine but I can't Filter by both? How can I get this scheudle to just show me Furniture and Funiture Systems? is their an update to correct a bug in the software that will fix this?
I have created a schedule based off some OFCI ( Owner Furnished Contractor Installed) Items. Some of these items cannot be found online or in the revit library (such as a spectrophotometer). So I created a mass and identified type marks for these items. However, I cannot seem to get the mass items to show on the multi-category schedule. Is there a way to do this or another way to create a schedule that includes mass and equipment?
How can I make exceptions in the Grand Sum of the Multi-Category Schedule?
I've set up a Multi-Category Schedule to calculate area, volume and length of materials, but I would like the Grand Sum to not acount for every material in the list (as some materials should only be calculated in volume, some in area etc.)
I am trying to find a way to control the leader line of a multi-category tag such that the second line of the leader is horizontal - my users are spending too much time to make our leaders look better than "sloppy".
I do have a Keynote family that can accomplish this but I cannot find the same for the multi-category tag. And I cannot find a way to make my Keynote tag a multi-category tag.
I'm trying to create a custom view title family for the office (see attached). We'd like to have a label for Drawing Type (ie. "Building Plan" in the attached image) in the view title which would appear in the properties tab under identity data, next to the standard Title on Sheet, View Name, etc.
In the project, I am able to create a project parameter which appears as desired in the properties tab, but am unable to add the parameter inside the family when creating it. It seems impossible to add this parameter to the standard view title family template (alongside Detail Number, Sheet Number, etc.).
I tried it using a Generic Annotation family, but in the project, Revit does not recognize that family as a view category family and therefore you cannot choose this family when setting your view type.
I've created a new library, in the appearance browser and then a category inside called mesh. Somehow I cannot edit the appearance of what I've called Flatex338... I can add it to the current document and then edit it, but cannot edit the original or 'master' appearance.
I'm struggling with the changeover to 2013 with this appearance and materials. Downloaded a document on it from Autodesk but it's only about 30% useful.
I've placed the Multi-Segmented Grids in my large project that requires (6) dependent views per floor plan. In each of the dependent views, I'm trying to get the grid markers to show at the ends that ~I~ want them to show, but I'm not getting the checkbox.
How to change the appearance of lines in a room finish schedule? I want to be able to have some appear bold, others to be a double line, and some to be thin? Currently when i load the standard room finish schedule the lines are not what i want them to look like.
Is there a Family Category that allows me to create an Extrusion that will then work with the “Attach Top/Base” tool?
For example, instead of using a structural column, I would instead like to use a Model In-Place Extrusion, then be able to attach these columns to my roof.
I’m noticing you don’t get the option to “Attach Top/Base” when you use a Model In-Place Extrusion.
When I try to create new baluster in the family but it belongs to air terminal category. Is there any clashes? Any family category description. Such as what is the difference between Lighting fixture and Lighting device. In Autodesk library has few families which has same things with different category.
Problem: in order to get Revit Mep to calculate roofs in the heatload calculation I the floor I used need to be a roof.
Revit MEP does not calculate any roof area since in my model I used floors to finish a level. Which i architurally correct. But partially it's also a roof. Revit Mep does not use the floor as a roof. So what i want to do is to redefine a complex floor with lots of curved sides etc. into a roof.
The question is: is it possible to just tell revit somehow to change the categorie of the element to roof? or do I have to redraw the whole floor as a flat roof?
Our configuration management tool requires a DWG for our system assembly drawings. A single DWG with all the sheets layed out in a sheet space. Right now I do a "Save As" out of inventor and it creates X number of seperate DWG files and then I stitch them together in AutoCAD by taking each sheet and placing them into a single sheet space (copy paste). My work flow would be much faster if I could get Inventor to create a single sheet space with all the active or selected sheets as a single DWG output.
We have a custom built schedule which has the typical "Comments" field. As we aork in our project and add items to that particular row, the "Comments" field gets reset to be blank.
What we are trying to do in effect is to establish a reference point so the we know where we are in relative to the reference point.
Is there a way to make the "Comments" field stick?
is there any way to schedule objects by id number?, maybe through a formula within the schedule that may call the id or the revit API and if that is the case
I've been trying to style my sheet list schedule. ... trying.Is it true that I can't
* style (fontsize, fontweight etc) a 'sorting header'? * style the scheduleborder to only underline the sheetlist-rows * seperate the header styles from sheetlist styles? (I don't want the header to have a border.... while sheetlist-row should be underlined) * format the height of a row
I am trying to add the typical category of "glazing" to a door schedule, but when I add a door with glass into my project, I cannot make this information show up on my schedule. I need typical information such as "!/4" Temp" and "1" Insul" under the category of glazing. I added the "Door: Glass" heading in the schedule, but nothing appears when I add a glass door into the project. I was able to easily do this in AutoCAD Architecture.