Revit :: Add Parameters To Family Category - View Title
Jan 17, 2012
I'm trying to create a custom view title family for the office (see attached). We'd like to have a label for Drawing Type (ie. "Building Plan" in the attached image) in the view title which would appear in the properties tab under identity data, next to the standard Title on Sheet, View Name, etc.
In the project, I am able to create a project parameter which appears as desired in the properties tab, but am unable to add the parameter inside the family when creating it. It seems impossible to add this parameter to the standard view title family template (alongside Detail Number, Sheet Number, etc.).
I tried it using a Generic Annotation family, but in the project, Revit does not recognize that family as a view category family and therefore you cannot choose this family when setting your view type.
Is there a Family Category that allows me to create an Extrusion that will then work with the “Attach Top/Base” tool?
For example, instead of using a structural column, I would instead like to use a Model In-Place Extrusion, then be able to attach these columns to my roof.
I’m noticing you don’t get the option to “Attach Top/Base” when you use a Model In-Place Extrusion.
I created one panel family. On plan view, I added two parameter for just width and lenght (Picture 1), but at the same time, I cannot added parameter for adjust the angle in the elevation plan(Picture 2) .
I have a Revit project with two different types of title blocks - one for Planning Board Submissions and one for Construction Documents. Is there a way of changing the title block family for a sheet from one family to another? I cannot seem to be able to do this without deleting the sheet and re-creating it with the new title block family.
I cannot just edit the family and reload it because, like I said, I need to maintain certain information on some sheets and different information on others.
I've created a Title Block Family and when I bring it into the project I want to be able to edit the text on the project without having to go into the Family and edit it from there, how do I do this?
I’m wondering if there is a way to fill the values of all parameters of a title block for ALL sheets at a time. Are we supposed to fill out these parameters for each single sheet manually despite that fact that they are similar?Surely, I’m not taking here about the sort of information that differs from sheet to another like the “sheet name”
Why ALL the parameters of the title block are not shown in the properties dialogue box?
How to change the order of the sheets? Is there a way to move the sheet up and down?
Is there an automated way to re-numbering the sheets based on a given start value say A001?
When creating new category, there's Parameter tab for creating new parameters. Now when publishing iPart, created category parameters must be mapped to family table columns. But why? What are they used for?
Is it possible to add a color region to a family in plan view? I need to add a color region to the plan view of a single flush door family for training purposes (several co-workers see color filled areas better than black and white single lines with the projector we have). I would like to add a color region to the door and frame in plan view of the door family.
I've been downloading some families from seek. Each time I download, I open the family and then load it into the current project. Well, during the load into current project, the view switches from Level 1 New (the active view before the family load) to Level 1 Existing, the first view in the project. Is this intentional or a bug?
by default. I forget what but there's some routine to make this family cut properly in a plan view. Why they made viewing the top of the family the default position I DON"T KNOW but what do you expect from programmers?
I have a sheet with views on it. For some reason I can't select one of the views. I can't activate it. And the view title is gone. I can go to the browser and find it under the sheet and then go to open.
Is it possible to create a View Title Family which have objects which stretch? I know I single line can, but I need to have more that moves to match our graphics standards.
I have a view title where I want to show Full scale and half scale on the same view title. Please see attached .rfa file.
Is there a way to have a label return a half size automatically in an effort to have only one view title. Otherwise our current work around is to make each view title for each scale and create a viewport for each scale in our template. I have heard that the labels are hardcoded and cannot be changed.
My company works the location map of the houses that built in AutoCAD, I need that map in my titble block in Revit, so I insert the CAD in the family of my title block, but is static, i can't move it, i need something like CropView that gave me the oportunity to hide part of the CAD.
I make the exercise inserting the CAD in a ceiling plan view of the project to have the flexibility of hide part of the map (Crop view), but only work if I inserted in one sheet not all that i have.
I'm trying to align a nested family to a reference line in my host family so that it rotates around a certain point.
I've created the reference line in my host family, locked the end point to two reference planes and then gave an angular parameter to the angle between the ref. line and the ref. plane.
I then inserted the nested family and aligned it to the ref. line. The problem is that when I flex the angle, i get a "Constraints not satisfied" error..
What could be wrong?
I'm using a generic face based family for both host and nested families...
When I try to create new baluster in the family but it belongs to air terminal category. Is there any clashes? Any family category description. Such as what is the difference between Lighting fixture and Lighting device. In Autodesk library has few families which has same things with different category.
I have a Multi-Category Schedule and using certain fields it shows me Furniture, Toilet Assoc., Plumbing Fixturers, etc. All I want the Schedule to show is Furniture and Furniture Systems together in one schedule. When going to the Filter I choose Category>Equals>Furniture Systems and Category>Equals>Furniture. Assuming that the schdule would filter out everything else and only show items from the Furniture Systems Category and the Furniture Category. Instead it shows me nothing, eveything disappears. Its as if it is looking for a Catgory that is botn Furnitue Sysems and Furiture as one. I can do each Category individualy and its fine but I can't Filter by both? How can I get this scheudle to just show me Furniture and Funiture Systems? is their an update to correct a bug in the software that will fix this?
I am trying to find a way to control the leader line of a multi-category tag such that the second line of the leader is horizontal - my users are spending too much time to make our leaders look better than "sloppy".
I do have a Keynote family that can accomplish this but I cannot find the same for the multi-category tag. And I cannot find a way to make my Keynote tag a multi-category tag.
Problem: in order to get Revit Mep to calculate roofs in the heatload calculation I the floor I used need to be a roof.
Revit MEP does not calculate any roof area since in my model I used floors to finish a level. Which i architurally correct. But partially it's also a roof. Revit Mep does not use the floor as a roof. So what i want to do is to redefine a complex floor with lots of curved sides etc. into a roof.
The question is: is it possible to just tell revit somehow to change the categorie of the element to roof? or do I have to redraw the whole floor as a flat roof?
I have created a schedule based off some OFCI ( Owner Furnished Contractor Installed) Items. Some of these items cannot be found online or in the revit library (such as a spectrophotometer). So I created a mass and identified type marks for these items. However, I cannot seem to get the mass items to show on the multi-category schedule. Is there a way to do this or another way to create a schedule that includes mass and equipment?
How can I make exceptions in the Grand Sum of the Multi-Category Schedule?
I've set up a Multi-Category Schedule to calculate area, volume and length of materials, but I would like the Grand Sum to not acount for every material in the list (as some materials should only be calculated in volume, some in area etc.)
How do I read input parameters from a script file title? For example, let’s say I want to run a script that requires 3 variables as input, but rather than prompting for the values I wish to read them from the script file name … e.g., Myscript (my_variable1, my_variable2, my_variable2)…where variables are all real numbers. So I assume the script name when run should look something like … Myscript (10, 10, 100), but how do I then read these and assign these values to a var within the script?
I have a dwg that someone imported and I cannot find where this object is. I have tried searching the database with DBLink, Ideate BIMLink and I have gone into every view to no avail. I also used the reviTTools add-in which says there are no drawings in the file. Am I dealing with a corrupted file? I am super OCD and this is in our Template which makes it an even bigger problem.