I created a 3D view, shaded Realistic and inserted it into a sheet that is 11x17. When I plot (whether to .PDF or our copy machine) after the plot dialog box disappears, another one pops up that says "Plot Progress: Attempting to Cancel Sheet". Then it prints everything in Paper Space, but the viewport doesn't plot. By the way, when I look at it in Plot Preview, it's perfect. Fortunately I don't need to give this to my client for another 10 minutes.
I have never gotten this to work, but had put little effort into it until recently. Thus far I have checked my project standards to make sure "match sheet views to view" is checked to "yes".
In both View drawing and the sheet- VISRETAIN is set to 1.
I am working on drawings that are in my current project through project navigator. I am using ACA 2010 and not sure what else I need to do. I turn off all the unwanted layers in the view drawing, then create a sheet and xref in the view to model space- all the layers reset, and I again have to turn off all the unwanted layers. If I change a layer color in the view drawing, it does not change in the sheet drawing upon save and refresh.
I hate wasting time repeating the same task over and over....
i draw up all of my walls, i connect them properly, cleanup etc. then i want to trim them with my roof slabs and what i see? i see my walls suddenly dissappear in 3d view but are still correctly shown on plan view? i know it has something to do with roofline because when i tried to project them automatically to ontu my roof slabs the walls dissappeared too!
We normally plot to PDF using the free Cute PDF converter which is quite good although we get out of memory issues from time to time which is not so good.
We have therefore decided to use the one provided by Autodesk (DWG-PDF.PC3). The main drawings appear fine however the text we use within our title bars is awful and bloated for some reason. I've read the help file and cannot see anything relating to this issue. On the attached image the left hand side shows a PDF created with the Adesk DWG-PDF.PC3 and the one on the right is with the Cute PDF, although a different size there is a clear difference in resolution.
We have a computer that has Arch 2011, 32 bit on windows 7 on it. About 6 months ago, when you go to plot, the plot dialog box takes up to 5-10 minutes to open. then if you change ploters or setups, it takes another 2 minutes. It just spins. when you are ready to plot, the plotter or copier starts as normal speed.
then another computer Arch 2011, 64 bit on window 7 start doing it about a week ago. the only thing was that windows updated the HP plotter driver and windows. It will do the same thing as above. Our copier is not an HP and the driver was not updated, but it takes forever to open the plot dialog box.
Either computer can publish. However, in all other programs, the files printer box open and print normally.
I know the possibility of a plot style just disappearing is slim to none, but I have this user that constantly claims her plot styles have "disappeared".
When I check them, the entire "Plot Style" folder is gone. One day it's there the next it's gone.
She also has this problem with the DWG to PDF print option. It was there, now it's gone. She claims she isn't deleting anything. I will get them back on her PC and a few months later they will be gone.
She is a contract worker who also spends time at her office off site. I am not sure what version of AutoCAD she is using. I manage an AutoCAD group of about 20 users and none have this problem.
I'm working on getting my autocad groove back, and I'm not sure how to get my plotted output to look right. Specifically, how to plot b/w instead of colors, and how to control lineweights. BTW, I seem to have ctb files, but they don't show up in the styles when I go to plot.
Every time I try to plot something with a PDF embedded it takes a very long time to spool and plot. Additionally, a PDF in the drawing slows it down so significantly it's almost not worth using..This happens whether the PDF is less than 1 MB or 50 MB...no difference. Has this been fixed in 2012? Why to PDF's do such a drain on system resources when they're such small files to begin with?
Is there an option to eliminate AutoCAD from automatically inserting the layout tab name into the file name when creating a PDF? Once upon a time it would only use the file name (i.e. A-101). Now it uses "A-101_Layout1" (or whatever the layout name is) by default. I either have to live with it or manually change each file name during the process of creating the PDF or after it's been created.
I am currently trying to figure out how to use ACA 2012.
A client wants me to add flooring zones to a few sets but I cannot get them to print in color. I assume I do this from my pen assignment but I cannot figure out what colors they are to change them.
I do my zones by using Home>"under build" space>from the properties I click Zone 0-15>polygon and then I trace the rooms. Then it fills the room with a preassigned color. How Can i figure out what colors they are using so I can edit my pen setting or is there an easier way to print zones in color and the rest in B&W?
I'm running Autocad Architecture 2013. My .dwg has about 15 pdf's in it (from a consultant that does hand drawings that I scan in, and use the image manager to insert into my drawing). The PDF's range from under 1mb, to 10mb. The PDFs are in model space and within my various drawing sheets, I show them in my drawing sheets via multiple viewports. I noticed that when I go to plot a sheet that has pdfs shown in viewports, and click on PLOT PREVIEW, the PDF's don't show up - everything else shows up, linework, jpegs, etc, but not the PDF's! I fiddled with the viewports and noticed that if some part of the PDF's image frame was visible in the Viewport, the PDF would appear in Print Preview. But if the viewport sat directly over the PDF's image frame, the PDF would not show up in the Plot Preview!!!
Could it be I've exceeded the maximum number of Viewports in my entire .dwg? (I have about 16 sheets), Or, could it be some mysterious autocad system variable that I'm running up against.
the ctb files do not appear in the drop down list in the plot dialog box. I have checked the files and are located in the correct directory. Also have verified that the files are being pointed to in the options dialog box.
OLE objects does not plot in color. The OLE object is in a title block that its being reference to the working drawing. Is the are referencing setting we can manipulate to resolve this issue?
I only revised the text on my drawing and wanted to reprint my layout, but the 3D view disappears when I change the "view type" and will not plot. After hitting "regen" command several times, the 3D view types finally appear but are not even accurate - "Shades of Gray" is showing as "Sketchy", etc.
I have 3d model made in autocad. I rotate it to get some aksometric view and select view->hide. Is it possible to plot this exact view into dwg... so that i can insert it to my 2d plan sheet in model space.
I don't use viewports, because they are so slow and clumsy.
My office currently has a unique keynote database for each project. When I open a file with a sheet keynote legend, AutoCAD 2010 opens up the correct database and everything is fine. This is also true when I try to plot a sheet file. However, when I plot through the batch-plot process, AutoCAD does not open the correct database.
I recently downloaded student version of architecture 2011 and works great, but how do I get rid of the message that plots with my drawings, produced by autodesk education product.
What is the best way to setup Plot Co-Ordinates that have a tag that updates as you move the co-ordinate point and also I would like to schedule these points in a table ..
Having problem with the monochrome .ctb plot style table not showing up in the plot dialogue for AutoCAD Architecture 2010? Typically it seems to be standard upon install of the software.
I have been trying to plot as a PDF an isometric view from CAD. I am using CAP Studio for these 3D symbols and for some reason even though I have monchrome.ctb selected under Plot Style Table my PDF is printing in color, not all black.
I am trying to plot all my cross sections in a drawing, but I whant them in a vertical line. It seems that I can only plot in a horizontal line on sheets.
I'm having some problems with ACA 2012 when trying to work with wall styles.
I'm currently on the final year of my IArchitecture degree, up until this point I've used AutoCAD through the AD Student Community , but I've just picked up a book on ACA and was planning to get to grips with it. However, I ran into issues within the first few pages!
When trying to apply wall styles to existing walls in my drawing, I get the following message:
** Canceled - Educational Plot Stamp in source drawing. **
And no wall style is applied. I can edit properties of walls in terms of height and width etc, but can't apply any styles.
When I bring an xref drawing (floor plan) into a plot sheet drawing the xref does not display properly. Walls at doors are not removed and have jambs and door in what appears to be 'reflected screened' view. Switching to 'reflected' view, walls not removed, jambs and doors, and windows still showing.
I may have inadvertently changed some of the settings in the display manager, is there any way to restore the defaults here without reloading the program?