AutoCAD Architecture :: Dimension Overrides Not Working - 2013
Apr 30, 2012
I am trying to override a dimension to provide a +/- at the end of one ACA dimension. I added the override, but it is not showing up - even after a regeneration...
I am have an issue with the shift overrides not working when there is an image under where i am working.
In the same drawing for example i can use shift to either select more than one point in a polyline, or to change between trim and extend or to fillet with a radius or to a point.
but when i try to do this with an image in the background it doesn't work. I need the image as i am tracing shapes.
Each time I open a drawing, on my arrow dimension I get a style override which is always scaled at 96. Even if I delete the style override, when I close the drawing and open it again, it's back. It's always on the "arrow" dimension, never any other dimensions. I don't know why it's been doing this, it just started one day out of nowhere. Is there a way I can get rid of it? I'm using AutoCAD 2005.
I have some drawings with lots of dimensions. Is there a way to check if any have been over ridden or a global way to set all dimensions to model value?
In 2011 AutoCAD Mechanical, I used to be able to match dimension override properties including the entered text. Not sure how it worked, but the manual entered text would be matched/transferred to the new default dimension. Now using 2012 and this function is not working. This feature is quite handy for the type of work we do. All match property settings are enabled.
I have a huge problem with my Autocad 2013 for MAC, everything is running nice and steady except for one detail, everytime I open the dimension style format to make a new dimension style, autocad freezes (only autocad, rest of my mac keeps working normally) and I cant work anymore, I have to force quit the program and re-open it, but the dimension style I created gets lost. is there something i can do? i already tried by uninstalling it and reinstalling it and this problem doesnt go.
also im new in this discussion groups so if this topic doesnt belongs here let me know before deleting it so i can put it where it belongs
Trying to change the color of a layer in a viewport (different than the default layer color (i.e. model layer color)). Objects are set to bylayer. Changing the VP color in the layer dialog brings up the color dialog, select a different color, click OK and the VP Color DOESN"T change in the layer dialog. It stays at its previous color. Occurs on several machines.
I create MFC enclosures with various gasses. These enclosures can be quite large with three or more gas types. I create view representations with gas name and color the flow path for each gas in the named view. Is there a way to turn on all the colored overrides in one view to see all the various colors at once? I thought MASTER would show all colors but it does not. If not the only way would be to create the view of all gasses on and re-do all the work from all the prevous views.
I want to run one wall just a few inches past another. If I override the Cleanup Radius at the appropriate ends of the walls, setting the radii to a small number (1/2"), shouldn't that allow one wall to be run a couple inches past the other? The attached image shows the end of Wall 2 pulled as close to Wall 1 as I can get it. Both walls have the Cleanup Radius override at 1/2". If I nudge the end of Wall 2 down any further, it jumps down to form a corner with Wall 1.
Just upgraded from 2012 to 2013.....Why did they change the way you stretch a wall with grips???? Now, I cannot align a wall perpendicular to the inside of another wall, only the outside edge/face....Is there a fix or setting I am not aware of?
We have 5 seats of Autocad LT 2013 and I need to change/upgrade their pc. I need to deactivate the licenses so that i can transfer or activate to the new computer but License Export Confirmation is failed. the computer is connected to the internet. I tried many times but still no luck.
I have an XREF that I want the lines to appear has color 253.
I go into layer properties and override the layer colors to 253. Some of the lines in the XREF change to 253. Other lines don't because they are not "By Layer" in the xref file.
Is there a setting in autocad that will override these lines that are not "by-layer"?
I want to insert dimension lines on this project. But instead of having an actual dimension I'd like it just to be a letter that refers back to a chart of possible dimensions for that element. How do I do this? I'm using AutoCad Architecture 2012.
The content browser in AutoCAD Architecture 2013 does not seem to be working on a standard users computer. The profile has been rebuilt alongside a repair/reinstall through the control panel.
Tools > Content Browser
and typing content browser in the command do not result in anything.
I'd like to apply a property set to a dimension, tag it, and have the tag display the dimension value. This tag would be remote from the dimension, and on a separate layer, which would remain on when the dimension layer is frozen.
At present, the property set for dimensions appears not to include the dimension value.
I'm using different dimension styles for different scales on my drawing, however, if i change one dimension style text to a certain size, all of the others change too, is there something i'm doing wrong? I need every dimension style to be its own text size, but i'm having to manually change them every time.
I am trying to dimension a room in AutoCAD 2014, drawing in Architectual mode using the default template. I attached a screenshot of what I am seeing, the red lines are my dimensions but they show up with no text and I cannot figure out how to get the text to display.
I am using AutoCAD 2010 and when i go to print my design to PDF or even to a printer, the dimension lines do not show up. I have checked my layers and the dimension lines are not on defpoints, in fact they are on layer 0. I have tried to create a new layer and it still does not show up in the work space, let alone when i try to print it.
I am having an issue with the obliques in one of my drawing files. They are set to be 1/8" but are very small to the point you cant even see them. However, I have the same settings in another drawing file and they are the correct size. I have compared all the settings of the drawings that I can think of but still can't find an answer. It seems to be a scale issue but my scales from dwg file to dwg file seem to be the same.
Can I use AEC Dimension in a Section/Elevation View in ACA? So, when an Wall height changes, the AEC will change too after refresh the section/elevation.
I seem to be running into a wall here, I have created an annotative dimension and copied it to the tool palette. When I go to dimension something in a new dwg that does not have the new annotation style, the dimension style does not keep its annotation setting. It brings in the annotation style but not the annotation setting.
I have recently started using Architect 2012. We use Architectural Tick for dimensioning.
The problem is the Architectural Tick arrow is not coming in at the proper scale (Arrow head size = 3/32", dimscale varies). The arrow head seems to be out by a scale factor of 25.4 (found by trial and error).
If so is there a software patch or workaround. Can the Architectural Tick block be edited and if so where is it?
How do I get my dimension styles, door styles, window styles, etc. from Architectural 2011 to 2012? I migrated but I don't see where it brought my styles over.
I have this heavy issue, i can't send to back a line, an object or a hatch under other lines. In 2012 i used this feature a lot but in 2013 it's not working very much, maybe 1 time out of 10 and i absolutely can't say why.
HPDRAWORDER = 1 seems to work with a new hatch.. but i can't redraw everything.
Let's say i put an entire floor plan into block then draw over it. (I don't want to start a Xref discussion please) i can't send the entire bloc to the back.I used to do that with 2012, 2008, 2007.. but it's 2013 it's not working, is there a way to correct that?
when I draw a shape and add a dimension to it, the text and the numerical and the arrows of the dimension are small, so I have to increase the text height manually
how can I make it automatically scale itself?
also similiar thing with the lines, I tried putting a dashed center line on a shape, it looks solid but when I zoom it it does not.
I’m wondering why I got exclamation mark (!) with the dimensions! I wanted to get rid of them but sounds that there is now way to achieve that. I tried to right click the exclamation mark (!) and choose the “reassociate” but with no effect!
We are having an issue with Dimensioning and the Primary Units not maintaining the correct value. We use metric so the multiplier of 25.4 or .039370079 for Dim Scale Linear would be used in our Dimension Styles depending on if we are drawing in model space or annotating in paper space. We have created specific Dim Styles for Model and Paper space. Every so often some of us will us the Dim Style for paper space and a metric unit would be shown. When we go into the properties of that dimension and change the Dim Scale Linear to 1 it shows as a different dimension then it actually is. After looking at the correct dimenion, we noticed the Dim Scale Linear shows .9449 but gives the correct dimension.
Note: We are drawing in Metric a multiplier of 25.4, our dimensions are done in english. A scale factor of .039370079 is used to accomplish this.
There is a simple fix with Match Properties but it still doesn't answer why our dimension show up wrong with a different multiplier for Dim Scale Linear.
When I am trying to dimension a room in AutoCAD 2014 the dimension looks like a solid rectangle, with no text. I am dring in Architectual mode using the default template.