AutoCAD Architecture :: Why Don't Cleanup Radius Overrides Work

Apr 29, 2011

I want to run one wall just a few inches past another.  If I override the Cleanup Radius at the appropriate ends of the walls, setting the radii to a small number (1/2"), shouldn't that allow one wall to be run a couple inches past the other?  The attached image shows the end of Wall 2 pulled as close to Wall 1 as I can get it.  Both walls have the Cleanup Radius override at 1/2".  If I nudge the end of Wall 2 down any further, it jumps down to form a corner with Wall 1.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Default Cleanup Priority For Sheathing?

Feb 8, 2011

The table in the Help that lists suggested cleanup priority values for various wall components does not include sheathing.  The table lists 900 as the index for siding, but I assume that's a different number from sheathing.  If I have steel studs, then 1/2" sheathing, then 2" rigid insulation, then 3/4" strapping, then wood siding, the priority number for sheathing should be higher than the studs, and lower than the rigid insulation, strapping, and siding, right?  500 for the studs, 600 sheathing, 700 rigid insulation, 800 for strapping (which could also be considered an air gap), 900 for siding?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Setting Wall Component Cleanup Priorities?

Mar 29, 2012

When building wall styles and configuring cleanup priorities for components, what is the methodology?  Do I sketch out a bunch of scenarios of various wall styles meeting each other at Ls and Ts and crosses and whatever, and then try to puzzle it all out: "if I set the outer airspace to 400, then when it gets to this T, the airspace will cut through the rigid insulation with its 600 priority, but will get cut through by the sheetrock with its 200 priority....".  That seems like a recipe for headaches.  So instead, do I just start from one side of a wall (the wall with the greatest number of components, I guess) and assign the lowest priority number (300, say) to the structural component, the highest number (1200, say) to the finish material component, and numbers in between for everything else, and then see how it works, tweaking by trial and error?  The table of priority numbers for various materials provided is useful, but I'd like to have a better understanding of how those numbers might have been derived, so I can do a better job of assigning my own numbers to components that don't appear in the list.

Also, if a wall type contains two components of the same material (I'm thinking of the layers of rigid insulation on either side of the concrete in an Insulated Concrete Foundation system), should those two components have the same priority number (probably not), or different ones (seems more likely)?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Upgrade 2011 To 2012 - Wall Cleanup

May 1, 2013

We just upgraded from ACA 2011 to ACA2012 and we are getting some wall cleanup issues with foundations.  some walls, the footings show while adjacent wall (same style) footing disappears.

also, when i copy a wall where the footing is missing, the new copied wall shows the footing.  when i move a wall without a footing, the footing shows up.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: 2D Section Slab Edge Style Cleanup?

Feb 26, 2013

I have a slab with a edge style for a thicken slab (haunch).  I have the materials for both objects identical.  When I make a 2d section, the slab on top of the haunch does not clean up with the haunch on the bottom.  When I go ACA out of the box slab & slab edge styles, there is a thicken slab (slab with haunch) live section the way it should look.  I can't reproduce it even when I bring it in to my drw. from the out-of-box  Does it have something to do with 2d section?  This might sound simple but I'm just not able to figure it out how to make things cleanup.  

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Edit In Place Wall Cleanup - Mismatching Heights?

Jan 23, 2013

I can edit the cleanup in place just fine and in plan all is good, but in 3D, the height of the modfied region is not the full wall height, just some random height.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Will Wall Cleanup Error Affect Conflict Resolution?

Feb 3, 2012

I am using AutoCAD Architecture 2011. 

I have a complicated interior area where my walls can't clean up properly even though they are located in the right place. The wall is located at the center point of two columns which are all drawn as metal stud walls and gyp board with correct material cleanup priorities. I have a curtain wall anchored to the stud wall with sill height of 1'-4" and head height of 10'-8". I want to see the wall show up below and above the curtain wall which it does in axonometric view, but in plan, the cleanup error hides the wall completely. The fact that the wall below the curtain wall doesn't show up in plan is not the main issue, I just want to know if this wall will be able to take part in the conflict resolution I will be running later in the model or will it not because it has a cleanup error?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Turn On All Colored Overrides In One View?

Nov 13, 2013

I create MFC enclosures with various gasses.  These enclosures can be quite large with three or more gas types.  I create view representations with gas name and color the flow path for each gas in the named view.  Is there a way to turn on all the colored overrides in one view to see all the various colors at once?  I thought MASTER would show all colors but it does not.  If not the only way would be to create the view of all gasses on and re-do all the work from all the prevous views.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Dimension Overrides Not Working - 2013

Apr 30, 2012

I am trying to override a dimension to provide a +/- at the end of one ACA dimension.  I added the override, but it is not showing up - even after a regeneration...

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AutoCAD Architecture :: How To Make Top Corners Of Wall With A Radius

Mar 18, 2012

How to make the top corners of a wall with a radius.  I have attached a file to show in 2d the wall.

Specifically I wish to draw a wall with lets say a 16" radius corner at the top.

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Lightroom :: Slider Work Like Radius Slider In High-pass Filter In PS?

Jul 27, 2013

Does this slider work like the radius slider in high-pass filter in PS?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: How To Work In Xref

Jun 19, 2013

I am new user in autocad 2010 and i used softly this software but untill i could not get how to work in xref and what is the major benefit of this link

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Commands Won't Work On 2010 64 Bit?

May 6, 2009

I've just installed ACA 2010 on my laptop on Windows XP64 bit

When I select a command such as the wall or door command. The command starts then exits out before I can draw anything.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: How Spanning Constructs Work

Oct 11, 2013

I am having troubles understanding how spanning constructs work.For example if I make the shell for a 6 levels building and the levels 1-5 are identical, I should make a constructs and check the levels 1-5 in the levels dialog for that construct. 

The process of displaying that construct for all the selected levels shoud be automatic or I have to manually copy the construct from level 1-5?

I am asking because in my case is not done automatic, (I might be missing something) and if I copy manually is no difference if I check the levels or not in the levels dialog for the construct.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Lights In Drawing Don't Work

Jul 30, 2011

Why the lights in the attached drawings don't work -

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Shortcut Keys F1 Through F12 Do Not Work

Aug 9, 2012

I have a new computer and the F1 thru F12 shortcut keys for ortho, snap, etc. do not work. Rather these ring up computer functions like speaker volumnet and screen brightness. I would like to find the button that returns the shortcut keys to ACAD mode.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Scalelistedit Doesn`t Work After Reopen

May 16, 2011

I use the command -scalelistedit  to clean the strange scale , i do purge , save , close and when I re-open the drawing  the bad scales  are back

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Menu File Open Does Not Work?

Mar 24, 2012

I have AutoCAD Architecture 2010. When I launch the program it opens up without any problems. But, when I go to the menu and select "File" then "Open" to open up my CAD files nothing happens. My screen just hangs and the ribbon turns a faint white color. I can't open any of my CAD files from the program. In order to stop CAD from hanging and doing nothing, I press the ESC key and everything is back to normal. I am wondering why CAD will not let me open any of my files from the menu.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Using Lisp To Do A Drawing Cleanup?

Jun 18, 2012

i've been trying to write a lisp shortcut for drawing cleanup but it keeps asking me for a file path and i cant figure out how to add my file path to the lisp.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Xclip In Paper Space Doesn't Work

Nov 7, 2013

I have found that since installing the service pack for 2014, xclips in paper space have become blank, or, on occasion, 1 will show, but others won't. The invert still works, strangely enough.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Selecting In Menu Surface Doesn't Work

May 17, 2012

After a few seconds in the program the menu with all the slides like insert,view,etc. somehow freezes. i can´t pick it anymore. the rest of the program is working,i can work on the work surface with the current tool, but choosing an ew one isn´t possible. i have this problem with different version 2011,12 and even 13....

Working isn´t possible this way.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Page-setup Transfer Doesn't Work

Apr 5, 2012

ACA 2012

For office standards sake, I've created commands in drop menus that allow every employee to use various ‘standard’ page setups: for our plotter, printer and .dwg to .pdf. It's done with a lisp routine that basically looks up a .dwg with all those page setups already created (-psetupin).

Also, I've created 2 custom .pc3 files. The first is called 'Plotter' and the second is called 'Printer'. I did this in order to simply the task of (not) modifying our customization in the event of a dying printer/plotter. These .pc3 files are on our network and every user has access to them via an office profile, with the appropriate Printer Support File Path. We all have the same printer/plotter drivers.

Problem:Everything works fine, except for 2 employees. The lisp routine loads properly, as I can see it go in the command line and the page setup actually loads as well, as its name is in the page setup drop down menu, in the Plot menu. However, the page setup isn't 'selectable'. Also, if we try to 'preview' the plot we get this message: The selected layout has an invalid media configuration.

Every option in the page setup in as wanted (printer/Plotter name, scale, plot area, plot offset, etc.), EXCEPT for the paper size (even though the paper size specified in the lisp routine is available in the paper size list).

95% of the page setups work properly. The only one that don’t work are those for our plotter on paper sizes called ‘A1 (landscape)’ & ‘A0’.

I’ve created new .pc3 files, as I wanted to be sure they weren’t corrupted. We’ve reinstalled the printer/plotter drivers. I’ve reinstalled the office profile. I’ve checked that the paper sizes specified in the lisp routine were available in the .pc3 file.

ACA 2012
Windows 7
Intel Core i7-2600 CPU
3.4GHz - 8GB ram - 64 bit

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AutoCAD Architecture :: OSnap Endpoint And Midpoint Does Not Work In Display Set

Sep 1, 2010

I'm electrical and have my own display set oddly enough named "electrical". When I set the display to "electrical" I can't osnap to endpoint or midpoint of smart walls in the background (nearest works fine). When I change the display to something else, generally it works.

Is there an "osnap" setting for displays?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Erase Command - Polygon Windows Don't Work

Oct 18, 2012

I have been trying to use my ERASE command in order to use a window polygon but I'm not getting the results in need. This is what happens....

I type in ERASE, then WP and from there I select my polygon shape and the items I want deleted. I don't join the last endpoint of the window with the first point I just hit ENTER twice but nothing happens.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: How To Stop Xrefs From Duplicating When Copy Other Line Work

Nov 4, 2011

I am having several problems with my xrefs.  My two big problems are xrefs bringing in way more information than I want, and they are duplicating if they are selected, even when I have the xref layers locked.

My set up is this:

I have a plan file, a grid line file, an elevation file, and a section file.  

I want all files to be referenced to each other.  However, I do not want duplicates of any xref.  For instance, in my section drawing, I will reference my plan file which consequently brings in any file that is referenced in the plan file.  I know that I will get the circular reference warning and that I can click continue.  However, is there any way I can just get "1 degree of nesting"?

Second, I cannot figure out how to lock my xrefs to prevent them from constantly being selected.  My problem is that in my live drawing information, if I select everything within my window and an xref is in that window, it will be copied.  I don't ever want to duplicate my xrefs, but I can't find a way to lock them (even when locking xref layers).

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Mouse Wheel Doesn't Work On Many Of Dropdowns Anymore

Jul 7, 2011

ACA12 - the mouse wheel doesn't work on many of the dropdowns anymore?  Is this an 'improvement' or is there a new variable I need to learn to turn it back on.

Do autodesk have only 12 fonts on their machine?  Why is the text style font name drop boxes so tiny? Makes it real time consuming to select a font when you have lots of fonts as I'd imagine most machines have.


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AutoCAD Architecture :: Cmd 4 Edit Actual Line Work In Display Representation?

Mar 15, 2012

there is a command that allows for editing the actual line work in an object controlled by the Display System... it is a last resort command if you cannot get the object to display as you wish.What is it?

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AutoCad :: Sheetset Using Overrides

Jun 24, 2013

So I'm having an issue with our sheetset override. I created a override template for a 30x42 sheet size. I created a 30x42 box in paper space and put it on a defpoints layer. In the sheet properties, I have the margins zeroed out. The margins are drawn into the title block. The plot properties are set 1:1 and to extents.

When I plot a sheetset using the above override, the right side of the titleblock gets cut off, around 1/4" to 1/2" at the most. In plot preview, it does not show the edge getting cut off. However, in the plot window, where it visually shows the sheet and if you are exceeding the sheet limits or not, the red box is displayed.

However, when I manually plot the drawing without using the sheetset manager, it plots the sheet fine, but then adds 1/2" on the left side! I'm using the same plot settings as the sheetset override is. Now, when I "publish to plotter" in the sheetset manager, it adds an inch to the left side. In short, using all the same plot settings:

Manual plot = 42-1/2"x30
"Plublish to plotter" using sheetset manager = 43x30.

Using sheetset override = cuts 1/2" off right side.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Using Lisp To Do Drawing Cleanup - Adding DPF File To Routine

Jun 18, 2012

i've been trying to write a lisp shortcut for drawing cleanup but it keeps asking me for a profile name to load and i cant figure out how to add my .DPF file to my routine.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Create Barrel Vault Skylight That Would Work Similar To Curtain Wall

Jun 10, 2013

it's possible to create a barrel vault skylight that would work similar to a curtain wall (i.e. stretch the skylight and it adjusts to a fixed size and adds mullions)?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Accelerator Keys For Right-click Object-snap Cursor Menu Do Not Work

Sep 26, 2012

Accelerator Keys

My accelerator keys for the right-click object-snap cursor menu do not work. For example, I will be drawing a line and I will bring up the object-snap menu, then I will select ‘E’ for endpoint snap, the ‘e’ will display in the dynamic input window and the snap does not work.

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