AutoCAD Architecture :: Default Cleanup Priority For Sheathing?
Feb 8, 2011
The table in the Help that lists suggested cleanup priority values for various wall components does not include sheathing. The table lists 900 as the index for siding, but I assume that's a different number from sheathing. If I have steel studs, then 1/2" sheathing, then 2" rigid insulation, then 3/4" strapping, then wood siding, the priority number for sheathing should be higher than the studs, and lower than the rigid insulation, strapping, and siding, right? 500 for the studs, 600 sheathing, 700 rigid insulation, 800 for strapping (which could also be considered an air gap), 900 for siding?
I want to run one wall just a few inches past another. If I override the Cleanup Radius at the appropriate ends of the walls, setting the radii to a small number (1/2"), shouldn't that allow one wall to be run a couple inches past the other? The attached image shows the end of Wall 2 pulled as close to Wall 1 as I can get it. Both walls have the Cleanup Radius override at 1/2". If I nudge the end of Wall 2 down any further, it jumps down to form a corner with Wall 1.
When building wall styles and configuring cleanup priorities for components, what is the methodology? Do I sketch out a bunch of scenarios of various wall styles meeting each other at Ls and Ts and crosses and whatever, and then try to puzzle it all out: "if I set the outer airspace to 400, then when it gets to this T, the airspace will cut through the rigid insulation with its 600 priority, but will get cut through by the sheetrock with its 200 priority....". That seems like a recipe for headaches. So instead, do I just start from one side of a wall (the wall with the greatest number of components, I guess) and assign the lowest priority number (300, say) to the structural component, the highest number (1200, say) to the finish material component, and numbers in between for everything else, and then see how it works, tweaking by trial and error? The table of priority numbers for various materials provided is useful, but I'd like to have a better understanding of how those numbers might have been derived, so I can do a better job of assigning my own numbers to components that don't appear in the list.
Also, if a wall type contains two components of the same material (I'm thinking of the layers of rigid insulation on either side of the concrete in an Insulated Concrete Foundation system), should those two components have the same priority number (probably not), or different ones (seems more likely)?
We just upgraded from ACA 2011 to ACA2012 and we are getting some wall cleanup issues with foundations. some walls, the footings show while adjacent wall (same style) footing disappears.
also, when i copy a wall where the footing is missing, the new copied wall shows the footing. when i move a wall without a footing, the footing shows up.
I have a slab with a edge style for a thicken slab (haunch). I have the materials for both objects identical. When I make a 2d section, the slab on top of the haunch does not clean up with the haunch on the bottom. When I go ACA out of the box slab & slab edge styles, there is a thicken slab (slab with haunch) live section the way it should look. I can't reproduce it even when I bring it in to my drw. from the out-of-box Does it have something to do with 2d section? This might sound simple but I'm just not able to figure it out how to make things cleanup.
I can edit the cleanup in place just fine and in plan all is good, but in 3D, the height of the modfied region is not the full wall height, just some random height.
I have a complicated interior area where my walls can't clean up properly even though they are located in the right place. The wall is located at the center point of two columns which are all drawn as metal stud walls and gyp board with correct material cleanup priorities. I have a curtain wall anchored to the stud wall with sill height of 1'-4" and head height of 10'-8". I want to see the wall show up below and above the curtain wall which it does in axonometric view, but in plan, the cleanup error hides the wall completely. The fact that the wall below the curtain wall doesn't show up in plan is not the main issue, I just want to know if this wall will be able to take part in the conflict resolution I will be running later in the model or will it not because it has a cleanup error?
I'm making other routine and I want to check if there is some boundaries in the selected surface and in that case, which of them has the most priority.
contorno= "boundary" and exterior=SurfaceBoundaryType.Outer
I have done this: URL....
I think that the last boundary in the list is the first boundary priority.How can I get that list?
Original intent was for daylight to have 4:1 slope and keep within the R/W. This causes some areas to hold water as shown circled in the image. I know I should be able to give it parameters or targets to avoid this.
This has happened since I updated to 2012 Professional. When I want to use the measure tool or add constrains in assembly mode, the face/edge preview does not show up in red under Select Component Priority. I have to wait for the select other option to come up to see which face I am on. If I click on the face or edge it will show up but not until I do. I don't remember changing any settings that would cause this. I could have the select other option delay set to zero or I could change it to another selection priority but I don't remember having to do that before.
We just upgraded from '12 to '13, I am trying to find ways to set a font to default, but am unable to find a way that fits how we operate here. My boss likes to do things a certain way, so I have to make sure whatever I do falls within his parameters.
Anyway: I have read a number of articles about people saying to just change your template settings and save it. We don't, however, use a template. I guess we could start (if he let me), but all we do now is copy another x-ref or architecture page or what-have-you, save it in a new file, and go from there.
I also think I may have messed up my computer by trying to use fontalt. Now every time I start my machine up, it asks me to specify the fontalt. How to turn that off?
But the main thing: is there a way to get a default font setting to affect all of our files at once? If I go to "style" I can change every page at a time, but that gets lengthy. Was assuming there should be one change that does everything.
we've been having with this upgrade is that our font - which had been some version of architxt.shx - has been set back to simplex. And we don't really use templates at all... when making a new drawing all we do is copy an old one. I'm getting the gist that templates are an under structure to the drawing, but I wouldn't be able to tell you which template informs all of our drawings, because quite simply we don't use and have never changed one.
Is there some way to globally affect all of our drawings - both new and old - so that everything is using the same text? I believe my coworker did something with a path/string in the options menu, but I don't know what, and am not about to mess with that without some definitive belief that I'm doing the right thing! Currently, if I want to print out a set in the font we want, I have to "style" change every single drawing. Obviously, there's got to be something better.
I am working on AutoCAD 2014 and every time I receive and open a new file from our collaborators in Italy, the file units "turn into" inches.
This means that I have to go to Drawing Utilities, Change the units to cm, and then have to Scale everything so that the measurements make sense again.
I've gone into OPTIONS and have set CM as thed default measurements, but this problem persists. I know that the office in Italy can't possibly be working in inches, so I'm assuming there's something that's "lost in translation" when it comes to opening the file on my end.
I'm using AutoCAD Architecture 2012 and Windows 7 Professional x64. Is there a way to change the default sizes of various dialog boxes? When I use the File Open dialog box, for example, I always want it to be bigger so I drag the corner to enlarge it, but the next time I call it it's back to the same default size. Can I drag it to a new size and make that stick, a variable set differently perhaps, or is something more sophisticated involved?
Is there a way to set the default text size when using mtext with an annotative text style?
I have an annotative text style I use for everything. I have the height set to 0 in the style. In MTEXT the height always defaults to 1/4" which I never use. Is there a way to make it default to 1/8" text? It is annoying to have to have to change it every single time I use mtext.
The height is usually the paper text height but sometimes within a viewport the height is the model space height instead of the paper height. I don't know why it is different in some viewports but I would like to have it consistant.
We recently purchased the bldg design suite premium, so we have autocad, autocad mep, autocad structural detailing, and autocad architecture.By default, .dwg files open with the vanilla autocad application. How can we change the default program for .dwg files to autocad architecture?
I have modeled a house with some colums supporting a deck. Ideally I would like my colums to be round with a spiral twist.. But would be happy to know how to change the default square into a round colum.
how can I change the default arrowhead size from 3/32 to 5/32... I am able to change it from the palettes only after I insert it.
I would like to have all leaders of all styles match the same style far as arrowhead size... multi-leaders are defaulted as 5/32 and after using them forwe like them this size verses the 3/32 size of the quick leader.
I've been using Revit a lot more and dont remember a lot about ADT and AutoCAD Architecture.
I've been getting reacquainted with creating sheet templates and smart tags for a project I'm working on. I have the Sheet creating okay but when I placed a view on the sheet and tried to tag it with the default view title from the call out tool palate all I get is the name of the view and placeholders for the view number and view scale. It says "View Number" and "viewport scale." From what I remember it should at least give me question marks if its linking but it doesn't look like its making any connections.
By default, the PDF print drivers we use (Bluebeam, PDF 995) set True Type text handling to be "as graphics" rather than "as text" (see below), which makes for some ugly text. I know I can make this change and save as a .PC3 file, but all our page setups for sheets & templates in the office all reference these default drivers, so it would be preferable to change the way the default driver works if possible. Is the default plotter configuration editable?
i've been trying to write a lisp shortcut for drawing cleanup but it keeps asking me for a file path and i cant figure out how to add my file path to the lisp.
i've been trying to write a lisp shortcut for drawing cleanup but it keeps asking me for a profile name to load and i cant figure out how to add my .DPF file to my routine.
Had a computer crash during an uninstall of PSP X5 and now I can't install or uninstall as the installation reads that there is already a version installed. Is there a program to clean out the remnants?
I have used one in the past that was provided on the forum for a previous version.
Is there a easier way to clean up this image, I have been going through and deleting nodes and moving some. I am still learning but there has to be a better way.
I know I can probably overdraft this in 2-D; but is there a way to clean this up?I'd like to stop the inside finish surface of the roof element, inside the building (horizontal pine boards).I tried the similar trick like a wall base extension; didn't seem to work. (?)I'd like to have the rafter to top-plate seat cut out of the rafter also.
I have a damaged image. I started on the forehead a small area using the patch tool. This is a section of the photo and the whole image is splotchy, molded - and I need to know the best approach to cleaning this image. I am willing to spend a few hours in an attempt to bring it into viewable acceptance.
I have used some image files as templates in my animation. There doesn't seem to be a way to remove the files without Edge squaking about those files missing. Even after I have removed all references to those files. What is the proper way to remove unwanted files completely from a Edge animate project? It was suggested that there is a right click, but this only shows you where the file is in the finder.
"File saved but Edge Animate encountered error(s): Failed to Copy Image: /Users/danjahson/Rain/Clients Work Folder/Nu Skin/Bespoke Moblie App/Intro & Reveal HTML Video/Bespoke_Intro/Bespoke_Intro_1/images/Intro_Template0012.jpg: No such file or directory"
This file is no longer in the animation - but it still asks for it. I cant seem to kill it.
I am on a mac with the latest version of Edge Animate (