AutoCAD Architecture :: Default True Type Handling In PDF Print Drivers
Dec 14, 2011
By default, the PDF print drivers we use (Bluebeam, PDF 995) set True Type text handling to be "as graphics" rather than "as text" (see below), which makes for some ugly text. I know I can make this change and save as a .PC3 file, but all our page setups for sheets & templates in the office all reference these default drivers, so it would be preferable to change the way the default driver works if possible. Is the default plotter configuration editable?
I just downloaded and installed Infrastructure Design Suite Premium which includes AutoCAD 2013. For some reason the PDF drivers are not working, and I have already gone through the add a plotter wizard to no avail. One thing to note is I still have AutoCAD LT 2010 on my machine, and all the print drivers work fine for it. Perhaps there is some kind of conflict between the two CAD programs on one machine?
I want to use a true type font on my CAD template. I have copied the file and saved it in the fonts folder (path x64/acadlt/windows/fonts), however in CAD when i try to select the font it is not available on the list.
Is it possible set a Default Folder for all "Save As" to be saved in?
I find that an edit of a photo will automatically save in the folder that I opened the shot from. If I had made a copy of the shot, the copy will save in a different folder.
Ideally, ANY AND ALL (originals and copies) "Save As" should be save in "c:Working" by default without having to go through the hassle of navigating there.
I am running CS3 under Vista (4 gig ram) on one machine and XP (3 gig ram) on another.
Last week I installed a new True Type Font in Windows, so that our drawing title blocks comply to our company standards. I noticed that when checked in into the Vault, the title block containing the new font doesn't display correctly. It shows the new font, but it's distorted; it's bigger, and the letters are too close to eachother. When printing from the Vault, this doesn't change, it's exactly what Vault shows. (See attachments). Also when publishing from within Inventor (File --> Export --> Export to DWF) the font gets distorted.
Posted this message in the Vault-forum, but according to Autodesk it's an Inventor related issue.
Our non-Cad-people are complaining about this, because it's non-compliant to our standards... How can I correct this matter?
Product Design Suite 2014 Inventor 2014, Vault 2014 HP Workstation Z220 Intel Xeon 3.4GHz 16GB RAM Nvidia Quadro 4000 Windows 7 Professional (64bit)
I am trying to find out how to print a true color solid hatch for a rendered site plan. I can change the color in layer properties but when I go to print, it shows and prints a darker more saturated color almost like an autocad color. When I select the transparency button it seems to be closer to the real color.
I am attempting to create my first Title Block with attribute definition. I am having trouble finding a way to use True Text. My goal is to use Arial Black. The Attribute Definition window provides only 3 text options: Pres, Notes, and Standard. Adjusting the Width Factor does not yield a text that will replace Arial Black. Is there a way to import true text into CAD for this purpose?
I'm trying to print in black & white, everything works except the true colors, i've selected a b&w ctb file were all the colors are turned to black & selected a printer to print b&w. I've even copied contents into a new file but still the true colors are printing in color!!
issues using True Type Fonts when printing some text through CorelDraw x6. Basically I do screen printing, and I have issues printing TTF's... The text when it prints out chops letters/adds spacing where its not needed, and towards the end of the sheet of vellum - starts to print the first letter of word on the left over again...
I haven't had issues printing off of my HP printer, but that broke so I invested in a BROTHER HL-2230 monochrome laser printer.
I'm running Windows 7 64Bit running Adobe CS5 Master Collection. But ever since I allowed CS5 Photoshop to control my printer (HP Photosmart Prem 310-C) to do a test print of a graphic that I created all of my Blues print a violet/blue color, no matter what color blue. It has even affected MS Word & MS Project when I try to print blue colored font or Gantt Chart blues will no longer print blue, but will print the same blue/violet color. I've even tried a brilliant blue which will all view great, but prints the same shade of violet blue! All my colors and Blues will view great! I've calibrated my monitor and I've reset my printer several times and still the same thing! I never had this problem before I downloaded Adobe CS5! A strange thing is that I can run check printer test and the data & image that is stored in the printer will print blues perfect, including running a copy direct from the scanner bed and it will produce perfect blues. I almost feel as though Adobe CS5 has possessed my PC and printer, how do I get it back to printing like it did before installing CS5 Master Suite?
In the Add-A-Plotter-Wizard I see 'select driver' but it is greyed-out. I thought I may need administrative rights to change it so I got IT to try it and it was stilled greyed-out.
I recently installed Photoshop 7 on my PC and when I open the program the default color settings appear all yellow and green toned and not true RGB. I have tried messing with the settings but I cannot seem to solve the problem. It would be easier if I could show the screen shot of what I am talking about.
I work for a large fortune 500 company and the software is installed through a server which allocates the licenses. I dont know if there may be a bug in the program but maybe that has something to do with it.
I recently upgraded my setup and my printer hasn't been able to print a nice true black ever since. My printer is a Roland SP 300 V and I use Versaworks. I upgraded to CorelDRAW x5 from version 11. When I send an eps file to Versaworks the printer prints a dark gray on RGB black and various greens for Pantone blacks. I printed a default test chart directly in Versaworks and the 100% K printed great. I pulled an older file out which was exported using Corel 11 and the black prints fine. I don't know if I'm doing something obvious wrong or what but x5 has a whole more check boxes and options when exporting an eps file and I'm starting to get lost.
When I import an eps, or create a new object with a shape tool. The default style is a clear fill and a hairline CYMK black (0,0,0,100) outline. I think I know how to change it to true black (0,0,0,0), but when i import an eps or an illustrator file, it is coming in as CMYK black (0,0,0,100)
I am working on a commercial development with multiple large tenants with multiple standards. To begin to verify the preliminary grading is in compliance, I use the slope arrow surface analysis type.
Due to my multiple standards, I find myself changing these values frequently. My question : Is there a way to make the slope arrow the default analysis type when you are in the surface properties dialog box?
I know it is not a major issue, but it is annoying and repetitive, having to go to the list box, and select slope arrow over and over again. One workaround I have considered to avoid this maddening situation is to make two surfaces, with each criteria assigned to the surface properties and simply paste the main surface into each. Then control which is visible based on what I need to look at.
My boss wants me to make the most outside line of a walltype to be the heaviest pen. If I go to the properties of the wall and changethe boundary it changes the boundary of the item in the wall, each boundary independentfrom the other. Such as a wall made of the following: BRICK, AIR SPACE, SHEATHING,STUD AND GYPSUM BOARD. In this wall theexterior face of the brick and gypsum board need to be heavy.
Since yesterday, when I try to draw any of our custom wall types all I get is a standard wall type image (rectangle only). None of the detail or component colors are displayed. When I start creating the new wall, the detail displays until I click at the end of the wall, then the detail disappears. When I ID an existing wall and a newly created rectangle the properties all match. I can copy and mirror existing wall and the correct display is retained. All of the existing walls in the drawing display and print correctly. The newly created wall print only the rectangle. Medium detail settings are in place. This has to be a local setting problem on my computer because others in the office can draw the same new wall in the same drawing and get all of the detail.
I am having trouble with .emf files. My boss has created schematics in Microsoft Visio and converted them to .emf images so that I can insert them into AutoCAD and create various drawings. However I have tried a couple of different ways of importing the images into CAD (copy paste, drag'n'drop etc..) and they all seem to work fine but when I print the drawing or close it and re-open it, the schematic .emf image disappears completely.
I'm trying to make walls that are not just the Standard type (Brick -4 Brick -4 Furring for example) but when I make a wall of this type, it displays as a simple rectangle, instead of with the unique hatch patterns of that wall type...In the properties palette, the wall type is Standard, even though I've chosen a more specific wall type. How do I make walls that aren't Standard?
We just upgraded from '12 to '13, I am trying to find ways to set a font to default, but am unable to find a way that fits how we operate here. My boss likes to do things a certain way, so I have to make sure whatever I do falls within his parameters.
Anyway: I have read a number of articles about people saying to just change your template settings and save it. We don't, however, use a template. I guess we could start (if he let me), but all we do now is copy another x-ref or architecture page or what-have-you, save it in a new file, and go from there.
I also think I may have messed up my computer by trying to use fontalt. Now every time I start my machine up, it asks me to specify the fontalt. How to turn that off?
But the main thing: is there a way to get a default font setting to affect all of our files at once? If I go to "style" I can change every page at a time, but that gets lengthy. Was assuming there should be one change that does everything.
we've been having with this upgrade is that our font - which had been some version of architxt.shx - has been set back to simplex. And we don't really use templates at all... when making a new drawing all we do is copy an old one. I'm getting the gist that templates are an under structure to the drawing, but I wouldn't be able to tell you which template informs all of our drawings, because quite simply we don't use and have never changed one.
Is there some way to globally affect all of our drawings - both new and old - so that everything is using the same text? I believe my coworker did something with a path/string in the options menu, but I don't know what, and am not about to mess with that without some definitive belief that I'm doing the right thing! Currently, if I want to print out a set in the font we want, I have to "style" change every single drawing. Obviously, there's got to be something better.
I'm doing some building drawings for Uni using AutoCAD 2010 and what is the best way (and process) to set line weights and types (dash, dot) for printing. What I’m currently doing doesn’t seem to be working and seems a bit inefficient.
The way I am doing it at the moment is that I have put all the various drawing elements on different layers with varying colours. I am then going through each layer in the layers dialog box and setting the line weight and line type as required.When in paper space or plotted the lines all come out solid/continuous and with same weight. (Note: I have used LTSCALE so that the dashes are viewable in model space). So here are the questions: Does the line weight and line type you set in the layer properties equal what should be printed? At the moment it does not for me. It is best to create all your layers and individually edit each layer for line weight and type, or is there a quicker way to assign line properties? I think I read that you could assign different properties to colours, but not sure what this means.
How can I modify the line type/weight? How can I change the color? Where are my object properties?
I have seen a few threads with variations of these questions. I had the same ones, until now. I did some serious messing around and came up with this, I thought it may be useful:
To get the AutoCAD 2012 "Properties" panel in ACA 2012:
Disclaimer: This procedure involves modifying your software's configuration file(s). If you choose to follow it, you do so at your own risk.
1. Open the "Customize User Interface" dialog by a familiar method (I like the keyboard, the command is "CUI"). 2. Switch to the "Transfer" tab. a. If you can't see it, expand the dialog to 2-columns by clicking the ">" button in the lower right corner.
3. Set the left-hand column to "acad.cuix", I'll call this the "source file". a. If you can not see the file, click the "Open" button and navigate to your "Application Data" folder.
i. Win7: {userProfile}AppDataRoaming ii. WinXP: {userProfile}Application Data
b. Navigate further to the Autodesk Support folder:
i. {Application Data}AutodeskACA 2012enuSupport
4. Set the right-hand column to "Main Customization File", or another customization file you intend to use, the "destination file". 5. Expand both files' "Ribbon->Panels" nodes. 6. Locate the "Home - Properties" panel in the source file. 7. Right-click the panel and select "Copy" from the context menu. 8. Right-click the destination file's "Panels" node and select "Paste" from the context menu, it will be added to the end of the panel list.
a. NOTE: You may get a warning that the panel already exists. If you do, click the "Rename" button. The new panel will most likely show up as "Copy Of Home - Properties" b. Right-Click the new panel and select "Rename". Set the name to "Home - ACADProperties"
9. Click the destination file's "Save" button. 10. Switch back to the dialog's "Customize" tab. 11. Using the drop-down, select your destination file as the file to customize. 12. Expand the (a) "Ribbon -> Tabs -> Home-ACA" and (b) "Ribbon -> Panels" nodes in the "Customizations…" (top-left) section. 13. Select the "Ribbon -> Panels -> Home-ACADProperties" panel, a preview will appear and the "Properties" section will populate. 14. Edit the panel's "Display Text" property, change it to "Properties" (this is the name that will appear on the panel once it's added to the UI). 15. Right-click the "Home-ACADProperties" panel in the "Customizations…" section and select "Copy" from the context menu. 16. Right-click the "Ribbon -> Tabs -> Home-ACA" node and select "Paste" from the context menu. 17. Click the "Save" button. 18. Click the "OK" button. 19. Observe your UI, the new Properties panel will appear at the right end of the "Home" tab. 20. Drag the panel to the location you would like it.
a. NOTE: Adding this panel to the tab causes the other panels to resize so the ribbon fits the screen/UI width. If there are any panels that you aren't using, turn them off to allow more room for the other panels. (I turned off the "Transparency" panel, the new "Properties" panel includes those commands in the slide-out, making it redundant.)
b. To turn a panel off, right-click a panel title, select Show Panels, then uncheck any panel you don't want displayed.
I am working on AutoCAD 2014 and every time I receive and open a new file from our collaborators in Italy, the file units "turn into" inches.
This means that I have to go to Drawing Utilities, Change the units to cm, and then have to Scale everything so that the measurements make sense again.
I've gone into OPTIONS and have set CM as thed default measurements, but this problem persists. I know that the office in Italy can't possibly be working in inches, so I'm assuming there's something that's "lost in translation" when it comes to opening the file on my end.
The table in the Help that lists suggested cleanup priority values for various wall components does not include sheathing. The table lists 900 as the index for siding, but I assume that's a different number from sheathing. If I have steel studs, then 1/2" sheathing, then 2" rigid insulation, then 3/4" strapping, then wood siding, the priority number for sheathing should be higher than the studs, and lower than the rigid insulation, strapping, and siding, right? 500 for the studs, 600 sheathing, 700 rigid insulation, 800 for strapping (which could also be considered an air gap), 900 for siding?
I'm using AutoCAD Architecture 2012 and Windows 7 Professional x64. Is there a way to change the default sizes of various dialog boxes? When I use the File Open dialog box, for example, I always want it to be bigger so I drag the corner to enlarge it, but the next time I call it it's back to the same default size. Can I drag it to a new size and make that stick, a variable set differently perhaps, or is something more sophisticated involved?
Is there a way to set the default text size when using mtext with an annotative text style?
I have an annotative text style I use for everything. I have the height set to 0 in the style. In MTEXT the height always defaults to 1/4" which I never use. Is there a way to make it default to 1/8" text? It is annoying to have to have to change it every single time I use mtext.
The height is usually the paper text height but sometimes within a viewport the height is the model space height instead of the paper height. I don't know why it is different in some viewports but I would like to have it consistant.